

Con can’t help but laugh at Jamie’s statement. “If there’s one place on earth you can’t feel out of place it’s that ranch, trust me.” He shakes his head. “Everyone is treated like family there and you can’t help but love it.”

He pauses just a moment. “I…I just got a lot on my mind and don’t feel like going…Austin and the other guys are still there and if I go, they’re gonna suck me right back in and convince Reese I need to stay there. But…” He lifts his eyes to meet Jamie’s. “If you really don’t want to go alone, then I’ll go for you.”

At Nate’s comment about her being pretty the way she is,Laura rolls her eyes in amusement as she gets up off the couch. “Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls.” She heads for her shoes and tries to track down her purse, finally finding it under the coffee table. She scribbles a quick and simple note to Maggie that says she’ll see her again soon, then is ready to go by the time Nate is.

The ride to Laura’s place doesn’t take long, and she invites Nate in, even though she’ll only be a few minutes. “I think Katie’s probably gone to work already,” she muses..

Once insides, Laura is quick to head to her room then shower, feeling silly when she contemplates way too long about what to wear. She settles on a white ribbed tank top under her black collard shirt. Rolling up the sleeves and leaving the buttons open, she goes to the mirror, makeup in hand. But for some reason she stops. She studies her own face in the mirror, feeling plain and unattractive.

A couple words come back to her, and she ponders for a moment. Without much reason, she puts her makeup back and heads out of the bathroom, clipping her cell phone onto her bluejeans pocket. “Alright, gracious taxi, I’m ready, she calls. She grabs a banana from the kitchen, then aims for the door. “Let’s get out of here before Reese fires me for being late.”

Carson accepts the pack of gum and takes a piece to chew. He gives a dry laugh. “Well, I must say that having that pretty, little sassy lady in front of me does turn things a different color.” He quirks an eyebrow. “Though I’m not convinced I’d call her a lady.” His statement is dry, the humor hidden within the twinkle in his eye.

“Mm, a shooting range, eh?” He holds out his hand to prove how unsteady he is. “I couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn today, but I’m game. Right about now, blowing anything to bits is going to make me feel good.”

Jason locks eyes with Lockheart as she speaks, searching for his own truth and he finds it. There was no doubt that she’d talked with Katie, and to gain an intimate detail as the rose, Katie must have trusted her. “Alright. I believe you.”

He stands up, hooking his thumbs in his jeans pockets and paces a little. “You mention witnesses. Yeah, that would help my case as lot, and there were several witness there that day. But you bring any one of them into this picture, their own livelihoods will be at stake. This case isn’t just about me…if I bring anyone at all into this, I’ll be risking ruining their lives.”

Jason spins around to look Lookheart in the eye again. “I dare say you’ve never defended someone who is a part of an underground corporation of vigilantes. If I talk, that whole cover will be blown.”

Mick sits at a table in the mess hall, alone in the empty room. Breakfast had come and gone, and so had the taxi. He spins his empty orange juice glass in front of him, not being able to help replaying the pictures in his mind, now burned into his memory. He’d hugged his daughter goodbye, wondering if he’d ever see her again. He’d watched his son get into the cab without a word, sensing that this was the last time he would lay eyes on him.

He’d done all he could…he’d tried his hardest…he’d poured out his heart to his son, but to no avail. There was a brick wall there, built over years of heartache that Mick had helped to create. While Jade had been willing to overcome that obstacle, Dylan had not.

Mick can feel his truck keys in his pocket, a thought rising in the back of his mind, though he tries to stop it. The depression was looming like a dark cloud on the horizon, though he wanted to snuff it out. He taps his fingers on his glass a bit nervously, forcing himself to stay seated. He couldn’t…not now…not after it had been so long.

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