
I wouldent mind

*As Katie receves Jason's words she relizes what she was doing her face turning 3 differnt shades of red. Drawing her hand back she laughs nervsly.*

"Sorry J...I dident even relize...I did mean to...I...ah forget it."

*As Katie's face is still read she smiles relaxing alittle.*

"If you dident move J, I wouldent mind at all."

*Kaite smiles down at Jason her eyes dancing. Though she was royaly embarssed she felt content and comfortable. It was such a good feeling. Katie hoped after she went back home to Laura's house Jason and her would still spend much time together. Though bein in the hospetal and having to learn how to walk again was hard the good that came from it was Jason being there. Even if they had there rough patches. Things seemed to be coming together, as Katie relized, you shouldent rush thing and force them to happen. Just let it take its own corse and what comes of it will. As Katie keeps her eyes on Jason her smile widens good memories fill her mind pushing the bad ones away leaving room for even more to come.*

*Jamie smiles the best she can and nods at Con. Taking in his kiss and savering it. As he pulls away Jamie searches his eyes and see the glint of exsausten.*

"The sooner I get better and out of here the better. You go home and get some sleep too ok, For me. You just got over being sick youself and need to keep your strangth up as well. Than when you wake up eat something. I think I'll talk to my mom and have her bring over something that way I KNOW you will eat it."

*Jamie throws Con a wink her eyes twinkling.*

"Will you be back later?"

*Jamie gently holds Con's hand, for a moment scaired to let it go. Con made her feel safe. She new he would never let anything happen to her. and now she new he would fight tooth and nail for her. That though braught a warm feeling to Jamie. After a few moment Jamie lets go so Con can go home and get some rest himself. Drozyness overtaking her finally chasing her into sleep herself.*

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