
Back at TJY

*As Carson last comment hits Nate's hears about Misty he raises an eyebrow. The light that was in Carson's eyes betrayed what his lips said neather matching. Nate tilts his head alittle bit.*

"The sun rises welcoming a new dawn. Yet few of us realize the debt we owe to those responsible for this. To those who dwell among us. Anonymous, seemingly ordinary, whom destiny brought together to heal, to save us, from ourselves. We all have someone that helpes us. That walks us though our shadows and is waiting on the other side. Who stands with us when darkness is knocking on out door. Even if its just to sit with them for the night, to bring us a small bit of food, or walk us though nightmares.

Your eyes betray you Carson. The light, the feelings. You can make yourself as hard as a rock and that look is still there. Misty is not just some tool to you. Its ok to let yourself feel. Are we better off not delving or yearning, maybe but that’s not human nature and not why we are here. It’s ok to try and change the world and dream of hope. Who among the world are but strangers to hold our hands and touch are hearts."

*Nate stands and nods to Carson to stand as well.*

"Come on let get you a shower and some new clothing."

*Nate exits with Carson heading to full bathroom. As they pass Nate's desk he picks up a small bag.*

"If this stuff is to big or to small sorry. I just thought you would like something clean."

*Jamie smiles at Con as they pull into TJY. Jamie lets out a long sigh. She was nervouse about going into the building by herself, but she knows why Con wont go in and understands she has to be strong. Leaning over she gives Con a kiss.*

"I wont be to long Hun. I'll be ok."

*Jamie exits the car and heads into TJY. As the elavator reaches a stop at the basment Jamie step out onto the main floor. Looking over to the left she see Nate and Carson at Nate's desk. A sharp pain emerges in Jamies tummy as she brings her hand to her face to feel she stickes still. It was a horrable feeling she got when she saw Carson. Trying to shake away the feelings she starts to make her way across the floor heading for Reese office.*

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