
God's Plan

The hour had seemed long, and the time was dragging. It was only now Hope could stop and have her own thoughts to herself. The hearing was over and now the debate started. She wasn't sure what was going on but from the tone in Angelica's voice from behind the wood door it didn't sounds good.

Hope new who had turned her in with Scott and she couldn't help but be a tiny bit shocked. Jen had worked for her as one of the nurses for a long time and new the way Hope worked, and ran things. To think she though something more was going on behind close doors with Scott hit a little hard.

But now it was done, her side was told, and Angelica had defended her the best she could. It was almost really a lose lose situation and Hope couldn't help but feel the change.

Seeing the door finally open Hope sits up a little straighter. Seeing Angelica come out and close the door behind her, her face looked less than happy and Hope's heart thumped.

"Whats going on Angelica? What had they deiced?"

Looking back at Hope Angelica let out a long sigh. It almost felt like she was failing Hope because she new this would not be what she wanted. Though she had saved her some face, it wasn't everything and she new it was wrong.

"Hope, I did what I could, and I kept them from taking your degree away. But they are not giving you two chooses. One, you can stay with your own business you have now but you will have to drop all contact with Scott, and your sessions will be taped."

Hope looked to Angelica as have already started shaking her head before she could even finish. Losing contact with Scott was enough to make her say no. She hadnt talked to for a month prier for this there was no way she was going to do that again, not when they had just deiced to start something more.

"Whats the second option?"

"The second is your degree wont be taken away so you can still be a Therapist but you have to quit where your at now, and you cant have your own practice anymore. You have to be under the supervision of someone else who you can write up repots to."

Leaning back in the chair Hope closes her eyes for a moment. Both were heard desitions taking away something she cared about the most from each. How was one to choose, to pick? She didn't want to lose Scott but she didn't want to lose her job anyways.

Sometimes, trusting in the Lord is a hard time to do, even if he is leading us blindly. But trust we must, and remember he always has a plan.

"I choose the second one Angelica. I don't know where I will go, or what my job will be next but I cant give up the friendship that I have formed with Scott. God will lead me, and in him I will trust to take me down the rocky path."

Giving a nod and a small smile to Hope Angelica stands. Making her way to the room once again to disappear behind the door and tell Hope's desition to those who needed to know.

Exiting the dinning hall Katie takes in a deep breath of air. She would never tired of the smell out here. Some hated, but to her it was everything and it brought back so many memories that were dear to her.

Walking to one of the fences she gently leans on it watching some kids learn how to ride, as a few others play on the nearby play ground.

Thinking for a long moment Katie pulls out her phone and holds it in her hand. It had hard been a day but she wanted to call anyways. At least to let him know she had made it. He was her uncle after all.

Dialing the infermary's number and hearing Rick's voice Katie gives a small smile.

"Hey Rick, Its Katie. I was wondering if my Uncle Jeff was there and I could talk to him please?"

A grin forms on Bree's face at JT opens the door. She loved spending time with her Uncle and was happy he returned it as well.

"Put in a camera and I'll cover that up too.... some how. And anyways, what would be the fun in not dealing with my games huh?"

Stepping inside Bree takes her shoes off at the door she she didn't track mud and dirt through the house. Though looking around she didn't know if it really mattered.

"I think I am going to have to go through here and clean again for you Uncle Jake."

Giving him a smile and a playful elbow to the arm Bree gives a streach as she makes her way into the kitchen to help herself to a bottle of water before finally reply.

"I'm doing ok. Been a little tired doing the double shifts afternoons through the wee hours of the morning, but they are still short people at the hospital and I hate when they bring in someone from another area who dont know the kids."

Taking a long swig of the water Bree thinks for a moment about Gunner, and what her Uncle had just said about stopping.

"You should of stopped, you would of seen me and your friend Brent Franklin, or as his friends call him Gunner. I happened to run into him a few times over at Freddy's and we started talking. Come to find out he mentioned if I works at the same hospital as you. He seems like and interesting guy, a little strange but heck so am I. You do know him right?"

Entering the shop a little late this morning Wes is surprised to see the lights on. Clint was at work? He should be taking some more days off, he needed it though in a way Wes couldn't blame him. He would probely want to get right back to work after a traumatic experience as well.

Making his way through the shop and to the back, a small cry can be heard. Though it was soft Wes could still pick up on it. Slowly walking to the back area Wes poked his head in the door seeing Clint. He would of left him alone but the slight on blood on his nephews hand was enough to let him know he did need help.

"Clint, your bleeding all over my floor you know?"

Though Wes comment was laced with a little bit of a joke to try and lighten the air there was also a seriousness behind his voice as well as some compassion.

Grabbing a towel and wetting it a little he bends down next to Clint and takes his hand wrapping the towel around it.

"Put pressure on it. We need to clean it out so it wont get any infections."

Going for the gauss and a few other things Wes returns in minutes to check in the bleeding had stopped only to return the towel to in injured area.

Cocking his head a little to catch Clint's eyes Wes inquires though his question could mean just Clint's hand there was also a hidden realization in it as well.

"You ok?"

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