

Axel grins wryly as he slides into the passenger side. "So it's the knight in distress and the damsel in shining armor. Sounds like quite the twisted fairytale."

The ride back to Jess' is a quiet one, but peaceful, despite the scene at the restaurant. Axel's mind was full of choices and decisions, unsure of which path to take. But he had to take one. That much was certain.

Getting back into the parking lot, Axel gives his hand time to recuperate by carrying on a quiet conversation with Jess for a little while. As it gets later though, the night must close, and he promises he'll talk with her tomorrow.

A set of eyes watches out the bus window, steady on the figure that was stretched across her jeep hood. They study for several moments before slipping away again, into the shadows.

Some days bring just another set of hours to be conquered. And some... some bring to light journeys that have just begun...

"Come on, Mac, let's go!" Carson waits by the door, glancing at his watch. Everyone had been running late this morning, but this was one day he couldn't screw up.

Dani had done most of the interaction with Mackenzie that morning. The girl had taken to her aunt immediately and vice versa. Carson had stayed more in the background, avoiding too much conversation. Until now. Dani was already out in the car, and Mackenzie was dragging her feet getting dressed.

"I'm coming!" she hollers from the bedroom.

Carson sighs. He knew she didn't want to leave. But she had to. "We can't be late, Mac," he reminds her. "I gotta be to work, and we have to wait for someone to come pick you up."

"I know." Her tone is mumbled as she finally comes down the hall, her head hanging a little. "You sure I can't stay?"

"How many times do I have to tell you this?" Carson looks down at her, wishing this was easier. It was hard on her... it was hard on him, even if he didn't want to admit it. "I brought you here for one night, and one night only. You need to be satisfied with that. You're not coming to live with me. It's not possible."

Mackenzie bites her lip. "You really don't want me, huh?"

This time, Carson could tell that the question was genuine and not a mode of manipulation. He sighs deeply. "Look... Heather is right. I'm not the fatherly type." He searches the girl's eyes for a glimmer of understanding. "I can't take care of you. You need a family... you need two parents. You need someone who can give you what you need. And I'm not that person. Can you understand that?"

"No." Mackenzie swallows hard. "I thought maybe... maybe once you got to know me that... that you might change your mind."

"This is beyond my control," Carson responds gently. "It's not up to me. But even if it was... I would want you to have a family."

"You know I'll probably forget this." Mackenzie holds back a tear. "In a few years... I might not even be able to remember your face."

Now Carson's eyes narrow and he opens the front door. "Not gonna work, Mac. Come on."

Mackenzie exits grudgingly, remaining quiet on the ride to Mom and Pop's.

Opening up and getting things ready in the kitchen, Carson sets to work, letting Mackenzie wait out at one of the tables, and making her a quick breakfast. With Aerith there to help, getting things started wasn't too hard, and soon the sign on the door read "Open." Carson was on edge though. He knew someone would show up soon for Mackenzie. And they did.

Two men and a woman enter the restaurant. A few customers look up from their tables, but no one seems alarmed. Carson meets them at the counter. "Can I help you?"

One of the men nods to him. "Mr. Banks?"

"That's right."

"Where's the girl?"

Carson points to a nearby table. The woman immediately goes to her, while the two men remain. "Mr. Banks, would you please step around the counter?"

Carson glances over his shoulder to Aerith, before setting his towel down and coming around to the front. "What do you want?"

"We're sorry to have to do this." The taller man flashes a badge. "You're under arrest for kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent..." As the spiel continues, Carson is roughly turned around, his arms forced behind his back to be handcuffed. He knew his rights. He knew the words. He wanted to fight. His adrenaline made him want to run. But he saw Mackenzie... and he knew he had no choice but to go.

"Aerith..." Carson is pushed toward the door. "Aerith!" he calls over his shoulder. "Close up for the day as soon as you can... don't tell anyone why... and..."

Mackenzie's shriek interrupts. "No! Let him go!"

The woman struggles to maintain a hold on the girl. "Calm down, Mackenzie. Everything is going to be okay."

"No! You can't take him to jail! You can't!"

"Shhh, hush now, come on. We're going home."

"No!!" Mackenzie wails as she's pulled across the floor and forced to exit the restaurant and get into a waiting car.

Carson rips loose for a moment, caught in the crossfire of shouting, but desperate to not leave Aerith in a bind. "...and if you need help..." He struggles to remain inside as the men push him out the door. "...call Con!"

And in a moment, all is silent inside the restaurant.

An hour later...
Nate's private phone at his desk rings. Carson waits on the other end, impatiently pacing, then stopping to lean against the concrete wall. Hearing Nate's voice, he breathes a sigh of relief. "Nate... it's Carson. Look, I'm downtown at the police station. They're not holding me, but I need someone to come get me and take me back to TJY. You guys are the only ones I know who can help me... and I need all the help I can get."

"What do you mean he's not here? Where is he?"

Gunner shakes his head, grabbing a cup of coffee in the dining hall. The weary travelers had arrived later than planned last night, so this morning was the first of any news that was spread. And Mick was none too happy to learn about Jeff's disappearance. "I don't know."

"Well somebody has to!" Mick sets his coffee down before he spills it all over the place with his gesturing. So far, the room was still quiet, not many people being up yet, and his voice carries.

"I'm sorry!" Gunner shakes his head again. "Nobody knows anything. Reese isn't talking."

"He's going to be getting a call from me then, that's for sure." Mick frowns in disgust. "Secrets," he mutters. "I thought we were through with those." Hearing a noise, he spins around to see Rosetta. How much she'd heard, he didn't know.