
...if you want

Reese closes his eyes for a moment as Angelica's fingers run down the side of his face. It had been so long since he'd had a woman's attention, or even wanted it, for that matter. Angelica had become so special to him, even if he hadn't let it show. They'd always kept things on a pretty business-like level, and he'd been satisfied with that... until he'd realized that he cared more about her than he'd thought.

Opening his eyes again, he locks his gaze with hers, her voice drifting on the night breeze like soothing music. "You've always been beautiful," he replies quietly. "Inside and out."

Reaching up to take her free hand, he grips gently, bringing it around to plant a soft kiss on it.

"I may not be old enough for retirement," he muses with a light tease to his voice. "But I'm old enough to be set in my ways. Though... if you're willing to put up with just taking things one day at a time..."

He didn't know how to ask. He didn't know if he even had to ask outright. But better to clarify than leave anybody wondering about his intentions.

"...I think I'd like to get to know you better, Angelica. I think I'd like anything that gave me the excuse to spend more time with you. That is... if you want."

David half-listens to Brad, though his eyes have wandered to the doors that led out to the balcony. At his angle he could just make out two shadowy figures standing very close together. He bristles. He'd known there had to be more between this guy Mike and Angelica. What did Mike have that he didn't? David had known Angelica for much longer, and had been trying for a long time to win her over, but work had always gotten in the way. What hadn't he done that this guy had?

"...you listening?"

"Hmm?" David turns his eyes back to Brad apologetically. "Sorry."

"You alright?"

"Not feeling well. I'll catch you later." David pats Brad's shoulder and wanders away where he couldn't see the balcony anymore. Folding his arms, he leans back against the wall near a corner table. Glancing down to the side, he sees Marge by herself and he sighs. "What's a guy gotta do, huh?" He shakes his head.

Misty's comment leaves Carson slightly surprised, and in a moment, he's left by himself to get the plates and food. He just stands for several seconds though, wondering about the tone of Misty's voice. She was disappointed. He knew it now. He was different than he used to be... he hadn't thought she would react to it... he'd thought it would be all good. But... something just felt like it was off kilter just a little bit. It wasn't bad... they weren't at odds at all. But... it just felt... strange. Was it him? Had he made a mistake?

Sighing at himself, Carson knows right where to find the plates and retrieves them, picking up the pizza on his way to the living room. Setting everything on the coffee table, he eases down on the couch, waiting for Misty.

It's not long before a movie has started, and supper is being eaten. But Carson's appetite just isn't what it was a while ago. Eating just a slice and a half, he concentrates on the movie, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He wasn't upset at all. Just... he wasn't sure exactly what it was.

Finally, he gives up and turns his head towards Misty. "Are you... happy?" he asks quietly. His eyes search hers for the answers to ease his confusion. "I mean... have I done something wrong?"

Kyle slides out of the truck and jogs around the other side to help Jen out. But by the time he gets there, she's already got the door open and is starting down herself.

She grins and holds herself steady between the seat and the door. "I want to get down myself."

Kyle smiles and stands back, though can't help a twinge of surprise. He knew his sister was already back in therapy and progressing more rapidly than the doctors could explain, but it still brought on a little bit of surprise. He was so used to helping here.

Jen giggles as she slides to the ground and stands a bit wobbly. "Help me walk inside?"

"You sure you don't want your chair?"

Jen shakes her head. "Uh-uh."

"Okay..." Kyle was a bit hesitant, but reaches out to help her as she headed for the porch. It took her one slow step at a time, and she had to hang onto her brother most of the way for support, but by the time she reached the steps, she was beaming.

"I did it," she exclaims.

Kyle eases her down so she could sit while he went to get her chair. "You sure did." Pride shown in his eyes and he ruffles her hair playfully. "Be right back."

Jogging back to the truck, he retrieves the wheelchair, but pauses for just a moment. He runs his hands over the metal frame, his mind taking him to places he would chide himself for. He was thrilled his sister was starting to walk again. No one was probably more thrilled than he was. But there was a strange emotion lurking in the shadows that bothered him. It bothered him because it didn't feel good, and because he felt utterly ridiculous for even letting it be there.

But the lump in his throat was undeniable.

Shaking his head, he finishes his task and goes back to the house to help Jen in the rest of the way. Staying only a few brief moments to say hi to his mom and stepdad, he trots back to his truck to head home. Tomorrow would be a long day. A good night's sleep would do him good.

Back in Texas, the night seems all too short. Though for some it seemed long. At four-thirty in the morning, another hour and a half was left before the ranch would come to life. But despite the quiet, one vehicle was just getting shut down.

Clint wanders tiredly from the garage after having parked the borrowed pickup. Trudging towards his bunk, he was glad that he had it to himself now, so he wouldn't be waking anyone. Glancing to his watch, he doesn't even have enough energy to grimace. He could squeeze in two hours, at best. Well... it would have to do. He'd run on two hours of sleep a night for the last week... he could do it again.

Stopping, he sleepily turns back around, going to the truck for something he'd forgotten. Then he heads for Wendy's place instead. Opening the door just a crack, he puts the handwritten note in between the two doors. All it said was "I love you," but he hoped it would make her smile. She needed to smile... she hadn't smiled enough lately.

Stifling a yawn, he aims back towards his bunk. Getting inside, he flops down on his bed, not even bothering to undress.

A long time

Stepping outside Angelica takes in the night air. After being in the stuffy room for most of the night the fresh air felt good on her skin and in her lungs. The noises of the city drowned on and Angelica payed little attachen to them. This was home and where she was use to being, this for her was normal.

Looking to Reese Angelica can feel her cheeks turn a shade of red at his comment. Just stairing at Reese with her big brown eyes twinkling in the moonlight she takes him in as well. It was not ever day they looked like they but it was nice to see the change. The light blue shirt that Reese had underneath his black blazer braught out his eyes and made them seem to almost dance in the moonlight.

"You know the city never bothered me to much until I went out to Nevada. Coming back and forth isnt that big of a deal but I am relizing just how much the city drives me crazy. Well this city anyways."

Angelica is quiet again for a moment as she looks out at the buildings and watching the cars pass by. People down on the side walks walking with hast to a destination unknown.

"You dont need to be sorry anymore Mike I think you made up for it quite well."

Turning to look at Reese again Angelica smiles at him. This had been a nice saprise something no one had ever done for her. As Reese takes her fingers and interlocks his own with them a strange tingle goes down Angelica's spine. Tighting her own grip on his fingers sligltly Angelica can feel her face turn red again as she looks up at Reese as he makes his comment. Looking into Reese eyes Angelica felt something she hadnt felt in so long. Everything about Reese made her feel good inside, and put butterflys in her stomach. Her own heart started to race as the silence continues. For sure she though Reese would hear it.

Taking a few steps closer Angelica knows that now is the time to let go, happyness was standing infront of her once again and what a shame it would be to push it away even if she was scaired. She had gotten to know Reese and new he was a good guy. Life was about risks and this was one she didnt want to turn down.

Bringing her free hand up to the side of Reese face she just runs her thumb over her cheek the smile making its way to her lips once again. Locking eyes with Reese Angelica keeps her voice soft.

"Tell me I am beautiful again Mike because its been a long time someone has made me feel the way you do."

More than

Alone with Angelica once more, Reese starts to relax again. Mingling with her wasn't so bad, and getting to meet the people she often mentioned was nice. He couldn't help but be glad they didn't cross paths with David again too quickly. He seemed nice, but... there was something about him that Reese wasn't so sure about. Maybe he just didn't want to admit what it was.

Brought back to attention by Angelica's suggestion, he shrugs. "Sure. Fresh air sounds nice right about now."

Led to the edge of the room, then out onto the balcony, he takes a deep breath of the warm night air. The sounds of the city were all around them, drifting up to the third story.

Reese wanders to the railing to lean on it, looking out at all the lights. "Reminds me how much I hate cities," he muses. "Never had the guts to move out of town though... seemed like too much work."

He's quite for several moments until eventually straightening and turning to face Angelica. The moonlight cradled her face with a soft glow and glistened off her necklace. A light chuckle surfaces and Reese shakes his head. "I must have been crazy to turn down your offer to come."

Hesitantly, he reaches out with his hand, offering to take her own. "May I?" Given permission, he takes Angelica's fingers softly in his. "I know I apologized earlier, but... I guess I want to again. I'm sorry if I disappointed you. I, um... well..." He can feel his face grow warm and is glad for the partial darkness. "It's kinda hard for a guy like me, ya know?"

His eyes lower to her hand, then raise again to see hers. "Not easy to move past a life, even if it's a life long gone and never to reappear." He didn't know whether she'd understand he was referring to his own married past, but didn't think he need specify.

"At any rate, I talked to your sister and she told me about your brother's birthday and all, and... I guess I realized that whatever I was going through wasn't worth not being there for a friend." His grip tightens a little on Angelica's fingers. "A good friend... more than a friend... if she wanted to be."


As the exchange with Carson continues and Misty feels his around around her, her heart starts to race. Oh how she had missed the kiss like this, and this feeling it gave her. The sence of freedome was missed and how Carson use to touch and hold her had felt like it was absent for so long that now feeling it again was almost like a cool breeze.

As the kiss ends Misty almost feels a bit of sadness. She wanted it to continue, she wasnted to back in for another kiss but a hug was all she got. Bringing both her arms around him Misty returns the hug. Though she could still feel something was differnt, and there was hesatance on Carson's part.

In Carson's turning Misty knows that somewhere inside Carson the kiss was what he wanted but was not allowing himself to have. Him not meeting her eyes she new, she new that his change had made him shameful of what happend and maybe confused. Ignoring his comment for a moment Misty steps closer to him again placing a hand on his back and rubbing gently. In a soft whisper she comments.

"It's not bad to kiss me like that Carson. I like it. Change is good, but that dosnt mean you have to change everything."

Removing her hand Misty backs away and turns to head out of the kitchen.

"Now what about that movie and I'll get it set up. You know where the plates are. Dont be to long, I am starving and am looking forward to snaggling."

The smile on Angelica's face is ever moving as her eyes stay locked with Reese for the moment. She had been sad when he had turned her down but now, getting this kind of saprise it really did but a bright spot to the end of her day.

Angelica cant help but laugh at the comment about the badge. She had to hand it to him it was smart thinking to use that to get in tonight. As Angelica goes to make her comment she is cut off by David. Looking to him and giving a smile she was happy to see David was being friendly, not to mention she wanted them to meet anyways to be able to put faces with names when she talked about them.

Watching David as she talks about her coming back Angelica cocks her head just a little. She new David had mention in the past that he would like her to come back to Cali but he hadnt said anything else about it till now. It kind of confused her a bit because he made it sound like he talked to her about it often. Brushing it off as nothing more than small tall Angelica gives a nod and than looks back to Reese her smile still in place.

"But I have told David that now having two jobs if I let one go I think I might be bored. I like working both places and I would want nothing less."

As David makes his exit finally Angelica gives another nod calling behind him.

"I'll catch up with you in a little bit David."

Turning back to Reese she is happy to give her full attachen to him once again. Though a bit confused by his comments of maybe going Angelica gives a small shake as she takes Reese arm with her own.

"No, I want you to stay please."

Walking slowly as to move out of peoples way Angelica keeps a light hold on Reese arm. It felt good that he was here and she thought nothing differnt of it. Talking to talk with Reese several differnt times Angelica is intarupted by other people wanting to know how she was and how the business were going. Most the talk was work related and very little room for normal day to day talk. Finally breaking away once again Angelica looks up at Reese giving another smile.

"If you want to talk a little in quiet there is a nice belcony we can escape to. There is also some food if your hungry as well....."

Over in a courner tucked away from everyone alse a woman sits. Her messed black hair hung in her face, and her lips drawn into a frown as she watches Angelica and David interact for a moment. Everything alse going on around her lost. Letting out a sigh the woman looks down at the table. Mummbaling to herself....

"Marge why couldnt you be that lucky. He flirts with her all the time and she dosnt even know it. I'm no compatition for Angelica Lockheart. I just wish I could be half of what she is."

Making it back to her bunk and wishing Clint a good night Wendy makes her way inside. Her back had been killing her today and all she really wanted to do was sleep. Sometimes the hours dragged on and it felt like the day was never ending. Filling with morning sickness, back pains, and the never ending feeling of hunger that plaged her. Finally getting use to the idea of having a growing life inside her Wendy pushed through her day. If not for herself than for her child. Even though at times she missed life before, and what she could have done she new this was what she had to do now.

Slumping down on her bed Wendy lets out a long sigh. Her mom had only been gone for a day but it felt like weeks, and with Clint seeming so distint as of late Wendy felt more alone than ever. Clint needed his space, and was having a hard time dealing with this whole thing but why...why did it feel like he was in another world completely?

Rolling over and burring herself deep in her covers Wendy just stairs at the wall for a long moment. Was this how it was ment to be? Would she always feel this alone now? Would Clint always feel this distint?