
God Sent

*For a moment Misty loses all reality. Embraced in Carson's arm Katie enjoys the kiss. The sweetness of Carson lips made her heart race. As Rick enter the office and makes his way to them Misty gets out of the way stuned for a moment at what again is going on again today. As Rick hits Carson over and over again Misty cant help but cring.*

"Rick...no wait...please..."

*It was no use Rick wasent listing. As Carson is pushed out the door Misty goes over to her desk and puts her head in her hands. What had she done. Carson was innocent. She was as much to blame as he was.What a heck of a first day.*

*As Nate sits at his desk looking throw some files he hears Rick yell for him. Jumping to his feel he see Rick with Nate. With in minutes Nate is to Carson and Rick grabing Carson's other arm and pulling it behind his back.*

"Whats going on Rick? What happend?"

*Jamie smiles alittle as Con sits down. She new what Con said was true. She felt the comfort in his words and the wormth of his smile.*

"THank you Con, your more comfort to me than you will ever know. And even though I know I dont need to I am anyways. Your such a God sent to me, you really are."

*Jamie lowers her head and takes a bit of her sandwitch.*

*Katie smiles at Jason and cant help but laugh.*

"Finding my phone would be a good thing. Maybe before sun down?"

*Katie throws Jason a wink.*

"Ok..I'll see you than, than. Be safe."

*Katie leans over and gives Jason alittle kiss before he leaves.*


Receiving Misty’s words, Carson holds no guilt for his actions, his eyes only showing cocky amusement for her feisty reaction. He half expects a slap to the face and stiffens to receive it, though he wouldn’t have done anything differently.

Instead though, he’s taken by surprise yet again as Misty draws him in for another kiss. He can’t help it that his pulse beats a little faster at her own impulsiveness, or that he’s lured in by the taste…by the scent of her sweet perfume. She felt small in his arms, but was full of energetic fire that appealed to his interest. His hands make their way to her back, keeping her in a tight hold, allowing her own action remain as long as she wills it to.

Rick makes his way back to his office, a bit of paperwork in hand. He pushes open the door to his office, still looking down. “Misty, would you…” As he looks up, his voice trails off.

Hearing Rick’s voice, Carson is immediately brought back to reality, separating himself from Misty, but it’s too late.

Rick’s eyes widen, and assumptions enter his mind before he can even think. Anger surges through his veins, as he sees the enemy holding Misty, kissing her, no less. Sure that Carson has pushed himself on the young woman, Rick wastes no time in getting to them both, grabbing Carson by the arm, and whipping him to the side, slamming him back-first into the countertop.

Not having had the gumption to brace himself or fight back, Carson winces as he hits the edge of the counter, but manages to stay on his feet. Looking at Rick’s angry face, he holds up a hand, “Look, I…”

He can’t finish as Rick’s knuckles are planted on his mouth. Rick withdraws his hand flexing it as the hit had stung more than anticipated.

Carson is twisted around with the impact, and leans both hands on the counter, blinking and trying to catch his breath.

Too upset to even let anyone talk, Rick grabs him by the back of the shirt and manhandles him towards the door. “See if I give you another chance,” he hisses. “You’re going back in that cell and staying there ‘til you rot for all I care!”

Carson stumbles forward, still unnerved enough not to retaliate, something in the back of his mind reminding him not to go up against this crowd. He felt no guilt, only stupidity for getting caught. He doesn’t have time to reflect on what just happened though.

Rick manages to get him out into the hall, with a quick knee to the lower back. “Nate!” he bellows. “Get down here now!”

Con shakes his head as he pours their drinks and checks on the soup again. “You have nothing to apologize for, Jamie, and I don’t want you to ever think an of this is your fault.”

He takes the plate of sandwiches to the table, then returns with the drinks before going to finish the soup. “It won’t last forever…I know you better than that…you’re too strong to let this keep you down.” Con’s eyes study the tomato soup for a moment, his mind drifting again. What did the future hold?

Sighing, he turns off the stove and finds a couple bowls, spooning out a portion for Jamie and himself, then makes it to the table again to sit down across from her. He reaches over to take her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Everything will be fine…I promise.”

Laura gives a little sigh as she watches Nate walk away. After this morning, she certainly didn’t deserve such offers from him. He was being so sweet. It felt nice…just to know someone cared. She knew everyone there cared about her, but Nate was letting his actions follow through with that care, and Laura couldn’t help but notice.

Jason can’t help his laugh. “Liked the ride that much, huh?” He gives her a sly grin. “We’ll probably stay on our designated route this time, but we really should go look for that phone of yours sometime…” He throws her a wink, polishing off his final piece of pizza.

“Well…” He stands up to stretch and yawn, but stops suddenly, wincing at the pain in his face. “Ooh, that smarts.” He grimaces. “I do need to get back to work though. I’ll try to make it back around supper time before taking off for Mike’s. If any of the guys call, tell them we’ll be coming.”

A Slap

*As Con holds Jamie she starts to calm down feeling a bit foolish. Siting in the chair she watches Con clean up her mess. Leting out a long sigh she whipes her tears away with the back of her hand.*

"I'll have some iced tea please."

*Jamie is silent for a momenet as her mind races. When would this be over.*

"I'm sory Con. I guess...I guess my nerves are still shot. I I hope this goes away soon. I cant live like this."

*As Carson pulls Misty aganst him she is a bit saprised not given enough time to react before receaving his kiss. Placing both hands on his cest Misty push before Carson back his head away from her. The firey spark is still in Misty's eyes but not of anger. In a bit of a shaky yet strong voice Misty reply.*

"Don't EVER kiss me again unless I tell you to do you understand me?"

*As Misty looks into Carson's eyes she can see something, something that makes her blood race. when she was in school in england she had a handfull of boyfriends here and there but they were all prim and proper, and boring. Non of them ever liked Misty's sassyness and for that fact they never lasted long. Than a few other found out about her past and ran for the hills. Maybe Carson was differnt, but Misty hardly new anything about him why did she feel this way. Reaching her hands up she places the one on the side of Carson's face and the other one on the back of his head pulling his face with alittle bit of rough nature to hers again planting a kiss on his lips that lingers.*

*Katie giggles at Jason. A smile on her face, a smile in her eyes, a song in her heart.*

"I'd love to go with you tonight J. Corse I would say yes to anything if that ment I could ride with you on your bike again."

*Katie smile widens as her eye dance. Jason was amazing in Katies eyes and she had never been happyer. Life was finnaly turning out right.*

*Nate smiles at Laura.*

"Dont worry I can give ya a ride home or where ever you need."

*Nate winks at Laura again and turns heading back to his desk. Seeing Ed he relizes he forgot to give him back to Jamie. Oh well he guessed he would have to return him to her later after work. Maybe thta would make a good excuse to take Laura home. Nate shakes the idea from his head. What was he thinking trying to trick Laura into going home with him. Nate rolls his eyes at himself and trying to get his papers organised.*


As Con comes to the kitchen doorway, he sees Jamie on the floor, cleaning up the mess, hearing her voice shaking. He’d heard the noise outside, but hadn’t thought a thing of it, and now realized what had happened.

Without saying anything, he goes to Jamie, leaning down to pull her up off the floor. He takes the paper towels from her hand, and pulls her in close, holding her head against his chest and rocking her. His heart had never hurt like this before…seeing Jamie crying was like a kick to the gut, and he only wished he could make her pain go away.

Con guides Jamie to the kitchen table and sets her down in the chair, taking upon himself the task of cleaning up the floor. He gets down on all fours with several more paper towels, making sure he cleans up the mess entirely before turning his attention to the sandwiches that were now done. He finds a plate for them, and also finds another can of soup and starts to heat it up to replace that which had spilled.

Not mentioning the incident, Con opens the fridge. “Want water or iced tea?”

Carson holds is tongue as Misty talks to him, her continued boldness and spunk hitting him as enjoyable, despite her words that challenged him. Maybe it was the challenge that he liked. At the Agency, he was just another thug…no one had ever cared what he said or thought. He just did his job and shut up when told. He had been good at his job, but it had meant little.

Misty telling him to snap out of it and change if he wanted to, struck a strange chord in his heart…one that hadn’t been struck for a very long time. He had to admire her – not many people would dare to talk to him like that, let alone succeed in driving their point home. Carson had had other women in his life, as anyone he knew would testify, but Misty was different. She was an attractive woman, her beauty not only in her looks, but in her intellect.

Carson’s eyes search her own, looking for her motives…seeing that fiery spark that drove the daring words from her mouth.

As Misty walks by, Carson takes his hands from his pockets, reaching out with one arm to grab her around her slim waist, easily enveloping her. Pulling her just a little bit roughly against himself to face him, he looks down at her, getting a closer look at those eyes. His face is rugged without having shaven, his clothes worn from the day before, his voice deep and mellow. “Where I come from, a sheila like you isn’t allowed to just walk away after talking to a man like that – there are consequences, you know.”

Carson’s arm holds her in a strong grip, his other hand reaching up to hold her chin as he leans in to force an impulsive kiss on her lips. He intentionally prolongs the short moment to satisfy his lack of caution before drawing his face away. Misty still within his grasp, his eyes narrow slightly as he studies her face, searching for her reaction.

Jason laughs good-naturedly, cleaning himself up the best he can. “A shopping spree it is then.” He goes on eating, then a thought strikes him. “Oh hey, I’m supposed to go practice with the band tonight over at Mike’s to get ready for that fundraiser. You want to come along?”

Laura tips her head a little, just a bit confused by Nate’s change in plans. She’d thought he was implying they got to Carson now. Maybe she’d misunderstood. “Oh, um… I guess…yeah, that would be alright. That’s not too late, if…well..” Her face reddens slightly. “By then, Wyatt will have gone home, Con’s over at Jamie’s, and Jason’s only got his bike, and…well I need to…Well see I’ve got…” She swallows hard, not wanting to bother Nate any more. He’d already been so kind. She’d find someway to get to her own place to gather her things, then go to Jamie’s. “Nevermind. Yes, just come get me when you’re ready.”

30 or 40 years

*Jamie stands at the kitchen stove fliping the grilled cheese and grabs a can of tomato soup out of the cabnit.*

"Sounds good. I'm just making us some cheese sandwitches and some soup. Should be done soon."

*As Jamie starts to pour the soup into the pan a loud crashing noise sounds outside causing her to jump into the air her arm puming the tha pan and spilling soup all over the place. Finally catching her breath Jamie looks down on the floor at the mess.*

"You have got to be kidding me."

*Grabing some paper towls Jamie sinks to the floor trying to controll her tears knowing Con is near and not wanting to upset him yet a few slip though as she voice shakes.*

"I've....I've got popcorn we can eat and play games or some...something."

*Misty listens to Carson and stands walks over to a cabnet and looking at some items than turns around.*

"Somebody like you, thats strange you dont look to be dieing, like your running out of time. You look like your strong, with lots of will power. I say you got a good 30 or 40 years left in you and that certinly will give you enough time to turn around and make a future for youself. You relize quite a few people here have had a past like yours. Blood on there hands, yet they are here. You have more in common with these people than you think. So snap out of it and if you want to change, change, dont just stand there and wallow in self pitty cuz thats what your doing. Let someone help you, help youself. and trust those around you now."

*Misty eyes search Carson face her sassyness showing in her eyes. Finally Misty looks away and walks past Carson to go to her desk.*

*Katie cant help but laugh at Jason.*

"You poor thing. We are gonna have to take a trip the walmart or something when I get out and so some shopping. I could go for a shopping spree myself. Have to get some stuff to fix up the new room Laura has for me anyways. Its bigger than my last room."

*Kaite smiles as she bites into her pizza. Pulling it away as the cheese strings out with her.*

*Nate searches Laura's face for a long moment. Something was wrong again and she was in no shape to go in with him. In case Carson did try anything Laura was in no shape. Nate rethinks what to do for a moment before speeking.*

"Ok, I was gonna do it now but I need to get some stuff together first. Haw about around 4 or 5 we can? Thats not to late for you is it?"

*Nate smiles at Laura leting his concern show though. He worryed for her. He dident know why but the new feeling of worry was there.*

No future

Con grins a little. Though realizing feelings for Jamie, it was still new, and slight sheepishness passes a moment through his eyes for his impulsiveness.

“Okay…don’t make much for me though, I’m not that hungry at the moment.” He knows that even after all the turmoil lately, that statement coming from him was a surprise. His appetite generally matched his body size. But for the last week or so, he really hadn’t been that hungry.

Con slides out of the car, going around to open Jamie’s door, then accompanying her inside. He’s glad to see that the crew from TJY has already been there, cleaning up the mess. If it weren’t for stacks of paper on the desk that hadn’t been put away, one would never guess the chaos that had happened there.

Con automatically gives the house a quick search, assured that it is only he and Jamie. “Well, I’m gonna give Laura a call and see about her coming over. I still never got a chance to talk to her.” He goes for his cell phone and waits for an answer, slowly pacing the living room floor. “Hey, Laura…no, I took off early…yeah, don’t ask.” Con would just rather not explain to his sister why he’d left TJY early. “Look, I’m over at Jamie’s with her.” Not wanting to make Jamie feel bad for not wanting to be alone, he reroutes his reasoning for Laura coming. “I’m not so hot on the idea of her being over here by herself yet. I doubt those goons will be back – they usually don’t strike twice, but I’d just as soon have somebody keeping an eye on things. I’m planning to bunk down here a couple days, and wondered if you’d be willing to as well.” He lowers his eyes to the floor as he talks, glad for Laura’s understanding. “Alright, that sounds great. Yeah, once you get here after work, I’ll take off for my place to grab a few things, then we’ll go from there. No…it wasn’t Reese’s suggestion…just mine. …Okay. See you later then. Bye.”

He hooks his phone back onto his belt and goes to find Jamie. “Laura will be over tonight, so we’re all set.”

Carson cocks his head a little at Misty. “You’re pretty bold for a petite little thing, aren’t you?” He shakes his head. “You tell me what I’m going to do…what choices does someone like me have? What chance do I have at a life other than the only one I know?”

He stands up, tucking his hands into his jeans back pockets. “I gave myself up as a prisoner to this side so I wouldn’t die. I can’t go back to where I came from because they’d tag me a traitor and give me a bullet to the head. I can’t join this side…once I give them what I know about the Agency, I’ll no longer be of use to them. Though I don’t think anyone here would kill me off, I could see them keeping me here until the war is over, and no one would trust me enough to let me help more than giving out information.”

Carson works the muscles in his jaw, not having felt this vulnerable in a long time. “I won’t lie – I’m out to save my own butt here. I’m willing to be a traitor to the Agency so that I don’t suffer a worse fate – though I do have a personal grudge against them, which makes turning on them a little easier. But in the end…I’m just looking for the easy way out, and there’s no future for somebody like me.”

Jason throws Katie a wry grin at her promise, knowing good and well that if the same circumstances came up again, she’d break it without a second thought. But he couldn’t be upset...he could only enjoy her spunk.

He quirks an eyebrow at her reference to him being sweet. It hit him as strange. He’d been called a lot of things, but never sweet. Was he really that different around Katie?

Letting that thought go, he aims for the phone. “Alright. Let’s get that pizza before I starve.”

It doesn’t seem to take much time at all before Jason and Katie are able to have their pizza. Jason takes a first bite of a slice, only to have sauce squirt out from under the cheese and promptly land on the front of his shirt. “Aw, man.” Jason rolls his eyes at himself and grabs a napkin. “Ya’d think I could at least handle eating a piece of pizza without making a mess of that too.” He throws Katie a silly grin. “I better extend my wardrobe if I’m gonna keep staining my shirts. I still haven’t gotten everything replaced since the fire.”

Laura hangs up the phone with Con, a little confused about his unwillingness to say why he’d left work early. She was more than happy to help out with Jamie though. She knew that Con didn’t really need her there, but understood his reasoning, and respected him for it. At least there seemed to be one part of his world that was making him happy right now.

She looks up, seeing Hal walk by. “Hey, Hal?”

“Yeah?” He spins around, stopping his route to Reese’s office.

“Did you see Con this morning?”

Hal’s eyebrows raise. “Who didn’t?”

Laura is confused. “What?”

“You weren’t here?”

“For what?” Laura shakes her head. “What happened?”

Hal hesitates for just a moment. “He and Jason got in a bit of a row. I guess Con found out Carson was here and lost it.”

“Lost it?” Laura was becoming concerned.

“Yeah. He was out for blood, lemme tell you. I’ve never seen him that hot. Probably scared Carson half to death, but Jason managed to get in the way, and Con ended up taking things out on him instead. Probably a good thing, otherwise we might have had the last batch of that Agency gang to burry.”

Laura’s face pales. “Is Jason okay?”

Hal nods. “He got it pretty good, but he was alright. Reese gave him the rest of the morning off though, so things could cool off. Your brother took off with Jamie after that too.”

“And Carson?”

“My guess is that he’s feeling pretty lucky, and if not, he should.” Hal shrugs. “Sorry you missed the excitement.”

“Yeah…” Laura gives a little nod, but isn’t amused. As Hal walks away, she glances to her desk where there’s a picture of her and Con years before. “Oh, Con,” she whispers. “Where have you gone?”

Despite Nate’s knock, Laura still jumps, looking up in surprise. It takes her just a moment to grasp what he’s saying, as she tries to pull her mind out of the previous subject and back to work. “Um…yeah, okay. Sure. Just um…” She looks around her cubicle, feeling as though she’s forgotten something. “Yeah.” She gets to her feet, hoping all her ducks are in a row. She hated pulling information out of other people like this, but apparently no one else was around – that was the only reason she ever got chosen to help out in these kinds of situations. “Lead the way, I guess.”

What would I do?

*As Con's lips press aganst Jamie's, she can feel the love and passtion that was here the other night. As Jamie returns the kiss she can feel her cheeks geting red but she dosent care. Jamies hands make there way to Con's back wraping him in her arms lingering on the kiss for a while longer. Finally drawing away Jamie's eyes are filled with love as she fazes at Con a smile on her lips as big as she could manage at the moment.*

"Lets head inside, my tummy is gonna eat itself if I dont get something in it. I'll make us some lunch."

*Misty looks up from her desk at Carson squinting her eyes together just alittle.*

"If I dident want to know your story I wouldent have asked now would I?"

*For a moment Misty is silent thinking. This person in front of her Carson. She new he wasent a good guys. Someone on there side, or for now he wasent anyways, but something wanted Misty to get to know him more, better. It was like somewhere there was a softside to Carson and Misty could tell it was there*

"Australia huh? I new you had an accent I just couldent put my finger on it you dident talk enough for me to har it to good. As for the rest of your life, I know bits and peaces. I just dont know everything. No matter I guess its really not that important. So after they let you go from here are you going to go back to that life?"

*Katie cant help but laugh and smile at Jason's comment. He dident have to say but she new he wasent please with what she did.*

"Ok eating in sounds good to me. Oh and Jason I promise untill I am 100% I wont try and have anymore unsupervised "Outings."

*Katie laughs again and shakes her head. This was Jason's soft side that not many people got to see. Kaite got so much joy out of knowing he did open up to her and showed her that side. She promised herself she would never hurt him.*

"What would I do without you to keep me inline Jason.Your such a sweer guy."

*Nate nods at Reese yet a bit of saprise shows in his face as he mentions Laura. Nate dident dare question him though Reese new what he was doing and Nate would have to trust him.*

"You got it boss. I'll see what I can get out of him."

*Nate exits Reese office and heads back over to Laura's cubicle and gives it alittle knock so he dosent scair her.*

"Hey there Doll, Reese has me working on the case with Carson. Asking him questions and what not. Reese said he wanted you to to come with me to see whats up so I'm not alone. So if your cool with it we can head over to Ricks and get him."

*Nate searches Laura's face to make sure its ok with her before he asumes she will come with him.*

Wouldn't want to disappoint...

Con can’t help the unexplainable feeling of bliss as Jamie’s hand touches his face. What he’d never noticed before, now was something he didn’t want to live without. And if he only had Jamie’s words to go on, he knew that he wouldn’t have to live without it. Her words were true…the love remained.

Jamie’s mention of Jason provides a little bit of hope that Con hadn’t ruined anything between himself and his friend…but there was still a little bit of doubt. Sure, Jason had slugged him before…the two of them had had it out with each other more than once. This time though…Con knew good and well that he’d been out for blood, and it scared him to realize he’d taken that out on Jason. He wasn’t convinced Jason would have done quite the same for Katie.

Con considered Jamie’s suggestion for getting away. “I don’t know…I don’t know where I’d go anyway. I just feel like everything is slipping from my grasp…I’ve even gone sour on TJY. I’m just sick of the system…Reese probably wouldn’t want me back after today anyway.”

He lets the topic slide, finally able to quirk a small smile at Jamie’s reference to her mother. “Well…we wouldn’t want to disappoint her, would we?” Hesitating just a moment, Con can feel just a little bit of heat creeping up the back of his neck. Slowly, he leans over to press his lips to Jamie’s, letting this morning’s events fade away, if only for a moment. His hand makes its way to her head to run through her soft hair, feeling as though he did the night Jamie had kissed him for the first time.

Carson listens with surprising interest to Misty, though he’s still unsure of why he cares…he’s the enemy…or was…or still is…or… he doesn’t even know anymore. He’s taken off guard by Misty’s own question, not having though anyone would want to know about him. He’d always experienced assumptions based on his appearance or attitude. No one had ever cared about his story before… Misty’s question was a simple one, but for some reason, he guessed it to be sincere.

“You don’t want to know my story.” He shakes his head. “Up until about eight years ago, I was in Australia with a life too boring to talk about. And after that…” He again shakes his head. “It’s better you don’t know.”

Jason forces a bit of a laugh, not being able to imagine a physical fight with Katie. He sighs deeply as she talks, finally nodding. “Yeah, I guess maybe you’re right….maybe it was the look in his eye that got me though…it was different…cold…like he didn’t care that it was me he was beating on.” He lifts his hand to touch his bruised face again. “Oh well…if anyone can calm him down, I suppose Jamie can.” He shakes his head. “Those two were a bit of a surprise to me, I must admit.”

Sighing, he decides to move past this subject for now, letting the topic of lunch take over so he doesn’t have to think about it anymore…not now…not when he was still confused.

A grin makes its way to the surface. “Pizza it is. And since you’ve apparently been on an outing already today, might I suggest calling it in, and having it delivered?”

Laura watches Nate walk away, and grins. This was about the most she’d interacted with him since he’d come to TJY, even though he’d been there a year.
Making her way back to her cubicle, she sits down, finally feeling as though she could move on with her day. Seeing Nate’s stickynote again, she chuckles to herself.

“Yeah come in,” Reese calls. Seeing Nate, he raises his eyebrows. “I was just going to call for you. “I need someone to go talk to Carson…see what he knows…see if we can tell whether he’s telling the truth or not…that kind of thing. I was going to have Jason and Wyatt do it, but I sent Jason home, and now Wyatt had to leave to show up at a trial before someone got put in prison for a crime they didn’t commit.” He pauses in thought. “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like you to talk to him. And have someone else with you…maybe Laura. This sounds terrible, but I’d like you to see how he reacts around her. If anything would give away ill intentions, that would be it.”