

Continuing to cry Katie trys to make herself stop. It hurt so much to see her dad go, a man she had know all her life, but just not felt like they had something more to share. It just wasnt fair.

Giving a jump as Jeff takes in the deep breath of air Katie backs up just a little looking at him wildly. Clinging to Jason and not knowing what was going on Katie just watchs as her head races.

"Rick, whats.....he's..."

Not saying much else Katie just watchs. She didnt know what to ask, or what to say. Hearing that the medicine was working Katie's heart raced faster. If whatever Rick did was really working than Jeff wouldn't be gone. Katie could only hope that this all wasn't for nothing.

Receiving Rick's orders Katie moves quickly over to Jeff place her hands on him. Her own was were shaking but she new that she had to do this to help.

"Dad, dad its ok. I'm here...I promise its going to be ok."

Katie gives a soft smile as she looks down at Jeff the tears still in her eyes but maybe this time for a different reason.

"Look at me Dad, I'm here for you. Your not alone."

Moving out of the cubicle she was using with a print out in hand Hope lets a small sigh slip. She hadnt been busy the last few days other than doing some work on the computer and today she had finally found what she wanted.

Looking over the top of the cubicles Hope can just make out the top of Gunner's head. Good he was here today. Walking closer Hope gives a small knock on the wall before leaning over and holding out the paper that had a red truck on it along with a little information.

"I did some looking around, and was able to use some of my own connections and found this. Is the same red truck you described from the accident that night. Its been in the junk yard for about five years now. I dont know if the information will help you at all but...I guess I just wanted to help some how."


Jason leans next to Katie, resting a hand on her back and rubbing softly, just letting her hug her dad and cry. She needed this. It was so painful, yet it was a very real part of life.

Jeff's chest rises and falls so slowly, that in between breaths, each seemed to be his last.

Suddenly he fills his lungs quickly and gives a jolt. Giving a little cry of pain, he starts to shake uncontrollably, his eyes going wide.

Jason pulls Katie back as Jeff rolls over, starting to vomit. In less than a second, Rick is there as well, as a few moments of unexpected chaos ensue. Rick tries to keep Jeff still, while bewilderment fills him. "What... he..." He shakes his head. "He's going into some kind of shock but... but."

"What's happening?" Jason asks a bit sternly, still holding Katie closely.

"I... I don't..."

Jeff looks up at Rick, his eyes glazed, his voice still barely above a whisper. "What kind of..." A curse slips out, quite out of character for him. "...did you... put in me?"

Rick tries to work quickly, drawing some blood and then giving Jeff another shot, struggling against Jeff's shaking. "Easy... easy does it..."

Finally the vomiting stops and Jeff sinks back into his pillow, pale and soaking wet. "Is it... over yet?"

Rick already has his back turned, his eyes on the microscope he'd brought. His voice was stunned. "No... it's not." He looks up quickly, glancing to Katie. "It's working... it's... really working."

Jeff winces and cries out again, writhing under the sheets.

"Keep him still," Rick orders Katie. "I can't explain now, but he's going to go through heck here for about the next hour. You've got to keep him calm or his heart won't take it."


Taking in a deep breath and than letting it out Katie starts forward. Keeping a tight hold on Jason's hand she enters the room. The air was thick and stail from the lack of fresh air that had been aloud into the room. Feeling as through she was choaking Kaite made herself go on and into the room. She'd never forgive herself if her father died and she wasn't there.

Going over to the bed Katie walk was with long strides but slow in the passe till finally she made it to the bed. Kneeling down in front of Jeff Katie lets go of Jason's hand taking Jeffs in her own.

"I'm here dad, I'm here."

Tears filled her eyes as she looks at her fathers face for what could be the last time. It was all happing to soon, she had no chance to spend time with him as father and daughter. It just wasnt fair.

"I love you to Dad, I always have and I always will. Save me a seat up there..."

Glancing back at Jason for a moment Katie gives a small smile the tears still in her eyes.

"...make that two."

Looking back to Jeff the tears run faster from Katie eyes knowing the time was here. Leaning her head down Katie gives Jeff a kiss on the cheek before warping her arms around him and pulling him into a hug gently leaning her head against his just letting herself cry and rock slowly.


Jason's fingers immediately tighten around Katie's. "I'm here." He gives her a nod of encouragement. "I'm right here."

Rick leads the way back to the bunkhouse, but he stands aside for Jason and Katie, respecting some privacy.

Jeff is on his side, curled slightly against the pain he was in. Sweat was pouring from him again. It was amazing he was awake at all. His breathing was shallow and he shook, even though he had two blankets on. He'd woken when Rick had given him a shot, but it was with only enough energy to ask for his daughter.

"Katie?" his voice is but a faint whisper. His eyes are barely open - it took too much strength to open them all the way. His fingers move on the bed, asking to take her hand.

Jason guides Katie to the bed, sticking close, but not wanting to interfere.

Jeff manages a small smile. "I love you," he manages hoarsely. "Go f... far, okay?" He blinks slowly and breathes through a wave of pain. Hardly able to look up, he feebly motions to Jason. "You take... take care of her."

Jason nods solemnly. "I will."

Jeff tries to squeeze Katie's hand. "See you... soon..." His grip loosens and his hand drifts back down again, his eyes closing. The shaking stops and his breathing is so slow... only seconds are left.

Will you

Giving a small nod and a smile Katie understood what Jason ment. She herself was in a way happy he has said no. She had alot of growing up to do as well.

"Ok, I can take a no. I'm not going anywhere I can wait."

Hearing Rick's voice Katie's through are interrupted as she turns to see him. A glint of hope still remained in her eyes. Jason had made her feel good, and now to finish it off to hear that her Dad would make it would finish everything off.

"He's awake?"

Katie new that in her own voice there was a happy glint, but seeing the look in Rick's eyes Katie's smile fades as the sinking feeling hits her. Taking Jason's hand Katie gives it a slight squeeze before giving Rick a nod and than turning to Jason her voice a soft horse whisper.

"I can't do this alone! Will you come with me?"


Jason's lips curl slightly as Katie talks, and as she hugs him, he wraps his arms around her, holding her close. Their emotions were so messed up right now... his wanted to be released to her, and soon, she would be craving them to mingle and disperse with her own emotions.

When she pulls away and asks him to marry her, a chuckle surfaces. He takes his palm and wipes away another of her tears. "No," he answers softly. But his expression was a gentle one, not an annoyed one like it had been before. "I got too much growing up to do yet."

"Katie?" Rick catches up with them, not wanting to interrupt, but feeling it's a must. "I'm sorry... but Jeff is awake..." Unfortunately, despite that seeming good, Rick's face showed that it wasn't. "...I think this may be it."

Jason looks at him with disappointment. "It didn't..."

Rick shakes his head. He didn't believe what he was trying was working. But he didn't want to talk about it now. He motions for Katie. "He's asking for you."


Looking up into Jason's eyes Katie doen't talk but just listens. Her eyes give a small spark trying not to get to excited, not yet.

Her own eyes reflect many emotions as she continues to listen not being able to help but feel a tiny bit bad for making Jason feel like he wasn't enough or doing his job as a man. Katie had never thought about it that way before.

Feeling Jason's hand on her face Katie couldnt help but close her eyes as the tears that formed in her eyes as the fall down her cheek. So many things were going on at once and so many emotions wer going on the connect wasnt back so her emotions were still feeling a little backed up not knowing how to completely release them.

Opening her eyes once more Katie looks at Jason giving a small smile.

"I've learned so many things myself J. I...am trying to work on asking for help and not thinking I need to do it on my own. I always thought I needed to be the Hero and if I couldn't help someone I was failing. But, I don't always need to stop bad thinking from happing. Sometimes I just need to sit back and listen, offer a shoulder and an encouraging word."

Taking Jason's hand in her own Katie than reaches out her other to take Jason into a tight hug. Just holding him for a long moment resting her tired head on his shoulder.

"I've still have so much to learn, and so much to deal with but I am trying. If you can keep working with me, I know we will be just fine."

Pulling away Katie takes a quick swipe at her eyes and leans in to give Jason a quick kiss before looking into his eyes again her own emotion present in them.

"So, does this mean you will marry me today?"

Katie cant help the smile that forms on her face as she eyes give a small sparkle, it had been the first time in a while she had smiled and it felt good even if it was only for one moment.

Take care of you

Jason looks down a moment, then back to Katie's eyes. Facing her, he rests his hands on her shoulders. "No... I'm not going to take it anymore and neither are you."

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly. "I've been trying so hard... to take care of you. You've always been my hero and... I felt like I wasn't living up to who I should be." He shrugs. "I'm the man... I want to take care of you too... I want you to be able to depend on me. I like it that you're my hero, but I just wished that I could be yours. So... I wanted to end the pain for you, even though you said it didn't really bother you. I thought that by stopping the problems with our connection, that it was the only way I could do my part... take care of you. I hate seeing you hurt when I hurt, even if you say you don't mind."

He bites his lip, cocking his head a little. "Then... I got yelled at and... I guess I realized that I was taking care of you the wrong way. That... if I really wanted to, then I needed to give you what you wanted. I hate the pain, but... you need those emotions just as much as you need the good ones to survive. So... my way of being your hero is... to let us be the way we were meant to be. I took it away because I thought that's what I could do for you, but... I see now that the best thing I can do is give us back our connection and... just... be there for you when there's pain instead of depriving you of it."

His hand cradles the side of Katie's face. "I'm sorry. I'm gonna try to be more understanding."

His gaze searches hers, the emotions evident, even though they couldn't yet be felt. "Are we gonna be okay?"


Walking with Jason Katie keeps up well stoping and starting when he did. Her eye searched his for a long moment it felt strange trying to see the deeper mean, and not feeling it.

Circling around to the back of the dinning hall Katie stands with Jason for a long moment just looking up at him.

"Yeah, at least we didnt get to sick. I just, still cant get use to not feeling you though. Kind of feels empty, for me anyways."

Falling silent again Katie continues to listen. Cocking her head a little at Jason's comment about a bigger problem Katie wasn't quite sure she understood what he was talking about. A look of bewilderment, and confusion, maybe even a little surprise cross Katie's face as she looks back to Jason quickly.

"Your....not going to take it anymore? But...why its what you wanted!"

Katie looks back at Jason. She might not have liked taking the pills but she had gotten use to it and now Jason didnt want to take them? Katie didnt understand.

Bigger problem

Jason gives a little nod and offers Katie a hand up. "Come on... let's take a walk... we won't go far."

Just as they're walking out, they're met by Rick, who gives Katie a gentle smile and nod. "Good to see you, Katie. It won't take me long." He pats her shoulder as he passes.

Jason steps from the porch, making sure Katie is beside him before he turns towards one of the pasture fences. Staying quiet for a few minutes, he leans on the fence, eventually turning to look down at Katie.

"Listen, Katie, I... I wanted to apologize. I guess I haven't been around enough for you lately and... I'm sorry." His eyes search hers, sincerity showing through. "I guess... I don't know... maybe there was stuff I needed to work through too. As far as Camryn goes... she's back in town and I saw her a couple times... got together with her a couple times, just to talk, nothing more."

He reaches out to run a warm finger down the side of Katie's face. "Made me realize I was missing you, actually."

Pausing a moment, he sighs and looks towards one of the buildings. Taking Katie's hand again, he starts to walk once more. "I, um... I've talked a little bit to Rick about... well, about what he came up with for you and me. And... we seem to be fairing alright. No major mishaps anyway, and our bodies seem to have adjusted for the most part."

Stopping near the back of the dining hall, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out an orange bottle of pills. It was his own, and he rattles it a little. "It... seems to be doing the trick."

He pauses again looking deeper into her eyes. "Problem is... it was just a quick fix to a bigger problem."

Turning around, he stops a moment, seeming to be having trouble making a decision. Finally, he aims a throw at the back trash can. The bottle rolls in the air, landing in the metal can with a bang.

Jason turns back around and holds out his hands, letting them fall to his sides. "The bigger problem was me... not our connection. I'm giving it back to you."

Had to Happen

Katie can feel her heart pick up as she hears that Rick was here and had something to try with Jeff a little hope sparked inside. She didn't dare hope but it was there anyways. Anything for Jeff right now was better than nothing as long as there was a little bit of a chance it would help.

Letting out a small sigh as Jason mentions there medication she new it would come up. It was something they needed to talk about and work out. But she wasnt sure if now was a great time.

Knowing Rick would be in shortly and she would chased out of the room till he was done anyways now was probably the best time as ever.

"Well, I guess we should let Rick work and while he does we can talk. But...I dont want to go to far incase something happends."

Looking up at Jason Katie's eyes were a little worryed, but it had to be done and she told herself to stay open minded.


Jason returns Katie's hug, then rises to his feet again, his hand still in hers. Looking to Jeff, his heart ached. Not only because he had known Jeff, but because Katie was losing so much.

"I'll take care of her," he mentions quietly, giving Katie's hand a squeeze.

Turning his attention back to her, he nods to the door. "I didn't come alone. Rick is here too... he wants to try one last thing before... well, before it's too late. He doesn't know if it will do any good or not."

Looking Katie in the eye, Jason's expression is a solemn one. "Katie... there's something I need to talk to you about... it's... about our medication..."

He's here

Looking through the groggyness Ryan wasnt sure if it was the fact she was just waking up or the meds the nurse had come in to give her for the pain. Giving a smile to Darrel Ryan gives a little nod to him. She wasn't great but she was alive. Giving a soft whisper Ryan was able to reply to him.

"I'm here, if they stop giving me drugs so my mind is clear, than I am in a tone of pain, and if they give it to me I can't think right."

Moving a little bit Ryan does her best to sit up a little bit wincing slightly in pain.

"Sorry I am going to be missing a few days of work boss. I'll make it up to you."

Feeling a presence enter the room Katie dosnt open her eyes right away. She was so tired, and even more emotional tired. She had cryed her eyes out so much yesterday and into the night, it had drained so much from her.

Hearing Jason's voice and feeling his hands on her Katie opens her eyes and sits up quickly. Oh how good to see him again, and to feel his hands on her.

Not saying anything Katie reachs out and wraps her arms around him giving him a tight squeeze. Whispering she continues to hold him.

"J, you made it."

Holding him for just a few moments longer Katie gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before looking him in the eyes. All the sensarity was in her eyes.

"It means alot you came back..."

Giving a quick looks to Jeff and than back to Jason Katie moves to the edge of the bed still holding one of Jason's hands Katie takes Jeff's in her other.

"Dad, Jason is here.."

Looking back to Jason Katie gives a small nod. It was almost time and Jason had made it before it was to late.

"He cant reply J but he can still hear you if you want to talk to him."


Leo swallows hard as he hears Ryan talk on ans on as if Miles were there. So she'd called off the bet. That was interesting. But... he shakes his head. He would think about it later.

Giving a sigh, he returns the light squeeze to her fingers. "Sleep well, Ryan..." Leaving her be, he backs away and finally leaves so Miles and Axel could see her.

The night is long, for more reasons than one, for more people than one. Finally though, the sun peeks through...

Slipping into the hospital room, Darrel, fidgets with his cap in hand. Approaching the bed, he manages a smile when he sees Ryan's eyes partly open. "Hey you..." He comes closer. "Good to see you still among us. How ya doing?"

The bunkhouse is dim and quiet. Only an hour before dawn, more people had been present, in the last few minutes of lucidness from Jeff before he lapsed into unconsciousness.

Softly, someone opens the door, careful not to make much noise. They take in the scene before moving inside, letting the door shut with a quiet click.

Approaching Katie's sleeping figure in the chair, they squat down in front of her and gently take her hands.

"Hey," Jason whispers, looking up at her face. "You awake enough to say hi?"