
Red Rose

*Jamie searchs Con face. His pain for Jason evadent. Her own pain for her friend great.*

"Your probley right. I just hate leaving at time like this."

*Jamie lets out a sigh. Jamies mind floats to Cindy. Poor thing. She was going to be geting married soon and her son was now in jail. At least she had Wes to give her comfort. Jamie trys to revert the conversation to a not so depressing topic, she new how much this had to be killing Jason inside.*

"I'm nervouse about going. I dont even know these people in Texas or what they are life. What if I dont fit in?"

*Nate smiles at he looks at Laura. She looked pretty as ever to him. With no makeup she looks natrule the way God intended her to look.*

"I think you look pretty the way you are now, but I know wemon and there make up, so I dont mind stoping by your place to let you change and what not. Let me just put Maggies food into a container for her with a note and than we can be on our way."

*Nate disapears into the kitchen humming a toon trying to keep his mind off Jason for the moment. After a few moment Nate returns with his coat on and some paper work in hand.*

"Ok lets head on over to you place to get ya ready for the day."

*Nate smiles at Laura as he heads out the door.*

*Misty looks up at Carson with a sassy grin on her face. Leting go of his wrists she heads to her backpack and pulls out a small pack of something. Walking back over to Carson she hands him the pack of gum.*

"Chew this when ever you have a craving it should help. And I think you should feel happy you alive, and happy you have a pretty little sassy lady in front of you."

*Misty cant help but let out a laugh.*

"We also have a shooting range downstairs, we could always see who had the better aim unless you scaired a girl will beat you."

*Misty holds her sassy grin as she challanges him.*

*Katie nods at Reese.*

"Ok as soon as I hear from her I'll let you know Reese. I guess I should start on my paper work till than."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and sits in the chair for a moment longer thinking. She was worryed about Jason and worryed what would happen. It was bad enough not seeing him as much as when she was in the hospetal but she still saw him and could spend time with him. But now she couldent see him when she wanted. There was only certin times. Finally standing Katie makes her way to the door to head to her desk.*

*Lockheart studys Jason for a long time searching his eyes, searching his face. The look in his eye showed he was scaired of what was to come but willing to hide the truth to protect thoughs he cared for. Everything Katie told Lockheart about Jason she could see in his eyes. His lovem his passtion, his faithfulness. Jason was a good guy and for that fact alone Lockheart was willing to help him anyway she could if only he would let her.*

"Just cuz they have a bullet dosent mean its over like that. If you have witness, people who were there with you saw what happend that can change alot."

*Lockheart once again studys Jason, his eyes, his movments.Looking for answers, feelings, what nature he was. For a moment Lockhearts face becomes soft a small smile crossing her lips. She saw it now, what Katie loved about this boy so much.*

"Everything Katie said about you true. Your a good guy who would never hurt anyone unless you had no choise. As for your signature Katie told me you might ask. So she told me this "The first time Jason wanted to say thank you to me he gave me a single red rose. Many a times after that for differnt resons I have receved roses from Jason as well. I always new he was near if I saw a rose on my desk, or at my door. I new he would be ok, once it even saved his life when I found where the rose was sent from. Now when I see a Rose I know who sent it. Jason's signature to tell me something is a Rose." So Jason your signature to Katie is a red rose. A simple thank you turned into so much more meaning for one girl who cares very much for you."

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