

*Jamie smiles at Con and nods her head at his idea. After asking him, she had relized maybe how undecent her request really was. Jamie liked Laura alot and it would be nice to have them both around. How could she go wrong.*

"Ya...I think I would like that. Maybe we all could get some pizza and play some bored games or something. It would only be for a night or to till I got use to the house again."

*Jamie smiles at Con and takes his hand.*

"Thank you."

*Katie beams up at Jason.*

"Yes I am. Let me just grab a sweatshirt, and we will be ready to hit the road."

*Within minutes Katie has her sweatshirt and a pare of jeans on. Turning to hang her legs off the bed she smiles at Jason.*

"Dont let that nurse know, she would have a cow. Can you grab the cane for me please Hun?"

*As Nate watches Carson he lets out a sigh. He notices that he is becoming antsy and can unsetand why. He was caged in a small area, No windows No light. In the back of Nate's head he told himself is served Carson right after what he did to Jamie. Everything he put her through and so many other. No matter how much Nate wanted to be angry at Carson he couldent. His sisters tiny words ran through his mind. "Do unto others as you would have done to you. Right Brother?" Nate smiles at the memorie of Maggie's voice. Stand Nate streches and turns off the camara. Heading down to Carson's holding cell Nate unlocks the door and steps in. His face not really showing much emotions.*

"I though maybe you could use som fresh air. We have another room with a window if you want to sit in there and breath alittle. The window dosent give much of a view so there is no worry of you figuring out where you are. Come on. Dont try running eather, or its the last time those legs of yours will work."


Con shakes his head at Jamie’s question. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do…I just don’t know.”

As the evening wears on, Con is taken by surprise by Jamie’s request. He wasn’t surprised that she would be leery about being by herself again, but…

Just two weeks earlier, Con wouldn’t have hesitated. Jamie had been a little sister...but now… it felt just a little awkward. Looking into her eyes, he knows that she just needs his support right now. There would be nothing wrong with him staying with her for a couple days, though he wasn’t sure it would be such a great idea with just him and Jamie in the house.

“I’ll stay with you for as long as you need me to, okay?” Con offers her a reassuring smile. “I bet I can even get Laura to come over too.”

Jason raises his eyebrows, unable to stop a smile at Katie’s enthusiasm. It felt good to be wanted…he couldn’t deny that. He gives a short laugh. “Alright. If you feel up to it. I do have that spare helmet…” He holds it up. “You think you’re ready for a ride?”

Carson eats half his supper, then dozes for a while, only to wake up an hour later. He gets up and starts to pace the small room. No windows…no light from anywhere outside…he was beginning to feel almost claustrophobic. Running a hand through his air, it shakes just a little. There was only one thing he wanted right now, and he couldn’t have it. Quitting smoking cold turkey hadn’t exactly been on his agenda.

I want to get out

*Jamie gives a slight nod to Con.*

"Ya I know I hate it too. But i guess we have to sometimes even though it bites."

*Jamie studys Con for a long while.*

"What are you going to do Con? Since your life is changing. Whatever it is I'll saport you 100%. As long as there was be room for me."

*Not much talking takes place but Jamie enjoyed Con's company non the less. She likes having him near. She felt safe, and new everything would be ok when he was around. After alittle Jamie's mind goes back to when she was to return him. Worry filled her. She had never been scaired to go home before till now. Looking down at her hands she speaks the smiles leaving her face as the worry sets in.*

"Con...When I go home. I know this is a big request, but do you think maybe you can stay a day or to with me? You dont have to...I just...think it would be nice to have someone around."

*Katie cant help but laugh as Jason and Kyle scoble. It was always funny to watch them.*

"You guys relize you sound like two chicken in a barn clucking right."

*Katie shakes her head at the site, her eyes dancing with laughter.*

"You always come in, make a comtion and than go running out Kyle. Whats up with that I am gonna start thinking I smell or something."

*Katie smiles and gives him a short wave as he leaves. As Jason informs her that he has the night off Katie squeels and claps the excitment showing on her face.*

"YAY...I get you all to myself tonight and sounds like your asking me on another date. Yes I'd love pizza but I'd like to get out for this date and come with you. I need to exersise my legs anyways. If you dont mind walking slow."

*Katie nods to her cane and smiles.*

*Nate makes his way back to TJY Coffee in hand. He new Reese probley dident need him right now but he wanted to be around anyways incase anything went down with Carson. Not to mention he wanted to watch over Ed too. Con was at the Hospetal with Jamie so he new his mind was alse where. As Nate makes his way to his Desk Ed lifts his head and sticks his toung out. Nate lets out a laugh.*

"Ya dont say."

*Nate drops a dead mouse into Ed.*

"Bet your hungry. Sorry you have to say here in this box, but mommy isent home yet and my sister Maggie would kille me if I was to bring you home. So this is where you will stay for now little guy."

*Nate flicks on the small tv haning on the wall by his desk. The camra that was in Carson's cell was also connected there.*


Con grimaces a little after the doctor has left the room. "I hate lying...but what else are we supposed to do?" He sighs deeply. "I don't think I can keep up with this anymore."

He pauses, but tries not to be dismal, for Jamie's sake. "Glad you'll be out of here in a couple days though. Your parents will be glad to know that too. I'm sure your mom has been beside herself."

Con leans back in his chair, in no hurry to leave this evening. TJY could wait...he didn't want to think about work...he didn't want to work on any cases...he just wanted to sit...and be with Jamie.

Kyle grins at Katie. "Oh yeah, it's been absolutely forever since you've seen my handsome face." He makes his way to the other side of the room, tossing Jason's phone into his bag, then aiming for the extra bed. He puts his hands on his hips and places a foot on the mattress to shake it. "You gonna be sociable or what?"

Without even looking, Jason's arm shoots out from under his pillow, grabs Kyle's ankle and twists it just right to throw him off balance.

Before he can react, Kyle is on the floor. He lets out a pitiful groan. "Aw, man...will someone please remind me the next time I approach him that he's trained to fend off people like me?"

Jason finally props himself up on his elbows, opening his eyes to squint sleepily in the light. He stares down at Kyle, a grin starting to form. "You ought to know better than to wake a sleeping guard dog."

"You're telling me." Kyle rubs the back of his head, managing to get back on his feet. "This is what I get for being nice and bringing your phone back for you?" He looks down at Katie. "He's a mean sucker, I tell ya."

"I coulda been a lot meaner."

"I have no doubt." Kyle rolls his eyes. "You look like you've been through the wringer."

Jason sits up and yawns before shrugging. "Just your norm. Having a friend kidnapped and tortured, going in for a rescue, winding up with three people dead, and all that on about three hour's worth of sleep. How's that?"

Kyle's eyes widen. He would have laughed, had he not realized that Jason was being serious. "Okay, so I have great timing too, don't I?"

"Don't worry about it. Thanks for bringing my phone back."

"No problem. I gotta scoot - gotta be down at work to close up tonight. But the guys and I wanted to know if you'd be up for practice tomorrow night. We want to get a lineup for the songs we're doing for the fundraiser and figure out exactly what we're doing."

Jason nods. "I hope so. Once things calm down at TJY, we should be okay."

"Great. We're gonna meet at Mikes at seven o'clock." Kyle starts for the door, tossing Katie another smile and wave. "Wish I could stay and chat, but I gotta run." He thumbs towards Jason. "And keep this rogue under control, will ya?"

Jason shakes his head after Kyle leaves, not being able to help a short laugh. He starts to say something, but his phone rings, interrupting. After a short conversation, he ends the call. "Well...Reese told me to take the evening off. Carson is in the secure cell and we're laying low for a couple days. So..." He glances up at the clock. "I could run to Mom and Pop's and bring back a pizza if you're game."

Carson sits up on the narrow cot in the dim room. It was small...stark...but nothing like the damp basement he'd been in recently. TJY was an intriguing place. He'd thought something like it existed, but hadn't imagined the extent. They really did have a handle on a lot more things than just the Agency. It was extremely interesting.

He looks up as he hears the lock on the door and Rick enters with a tray of food. "Here's your supper. You probably won't have any more company 'til the morning. Reese is calling Jason to tell him to take the night off until this whole thing blows over. Just change that bandage like I told you to in a few hours, and you should be fine." Rick looks at him, not knowing if he should feel sorry for him or not. "There's an intercom button there if there's an emergency, but don't expect anyone to come running too quick."

Carson doesn't react much, not surprised. "If I die in the night, I've got what I deserved."

Rick studies him for a moment, then turns to leave, locking the door securely behind him. Reese had a camera in his office - if Carson made any strange moves, they'd know.

A little Lie

*As Jason drifts to sleep Katie watches him. She hadent thought about what it would be like when she left the hospetil. She wouldent be spending much time with Jason or seeing him that much anymore. He was always welcomed at Laura's but would he really come. Could the look she saw in Jason's eye change after they dont see much of eachother. Katie could only hope it wouldent and that he would still come around alot. Jason had open again opened up those feeling inside Katie, and she was having a hard time seeing him as just a friend even though she tryed. Finally removing her gaze from Jason Katie leans her head back and fall asleep to her own dreams.*

*Jamie smiles as Con had returned.*

"I'm doing the best I can be I guess. Still sore but I guess thats a givin that I will be for a while. How are you feeling?"

* A soft knock can be hurd on the door as Jamie turns her attachen to see Dr.Tailbit standing in the doorway looking at a chart.*

"Jamie, its good to see you awake."

*Going over to Jamie he checks her vitals, changes the bandage on her face.*

"Everything looks good."

*Dr. Tailbit turns to leave but stops turning back to Con and Jamie.*

"I wouldent sapose eather of you would like to tell me whats going on would you? I am awfle worryed as to why someone would lie to me when there friend just got really hurt."

*Shocked Jamie looks to Con than back to the Dr.. Not sur what to say. Looking down at her hands Jamie gives out a sigh.*

"I would like to tell you Dr. Tailbit. You should know whats going on. You see...I started hanging out with some people I thought were my friends but I was wrong, as you can see. This guy here and the others you talked to out in the waiting room tryed to tell me there were no good but I dident listen. Well the people that hurt me, they were part of a cult I guess you could say and I was there lamb. When i dident come home my friends new something was wrong and came to get me. The other people are long gone by now."

*Dr.Tailbit looks at Jamie a bit saprised by what was said.*

"Well I guess that explins everything. There are still holes but...for now this is fine."

*Dr. Tailbit scans Jamies face for a long moment and than Con's finally turning and leaves the room.*

*Jamie leans her head aganst the pillow and turns to Con.*

"Hoping that will stop him from asking anymore questions."

*As Kyle bursts into the room Katie cant help but let out a shreek and a laugh.*

"I'm fine but I think Jason might kill you now Kyle. How are you? It feels like AGES since I have seen you all!"

Wake up

Jason chuckles at the remark about food. "Yeah, well, you'll be getting out of here soon enough." He tosses Katie a wink. "I'm gonna miss hanging out up here. I'm not gonna know what to do, going to stay at Con's and having a real bed to sleep in."

After finishing eating, Jason is so drowsy that he decides it would be best to catch a nap before going back to work. Not even bothering to take his boots off, he flops down on his stomach on the spare bed, tucking his arms up under the pillow and falling asleep almost immediately.

Con makes his way back down the hospital hall. He's cleaned up and a little more alert after an hour's worth of sleep, though the weariness behind his eyes is still evident. Despite tiredness, he pastes a pleasant look on his face and slips into Jamie's room. Seeing her awake, he smiles. "Hey, you." He sinks down in the chair. "How ya doing?"

"Hey, wake up, ya lazy bum!" Kyle bursts into Katie's room, eying Jason's sleeping form. "It's suppertime, not bedtime!"

Jason groans and buries his head further into his pillow.

Kyle grins and holds up Jason's cell phone. "Since you never showed up at Mike's for this, I figured I'd stop on by." He gives Katie a small wave. "And how's the pretty lady doing today?"


*As Jason eyes look deep into hers Katie's heart starts to race. Yes he could do that with just a look.Katie feels as though everythng on her mind could be layed infront of Jason without a problem saying any of it like in the past. Katie blushes again she starts to reply.*


*Only to be cut off midsentince by Laura. Taking her eyes from Jason's Katie looks up twords the door and smiles.*

"Hey Laura. Its ok, you got more important things to do with Con."

*Katie gives alittle wave as Laura leaves. Turning back to Jason and the food.*

"Oh goodness I'd love one. I am so tired of hospetal food its not funny."

*Katie takes the sandwiche and beams a small glint in her eyes.*

"Thank you."

*A few hours later Jamie wakes and looks around the room forgeting where she was for a moment. It was quiet and dim in the room. As Jamie is alone her mind reels. After the avents that have happens much had changed inside of her. Jamie felt stronger yet scaired still. Going back home was going to be hard. As Jamies mind wanders the quietness a loud bang is hurd in the hall way sending Jamie flying up in bed her eyes wide and a hand to her chest. What was that? Relizing it was only a noice in the hall of a nurse droping a tray Jamie relaxes slittle buts heart is still racing.*


Jason's grin widens at Katie's embarrassment. For the first time, he felt none, only a relaxed amusement, despite the feelings that Katie's touch had stirred up.

"Don't tease," he warns. "I might just take you up on that." He rolls over to prop himself up on an elbow, still slung over her lap, but facing her upright now. He lets his piercing gaze land on her eyes, trying to see through her words to her heart. There were things there that weren't before... Since he'd gotten back from Texas, he'd seen something new in her...a happiness...a peace... it lured him in with an intense curiosity as to what it was.

Drawing back out of his intense stare, he studies her face, the same grin toying with his mouth. "What's going on inside that head of yours, Hero? Hmm?"

"Alright, you two."

Jason sits up quickly, looking to the door as Laura enters. "Ever heard of knocking?"

"No." Laura grins. "It's more fun to scare you." She holds up a brown paper sack. "It's two in the afternoon and I'd be willing to bet you haven't had anything to eat, so I brought some sandwiches and fruit juice."

Jason finally stands up to accept the food. "Well, you're right, so I'm not going to refuse. Thanks."

"No problem." Laura cocks her head to see around him and wave at Katie. "Hey. Hate to run, but I want to see Con then I'm needed back a the office. "I'll see you again soon."

With Laura leaving again, Jason flops down in the chair and finds several sandwiches in the bag. He holds one up to Katie. "Got extra. Want one?"

Con chuckles just a little. "I'll be fine, now that I know you're alright. No need to bother your mother - she's got enough to worry about the way it is."

He nods, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Of course I'll be back. You're not getting rid of me that easy."

As she drifts off to sleep, he watches her for several more minutes before finally getting to his feet and turning to exit the room. His eyebrows raise at seeing Laura, but he doesn't greet her until they're both in the hall, so as not to wake Jamie back up. "Hi."

"Don't 'hi' me," Laura chides. "Come here." She holds out her arms to receive the always-comforting bear hug. "You okay?"

Con pulls away, never able to lie to his sister, but not really wanting to open himself up right now. "Yeah...I will be."

"Good." Laura holds up her second sack. "Go find somewhere to sit down and get something in your stomach, then you're going home to bed."

Con rolls his eyes. "What is it with you and Jamie?"

"Apparently we care." Laura looks up at her brother, searching his eyes. "And from what I hear, you apparently care an awful lot about her too."

Con takes the sack from her, his eyes shifting past hers. "Yeah."

Laura smiles, knowing she shouldn't tease. "She couldn't have snagged anyone better." She reaches up to pat her brother's shoulder. "Take care of yourself. I'm heading to the office."

I wouldent mind

*As Katie receves Jason's words she relizes what she was doing her face turning 3 differnt shades of red. Drawing her hand back she laughs nervsly.*

"Sorry J...I dident even relize...I did mean to...I...ah forget it."

*As Katie's face is still read she smiles relaxing alittle.*

"If you dident move J, I wouldent mind at all."

*Kaite smiles down at Jason her eyes dancing. Though she was royaly embarssed she felt content and comfortable. It was such a good feeling. Katie hoped after she went back home to Laura's house Jason and her would still spend much time together. Though bein in the hospetal and having to learn how to walk again was hard the good that came from it was Jason being there. Even if they had there rough patches. Things seemed to be coming together, as Katie relized, you shouldent rush thing and force them to happen. Just let it take its own corse and what comes of it will. As Katie keeps her eyes on Jason her smile widens good memories fill her mind pushing the bad ones away leaving room for even more to come.*

*Jamie smiles the best she can and nods at Con. Taking in his kiss and savering it. As he pulls away Jamie searches his eyes and see the glint of exsausten.*

"The sooner I get better and out of here the better. You go home and get some sleep too ok, For me. You just got over being sick youself and need to keep your strangth up as well. Than when you wake up eat something. I think I'll talk to my mom and have her bring over something that way I KNOW you will eat it."

*Jamie throws Con a wink her eyes twinkling.*

"Will you be back later?"

*Jamie gently holds Con's hand, for a moment scaired to let it go. Con made her feel safe. She new he would never let anything happen to her. and now she new he would fight tooth and nail for her. That though braught a warm feeling to Jamie. After a few moment Jamie lets go so Con can go home and get some rest himself. Drozyness overtaking her finally chasing her into sleep herself.*