
Work with me

*Jamie gets up from bed and showers coming down stairs she greets Con with a kiss.*

"Morning Con."

*Grabing her own bowl of oatmeal. The sky looksed a bit dark out today. I guess it was to match the moods everyone was probley feeling. Jamie trys to keep the sperits up. She would be leaving soon to go to texas and she hated having to leave Con. Maybe she should postpone her trip. Jamie sits at the table with Con at a total loss for words. There really wasent anything that could be said to make Con or herself feel better. Jamie felt so helpless.*

*Misty makes her way into TJY again heading for the infermary. Apon entering Misty lets her still wet hair down to fall over her shoulders. Looking over at the bed where Carson was Misty smiles.*

"Well it looks like no one killed you in your sleep so thats a bright spot to my day."

*Misty lets out a laugh than rolls her eyes at how stupid she sounded sometimes. Going over to Carson she starts to check him over, looking at the bump on his head, his ribs, and his wrists.*

"How are you feeling this morning?"

*Nate steps out from the kitchen as he hears Laura stir. He gives her a friendly smile.*

"I made some eggs, bacon for myself and Maggie when she wakes. but I still have extra would you like some before we head to work? If you want to you cant use the shower in Maggie's bathroom I am sure she wont mind. But that totally up to you."

*Nate dident even bother to ask if Laura wanted to ride with him he just assumed since she was there she would.*

*Katie steps off the elavator a bit out of breath and sweating. Walking pasts Wyatt's desk she thorws him a smart alic respons.*

"Thx for remembering to pick me up."

*A bit of a laugh escapes Katie's lips as a smiles cross her face showing she really dosent mind. Not stoping Katie heads to Reese office knocking on the door and entering. Taking note he is not on the phone she starts to talk.*

"Lockheart called me this morning and she was heading to the Jail to talk to Jason and than she is gonna see what she can find out what they have to keep Jason with. She said she would give me a call after she finds more out but she felt she was gonna be at the Jail for quite sometime."

*Katie is silent for a moment and than looks up at Reese again.*

"I'd like to go down with someone when they go to the jail."

*Lockheart quirks her eyes brow at Jason. Katie had warned her that this might happen though she dident know why she dident bother to ask questions. A grin cross her lips.*

"Mr. Stevenson, Katie spoke very highly of you to me. I've known her for a long time and I doubt someone would call out of the blue to help a perfect stranger. She warned me that this case was delakit and should be handeled with the utmost care and thats what I entend to do. This matter is time sensitive and the sooner you cawoperate with me the sooner we can get the ball rolling in knowing what is going to happen. Its up to you Mr. Stevenson but I would think it be in your best intrests to help me out and work with me. Like I had said before if you want to talk to Katie first to make sure I am who I say I am you can."

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