
In person

Looking up at Clint Wes gives a small smile and a nod to relay Clint had no reason to be sorry. He understood it was hard. He understood maybe better than anyone, about lose even if it wasnt of a child sometimes it still hurt the same.

Giving a laugh again Bree just shakes her head as she takes he folder and opens it starting to look through the papers.

Hearing the beeper go off, her Uncles shout and than the whining noise as it lands in the kitchen with a bang Bree just looks her JT blinking her eyes almost stunned for a moment.

"Mmm...I think you have a page without a beep now."

Finally a smile breaks across her face again.

"You do love your job you just dont want to be there right now."

Giving a soft smile and a nod Hope could feel the warmness that creeped into her heart and made her feel good.

"Maybe some time you can. How about untill than we do dinner and a movie tonight?"

Sitting down on a hay bail Katie picks at the straw Katie can hear the change in Jeff's voice once again and she can feel some of her emotions start to build.

"How about you tell me that when you see me again so I can look into your eyes ok?"

Sometimes Katie felt closes to Jeff and it hurt to think she might never seen him again. Everything was just hard enough this on top of it really was something Katie didnt need.

"Its going to be ok Uncle Jeff just...dont give up for me ok!"


Clint stares at Wes as he's given the lecture. He opens his mouth once, but shuts it quickly again as his uncle proceeds.

Hanging his head a little, he watches Wes go back out into the shop, and hears him picking up the tools. For the longest time, he just sits and thinks, trying desperately to sort through everything that was running through his mind.

Finally he stands up, cradling his hand that was more sore than he thought it would be. Stepping back into the shop, he wanders across the floor, his feet dragging a little. Passing by Wes, he stops for just a moment to lean down and pick up a wrench that Wes had missed.

He hands it to his uncle and catches his eye. He was sorry. Heading outside, he aims for the small medical building where Wendy still was.

"Pizza with no dough... yeah, that sounds good." JT rolls his eyes. "I don't know where you think this stuff up." Shaking his head, he laughs. "The chicken sounds good though. Pizza Box makes the best of that kind. I'll call it in, but we have GOT to go through these files."

He gives Bree a playful shove off his shoulder. "Unless you can figure out how to do work without the work."

His beeper suddenly goes off.

"No!" He doesn't even look to see who it is, but snatches the pager up off the coffee table to toss it over his shoulder, letting it land somewhere between here and the kitchen with a bang.

Groaning, he flops back into the cushions. "I love my job, can you tell?"

Scott can't help the warm feeling that creeps up on him as Hope speaks. Someone wanted him... after all he'd been through, was still going through, and after all the problems he'd had... she still wanted him.

He smiles a little. "I would have chosen you too," he replies quietly. "You've been my lifeline, Hope... I just wish that somehow... someday I can return the same to you."

"You just worry about yourself," Jeff chides lightly. "I got my ways of getting around, so you don't have to think about a thing. One of these days I'll just show up and there I'll be so keep looking over your shoulder."

Pausing a moment, his voice fades a little, his tone lowering from the forced enthusiasm he'd been trying to carry through. "I... I know we don't know what the future holds so... I just... well, if I never got the chance again, I just want you to know how proud I am of you."

No Dough

Looking sternly at Clint again as he washed up his hand Wes face took on a stern look. He understood he was upset and that he felt this was his own fault but he had to stop the pitty party. There were more important things at hand right now.

"You don't need a second job Clint, what you need is to get your head out of your butt.."

Wes continues to look at Clint there was sympathy in his eyes for him, but he was the man here and his wife and son needed him right now. If he wasnt there for them now it was all fall apart.

"...I understand your up set, and I know your greaving still but Clint your family needs you right now. You need to be home with Wendy and your son. They need your Clint not your parents. You need to be going through this with them, not away from them. Sometimes just holding someone is the best kind of comfort you can offer."

Finishing to wrap up Clint's hand Wes lays a hand on his shoulder. Sometimes he felt like Clint was his own son because he cared so much for the young man that he had to remember to stop back. He wasn't his father and he needed to not treat him like a child.

"Just remember whats important and that God's in controll Clint. Go home, they need you there. Your still getting payed."

Exiting the office Wes can only hope Clint will take his advise. Going to the dumped over tools Wes starts to clean them up.

Giving a laugh Bree looks at her Uncle as she hands him the files. Leaning into him and leaning her chin on his shoulder.

"Can we have pizza without the dough?"

Cocking a smile at her Uncle Bree cant help but the laugh that escapes her lips at his confused look.

"How about chicken with a garlic butter sause, cheese and...I guess we can have it on the dough this time around."

Hope gives a small chuckel at Scott. She was thankful for his help but she wouldnt need them anymore. Something just told her she wouldnt.

"Maybe I will put somethings in your storage but the fernature I wont need it anymore. I'd rather them go to you than collect dust."

Continuing to put a few things away Scott words he had said first came back to her. Stoping what she was doing for a moment Hope sinks down in her desk chair and leans her arms on the desk.

"Scott listen to me, I dont want you to think or even consider wishing you did things differently. Out of this whole thing I got you, and I feel close to complete. You Scott are worth it in my eyes and thats why I didnt give you up for my job. It was my choose, and I choose you."

Katie cant help the chuck as she listens to Jeff. No matter her mood he could always make her smile. Not to mention with his own illness he took in a joking madder.

"Oh Uncle Jeff, its going to be ok. Angel is still here trying to find more too. They are gonna figure it out I know they will."

Pushing off the fence Katie starts to talk a walk twords the barn.

"When ever your ready to come home, let me know ok? I'll come and get you."

Pretty View

Clint finally looks into his uncle's eyes, and knows that he won't be able to get away with refusing his help at the moment. He gives in, turning towards the office.

Getting inside, he sinks down into a chair, still holding his hand. The lump that was in his throat seemed to be permanently lodged there as his emotions ran crazy. He didn't even know what to feel right now. So much was happening...

"I need to get back to working on the house," he mumbles. All work on his and Wendy's house had stopped, and he knew he needed to get back to it for more reasons that one. He felt so disconnected from everything right now. He didn't even know how to comfort his wife anymore. He hated seeing her cry - it tore him up inside. There had been so many tears lately though... would it ever end?

"And I need to get a second job or something... we're getting behind."

JT quirks an eyebrow. "You never told him where you worked? That's... odd. I wonder why he was asking about me anyway."

Something suddenly seemed very peculiar. "Well, if you see him again, I guess tell him hi. If he's looking for me, he should know where to find me now."

He shrugs off the strange feeling and stands up again, coming around to flop down next to his niece. "Alright. Let's review these cases before my brain implodes. But after that, it's mandatory that we order out for pizza and pig out, while talking about anything but work."

Scott's heart sinks as he hears what happened with Hope. He was glad she was honest with him, but he felt rotten.

Curling up in the corner of the couch, he pulls his knees up to his chest. "I'm... I'm sorry, Hope..." He doesn't so easily move on with the conversation. He felt too badly to talk about furniture right now.

"I wish... I don't know..." He bites his lip, his tone indicating how sorry he felt, even though he knew it really wasn't his fault. "I wish this hadn't happened to you... you help so many people... you didn't deserve this."

Sighing deeply, he knows it's best to follow Hope in the conversation, letting it shift. "Um, well... I could use a couple things I guess, but..." Those things were hers... she might need them again someday... somewhere.

"Tell you what... TJY's got a storage building about a block from headquarters... it'll take a security code to get in but... I'll give you mine. That way you can keep your stuff there until you've got a new place for it. I mean... after all... TJY sent me to you, and now this, so... I'd say they owe it to you, and besides, I don't use any space in there."

Jeff chuckles lightly. "Aw, kiddo, there's no fooling you, is there? You're getting too smart for your own good, ya know."

He pauses a moment, knowing he better just tell the truth. "No... no, Rick hasn't found anything. He... doesn't know what else to do. Upped my meds though." He forces a laugh. "Get me any more doped up and I'm gonna be on the ceiling, but at least it's a pretty view."

Just like my Aunt

Wes stops his young nephew turning him towards him. Looking him in the eyes Clint didnt need to say anything to Wes or even tell him what was wrong he new. He'd seen the look many times before. Even if it had been for different reasons, that look had been seen. The burden, of one so great, that someone else's life was in there hands and than lost, the though of it being there responsibility that had been failed. It had been a long that over seas many men had worn.

"We worry about your health and getting this cleaned first Clint. Than we can worry about the tools. They are unimportant, you are."

Wes voice was stern though it was soft at the same time. If he didnt at least show a little bit of sternness than Clint would never get it clean out first. In a place this this infections were common with a deep cut like his. Wendy had just lost a daughter she didnt need to have her husband go down as well.

"Come on, lets go."

Wes nodded to the office for Clint to start going there. He had a first aid kit to clean it out inside.

Plopping herself down on the couch Bree strechs out with her feel on the coffee table leaning back. Thinking for a long moment Bree gives a nod.

"Yeah he asked if I worked at the same place, and if I new you. When I told him you were my Uncle he said you were the reason he has a problem with metal detectors. So obviously he remembers who you are."

Stopping to think again Bree cocks her head and raises an eyebrow.

"Come to think of it, I never told him where I worked so I have no idea how he would of known."

Giving a small smile as she hears her Uncle's voice Katie turns and leans her back against the fence.Though Jeff was trying to cover it up Katie new he wasn't doing well.

"Yep I got here late last night. The drive was ok, and things are...alright this morning I guess."

Letting out a small sigh Katie thinks for a moment. Right now... she was ok. Lonely, it felt very strange without Jason around, and her own mind was what kept her company though right now it was so messed up the only comfort it gave her was toucher of the past, but all in all she was ok.

Taking a turn though she trys to get the subject off herself and instead talks about Jeff.

"Uncle Jeff, I am just like my Aunt, you can trying and act ok but I can hear it in your voice your not. Rick hasn't found anything yet?"

After giving her tanks to Angelica and chatting for a little while longer Hope finally gets into her car. A small tear rolls down her cheek. She wasn't all that but it still was hard to think everything she had built was now gone.

Taking the short drive from the court house back to her office she new it was closed up for the night but she wanted to get everything done and over with.

Once getting inside with the few boxes she had Hope dials Scott's number with the other hand.

"Hey Scott, yeah I just got out. I am back at the office now."

Continuing Hope goes everything with Scott on what happens and that choose she was given. She also told him about how she choose him over her job and now she would be looking for another one. She talked about it with Scott freely not letting much of it bother her being as strong as she could. While she put some things away as well.

"....Yeah, so I am here now packing up the things I had in my office. Pictures, paintings, books. I dont know what I am going to do with it all at home. And this furniture I have no room for it. You wouldn't happen to want it would you Scott?"

She new it wouldn't be much but it would give him a table, some chairs, some lamps, a desk. It would at least get him started before he found more.

Seems odd

JT wanders behind his niece, listening to her talk, and laughing about the camera.

Hearing Brent's name, he stops, furrowing his brow. "Brent... Franklin..." He shakes his head. "I... can't place the name. It doesn't seem to ring a bell..." Thinking another moment, his eyes finally widen. "Ohhh yes. Now I know. Goodness, that's been years ago. I wasn't even living here at the time. I was still in Texas, and got sent down here for some research. Wound up helping in the ER after a terrible car accident."

He scratches the back of his head, ambling back into the living room to sit on the arm of his couch. "I don't think I ever would have remembered the name, except how strange a case it was." He shakes his head. "Kid was just eighteen I think... severe head trauma. After everything was over, both his parents were dead and he had no memory of his life at all. It was just a blank. We did the best we could to help him but... there just wasn't any more we could do. By the time he was back on his feet, he had a metal plate in his head but otherwise he bounced back, physically. Always wondered what happened to him though. Interesting he's still in the area."

Still thinking a moment, he quirks an eyebrow. "You say he mentioned me by name? Seems odd."

Clint jumps as Wes approaches, taken off guard. He'd thought he was still alone. Feeling too dumb to do anything else, he lets Wes see his hand, and applies pressure when told. Still sitting on the floor, he shrugs at Wes' question.

"I'm fine." He swallows hard, the tears burning behind his eyes, wanting to overflow, but he stops them. He was responsible for all of this grief. He deserved a worse punishment than this. It was his fault Wendy had to endure having two children, and if it hadn't been for him, they wouldn't have had to endure a death of one of their babies. If he'd been smarter, he and Wendy would still be just the two of them, without this heavy burden. But he'd been stupid... whether it had taken the both of them or not, he felt fully responsible.

Staring at the bloody towel, he realizes that the cut must have gone a lot deeper than he though. He didn't even know what he'd hit his hand on inside the engine.

Getting to his feet, he wraps the towel tighter, unwilling to look up to Wes' eyes. "I have tools to pick up," he mumbles. The toolbox he'd knocked over was still waiting. "I can clean this out later."

Rick smiles, nodding to no one. "Yeah, Katie. Hang on a sec." He waves to Jeff. "Katie's on the phone for you."

Jeff lifts his eyebrows and slides off the bed, wandering in his bare feet, over to the phone. He tries to sound as chipper as possible. Rick was getting no where looking at the chip Angel had sent him, and Jeff's symptoms were getting worse, subdued only with some stronger doses of medication.

"Hey, Katie. I wondered if you'd made it home - guess you did. How ya doing?"

Scott pets Domino's head absentmindedly, still waiting. It had been an awfully long time... would Hope call him right away if it was bad news? Or would she wait? He didn't know. All he could do was pray. Surely Angelica would win... right?

God's Plan

The hour had seemed long, and the time was dragging. It was only now Hope could stop and have her own thoughts to herself. The hearing was over and now the debate started. She wasn't sure what was going on but from the tone in Angelica's voice from behind the wood door it didn't sounds good.

Hope new who had turned her in with Scott and she couldn't help but be a tiny bit shocked. Jen had worked for her as one of the nurses for a long time and new the way Hope worked, and ran things. To think she though something more was going on behind close doors with Scott hit a little hard.

But now it was done, her side was told, and Angelica had defended her the best she could. It was almost really a lose lose situation and Hope couldn't help but feel the change.

Seeing the door finally open Hope sits up a little straighter. Seeing Angelica come out and close the door behind her, her face looked less than happy and Hope's heart thumped.

"Whats going on Angelica? What had they deiced?"

Looking back at Hope Angelica let out a long sigh. It almost felt like she was failing Hope because she new this would not be what she wanted. Though she had saved her some face, it wasn't everything and she new it was wrong.

"Hope, I did what I could, and I kept them from taking your degree away. But they are not giving you two chooses. One, you can stay with your own business you have now but you will have to drop all contact with Scott, and your sessions will be taped."

Hope looked to Angelica as have already started shaking her head before she could even finish. Losing contact with Scott was enough to make her say no. She hadnt talked to for a month prier for this there was no way she was going to do that again, not when they had just deiced to start something more.

"Whats the second option?"

"The second is your degree wont be taken away so you can still be a Therapist but you have to quit where your at now, and you cant have your own practice anymore. You have to be under the supervision of someone else who you can write up repots to."

Leaning back in the chair Hope closes her eyes for a moment. Both were heard desitions taking away something she cared about the most from each. How was one to choose, to pick? She didn't want to lose Scott but she didn't want to lose her job anyways.

Sometimes, trusting in the Lord is a hard time to do, even if he is leading us blindly. But trust we must, and remember he always has a plan.

"I choose the second one Angelica. I don't know where I will go, or what my job will be next but I cant give up the friendship that I have formed with Scott. God will lead me, and in him I will trust to take me down the rocky path."

Giving a nod and a small smile to Hope Angelica stands. Making her way to the room once again to disappear behind the door and tell Hope's desition to those who needed to know.

Exiting the dinning hall Katie takes in a deep breath of air. She would never tired of the smell out here. Some hated, but to her it was everything and it brought back so many memories that were dear to her.

Walking to one of the fences she gently leans on it watching some kids learn how to ride, as a few others play on the nearby play ground.

Thinking for a long moment Katie pulls out her phone and holds it in her hand. It had hard been a day but she wanted to call anyways. At least to let him know she had made it. He was her uncle after all.

Dialing the infermary's number and hearing Rick's voice Katie gives a small smile.

"Hey Rick, Its Katie. I was wondering if my Uncle Jeff was there and I could talk to him please?"

A grin forms on Bree's face at JT opens the door. She loved spending time with her Uncle and was happy he returned it as well.

"Put in a camera and I'll cover that up too.... some how. And anyways, what would be the fun in not dealing with my games huh?"

Stepping inside Bree takes her shoes off at the door she she didn't track mud and dirt through the house. Though looking around she didn't know if it really mattered.

"I think I am going to have to go through here and clean again for you Uncle Jake."

Giving him a smile and a playful elbow to the arm Bree gives a streach as she makes her way into the kitchen to help herself to a bottle of water before finally reply.

"I'm doing ok. Been a little tired doing the double shifts afternoons through the wee hours of the morning, but they are still short people at the hospital and I hate when they bring in someone from another area who dont know the kids."

Taking a long swig of the water Bree thinks for a moment about Gunner, and what her Uncle had just said about stopping.

"You should of stopped, you would of seen me and your friend Brent Franklin, or as his friends call him Gunner. I happened to run into him a few times over at Freddy's and we started talking. Come to find out he mentioned if I works at the same hospital as you. He seems like and interesting guy, a little strange but heck so am I. You do know him right?"

Entering the shop a little late this morning Wes is surprised to see the lights on. Clint was at work? He should be taking some more days off, he needed it though in a way Wes couldn't blame him. He would probely want to get right back to work after a traumatic experience as well.

Making his way through the shop and to the back, a small cry can be heard. Though it was soft Wes could still pick up on it. Slowly walking to the back area Wes poked his head in the door seeing Clint. He would of left him alone but the slight on blood on his nephews hand was enough to let him know he did need help.

"Clint, your bleeding all over my floor you know?"

Though Wes comment was laced with a little bit of a joke to try and lighten the air there was also a seriousness behind his voice as well as some compassion.

Grabbing a towel and wetting it a little he bends down next to Clint and takes his hand wrapping the towel around it.

"Put pressure on it. We need to clean it out so it wont get any infections."

Going for the gauss and a few other things Wes returns in minutes to check in the bleeding had stopped only to return the towel to in injured area.

Cocking his head a little to catch Clint's eyes Wes inquires though his question could mean just Clint's hand there was also a hidden realization in it as well.

"You ok?"

Different kind of pain

A horn honking outside startles Scott out of his sleep and he jumps, looking around the living room a moment before realizing he was home on his own couch.

Giving a little groan, he lies back down, his head enveloped by the throw pillow. Domino crawls up next to him, readjusting and settling in again.

Scott sighs. He'd had one of his nightmares again. He could have sworn he'd wake up in that terrible cell. He wipes a bit of sweat off the side of his face before rolling over onto his back and looking at his watch. It was getting late in the day... he was still waiting to hear from Hope.

"Yeah, we took him down to the station." Con sets his hands casually on his hips, discussing today's outing in Reese's office.

Reese looks to him and Jason. "Good. Tomorrow I've got a job for you two again - I need you to go down to one of the clubs and gain someone's trust. I'll email you both the information tonight."

Jason nods. "Alright. I'm heading out then."

"I still want you to write up the report for today," Reese corrects.

"I'll do it tomorrow."

"I want it before you go home tonight."

Con lifts his eyebrows. "I can write it up for you, Reese, it's no biggie."

"I want Jason to do it," Reese states flatly. "You've got enough other things to keep you busy."

Jason's shoulders drop. "Well so do I! I got a concert in a couple days - I gotta meet with the band tonight - it's been on my schedule to leave early!"

"You still have half an hour," Reese retorts. "And if it takes you longer, I'm sorry. But we're shorthanded now, remember?"

Jason's look turns into on of disgust. Was Reese hinting that something was his fault here? "Yeah, I remember," he growls. Spinning on his heel, he stalks from the office.

Con glances down to Reese again. "Being a little hard on him, don't you think?"

"I'd rather have him busy and complaining than moping and not doing anything. TJY can't afford his pity party right now."

Con just shrugs. "Alright... see you later."

"Naw, get on home. You don't have to stay for me." Jeff sits up in bed, pulling a knee up to his chest. "Tell our worrywart sister not to worry... if that's possible."

Trent chuckles and shakes his head. "I can try. You sure you don't want anybody staying around?"

"I'm surrounded." Jeff gestures with his hand. "Two doctors and people in and out everyday. Besides that, I'm not planning on staying here much longer."

"Rick says you can go?"

"No, but..." Jeff shrugs, trying to keep a smile on his face. "If I'm gonna die one of these days, I'd rather do it at home."

Trent frowns. "Don't talk like that. You're not even close to dying."

Jeff's eyes shift down for a moment before looking back up at his brother. "Whatever this is I've been fighting it a long time... I'm tired."

"Don't give up," Trent orders sternly. "Don't. The rest of us need you, so... so... just don't."

Jeff manages a little chuckle. "Get out of here before I tell Rick you're bothering me."

Trent sighs and offers Jeff a handshake. "I'll see you soon."

JT picks up an empty pop can and tosses it into the kitchen trashcan just as he hears someone at the door. "Coming!"

Picking up bits and pieces of the living room on his way and straightening a few odds and ends, he finally makes it to the door. Seeing the peephole was covered up, he grins and opens the door. "One of these days I'm gonna install a security camera so I know who's here and your little trick won't do any good anymore."

Backing up, he lets Bree inside. "Saw your car earlier today down at Freddy's and I almost stopped but I was too exhausted to do anything but get home. How's your day been?"

Clint grits his teeth as he tries to turn the nut down inside the car engine. His fingers gripped the wrench tightly and he gave a little groan, using all his might, but it just wouldn't budge.

With Angel and his mom looking after Wendy and Chase, he'd slipped away for just a little time in the shop. The service for Cecilia had been yesterday.... everyone was tired. Normally it would have been several days, but no one wanted to endure the pain any longer than they had to.

The wrench gives way and Clint's hand slips inside the engine. Giving a cry, the tool clangs to the floor and he draws out an already-bloody hand. A curse slips out and he goes to the sink, immediately rinsing out the fresh gash on the side of his hand. He had plenty of other marks on is hands from working with the cars, but it had been a while since he'd been this clumsy.

His eyes stung as he cleaned the wound. He would have said it was only from the pain. But maybe it was just an excuse for a different kind of pain to be released.

Drying off his hand and fumbling with a bandage, he drops the roll of gauze on the floor. Giving a frustrated yell, he kicks at an empty oil can, sending it across the shop with a loud bang, knocking over a toolbox which sent tools scattering across the floor.

Sinking down beside the door to the office, Clint pulls up his knees and rests his head in his hands, not caring that the bleeding hadn't stopped yet.