
I see you

*As Con talks Jamie's hand finds his tenderly wraping her fingers around his. With her thumb she draws circles in his palm. Her eyes soft and full of love. Forgeting about her own pain and focusing on Con for the moment.*

"Who you are Con is who you make youself. We all slip up and makes mistakes. We all lost controll and sometimes struggle to get it back. And I know your hurting. You and I both know how I know. Because I watch you. I have no idea what makes me do it, but every time you turn your head, anytime you laugh out loud, or lift your hand to drink a cup of coffee. Or the way your smile spreads from one side of your face to the other. I don't just watch, I see. And I saw your face when you new the man who hurt me was in the same building. Only rooms away from me. I know it hurt you. And thats your secret. I won't tell. But you cared enough to want to protect me no matter who was in your way. Yes it should of been handled better, or differntly. But all I can say to you Con is thank you. I know you can over come this. I've seen you Con, I know who you are and your the man build like a tank, with a heart of gold. Your sweet, and caring who would do anything to protect the ones you love and you grasp them so you dont lose them. and you are doing a great job at taking care of me Con. When I have a nightmare or get jumpy, you right there to chase the shadows away. You bring me so much comfort and I feel so safe with you. Your Con, and I love you more than anything. "

*Jamie gets up and slids into the booth next to him looking deep into his eyes, and giving him a kiss.*

*Wes throws a arm around his brothers shoulder.*

"You will bro, you will and I'd love too. Its to much of a big deal to miss it and not say yes. So you guys decieded when the date will be yet? Its only been ages you have been waiting."

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