

* Misty lifts her head from her meal and looks at Carson. His words sinking in causing alittle jump in her heart. Carson's words were not something she exspected him to say. They showed for a bref moment something she never saw in him before. What was his motives behind his words? Trying to hide her saprise Misty let her smile play at the courner of her mouth.*

"Ok, So hummm...where is Carson I saw like 15 min ago, what did ya do with him? And who the heck are you?"

*Misty rolls her eyes at herself she felt redickulace.*

"So where did you pick up a line like that? Its the best I even hurd."

*Jamie smiles again and nods making her way to Rick. She keeps a close eye on her saroundings. Trying to keep her head held high. Making it to Ricks office she knocks on the door and waits.

Nate comes out of the bathroom seeing Jamie he walks over to her slowly not wanting to startler her.*

"Hey Jamie. How are you feeling today?"

*Jamie jumps alittle and turns seeing its Nate.*

"I'm doing ok. Just wanted to see if Rick was around."

*Nate shakes his head*

"Rick went out to do some work about about an hour ago. If you want I can get Misty for you."

*Jamie nods an ok*

"I'll wait here."

*Nate smiles and nods knowing thats probley best seeing as Carson is in the break room. Turning he heads that way walking in and to the pop mashean she turns to Misty.*

"Misty, Jamie was looking for Rick she wants to get her stiches from her face taken out. But he's not around. Do you mind taking a look to see if you can do it?"

*Misty finishes off her chicken looking at Carson one more time than stands throwing away her trash.*

"Sure I can. See ya guys later."

*Misty exits.*

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