

*Jamie heads up to her room after returning home. Con would be staying there alone with her tonight as Laura was busy with Maggie. Jamie dident mind all that much she new should could trust Con with her life and he would never harm her. There was never a doubt in her mind he would. As Jamie sits on her bed her mind goes to Jason and the look on Con's face. Though there age differnce was great they were still best of friends. Jamie new this must be so hard on Con, on top of everything alse. Geting up off the bed Jamie exits the room and decents the stairs. She could see Con siting on the coutch. Walking over to him she lays a hand on her shoulder than makes her way to sit down next to him. Wraping an arm around his shoulder.*

"Its gonna be ok Con. TJY has some of the best lawyers there are. They are gonna be able to get Jason out of this."

*As Wyatt and Reese enter the infermaty Katie stands and gives Wyatt alittle hug. Her face streked with a few tears.*

"I'm the best I can be in this situation."

*As Wyatt aims his questions at Carson Misty stands.*

"Hey easy there."

*Misty places a hand on Wyatt's shoulder and than turns walking to stand next to Carson. Just taking in everything that is being said.

Nate lets out a long sigh and sits down in a chair.*

"So first thing in the morning we need to call one of our best Lawyers. We cant let this wait or sit. They need to be on top of everything. We could always call Anderson and see if He can do it. He's goten some of us out of sticky situations before."

*Nate shakes his head not being able to believe what was going on. How could this happen. The Agency were dirty rats that wanted to hurt people but this was a new low.*

"Well for now we might as well all go home get some sleep and be back here bright and early to get started. I think we are all tired and there isent anything we can do now anyways."

*Nate makes his way to the door the pain, sadness and anger in his eyes.*

"I know I need to cool down myself so I'll be back in the morning."

*Nate exites TJY and heads for his car to make his ride home. His mind races as he thinks about Jason, about the Agency. He hadent been there that say when it all went down but he was one of the many that was in charge of cleaning up the mess. They had been so carfel not to leave anything behind and no leaf unturned. Nate shakes his head. Finally pulling into the driveway Nate steps out of his car lingering for a moment taking in the fresh air. How things had changed so fast, to a wonderful night to something of desaster. Entering the house Nate makes his way to the living room as he sees a light still on. As he aproches the coutch and looks over the back his eyes rest on Laura and Maggie cuddled together. On this dismal night Nate needed a smile, He needed to feel the warmth in his heart and he found it. It was to perfect to see Maggie and Laura both laying there, peacful in dream land. For a long moment Nate just stands leaning on the back of the coutch watching his sister and Laura sleep. Finally he comes around to the front and pulls the blanket under Maggie and Laura's chins alittle more. Leaning over Laura, Nate gives Maggie a kiss on her forhead. Drawing away Nate's face pass Laura's stoping for a second. How happy she looked sleeping. A feeling creeps into Nate. A feeling of impaulse, seasing the moment. Drawing away Nate stands, this way not the time not like this. He couldent do that to Laura. Just friends. Smiling he turns the light out and heads up to bed before the next dawn came to summon him.*

*As Reese and Wyatt leave the infermary Katie stops them asking to speak with Reese in his office. Entering Katie explains a few things to him in hopes he would agree and understand. Moments later Katie exits the office and asks Wyatt for a ride home.*

*Misty lets out a sigh knowing she could do no good in this situation but give Carson comfort and be there if anyone needed her. As her eyes grow tired and everyone had gone for the night Misty turns to Carson and smiles giving him a hug.*

"If your gonna be ok I am gonna head out and get some shut eye. I'll be back in the morning though I promise."

*Misty draws away from the hug and makes her way to the door giving Carson one more glances as she slips out winking.*

*Night turns to day as the sun starts to rise. The birds start to sing as if the events from the night had been washes away.

The clicking of heels can be hurd on the floor as someone aproches Jason's cell. The woman lets out a long sigh trying to remove the sleep from he eyes. It was no 6am and she had arrived earlyer than planed. After geting another phone call to know what was going on and the skim light verson of why Jason was here. Deep down she new there was more much more, but she needed Jason himself to tell her.

As the door to Jason's cell opens a tall slender woman step in. She skin was bronze, and her hair was long, brown with a bit of a curl. She had big brown eyes that showed a certin air about them. The woman was dressed in a light grey suit and had a brefcase she set down on a small table in Jason's cell. Looking him dead in the eyes she finally speaks.*

"Jason Stevenson I presume?"

*The lady step a bit closer offering her hand to Jason.*

"I'm Angelica Lockheart. I'll be your lawyer. Miss Pent told me to let you know she called me cuz you would be on edge about a stranger showing up. If you need to know more about me you can talk to her. I'm here to help you Jason, I'm one of the best of the best."

*Lockheart stands looks at Jason as if waiting for his promition to continue speaking.*

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