
Your not the only One

*As Carson hovers over Misty Her eyes meet him. Her heart starts to race, knowing his was fighting fire with fire. Misty couldent help but not be able to look away from Carson's blue eyes. Once Carson steps away from her as the elavator door opens Misty relizes for the split second she had stoped breathing. Swollowing she steps out of the elavator and reaches into her back pack pulling out a pack of smokes and a ligher.*

"They are a bit girly but they are better than nothing. I hope you dident think you were the only one who smoked. Its a bad habbit, but I can think of many more that are worse. I started when I was in England. Thats just an everyday prim and proper thing to them."

*Leading Carson over to a Black fire bird she nods taking in a deep breath of air pressing a button on her key chain. The night was warm but crip a good night for a beach walk.*

"The door are unlocked get on in. Before we make our way there can you think of anything alse we might need?"

*As Misty puts the key into the ignition and starts the car loud rock mucis blasts over the raido. Reaching her hand out Misty turns it down turning to Carson.*

"Oops sorry about that. Not use to having passangers."

*Misty pulls out of the parking space and heads down the road.*


Carson doesn’t move as Misty comes nearer, allowing amusement to shimmer in his eyes, along with a stare that implies he does indeed remember that instance and wouldn’t mind a repeat.

He studies her face, knowing that she’s purposely putting him in this position to drive him up a wall. But he simply shakes his head, trying to keep his mind on track. “Lead the way, Sassy.”

Carson follows Misty out onto the floor, glancing over his shoulder to make sure that no one is around to see him. Slipping into the elevator with her, he is quiet…contemplative. Glancing to the side, he spies Misty as she waits to reach the ground level. Snatching the moment to play her game, Carson turns and takes a step towards her, resting both his hands on the wall behind her head, hovering over her. “So…you’re not scared of me, huh? I like that.” His eyes narrow, a cocky grin toying at his mouth. Instead of making a move, he simply holds his stance, throwing a stare into Misty’s eyes until the elevator beeps and the doors open at his back. He straightens up and steps back to the side, allowing Misty to exit first. “I hope you’re planning to stop at a gas station on the way so I can pick me up a pack of smokes.”


*Misty grins as the fire in her eyes dance in circle.*

"You can hurt what you can't fine now can you, and I believe you already touched the hairs on my head when you kissed me the first time..."

*Misty takes a step closer to Carson.*

"...dident you."

*Misty cant help but let a chuckle escape from her lips. Misty could see in Carson's eyes she drive him wild. She felt bad in a sence, but she couldent help thats she flirted with him. He was pritty breath taking himself to look at. Turning Misty grabs her back pask off the desk and shuts off the small light making her way twords the exit sliding past Carson.*

"When will you relize I'm not scaired of you. Come on lets go. My car is parked right outside."

*Misty makes her way across the floor and to the elavator stoping for a moment to make sure Carson is still following. Under her breath she whispers " Reese is gonna kill me" Than steps into the elavator with Carson for the long ride up top.*

Not fair

Carson lifts an eyebrow, the grin beginning to show. “Run away to Las Vegas with a spitfire sheila like you? Don’t tempt me. It’s not fair to dangle a prize in front of my nose while you’ve got an angry mob behind you just waiting to get a clean shot at me, if I touch a hair on your head.”

He thinks for just a moment, processing his options. “Unless you’re scared to be in the dark with me, a quiet beach sounds awfully appealing.”

A.) Or B.)

*Misty stands and puts her books and papers back into her backpack thinking for a moment.*

"Well I could tell you we have a dart board, shooting range, weaght set, and pool table farther in the basment, but my guess is you probley want to get outside. So the answer to that would be, There is a 24 hour pool, and a nice beach. We could always run away to Las Vagus too. Its not far from here. Lots of lights, shows, games, food and what not at this time of night. So pritty much you can take your pick on whats exciting and whats not. After all this is Navada what happens here, stays here."

*Misty's sassy smile widens.*

"And I'll only pull out my gun and escort you back to the cell if A) You make me or B) You ask me to."

*Misty leans aganst her desk puting most her weaght on her arms.*


Carson stops and cocks his head a little, a sly grin just below the surface. “I’ve been to that fool’s funeral. He’s ne’er to be found again. You on the other hand…I should have known you’d pop up again.”

He leans casually on the doorframe, his hands hooked in his pockets. “So whatcha got for fun around here, or are you going to pull out your gun and escort me back to my prison?”

Finding the Fool

*Jamie beams as those three simple words hit hear ears. Hearing Con say them for the first time made her heart jump. Still feeling Con's arm around her Jamie cant help but widen her smile. She was so very happy.*

*As Mable and Herb watch from the kitchen both turning there head to look at eachother and smile. Slowly Herb pulls Mable in for a hug.*

"We did good with her. Now she has someone alse to watch over and protect her. She has someone good."

*Wes runs along side his brother smiling.*

"Ya your some old man. Race ya to see who can get the most back in the pasture."

*Wes gets a silly gine on his face as he dashes ahead of Mick.*

*As Misty works on finishing a report she would have to turn in for her inturnship she looks at the clock it was almost 9. She had stayed later than she planed. Not that it really mattered she would just be going home to an empty house anyways. Leting out a sigh she looks down again at her paper and continues to write.

A suddon shadow across the desk and floor makes Misty look up. Following the shadow with her eyes back to the owner. She is a bit saprised to see Carson standing in the door way. Soon the saprise is gone and her Sassy smile makes its way back to her face.*

"Well this is intresting. Your coming to me for one insted of the other way around. Or is it your trying to find that fool you were talking about earlyer to tell him thank you for me?"

Evening Jaunt

Con let’s Jamie’s words sink in, hoping they were true, wishing they were true. Fear holds him back from belief, but he hangs on to hope. She believed in him…could he believe in himself again? Her statement of love strikes his heart, causing his emotions to run rampant.

As she moves to sit next to him, he can feel his pulse quicken all over again as if he’s never been this close to her before. Receiving her kiss, he gently returns it, tightening his grip on her hand. Pulling back, he draws her in for a hug. “I love you too,” he whispers. “Thank you.”

After just a couple moments, he releases the embrace, but leaves an arm around her shoulders for their stay.

Mick chuckles and shakes his head. “No date yet. I want to wait until this war is over first…I don’t want any more strain than needs be… I guess I agree with Luke on that one.” He shrugs. “But I’m thrilled you and Cindy are tying the knot. You both deserve it.”

A bang catches his attention and he looks to see the far pasture gate swinging in the wind, and several horses galloping for freedom. “Aw man.” He quickly moves into a sprint. “I’m getting too old for this!”

Carson tears another advertisement out of the magazine, wads it up into a ball and takes aim, sending it flying through the air to land in the trash can across the room. He remains slouched on the cot, his head and shoulders against the cold wall, his feet stretched out to touch the floor. It wasn’t comfortable, but he was too unmotivated to get up. Finding another ad, he creates another makeshift basketball, but this time it bounces off the rim of the trash can and onto the floor to join several others.

Carson lets his hand drop, bored of this game. Nate had brought him supper several hours earlier, but since then he’d seen no one. He hadn’t expected to, but nonetheless, it was tiresome. The minutes ticked by slower than ever, leaving too much time for his mind to work.

He lets his thoughts wander for the umpteenth time. Had he made the right choice? What would happen now? He’d never dared double-cross the Agency before. But he was in deep this time. They might think he was dead…but if not, they would be out to kill him, or worse. If they didn’t think he was dead, they were already looking for him, for sure.

It was a terrifying thought. One that made Carson question his decision. But he’d started this…how could he not finish it?

The people here were so different…they thought of others instead of themselves…they would give up the world to save one life. It was a new surrounding for Carson, and one that confused him in a way nothing else had. It was as if he wanted to be a part of it, but it was so foreign that it almost scared him.

Sighing, he finally gets himself up to go and pick up the balls that had missed the trash. Glancing to the door, he thinks for just a moment, squinting at the small space between the door itself and the frame. The deadbolt…was it really locked? Odd. Going for a closer look, he figures it’s worth a try, and reaches for the door knob. Surprisingly, it opens. Nate had not locked it.

Raising his eyebrows, Carson begins weighing his options. Stay in this room…get some fresh air… he might even be able to sneak out and come back without anyone else knowing. Or maybe… Perhaps he’d made the right choice to begin with, but did that mean continuing on the same path, or had it simply been a side trip that would lead him back to where he started?

Carson turns and heads back to the cot to sit down and tie his sneakers. Hesitating once more, he finally makes up his mind. Maybe he was run by fear…maybe he really was a coward. But he was tired of feeling vulnerable…having this strange feeling around him. It was almost as if someone was pointing a finger at him, reminding him of all he’d done wrong, when no one really was. Guilt was a new sensation…one that he wasn’t so sure he liked.

The hall was dim, lit only by a few small lights. Ty had not come to clean yet…Carson figured he was out on the floor with Hal somewhere. He might be able to sneak past them if he was careful, though he wasn’t sure he remembered where the exit was.

Moving almost silently down the hall, he sees light coming from Rick’s office. Strange. It was late. Everyone else would have gone home. As he passes, he sees a lone figure at a desk. He doesn’t pay attention to the fact that he’s walking in front of a light from the hall, and his shadow passes through the office, dancing across the floor near the occupied desk.

I see you

*As Con talks Jamie's hand finds his tenderly wraping her fingers around his. With her thumb she draws circles in his palm. Her eyes soft and full of love. Forgeting about her own pain and focusing on Con for the moment.*

"Who you are Con is who you make youself. We all slip up and makes mistakes. We all lost controll and sometimes struggle to get it back. And I know your hurting. You and I both know how I know. Because I watch you. I have no idea what makes me do it, but every time you turn your head, anytime you laugh out loud, or lift your hand to drink a cup of coffee. Or the way your smile spreads from one side of your face to the other. I don't just watch, I see. And I saw your face when you new the man who hurt me was in the same building. Only rooms away from me. I know it hurt you. And thats your secret. I won't tell. But you cared enough to want to protect me no matter who was in your way. Yes it should of been handled better, or differntly. But all I can say to you Con is thank you. I know you can over come this. I've seen you Con, I know who you are and your the man build like a tank, with a heart of gold. Your sweet, and caring who would do anything to protect the ones you love and you grasp them so you dont lose them. and you are doing a great job at taking care of me Con. When I have a nightmare or get jumpy, you right there to chase the shadows away. You bring me so much comfort and I feel so safe with you. Your Con, and I love you more than anything. "

*Jamie gets up and slids into the booth next to him looking deep into his eyes, and giving him a kiss.*

*Wes throws a arm around his brothers shoulder.*

"You will bro, you will and I'd love too. Its to much of a big deal to miss it and not say yes. So you guys decieded when the date will be yet? Its only been ages you have been waiting."

What if

Con meets Jamie’s eyes, knowing he shouldn’t be surprised at her question. He knew he couldn’t hide from her, no matter how hard he tried.

Mabel’s presence with their drinks invades his thoughts for just a moment, and he looks up, forcing a weary smile. “Thanks, Mabel.”

Cradling his glass in his hands as Mabel leaves, he looks down at the carbonated drink. “I don’t know, Jamie,” he finally replies, sighing deeply. “I just…I’m burned out. TJY was my life and when I thought I’d have to resign because of my hearing, I ‘bout went crazy. But now…I can’t even stand going back. I’m just so…frustrated with everything…with myself.”

He moves his glass to make a pattern out of the wet rings on the table. “What happened to me when you were gone…I don’t even know what I did… and then again when I went after Carson and Jason got in my way…” Con swallows hard, not looking up. “I’m…I’m afraid of losing control again. What if I’d been mad at Jason? What would I have done to him? What would I have done to Carson if he hadn’t stopped me? I was out for blood…it was like nothing was real anymore. I…”

Con stops as he relives the past…there were things Jamie didn’t know…who he’d been…what he’d done before he’d come to TJY. “I felt like I was becoming someone who I hated again…someone I thought I’d left behind.” He finally raises his eyes to see Jamie again, the concern and shame evident on his own face. “I got thrown off the police force years ago because I almost killed a guy with my bare hands…because I had a grudge…because I was mad at him.” He shakes his head. “What if I got mad at Jason, or Laura…or you?”

That thought is enough to send his gaze back to the table. “I just don’t know what to do. I don’t like hurting people…I don’t want to hurt people…but what if that’s who I am…what if I can’t get back that control?”

He shakes his head, disgusted with myself. “And here I am, unable to even function when I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”

Mick sighs as Wes mentions Dylan. “I just don’t know what to do. All he’s wanted is to leave…Jade is going home anyway…she and I are alright… it’s just time for her to get back to her normal life. It just seems like the longer I keep Dylan here, the more he hates me.” He shrugs it off, letting the subject slide to other things.

His face changes as his brother talks, a smile forming on his lips. “Yeah…I’ll be your best man. As long as you promise to be mine if I ever get down that aisle.”

Heart to heart

*Katie watches as the officers leave. Something tugging at the back of her mind. What did they want with Jason? Were they the good cops or the bad cops. Katie dident know the answer to that question but she got a sickning feeling in her tummy when she though about it. Something was going to happen. Something bad that could change life forever.*

*Jamie sits down across from Con. The look on his face said he had alot on him mind. Jamie searches his eyes but finds nothing.*

"Con whats wrong? Talk to me Hun! Whats going on inside the head of yours?"

*Mable comes out from the kitchen and is about to say something when Herb stops her shakes his head.*

"Now is not the time Mable."

*Mable looks back at Con and Jamie alittle closer the look on there faces showed something was wrong.*

"I guess your right. I'll get them there drinks."

*Wes sighs and nods.*

"I know your having a rough time with Dylan to Mick. Just hang in there ok. Dont let him go again so easly. He needs to know you wont give up on him. Even if he is being a moster. When the going gets rough love him tighter."

*As Mick comment about Cindy Wes cant help but let his own smile grow on his face.*

"Ya well I have to say the same thing about Rosetta too."

*Wes stops for a moment thinking.*

"She is so happy Mick and you did that for her. Your a good guy. I'm happy you finally relized what you had before it was gone. Rosetta with anyone alse just wouldent be the same and I see that now. I know Mick things havent been great for us in the past and, well somethings might of just been plane silly but I was wondering at Cindy and I wedding if you would be my best man. I love you Bro and I wouldent want anyone alse up there with me doing that honnor."


The officer shakes his head. "No, no, everything is fine." He offers a warm smile. "I'll see if I can catch him another time. Thank you." He gives a little wave and turns to leave.

Con heads out with Jamie, going to Mom and Pop's. Once there, they're able to settle into a booth, the restaurant quiet at this time of the afternoon.

Carson sighs and tosses the third magazine aside. He was bored, he was worried....it wasn't a good combination for his nerves as his craving starts up again.
Standing, he starts to pace, then drops down to do some pushups to try and work off some energy. There had to be a plan of action. He couldn't just sit in here indefinitely. Sooner or later TJY would have to make a decision about him. But what would it be?

Dylan can hear Rosetta leave, and his curiosity gets the best of him. Rising slowly, he looks out the window to make sure she's gone, then opens the door to see the box. Quirking an eyebrow he picks it up and takes it inside, sitting on his bed. Drawing out pictures, he starts to recognize faces...they're younger...but he knows them. Seeing his father, Dylan suddenly stops. It felt strange...he'd never seen pictures this old of Mick before. Taken in by the scenes, Dylan loses track of time.

Mick looks to his side as Wes approaches, apathetic towards company. "Hey." He gives a short chuckle. "We all live here, but we've still got separate lives. No worries. It's not like you don't have a lot on your mind." He grins. "Every time I see Cindy, I think her smile has grown."

Two Brothers

*As Misty sits at her desk she looks out the window. It looked so nice outside. Carson's words replay in her mind. They bring a comforting smile to her face. Even though she had people who loved her for a long time she felt alone. Like something was missing. But something that had to do with Carson was changing that. Misty dident know what this feeling was and it scaired her a bit, but it was there non the less. Misty goes back to her paper trying to consintrate.*

*Katie looks up from the picture she was drawing a new banner for Jetstream. Looking between both men for a moment and thanking.*

"He should be back here soon. What...what did you guys need with Jason? Did something happen to Cindy?"

*As Rosetta hears Dylan's reply she lets out a sigh.*

"Ok, I'll just leave this hear than. Feel free to take a look if you want to."

*Rosetta sets the box down on the small porch. Than turns and heads to the barn.*

*Wes emerges from the shop and scans the yard. He has seen Mick walk off twords the pastures and wonders if his brother is still there. Taking long strides Wes makes his way past the barns and the office. Finally reaching the pasture he see Mick leaning on a fence. Coming up along side of him Wes leans his back aganst is as well resting his elbows on it.*

"Hey Bro, I havent talked to you that much in a while. I wanted to say sorry for that. I guess I get get lost in my work and with the wedding coming up, and building the house I got lost in time. "

*Jamie smiles and laughs at Jason.*

"Cool people have scars right?"

*Jamie links her arm with Con and smiles up at him. It felt good to smile without the restrant of the sitches. *

"Something to eat sounds good. I am starving. See ya later Hotshot."


Carson obediently follows back to the holding cell, sinking down on the cot. He throws Nate an inquisitive look. "No...you're not bad people..."

Something odd flickers in his eyes when Nate mentions if there's anything else Carson can think of about the Agency, but he remains close-mouthed. Instead, he watches Nate leave, listening for the click of the lock on the door. Sighing, he grabs a magazine. What he wouldn't give to go outside.

The two men eventually turn from the nurse's station, the plain-clothed one pausing again at Katie's open door. Waving his partner on, he knocks on the door. "Katie Pent?" He enters slowly. "Sorry to disturb you. The nurse said it all right. I was wondering if you knew where we could find Jason Stevenson."

Dyaln is laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling tossing a hackysack out of irritated boredom. Hearing the knock, he mutters loudly. "There's nobody here."

Jason and Con are still talking outside when Jamie emerges. Jason smiles big. "Hey, Jamie." He notices the stitches are out and nods. "You're stylin' now, you know that?" He gestures to his own face. "We'd make quite a couple." Glancing to the side he sees Con's raised eyebrow. "I'm kidding!"

"You better be." Con gives Jason's arm a teasing punch before turning back to Jamie. "All set? Thought we might go grab a late lunch at Mom and Pop's if you're up to it."

Blue Box

*As Misty gets to the door she stops and turns looking at Carson the soft smile returning to her face once more before its gone.*

"Well tell that fool I liked it. Thank you. There is just something about you Carson."

*Misty picks at the paint on the doorfraim for a moment before looking at Carson again.*

"Thank you for giving me my own little bit of hope and light in the darkness again."

*Swiftly Misty exits before more can be said.*

*Nate grabs something to eat for himself and grabs a napkin. Raising his eyebrow at Misty's comment but decieds not to ask.*

"Well I wasent gonna rush you but since your the one in a hurry, come on."

*Nate leads Carson back to the holding cell producing another bag.*

"Heye ya good, there are some books magazeans you can look at."

*A quirky smile makes its way to Nates face.*

"See we arnt bad people. Just people who have been hurt and want answers to stop the hurt. If can you think of anything alse about the Agency that would help let me know. Casll if you need anything."

*Nate turns and leaves the cell closing the door behind himself.*

*Katie turns the courner to see the two police officers. Saspition rises inside her. Slowly she makes her way down the hall eyeing the officers. Making it to her room she slowly reaches the door but stops for a moment hearing Jason's name. Not wanting to stand around to long she opens the door and enters leaving it open.*

*As Rosetta stands on the office porch she watches Mick and Dylan. Her heart hurt for Mick and wished there was something she could do to help him. She couldent think of anything though. Turning she heads into the office looking around the room her eyes rest on a nice size blue box. Picking it up and puting it on her desk Rosetta opens it up and pulls out a bunch of pictures. Thumbing through them a smile forms on Rosetta's face. These picturs held good memories for her. Maybe she though she could help Dyaln understand. Carrying the box Rosetta makes her way from the office to Dylan's bunk. Knocking doftly on the door.*

*About an hour passes and Jamie finally emerges from Ricks office. Misty smile and following after.*

Misty: "Have a safe trip ok, and you look fine. You can hardly even notice where the stiches were."

*Jamie turns and smiles at Misty.*

"Thank you so much Misty. I'll see you whenever I get back."

*Jamie turns and heads out of TJY heading for Con's car. It felt strange not having the stiches anymore. Her face felt almost lighter.*


Carson keeps his eyes fixed on his food, taking Misty's comment about who he was more seriously than intended. It was a deeper question than he'd care to dwell on.
After a moment, a sheepish smile playing with his lips to reveal he feels a bit silly for having said what he did. "Oh, it was just something stupid some fool named Carson Banks wrote down one day when he was bored."

He looks up quickly as Nate returns and watches Misty leave. He speeds up his eating, knowing that he'll probably be on his way back to the holding cell now. "Yeah, I know," he comments to Nate. "I'm coming."

A uniformed police officer and another man make their way down the hall of the hospital. They pause, both looking at the number on Katie's door and exchange glances. They turn to the nurse's station, and begin to question her, their voices low, and produce a picture for the nurse to see. Their words are muffled if heard from any of the rooms, though a name jumps out. Jason Stevenson. The nurse nods and returns the conversation, keeping the two newcomers busy with information.

Mick slams the bunkhouse door in frustration and steps off the porch behind his son. "You know what, Dylan? I'm tired. I've tried over and over again to get some sense knocked into your head and it just isn't working." He holds up his hands in defeat. "You want to go home, I'll send you. Your sister figures it's time for her to go back too, so I'll send you with her and you can go back to your mother and stepfather and do whatever it is you want to do so badly that you can't function here."

Dylan glares at his father, frustration and anger behind his blue eyes. "Took you long enough. When can I leave?"

"Jade will go next week."

Dylan rolls his eyes. "Just stay off my back until then."

Mick sets his hands on his hips, so tired of this battle. A sadness tears at his heart as something that he just can't seem to heal. "Fine," he replies in a lower tone. "Stay out of trouble and I will."

Dylan scoffs before spinning on his heel and aiming for his own bunk. He gives a forceful kick to the ground, sending a spray of gravel into the air.


* Misty lifts her head from her meal and looks at Carson. His words sinking in causing alittle jump in her heart. Carson's words were not something she exspected him to say. They showed for a bref moment something she never saw in him before. What was his motives behind his words? Trying to hide her saprise Misty let her smile play at the courner of her mouth.*

"Ok, So hummm...where is Carson I saw like 15 min ago, what did ya do with him? And who the heck are you?"

*Misty rolls her eyes at herself she felt redickulace.*

"So where did you pick up a line like that? Its the best I even hurd."

*Jamie smiles again and nods making her way to Rick. She keeps a close eye on her saroundings. Trying to keep her head held high. Making it to Ricks office she knocks on the door and waits.

Nate comes out of the bathroom seeing Jamie he walks over to her slowly not wanting to startler her.*

"Hey Jamie. How are you feeling today?"

*Jamie jumps alittle and turns seeing its Nate.*

"I'm doing ok. Just wanted to see if Rick was around."

*Nate shakes his head*

"Rick went out to do some work about about an hour ago. If you want I can get Misty for you."

*Jamie nods an ok*

"I'll wait here."

*Nate smiles and nods knowing thats probley best seeing as Carson is in the break room. Turning he heads that way walking in and to the pop mashean she turns to Misty.*

"Misty, Jamie was looking for Rick she wants to get her stiches from her face taken out. But he's not around. Do you mind taking a look to see if you can do it?"

*Misty finishes off her chicken looking at Carson one more time than stands throwing away her trash.*

"Sure I can. See ya guys later."

*Misty exits.*


Carson quirks an eyebrow, softening his hard features. "How would you expect it to go? They want to kill me, but seeing as though I'm sitting here now, I suppose one could deduct that they'll let me live."

He takes a swig of his pop, simply studying Misty with a strangely keen interest, not allowing his eyes to reveal what he is thinking. He cocks his head just a little. "Her eyes like fire dissolve the expanse between two souls, her heart ablaze in the heat of battle. Like the wind she strikes not to harm but to conquer, a force which demands respect from the very enemy she defeats - the untouchable heart of another world."

Shifting his gaze back to his meal, a slight dry laugh accompanies the shake of his head before he takes another bite of his sandwich.

Reese nods knowingly. "Well, if Con doesn't take time off, I'll probably force him to until he's ready to come back. I know this place has been his life for a long time and I don't want him growing too sour on it."

He thumbs in the direction of Rick's office. "Yeah, he was here a bit ago." Reese grins. "Jamie, scar or no scar, you're beautiful because of your heart and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He gives her a fatherly pat to the shoulder before turning to go back to his desk.


*Misty finishs warming up her noodles and chicken. Taking it out of the microwave she turns and sets it down on the table diagnel from Carson. After taking a bit from she sandwitch she looks up at Carson just relizing he was cleaned up with a change of clothes on.*

"Hey looks like they finally let you clean you eh? You look differnt. Not bad but differnt. How'd everything go in there?"

*Jamie nods at Reese a bit of sadness showing in her eyes.*

"Ya I did suggest it to him! Now sure if he is gonna or not though. He's just so lost right now."

*Jamie lets out a sigh.*

"Is Rick in today? Before I go to Texas I want to see if I can get these stiches out. I think after they are removed its gonna look worse than it does now."

*Jamie trys to chuckle alittle and smiles.*


The corners of Carson's mouth turn up at Nate's remark to Misty. He watches him as he leaves, calling after him. "Hey, don't take too long, I'm scared to be alone with this one."

Carson goes for the vending machine, and settles down at the table with a sandwich and can of pop. He drags a second chair around with his foot to prop up both his feet, and leans back, drained from that day's events. Even his face of stone can't hide his wariness... There was no return from here on out...he was now an enemy of the Agency.

Looking up, he watches Misty, quietly, thoughtfully, no smile, only his eyes shifting to show life.

Reese looks to Jamie with sympathy. "Jamie, whether it takes three days, three weeks or three month, I don't want you back here until you're ready. Take the time you need. We'll be short on hands around here, but your desk will be waiting for you when you get back." He nods with encouragement. "You might suggest the same thing to Con...I think he could use time off too."

Jason tenses just a little as Con approaches him in the parking lot, wondering at his intentions.

Con can see Jason's leery eye and holds up his hands, signaling that he's not on the war path. "Got time to talk?"

Jason shrugs. "Do I look busy?"

"No." Con sighs deeply and shakes his lead. "Look, Jase, I'm sorry about the other day. I lost my head and there's no excuse for me going after you like I did."

Jason thinks for a moment then shrugs again. "I got in your way. That much was my fault. But for what it's worth, don't worry about. Water under the bridge."

Con gives a short dry laugh and offers his hand. "Truce?"

"Truce." Jason accepts the strong handshake. "How ya doing anyway?"

"Not so good." Con shakes his head. "There's just a lot about me that I don't like right now."

"You gonna take some time off?"


Jason searches his friend's eyes. "You're coming back though, right?"

Con grins slightly. "Doesn't everybody come back?"

"Usually." Jason laughs. "I should know."

We meet again

*Seeing Nate come out of the bathroom Nate stands from his desk.*

"Well you dont look so scary when you looks clean."

*Nate cant help but smile as she shakes his head.*

"I bet your hungry huh? Come one lets go to the breakroom. I dont think anyone should be there at this time of day."

*Once again heading past Rick's office and to the breakroom. Its mostly empty except for one body in the room standing at the microwave. Its not hard to tell who it is.*

"Misty you just look to pop out of thin air dont you?"

*Misty turns around to see Nate and Carson not hearing them come in. She smile a smerk as she leans on the counter.*

"Huh, I guess I do. This keeps going on and people are gonna think I have everything planed or something. "

*Nate shakes his head and smiles a tad pit.*

"Carson the vending mashean is there just take what you want. I'll be right back need to head to the rest room. Misty he's in your hands."

*As Nate starts to leave he turns and looks at Misty.*

"And I DONT mean that litterly ok."

*Jamie trys to smile her best at Reese.*

"Dont worry I'm not here to work. I needed to talk to you about geting some personal leave. I promised a friend before she died I would go to Texas and finish something for her. I'd like to follow through with that. I also just need to clean my head Reese and get rid of my gitter. Con told me to R/M ranch is very peacful, so I guess that might be a good place. But only with your ok."

*Jamie holds her smile at Reese though her eyes still show some strain and worry. Hearing a loud noise behind her Jamie spins around scaning the sarounding. Relizing its nothing she turns back to Reese her smiles now gone.*

"I cant deal with this it still hurts so much."


Carson stares at Nate, the words seeping in, grasping for any hope he had left…for it was there…unseen, unfelt, disregarded…but it was there. The depth of Nate’s words resound with force, grasped and understood on a level not often visited. But any response just doesn’t come, and he remains silent, a dullness about him as he shields himself from pain.

Following Nate out of the stuffy room, he keeps his hands hooked in his pockets, his head high with a confidence he lacked on the inside. Around here he had no rank. He had no status. He had no respect. Most would want him dead. Around here, he was the enemy, no matter if he was giving out information or not.

Numbly receiving the bag of clothes, Carson catches Nate’s eyes, question flickering in his own. Why the kindness? It was confusing to him… the feeling rising in the pit of his stomach was similar to what he had experienced with Jamie in that basement when she had said she forgave him. What was with these people?

He opens his mouth to say something, but realizes he has nothing intelligent to say. A movement catches his eye and he glances across the floor, spotting Jamie. For an instant, he almost wants to hide. Not for fear, but because he knows the horror in her eyes…and before he even realizes it, Carson unconsciously cares enough to not want her to go through that horror again. But too late, she has spotted him as well.

Carson turns his back quickly to head for the bathroom. It doesn’t take him long to shower, get into clean clothes and finally be clean shaven again. He needs a belt for the jeans, but can’t help but be grateful for Nate’s help at all…generosity was something he hadn’t experienced in a long time.

Finished, he appears to be much more clean-cut now, despite the hardness in his eyes that he is determined to hold on to. “Alright…guess it’s back to the holding cell for me, eh?”

Reese is just entering his office when he sees Jamie approaching. He raises his eyebrows, then looks at her with gentle sternness. “And what, may I ask, are you doing here, young lady?”

Jason watches Carson follow Nate, and decides to get some fresh air. Making it outside, he spots Con’s car, and now realizes how Jamie had gotten there. Deciding to avoid a harsh exchange though, Jason sticks near the building.

Con scans the letter in his hand, new thoughts invading his mind. Maybe this was his answer…maybe this was what he could do… Looking up, he spies Jason. A guilty ache hits his gut. He hadn’t talked to his friend since slugging him, and now knew he needed to.

Taking a deep breath, he exits his car and goes to Jason.

Back at TJY

*As Carson last comment hits Nate's hears about Misty he raises an eyebrow. The light that was in Carson's eyes betrayed what his lips said neather matching. Nate tilts his head alittle bit.*

"The sun rises welcoming a new dawn. Yet few of us realize the debt we owe to those responsible for this. To those who dwell among us. Anonymous, seemingly ordinary, whom destiny brought together to heal, to save us, from ourselves. We all have someone that helpes us. That walks us though our shadows and is waiting on the other side. Who stands with us when darkness is knocking on out door. Even if its just to sit with them for the night, to bring us a small bit of food, or walk us though nightmares.

Your eyes betray you Carson. The light, the feelings. You can make yourself as hard as a rock and that look is still there. Misty is not just some tool to you. Its ok to let yourself feel. Are we better off not delving or yearning, maybe but that’s not human nature and not why we are here. It’s ok to try and change the world and dream of hope. Who among the world are but strangers to hold our hands and touch are hearts."

*Nate stands and nods to Carson to stand as well.*

"Come on let get you a shower and some new clothing."

*Nate exits with Carson heading to full bathroom. As they pass Nate's desk he picks up a small bag.*

"If this stuff is to big or to small sorry. I just thought you would like something clean."

*Jamie smiles at Con as they pull into TJY. Jamie lets out a long sigh. She was nervouse about going into the building by herself, but she knows why Con wont go in and understands she has to be strong. Leaning over she gives Con a kiss.*

"I wont be to long Hun. I'll be ok."

*Jamie exits the car and heads into TJY. As the elavator reaches a stop at the basment Jamie step out onto the main floor. Looking over to the left she see Nate and Carson at Nate's desk. A sharp pain emerges in Jamies tummy as she brings her hand to her face to feel she stickes still. It was a horrable feeling she got when she saw Carson. Trying to shake away the feelings she starts to make her way across the floor heading for Reese office.*


Jason tries to keep his cool under Nate’s direction. If Reese had known about Carson being involved with Jason’s kidnapping, he never would have allowed him to be in on this interrogation. But he was here now…and couldn’t botch things up. Jason continues to stand, pacing a little as Carson and Nate talk.

As Nate asks about Katie, Jason can feel himself tensing again, and he stops his pacing to look at Carson’s reaction.

Carson purses his lips in thought, running his thumbnail along the table, thinking. “What I know is that Katie was suppose to die.”

Jason takes a step back towards the table, the anger returning.

Carson sees him, but doesn’t move. He knew Nate wouldn’t let Jason do anything stupid. “The Agency didn’t like it that she was on the case. It was a move that had two purposes… one, to get her off the case, and two, to get to you, Jason.”

Jason grits his teeth, hardly able to believe that he was standing so close to someone from the Agency, and unable to do a thing about it.

“Thumbed through her files once,” Carson continues. “Looks like her family got hit by the Agency once before, but I didn’t read about what. I was just skimming her record because I was supposed to take her out after the accident failed to do so. But there was never a clean opportunity and Medridge decided to let it drop.”

“Good thing,” Jason hisses. “Otherwise he’da had at least one dead follower.”

Carson shifts his gaze to glare up at Jason. “And if I woulda died, you wouldn’t be getting any of this information now would you?”

“I think it woulda been a fair trade.”

Carson shakes his head. “You got a lot to learn.”

Jason steps forward, leaning his hands on the table to stare at Carson. “Don’t forget, you’re still at our mercy, pal. For what you’ve done, or what you could have prevented but didn’t, you deserve to die.”

Carson opts to let anger rule instead of the guilty feelings that had started to invade his comfort zone. “I’ve told you more than once to go ahead and do it, but apparently you haven’t had the guts.”

Jason straightens back up and turns his back on Carson in order to keep from pouncing on him.

Carson returns his focus to Nate. Asked about Jamie and Misty, he uncharacteristically drops his gaze to the table. Yeah, he’d been around the block a time or two all right. That was putting it nicely. Though having blocked out any moral standards in order to do his job and live his life free of guilt, he couldn’t deny there were things he wasn’t proud of. “Yeah…there have been other women in my life all right…” He raises his eyes to meet Nate’s, the truth coming out just as void of emotion as anything else. “…Some for a night, some for longer, but all meaning nothing more to me than a good time, or a job I got paid to do.” He pauses, thinking of the last few days, hardening himself against the pain he had felt…against the strange and almost scary new feelings that had risen. “Don’t assume I’d treat Jamie or Misty differently. I made a judgment call with Jamie because I had a right to, and Misty…” He shrugs, ignoring his own emotions. “She’s a pretty little spitfire who has obviously been a nice tool to help me out.”

Con nods to Jamie. He didn’t like the thought of her back at TJY, but wasn’t going to argue. “Alright. We’ll swing by my place, and I’ll take you to work.” He pauses, finding Jamie’s eyes. “I’ll probably just stay in the car though.” He was afraid of going back in…afraid of seeing Carson again...afraid of hurting more people if he lost it again.

Not much later, they’re on their way. Con makes a quick stop at his place, grabbing just a few things, along with a handful of mail. He heads to TJY and parks near the door, deciding to stay in the car and read through his mail. “Take your time,” he mentions to Jamie. “I’ll wait for ya.”