
Just like my Aunt

Wes stops his young nephew turning him towards him. Looking him in the eyes Clint didnt need to say anything to Wes or even tell him what was wrong he new. He'd seen the look many times before. Even if it had been for different reasons, that look had been seen. The burden, of one so great, that someone else's life was in there hands and than lost, the though of it being there responsibility that had been failed. It had been a long that over seas many men had worn.

"We worry about your health and getting this cleaned first Clint. Than we can worry about the tools. They are unimportant, you are."

Wes voice was stern though it was soft at the same time. If he didnt at least show a little bit of sternness than Clint would never get it clean out first. In a place this this infections were common with a deep cut like his. Wendy had just lost a daughter she didnt need to have her husband go down as well.

"Come on, lets go."

Wes nodded to the office for Clint to start going there. He had a first aid kit to clean it out inside.

Plopping herself down on the couch Bree strechs out with her feel on the coffee table leaning back. Thinking for a long moment Bree gives a nod.

"Yeah he asked if I worked at the same place, and if I new you. When I told him you were my Uncle he said you were the reason he has a problem with metal detectors. So obviously he remembers who you are."

Stopping to think again Bree cocks her head and raises an eyebrow.

"Come to think of it, I never told him where I worked so I have no idea how he would of known."

Giving a small smile as she hears her Uncle's voice Katie turns and leans her back against the fence.Though Jeff was trying to cover it up Katie new he wasn't doing well.

"Yep I got here late last night. The drive was ok, and things are...alright this morning I guess."

Letting out a small sigh Katie thinks for a moment. Right now... she was ok. Lonely, it felt very strange without Jason around, and her own mind was what kept her company though right now it was so messed up the only comfort it gave her was toucher of the past, but all in all she was ok.

Taking a turn though she trys to get the subject off herself and instead talks about Jeff.

"Uncle Jeff, I am just like my Aunt, you can trying and act ok but I can hear it in your voice your not. Rick hasn't found anything yet?"

After giving her tanks to Angelica and chatting for a little while longer Hope finally gets into her car. A small tear rolls down her cheek. She wasn't all that but it still was hard to think everything she had built was now gone.

Taking the short drive from the court house back to her office she new it was closed up for the night but she wanted to get everything done and over with.

Once getting inside with the few boxes she had Hope dials Scott's number with the other hand.

"Hey Scott, yeah I just got out. I am back at the office now."

Continuing Hope goes everything with Scott on what happens and that choose she was given. She also told him about how she choose him over her job and now she would be looking for another one. She talked about it with Scott freely not letting much of it bother her being as strong as she could. While she put some things away as well.

"....Yeah, so I am here now packing up the things I had in my office. Pictures, paintings, books. I dont know what I am going to do with it all at home. And this furniture I have no room for it. You wouldn't happen to want it would you Scott?"

She new it wouldn't be much but it would give him a table, some chairs, some lamps, a desk. It would at least get him started before he found more.

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