
Promises. Relationships. Comfort

Standing from her own cubicle Sapphire can just make out Carson leaving the building. Not to sure if he was just steping out for a moment or if He would be gone for sometime she looks down at the papers in hand.

Her scans, and the information she had been going through was complete and she new who's pass code had been used and who did, but the question lied in why? A bunch of mixed emotions ran through her. She though she cold trust everyone in TJY but now with that happend to her brother she felt almost betrayed.

This was to important to wait, if Carson was just getting some air than she would talk to him. Papers in hand Sapphire head up and out of TJY. The cool air felt nice on her skin as she welcomed it into her lungs. The air had gotten stail in TJY so a little change and freshness was nice.

Seeing Carson around the courne Shappire walks that was as well taking note he was on the phone. Waiting till he sliped it back into his pocked she steps around around the courner. A small smile on her face.

"You know smoking dosnt only kill you it kills the earth too."

Not dwelling to much on that fact Sapphire just gives a shake of her head as her looks becomes more stern.

Holding out the papers from Carson she speaks softly but with as much strangth in her voice as Misty, or Jamie proving under the layers there was more to her.

"I finished figureing everything out, and though it took my longer than I exspected I did in facet finish. The resalts are a little saprising and leave me a little confused."

Letting go of the papers while Carson look at them Sapphire rattles off everything that was there as if she had looked at them a million times over.

"It was Ty who opened the door. As to who came in, I dont know. Whoever it was, was cloaked and I couldnt see a face but ask him and I am sure he could tell you."

Though she had told who it was and Carson was smart enough to know she was upset about it a deeper look of trouble was in her eyes.

"What I dont understand though is why he used Katie's number to open the door let alone know what it was. I dont know if maybe he didnt know there was a camra and in using Katie's number he wouldnt be found out I dont know its just a little bit puzzling though."

Letting out a sigh Hope makes her way back to Scott but this time she walks around till she is in front of the table. Squating down Hope becomes eye level with Scott, a small smile on her face.

It had grown late but she didnt really fell tired it was strange how wanting to be with a friend could work like that.

"I am going to stay with you ok? I dont want you to feel alone. However I do need something to eat and I am going to run home and change into something more comfortable. I'd hate to eat dinner alone though so would you like me to bring u something and we could eat together? I could see about stoping by your apartment and getting Domino too."

"We cant always run away from our problems. Sometimes the best thing we can do it look them in the face and over come them. If we keep running we will never be happy."

Alice's eyes held so much of the emotions she felt, sometimes she didnt even relize when he was letting it all show. But it was there, and she new when the time was right she would always say it.

"Home, it can be the place that hold the most dispair, but it can also hold so much comfort. Its the place promises, relationships, and comfort can be found the most. Be lucky Kyle, you still have a family for that. Some people dont have that anymore because they lost the people closest to them, and though they have found joy nothing is quite like a family."

Sadness passed through Alice eyes only for a moment as her words might of hit a little close to home. But soon her mood changed again and at Kyle jumps up and starts dancing around all Alice can do it stair at him for a moment.

Finally relizing what had happend and seeing Kyle start to lose his balance Alice starts to laugh. Asoft low giggle at first that turned into a loud rawr. It was a funny sight and she couldnt help it.

Once Kyle hit the ground Alice got onto her hands and knees to go over to Kyle still laughing. Looking down on him she shakes her head.

"It looks like we had a party crasher, and now you crushed him."


Carson gives a short nod to Hope. "I'll let you be in the same room. If there's any interference though, we'll have to figure something else out."

He glances around Hope to Scott's still form on the bed. He did feel so badly, traitor or not.

"If you think it's best to wait until morning, we can, but we shouldn't wait too much longer than that. He's willing at this point, and that's key. Things are kind of crazy around here right now... so if you want to leave and come back, that's fine. Otherwise you'll just be stuck in here twiddling your thumbs."

"Carson, Gage is back."

Carson looks to the phone where Wyatt's voice was coming from. "Thanks." He turns back to Hope. "I have to go. You decide what you're going to do and we'll go from there."

Spinning around, he heads quickly for the door, breaking into a jog down the hall to get back to the cubicle in time to see if anything had changed with Katie.

Switching places with Wyatt once more, Carson takes up his usual position. Wyatt is all too happy to give him the job back... his feelings for Katie had made the task heart-wrenching.

Carson stares at the screen, seeing Katie writhe under the pain she was in. She would rest, then move, rest, then move. It was obvious that she was so worn out that some kind of sleep or unconsciousness came and went, but when she was alert, the pain had to be unbearable.

From the angle of the camera, Carson could see the acid burns on her skin, and could see the bloody rags wrapped around her hand. Though the picture was somewhat fuzzy, Carson could pick out all of her cuts and bruises, and knew exactly if hands had been used, or brutal tools. He knew the marks all too well.

Seeing that nothing new was occurring, Carson stands again, calling Reese to his post. He couldn't take this any longer.

Slipping from the cubicle once more, this time, Carson heads for the exit. He needed to get some sleep, as ordered, but right now, sleep was the furthest thing from his mind.

As he hits the outdoors, he breathes in the cool night air. Though not cold, it had a sharp feel to it. It was a cruel night. He wanders around to the side of the building, leaning back against the bricks to pull his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. His cell phone buzzes yet again, reminding him that he had at least one voicemail.

Sighing, he checks it. Hearing Heather's voice on the other end makes his blood boil. Her message was clear - she'd been trying to get a hold of him, but he'd been unreachable. Obviously he was hiding. She would try again, but he was to be warned, she wasn't playing games. If he was willing to admit, in writing, that he'd kidnapped Mackenzie, they might be able to settle outside of court.

Carson growls and stuffs his phone back in his pocket. If he admitted to the lie in writing, it was as good as him being convicted in court. Either way, it would follow him, and he wasn't willing to do that. Whether he wanted to see Mackenzie or not wasn't the point... he wasn't a liar or a kidnapper, and he wasn't going to admit to doing something he hadn't done.

Lighting up, he leans his head back and closes his eyes, letting the smoke seep out into the air.
God, I just want all of this to be over... Why is the night so long?

Scott can hear Carson and Hope talking, but he doesn't know what was decided. He felt like someone waiting to be put on trial, with no idea of the outcome. He also felt badly, wondering if this situation was taking away any necessary concentration from Katie's case. The last thing he wanted to do was interfere with that.

Shifting his head, Kyle lets it rest, his face to Alice's. Her words were so full of peace. She was so alive and so energetic and enthusiastic... but at the same time, there was an underlying peace. It was a peace Kyle recognized. It was a peace that could only come from being close to God. Her words spoke the truth in which she believed.

His lips curl into another smile. She liked making him smile, and it was oh so easy for her to do. "Most people feel they've known me for years," he quips. "That's why they get tired of me so quickly and kick me out."

Though he was being a tease, some of Alice's words did strike a chord.
"Remembering what God gave us, our talents... who we are...."
Who was Kyle? He turns his head again to watch the sky so Alice couldn't see the despair in his eyes. It wasn't fair that she tried so hard to keep him upbeat, and he continued to nosedive. Why couldn't he just be happy? God had brought him here... hadn't He? God had laid out this opportunity to travel with the team... hadn't He? Or... had it been Kyle's own way of escaping that which he feared?

He was happy on the road. He was seeing things he'd never seen, and doing things he'd never done. He was just as much an asset to the team as any member and with each session he got better, sharpening his skills. He knew how to make an audience smile, while proving a point too. The team maybe got tired of his goofiness sometimes, but at least they acted like they liked having him along and valued his presence on the team. He missed home... but he was learning to not let that stop him. Surely this was where he was supposed to be.

Feeling something tickling his leg, Kyle sits bolt upright, sending sand flying. Not being able to see anything in the dark, but feeling an insect crawling up the inside of his pantleg, he gives a shriek and jumps up. Hopping around, he tries to shake out whatever it was that had found a warm spot. "Get out, get out, get out!"

Spinning around too quickly, he loses his balance, toppling back into the sand. Lying still, he feels nothing... the creature was either squished or decided to leave.

Kyle rolls onto his back, several feet from Alice, and suddenly realizes just what an idiot he must have looked and sounded like. He starts to laugh. Covering his face with his hands, he just keeps laughing, unable to stop, and too sheepish to get up.