
Live each day

Receving the swat Katie turns quickly and just looks at Carson grinning for a long moment. There was something new about him, yet his old self was there. It was nice to see the changse and nice to see he didnt lose himself in the process.

Stoping for a moment and looking twords the door Katie lets out a long sigh and shakes her head at she leans on the pool stick.

"Yeah they are. Kind of hard to believe though huh?"

Giving a shake of her head Katie trys to block out the emotions that were starting to build again threating to cause her more pain. She needed to let them go for Jason's sake but she also needed to have a distraction as well as to not let them get to her.

Turning back to Carson Katie squints just a little but and points her pool stick at Carson.

"I believe its your turn. I'll be solid."

Sitting at the top of the fairis wheel with Kyle Alice looks out over the whole city. You could see so far from here is was amazing and put her in aw everytime.

"Everything looks so small from up here. We are ontop of everything and everyone. It makes problems seem so small up here two ya know."

For a moment a small glint pass in Alice's eyes. A possable memories of a time long gone, but a memorie non the less.

"Got to live each day to the fullest, life is to short to try and please everyone. Sometimes there is a time, when make ourself happy is important. For everything that goes wrong in life we cant always blame ourself as the answer. We have to some times let go of the blame and just live."

Some might think Alice was talking about Kyle and his situation and though it would fit, she was in face talking about her own life and a misshap that had happend a short while ago that still followed her, but it was aparent that though it hurt to think about it Alice had move past it and was ok now.


Carson grins at Katie's shot. "What was good? Your kick or your shot?"

Rolling his eyes, he moves around to the side, giving Katie's backside a swat with his cue stick. "I gotta be more careful around you, Kat."

"No." Jason points a finger at Austin. "That's not true. No one minds change. It's your tyranny we despise."

Austin opens his mouth, but suddenly, he retreats. Slumping down in a chair, he runs a hand over his face. "What happened to us, Jase? We use to be a good team."

Jason starts to cool down, by Austin's retreat. "Used to be? Did we? Or was it all you? How often did you make an idiot out of me when I didn't know it? How often did you just use me because I was good?"

The continued shouting in the next room makes Carson stop for a moment and sigh. "Those two really are related, aren't they?"


Giving a long laugh Katie cant help but shake her head and than give Carson a light playful kick to the shin.

"You better watch it bud or I'll have to sick your girlfriend on you."

Kaite cant help the humor in her own eyes.

"Ok lets see if I can do this."

Taking aim with her pool stick she lets Carson's hands guild her own. Taking the shot she strantens up and watchs as the balls bounce one way than the next scattering across the table. A solid goes in the left bottom pocket and a stip goes in the right. Turning and looking at Carson a smile is on her lips as she eyes sparkle.

"Thats good right?"

Best shot

Turning to Katie's face, then receiving the kiss to his cheek, his eyes widen. For a split second, he hopes he hasn't given her some kind of wrong impression, but with her thanks, he knows that's not the case.

Looking back to the table, he clears his throat, a crooked grin returning. "If I woulda known I'd get that, I woulda taught you how to play pool sooner." He gives her a teasing growl, lifting his eyebrows up and down. Returning his attention to the game, the humor dances in his eyes.

"Yes... I do believe we were here, and you were taking aim. Give 'er your best shot."


As the argument and tension grows behind the door Katie can feel it bottling up inside her as well, through trying to keep the lid on it is hard as to not affect the others.

At Jason's little explosion Katie cant help but give a small yelp in pain. It hurt, it hurt to have Jason just let his emotions fly around without letting them go slowly.

Looking at Carson as he helps her up Katie is a little hesitant at first. She wasnt sure how to play but Carson was trying to distract her that much was for certin.

Going over to the pool table Katie grabs a pool stick of her own and than moves back to the table. Still feeling all the emotions being thrown around Katie closes her eyes to try and steady herself. Suddanly feeling Carson's arm around her and hearing his voice Katie's eyes opens startled for just a moment. But than relizeing he was just trying to help her she can feel herself calm just a little. But trying to consintrat on his words and what he said Katie can feel her mind going to easy...his soft gentil voice by her ear was almost like a sweet lullaby that had a calming wave.

Receving the comment about being a pool shark Katie cant help but give a small chuckle.

"I think I am far from a pool shark for now anyways."

Turning her head just a little her face is inches from Carson. Searching his eyes for a long moment Katie can see the long and comfort in his eyes he wanted her to have. He hated having to do this to her with Jason but it was the only way.

Leaning in just a little more Katie smiles and gives a soft kiss to Carson's cheek before withdrawing again.

"Thank you Carson."

Looking back at the pool table Katie can feel her emotions calm down enough to where she could pit a lid on them though she new, that they could again blow at anytime the distraction was gone, but for now she was ok.

"I do believe you were showing me how to play this game, and how to shoot."


Carson rolls his eyes at the muffled shouting in the locked room and gives Katie a nod. "Hang in there."

"What do you think you're doing, Jason?!"

"Me? I'm not the one walking around like I own the place!"

"What happened? Did you give up so early?"

"Yes." Jason's eyes blaze with anger, his tone raised. "I did give up. I gave up on you a long time ago, Austin. And don't you ever insult me like you did a few days ago. I'm glad now you gave me the chance to crash and burn because I chose not to. But you take advantage of me one more time and you'll be sorry."

"Are you threatening me?"

"What if I am?"

"You have no right!" Jason's anger boils over and suddenly a hinge on the door explodes, sending little bits of debris in and out of the room.

Carson whirls around, seeing a small hold in the side of the door. "Hey! Cut it out in there! We can't afford new doors around here!"

He turns back around and eyes Katie. He didn't understand her connection with Jason, but he knew good and well that Jason's outbursts of anger would not only be uncomfortable for her, but painful as well.

"Hey, Kat..." He wanders closer and reaches down to pull her up out of her chair. "How about a game of pool?"

Ambling to the table, he grabs a cue stick off the wall, trying to provide a distraction for Katie. "I'll show you how a real pro plays." Though his tone was bragging, the spark in his eye proved the teasing behind it. He knew Katie didn't know how to play pool, but he convinces her to come over anyway, and sets up the balls.

"This is how you hold the stick and you just aim and..." Carson glances to Katie again, seeing her rigid. He could feel his own nervousness growing, and knew it was from her tension. He could call Jason and Austin out, but he didn't want to. Not yet. He had to keep things together.

"... here... let me show you." Bringing Katie closer, he doesn't ask, but puts his strong arms around her, not hesitating, and placing the stick in her own hands. "Steady on, mate," he urges gently. "It'll be over soon."

"You helped put me in prison! You have torn apart the insides of TJY! You tortured a man who was half-dead because of your selfish pride and your stupid ideas of how people work and who keeps their loyalty where!"

"I didn't want to get you in prison!"

"But you did!"

Reese looks between the closed door and Carson. "For pete's sake, Carson, is this necessary?"

Carson pauses at the pool table. "You put me in charge," he answers calmly, but firmly. "I want my team to have their heads on straight, and if getting Jason's danged anger out is the way to do it, then so be it. We can't get out of here until late tonight anyway."


"Leave it be," Carson warns. "Or do you want someone else?"

Reese sighs. He didn't like hearing the shouting. He didn't like seeing Katie hurting. But he didn't have much of a choice. "Call me when you need me back." Making an exit, he slips out into the hall.

Carson concentrates back on Katie again, trying to keep up the distraction. "Alright, pool shark, where were we?"

"I did it to save your life!" A new desperation fills Austin's voice. "Don't you know I care about you?"

Jason's wall wavers. "You do not."

"Yes I do!" Austin dares to step closer. "From the minute I saw you, Jason, I cared! You've been dealt a rough hand, I know, and I know that I haven't helped any! But you can't go around blaming people for everything, and you can't go around acting like an immature brat!"

"Who's the immature one, Austin?" Jason's voice rises again. "You're the one turning people away and treating us all like dirt!"

"I know how to run this place!"

"Well you certainly didn't show it! No one wants you here anymore! Or haven't you noticed?!"

"They just don't like change."


For a moment Katie is almost stunned as she finds out what there mission is for. Katie had hurd that Angel was here and was hoping to see her but this is not how she exspected it.

Angel is sick J...thats....

For a moment somthing clicks in Katie's mind that almost makes her wonder. Her emotions that was sent out was a strong one that perhaps she didnt mean to. The thought of her mother cross her mind as a sadness is attached.

We have to help her J we have to.

As the meeting continues Katie listens closely and cant help the small laugh that escapes her lips as Carson mentions Jason and her talking ability.

"I cant promise anything Carson but I will try my best to keep you in the loop on what is said."

As Katie goes to say more she in interrupted by Austin bursting into the room. Shocked for a moment Katie just sits there a listins till finally she cant take it any longer

"Austin, we are very capable of many things as you can see. You've shot everyone down long enough I think its about time you just see how capable we are."

As Katie's statment goes un noticed she just sits back in her chair and lets out a sigh as the fighting between the two men continue. The emotions of Jason over flowing mixed with her own.

Turning her head slightly as Carson ushers the two men into the other room a small smerk forms on her face as her eyes meet Carson's.

"I understand and untill they do shut up or straghten whatever out I'll just have to deal."

Sitting in the chair again Katie trys to consintrat on the peace of paper she was holding though it wasnt working to well prepairing herself for the explotion that was going to come. She new it would and she was feeling the affects already.

Shut door

Alice's comment about bears makes Kyle smile and he starts to relax. While being outgoing, he didn't normally spend time alone with someone he hardly knew, but for some reason, being with Alice, he didn't think much of it. She'd already seen him at his worst, even having only met him twice - he could only go up from there, so he didn't really mind just being himself. He knows he had been a grouch, and so he tries doubly hard to turn his attitude around, at least for Alice's sake. Leaving his truck behind for the afternoon felt as if he was leaving his bad morning behind as well, if only temporarily.

Those in the infirmary are glad for the coffee and thank Misty gratefully.

Rick shakes his head, but doesn't seem any more concerned than earlier. "No change. Which is good at this point. If we can keep her this stable until a breakthrough, we'll be doing well."

Luke takes a sip of his coffee and leans back in his chair. He'd dozed off for a little while, but now forced himself to stay awake again. At this point, the dull pain in his legs didn't compare to the worry in his heart.

Jeff paces in order to stretch his legs, and is the first done with his coffee. Taking the opportunity, he goes out into the hall to wander for a few minutes and take more of a look around than he'd had so far. TJY fascinated him.

In the basement room are Jason, Reese and Carson. All three look up as Katie enters, having just gotten started with their discussion.

Jason gives her half a smile and reaches an arm out to pull her in close, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Sorry about earlier. I'm okay now. Just had to cool off. Thanks for being patient. ...We just got started here.

Carson eyes Katie and Jason for a moment, a strange glint passing in his eye that matches the slight grin at the corner of his mouth, but he says nothing. "Hey, Kat. Glad you made it."

Reese stands near the table and folds his arms across his chest. "Alright, you two. We've got a delicate situation here. Upstairs is Angel Lachey. I know you both know her."

Jason's eyes widen as he lets his hand fall back to his side. "I didn't see her."

"That's because she's in the infirmary and is deathly ill."

Jason tenses.

I hadn't heard about that. I knew she'd been here, but sick?

"We think it's the Agency," Reese finishes grimly.

Jason eyes Carson then Reese again. "And... now what?"

"That's where Carson comes in."

Carson takes in a deep breath and tucks his hands partway in his jeans pockets. "I've chosen the both of you to go with me to locate and bring back the antidote."

Jason eyes him with slight suspicion. "And where is that?"


The location hits hard. Jason blinks and glances to Katie.

Australia? That's... wow. I think I trust Carson though so... I'm game if you are. Especially if it will save Angel.

Carson's eyes narrow at the silence. "First rule though - if you two have something to say, I'd appreciate it if I heard it too."

Jason can't help his grin. "Not fair."

Carson chuckles. "Hey, you two are the unfair ones here. I'm gonna need you though. I chose you specifically."


"Carson will be in charge," Reese explains. "Civilian or not, while on this case, both of you will take orders from him. Can you do that?"

Jason quirks an eyebrow, but nods. "Yeah, as long as he isn't stupid."

Carson rolls his eyes. "Thanks for the confidence." He tosses a wink at Katie. "Hero trusts me."

Austin exits the hotel at a faster pace than when he'd entered. He'd received no phone calls. He had heard nothing. He had received no news from TJY or Jason, or anyone at the ranch. The sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach warned him that he may have just gotten what he'd asked for.

The drive to TJY seemed to take longer than it should have. He didn't want to think the worst, so he would go there first. The guy at the hotel had said that three men had come and taken Angel, one saying he was her husband. It could be true. It could have been Luke. Austin only hoped it was. Otherwise they were dealing with something much worse. He would go to TJY first. If no one there knew anything, he would start an immediate investigation.

Getting to the building, Austin is quick to get inside. He hadn't planned on being back until he heard he was needed, but he would have to set that agenda aside for now.


He looks quickly to the hall, surprised to see Jeff. "Jeff... what are you doing here?"

"Luke and I came for Angel. We didn't know if you knew or not."

"Knew what?" Austin's worry increases.

Jeff remains grim. "We think she's been poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Panic hits Austin and he moves to go to the infirmary, but Jeff stops him.

"She's just sleeping now. Somebody is putting together a team to go look for the antidote."

"Where are they?"

"I don't know... downstairs I think. But I..." Jeff's sentence trails off as Austin heads to the stairs, not waiting for him to finish. Jeff sighs and shrugs. He didn't know the whole story here... maybe he didn't want to. For now he was just here for Luke until they could go home.

Austin heads downstairs two steps at a time. Hearing voices in the main room, he enters without knocking.

The others look up quickly. Jason immediately tenses.

Austin searches the faces. "I want to know what's going on now," he demands. He points to Carson. "And who is this?"

"You're not in charge anymore," Jason growls. "Back off."

"Hey," Reese intervenes. "Cool it. Austin, we're just forming a team to look for an antidote for Angel. We have what we need."

"Who asked you?" Austin snaps.

"Back off," Jason growls. "You're not in charge anymore, or have you not noticed."

"Well it looks like you're a bit over your head." Austin crosses his arms defiantly. "And I think I should be in on this."

"Jase isn't in charge either," Carson intervenes. "Reese is, and I have the team I want."

"You're Carson aren't you?"


"Great. Someone who was thrown off the force is now back in. Who decided this?"

Reese holds up his hands. "Hey, cut it out. Austin, I suggest you go back upstairs and I'll talk with you about it shortly."

Jason glares at his grandfather. "Better yet, why don't you keep on going and walk right on out of here? You don't deserve to be in on any of this."

"Hey, Angel is my friend," Austin snaps. "Don't talk to me like that."

"I'll talk to you however I want to!" Jason defies, raising his voice.

"You have yet to learn respect! You don't even deserve to be in the Elite, let alone on a mission like this!"

"If you have a problem with me, talk to the boss! At least he thinks I'm capable! It so happens that..."

"Hey!" Carson barks at the two taller men, making them stop. "Jason, you got a problem with your grandfather?"

Jason rolls his eyes. "What does it look like, genius?"

That was the wrong thing to say. Carson's eyes narrow. "You gonna be on my team, then let's get one thing straight - you will come with a clear head. He turns to Austin. And you will not interfere. Is that understood?"

His words don't help as the two start to bicker again. Carson turns to Katie and throws his arms in the air, frustrated. "What is it with these two? We need to go, and instead we're standing here witnessing a shouting match!"

Before anyone can react, Carson reaches up and grabs Jason's jacket collar. With the other hand, he twists Austin's arm behind his back, and he shoves both of them toward a side room door.

"What the..." Jason tries to fight him off, but stumbles to the door. "Carson!"

Austin glares at Carson. "What do you think you're doing? This is..."

Suddenly both men's loud voices are muffled behind a shut door that is being locked. Carson turns around, out of breath and leans against the door. "When it's quiet, we'll continue. Until then, sorry, Katie. I know this doesn't feel good for you either."

30 min

Pointing to her passanger side door Alice summone Kyle to get in.

"I dont think you were inapropret at all and as for being a bear thats ok I like bears they are cuddaly."

Once Kyle is in the jeep and buckled up Alice is off once again following closly the directions that Kyle was giving her. The talk was small and light as she tryed to just get to know Kyle more. The out bust in her mind being forgotten.

Once back at TJY Misty makes her way for the infermary but than takes a quick backtrack to the break rooms. Grabbing a few styrafome cups Misty pours some coffee into them not sure if everyone drinks it or not but it was worth a shot.

Finished she heads for the infermary again and enters giving everyone a cup she gives a small smile heading over to Ricks desk and handing him a cup too.

"How is she?"

Heading down the road Katie is not sure where she is going. She just felt like dirving. There was a rift between all her friends and it didnt feel good.

As Jason's emotion message break up her silence Katie mind goes from one thing to another. A case that would be out of town. They hadnt been on one of those in so long it sparked a bit of excitment inside Katie.

Alright, I'll go home and get some stuff together. I'll meet ya at TJY in 30 min.

Turning her car around Katie goes back the way she came taking some twists and turns till she reaches home. Getting inside Katie throws a few things into a bag she know she will need. Going into her closet she reaches for her extra ammo and throws it into her bag making sure the gun in her holster was set as well.

Going over everything once more Katie finally exits the house once again and before long is at TJY. Entering the building Katie stops for a moment trying to feel where Jason is before asking. Finding out the were down in the lower level Katie makes her way there. Entering she is saprised for a moment to see Carson but it was nice non the less. It had always was good to see him at TJY again.

"Ok, so whats up?"


Kyle's shoulders drop a little bit more, brought down from the height of his frustrations. He was glad neither woman seemed too put out by his little outburst, though his red face showed he was embarrassed anyway.

Looking to Katie as she touches his arm, he gives a little nod, a faint grin returning to the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, Hero. My phone drowned yesterday in a cloudburst, but... yeah, I'll call if I need you. Just..." He heaves a weary sigh. "...tell Jason I'm not upset with him, will ya? I'll get out of his hair soon enough."

Waving her off, he waits until she's gone to turn back to Alice. Cocking his head, the intense emotions slowly fade from his eyes. "I'm sorry, Alice," he apologizes quietly. "If I had any sense, I wouldn't have spouted off like that, least of all in front of somebody like you."

He leans an elbow on her door at the open window and just stares at her for a moment, trying to figure out her motives. "I just ruined band practice, I have no job, I have no where to go, I just behaved totally inappropriately, and I'm feeling like crap. But if you really don't care, then I suppose I really don't have a good excuse to say no."

He grimaces at himself and squints. "Yeah... I'm being a real bear, aren't I?" He wasn't normally like this... he hated feeling this way... he hated feeling uptight and upset like this, but he just couldn't seem to pull himself back up lately no matter what he tried.

"I'm grateful for your invitation, and maybe getting away for a couple hours would do me some good. So... if the offer still stands after I've made an idiot of myself... I can ride with you and swing back by later to pick up my truck... or... if that was just totally inappropriate of me even to suggest that, I'll lead the way."

Straightening, a sheepish laugh escapes. "Yeah... I'm doing real good today. Just tell me what to do, Alice. I can't get my brain untangled enough to keep me out of trouble."

Drawn into Misty's kiss, a smile comes to Carson's lips. "Mm... maybe we shoulda started stocking up a long time ago."

He cocks his head and returns again, closing his eyes as he feels Misty's fingers run through his hair. He holds her even closer, his arms easily wrapping around her slim waist.

When she pulls away, he just looks into her eyes, loving her hand running down his face. "I think I'd rather you not let me go," he muses. "Adventure on a mission or not... spending a day with a sassy sheila like you simply can't be beat."

Resting his forehead against hers, his crooked grin grows. "I told you once I was yours," he whispers. "No matter what happened... that never changed."

Turning to kiss her cheek and move down to her lips again, Carson simply doesn't want to leave. But the buzzing cellphone on his belt annoys him out of the moment. Drawing away, he sighs. "So much for that... You'll just have to save up while I'm gone."

Finally backing up a step, he ruffles Misty's hair. He opens his mouth to say something, but the phone persists. Smirking, he pulls it out and sees it's Reese. "Yeah, I'm on my way back."

He grabs his bag and gestures with his head to the door to have Misty follow him out, and shuts the door with his foot. "Yep, I got it," he keeps talking to Reese. "Not yet... see me when I get back and by then I'll know. Yeah. I still got a couple calls. Right. Okay. Bye."

By now, he and Misty are back outside, and he aims for her car, throwing his bag into the back seat. "Alright, Missy. Off we go."

It doesn't seem to take long enough to get back to TJY. Though the mission was exciting, and though time was of the essence if they were to save Angel, a feeling of danger lingered. And for once... Carson had something back home that he didn't want to lose.

Pushing the feelings aside though, he slings an arm around Misty's shoulder to walk inside. Once there, he's split up in order to go talk with Reese while she returns to the infirmary.


Jason holds his phone to his ear as he looks out he windshield of his parked truck. The lake had been his destination today and he wouldn't have answered the phone had he not seen it was Reese. "Yeah. I'm coming in."

"Good. I didn't want to break up your band practice, but you and Katie are needed on the double."

Jason straightens a little. Reese sounded tense. "What is it?"

"I don't want to talk about it over the phone. But pack a bag."

Jason knew this meant he was on a case that would take him out of town. "Right. Give me forty-five minutes. You called Katie?"

"Not yet."

"I'll tell her to come in too."

"Thanks. And Jase?"


"Find a sitter for your dog."

It was going to be a long case. Jason nods. "Will do." Hanging up, he turns his truck back on and pulls out of the parking lot. He hadn't talked with Katie since Mike's, and hadn't let her in on all his emotions either. But now he was glad for their communication.

Katie, we're on some kind of case. Don't know what or where, but it's out of town and might take a while. Pack a bag. Reese wants us in the office pronto.


Keeping the smile on her face Alice gives a nod to Katie as they are introduced and Katie gives a nod back.

"Nice to meet you."

"Like wise."

Katie replys.

After both ladys introduce themself the silence lingers for only a moment until Kyle's outburst is made know. Startling Katie she gives a tiny jump. Not exspecting something like that from Kyle.

Nothing seemingly shocked by Kyle's outburst Alice just turns her head to look at him the smile still playing on her lips. What ran through her mind was nothing bad about Kyle and her oppion of him was not changing at all. For all she saw now was a man who was confused and hurt, that needed a good time again.

" I can see you are in a fole mood, and might think you wouldnt be good company but if I really thought that I wouldnt have invited you to come with me. Your friend can come to if she like."

Alice gives a nod to Katie not really sure if that was just a friend or Kyle's girlfriend but eather way she didnt want to step on toes.

Giving a small smile Katie backs up a few steps. She wasnt sure who Alice was but she new Kyle and that was enough to say she was an ok person. She couldnt protect him from everything.

"Oh no...thank you for the invite but I probley should be going myself now. I only wanted to make sure Kyle was going to be ok."

Giving his arm a light tap Katie gives a smile to him.

"If you need anything Kyle please call ok?"

Misty looks up at Carson a grin playing on her face. She was going to miss him too but she new this was something though he didnt say it he was looking forward to and help me feel a certin sence of acceptince again.

Just stairing back into Carson eyes for a moment Misty closes her own as his lips touched hers. Like a million times before it always felt new and fresh when Carosn kissed her. Never had she tired of them as she held a new emotions and a new adventure. Pulling away for a moment an ever so familure sassy grin forms on on her lips.

"You can stock up on as many as you need I certinly wont mind, because I need to stock up on my own too."

Leaning in again Misty brings her lips to Carson's taking in the moment once more. Bringing her on arm to his back and the other to his head she runs her fingers slowly through his hair as her heart beat in her chest fastly. Moments like this Misty wished would never die though she new they had to.

Pulling away once again Misty smile up at him a glint in her eyes.

"If we dont get back now, I might not let you go back at all."

Bringing a hand to his face she runs a thumb down his cheek.

"I sure am gonna miss you."