
A Slap

*As Con holds Jamie she starts to calm down feeling a bit foolish. Siting in the chair she watches Con clean up her mess. Leting out a long sigh she whipes her tears away with the back of her hand.*

"I'll have some iced tea please."

*Jamie is silent for a momenet as her mind races. When would this be over.*

"I'm sory Con. I guess...I guess my nerves are still shot. I I hope this goes away soon. I cant live like this."

*As Carson pulls Misty aganst him she is a bit saprised not given enough time to react before receaving his kiss. Placing both hands on his cest Misty push before Carson back his head away from her. The firey spark is still in Misty's eyes but not of anger. In a bit of a shaky yet strong voice Misty reply.*

"Don't EVER kiss me again unless I tell you to do you understand me?"

*As Misty looks into Carson's eyes she can see something, something that makes her blood race. when she was in school in england she had a handfull of boyfriends here and there but they were all prim and proper, and boring. Non of them ever liked Misty's sassyness and for that fact they never lasted long. Than a few other found out about her past and ran for the hills. Maybe Carson was differnt, but Misty hardly new anything about him why did she feel this way. Reaching her hands up she places the one on the side of Carson's face and the other one on the back of his head pulling his face with alittle bit of rough nature to hers again planting a kiss on his lips that lingers.*

*Katie giggles at Jason. A smile on her face, a smile in her eyes, a song in her heart.*

"I'd love to go with you tonight J. Corse I would say yes to anything if that ment I could ride with you on your bike again."

*Katie smile widens as her eye dance. Jason was amazing in Katies eyes and she had never been happyer. Life was finnaly turning out right.*

*Nate smiles at Laura.*

"Dont worry I can give ya a ride home or where ever you need."

*Nate winks at Laura again and turns heading back to his desk. Seeing Ed he relizes he forgot to give him back to Jamie. Oh well he guessed he would have to return him to her later after work. Maybe thta would make a good excuse to take Laura home. Nate shakes the idea from his head. What was he thinking trying to trick Laura into going home with him. Nate rolls his eyes at himself and trying to get his papers organised.*

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