

Con grimaces a little after the doctor has left the room. "I hate lying...but what else are we supposed to do?" He sighs deeply. "I don't think I can keep up with this anymore."

He pauses, but tries not to be dismal, for Jamie's sake. "Glad you'll be out of here in a couple days though. Your parents will be glad to know that too. I'm sure your mom has been beside herself."

Con leans back in his chair, in no hurry to leave this evening. TJY could wait...he didn't want to think about work...he didn't want to work on any cases...he just wanted to sit...and be with Jamie.

Kyle grins at Katie. "Oh yeah, it's been absolutely forever since you've seen my handsome face." He makes his way to the other side of the room, tossing Jason's phone into his bag, then aiming for the extra bed. He puts his hands on his hips and places a foot on the mattress to shake it. "You gonna be sociable or what?"

Without even looking, Jason's arm shoots out from under his pillow, grabs Kyle's ankle and twists it just right to throw him off balance.

Before he can react, Kyle is on the floor. He lets out a pitiful groan. "Aw, man...will someone please remind me the next time I approach him that he's trained to fend off people like me?"

Jason finally props himself up on his elbows, opening his eyes to squint sleepily in the light. He stares down at Kyle, a grin starting to form. "You ought to know better than to wake a sleeping guard dog."

"You're telling me." Kyle rubs the back of his head, managing to get back on his feet. "This is what I get for being nice and bringing your phone back for you?" He looks down at Katie. "He's a mean sucker, I tell ya."

"I coulda been a lot meaner."

"I have no doubt." Kyle rolls his eyes. "You look like you've been through the wringer."

Jason sits up and yawns before shrugging. "Just your norm. Having a friend kidnapped and tortured, going in for a rescue, winding up with three people dead, and all that on about three hour's worth of sleep. How's that?"

Kyle's eyes widen. He would have laughed, had he not realized that Jason was being serious. "Okay, so I have great timing too, don't I?"

"Don't worry about it. Thanks for bringing my phone back."

"No problem. I gotta scoot - gotta be down at work to close up tonight. But the guys and I wanted to know if you'd be up for practice tomorrow night. We want to get a lineup for the songs we're doing for the fundraiser and figure out exactly what we're doing."

Jason nods. "I hope so. Once things calm down at TJY, we should be okay."

"Great. We're gonna meet at Mikes at seven o'clock." Kyle starts for the door, tossing Katie another smile and wave. "Wish I could stay and chat, but I gotta run." He thumbs towards Jason. "And keep this rogue under control, will ya?"

Jason shakes his head after Kyle leaves, not being able to help a short laugh. He starts to say something, but his phone rings, interrupting. After a short conversation, he ends the call. "Well...Reese told me to take the evening off. Carson is in the secure cell and we're laying low for a couple days. So..." He glances up at the clock. "I could run to Mom and Pop's and bring back a pizza if you're game."

Carson sits up on the narrow cot in the dim room. It was small...stark...but nothing like the damp basement he'd been in recently. TJY was an intriguing place. He'd thought something like it existed, but hadn't imagined the extent. They really did have a handle on a lot more things than just the Agency. It was extremely interesting.

He looks up as he hears the lock on the door and Rick enters with a tray of food. "Here's your supper. You probably won't have any more company 'til the morning. Reese is calling Jason to tell him to take the night off until this whole thing blows over. Just change that bandage like I told you to in a few hours, and you should be fine." Rick looks at him, not knowing if he should feel sorry for him or not. "There's an intercom button there if there's an emergency, but don't expect anyone to come running too quick."

Carson doesn't react much, not surprised. "If I die in the night, I've got what I deserved."

Rick studies him for a moment, then turns to leave, locking the door securely behind him. Reese had a camera in his office - if Carson made any strange moves, they'd know.

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