
What would I do?

*As Con's lips press aganst Jamie's, she can feel the love and passtion that was here the other night. As Jamie returns the kiss she can feel her cheeks geting red but she dosent care. Jamies hands make there way to Con's back wraping him in her arms lingering on the kiss for a while longer. Finally drawing away Jamie's eyes are filled with love as she fazes at Con a smile on her lips as big as she could manage at the moment.*

"Lets head inside, my tummy is gonna eat itself if I dont get something in it. I'll make us some lunch."

*Misty looks up from her desk at Carson squinting her eyes together just alittle.*

"If I dident want to know your story I wouldent have asked now would I?"

*For a moment Misty is silent thinking. This person in front of her Carson. She new he wasent a good guys. Someone on there side, or for now he wasent anyways, but something wanted Misty to get to know him more, better. It was like somewhere there was a softside to Carson and Misty could tell it was there*

"Australia huh? I new you had an accent I just couldent put my finger on it you dident talk enough for me to har it to good. As for the rest of your life, I know bits and peaces. I just dont know everything. No matter I guess its really not that important. So after they let you go from here are you going to go back to that life?"

*Katie cant help but laugh and smile at Jason's comment. He dident have to say but she new he wasent please with what she did.*

"Ok eating in sounds good to me. Oh and Jason I promise untill I am 100% I wont try and have anymore unsupervised "Outings."

*Katie laughs again and shakes her head. This was Jason's soft side that not many people got to see. Kaite got so much joy out of knowing he did open up to her and showed her that side. She promised herself she would never hurt him.*

"What would I do without you to keep me inline Jason.Your such a sweer guy."

*Nate nods at Reese yet a bit of saprise shows in his face as he mentions Laura. Nate dident dare question him though Reese new what he was doing and Nate would have to trust him.*

"You got it boss. I'll see what I can get out of him."

*Nate exits Reese office and heads back over to Laura's cubicle and gives it alittle knock so he dosent scair her.*

"Hey there Doll, Reese has me working on the case with Carson. Asking him questions and what not. Reese said he wanted you to to come with me to see whats up so I'm not alone. So if your cool with it we can head over to Ricks and get him."

*Nate searches Laura's face to make sure its ok with her before he asumes she will come with him.*

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