

As the argument and tension grows behind the door Katie can feel it bottling up inside her as well, through trying to keep the lid on it is hard as to not affect the others.

At Jason's little explosion Katie cant help but give a small yelp in pain. It hurt, it hurt to have Jason just let his emotions fly around without letting them go slowly.

Looking at Carson as he helps her up Katie is a little hesitant at first. She wasnt sure how to play but Carson was trying to distract her that much was for certin.

Going over to the pool table Katie grabs a pool stick of her own and than moves back to the table. Still feeling all the emotions being thrown around Katie closes her eyes to try and steady herself. Suddanly feeling Carson's arm around her and hearing his voice Katie's eyes opens startled for just a moment. But than relizeing he was just trying to help her she can feel herself calm just a little. But trying to consintrat on his words and what he said Katie can feel her mind going to easy...his soft gentil voice by her ear was almost like a sweet lullaby that had a calming wave.

Receving the comment about being a pool shark Katie cant help but give a small chuckle.

"I think I am far from a pool shark for now anyways."

Turning her head just a little her face is inches from Carson. Searching his eyes for a long moment Katie can see the long and comfort in his eyes he wanted her to have. He hated having to do this to her with Jason but it was the only way.

Leaning in just a little more Katie smiles and gives a soft kiss to Carson's cheek before withdrawing again.

"Thank you Carson."

Looking back at the pool table Katie can feel her emotions calm down enough to where she could pit a lid on them though she new, that they could again blow at anytime the distraction was gone, but for now she was ok.

"I do believe you were showing me how to play this game, and how to shoot."

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