

Kyle's shoulders drop a little bit more, brought down from the height of his frustrations. He was glad neither woman seemed too put out by his little outburst, though his red face showed he was embarrassed anyway.

Looking to Katie as she touches his arm, he gives a little nod, a faint grin returning to the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, Hero. My phone drowned yesterday in a cloudburst, but... yeah, I'll call if I need you. Just..." He heaves a weary sigh. "...tell Jason I'm not upset with him, will ya? I'll get out of his hair soon enough."

Waving her off, he waits until she's gone to turn back to Alice. Cocking his head, the intense emotions slowly fade from his eyes. "I'm sorry, Alice," he apologizes quietly. "If I had any sense, I wouldn't have spouted off like that, least of all in front of somebody like you."

He leans an elbow on her door at the open window and just stares at her for a moment, trying to figure out her motives. "I just ruined band practice, I have no job, I have no where to go, I just behaved totally inappropriately, and I'm feeling like crap. But if you really don't care, then I suppose I really don't have a good excuse to say no."

He grimaces at himself and squints. "Yeah... I'm being a real bear, aren't I?" He wasn't normally like this... he hated feeling this way... he hated feeling uptight and upset like this, but he just couldn't seem to pull himself back up lately no matter what he tried.

"I'm grateful for your invitation, and maybe getting away for a couple hours would do me some good. So... if the offer still stands after I've made an idiot of myself... I can ride with you and swing back by later to pick up my truck... or... if that was just totally inappropriate of me even to suggest that, I'll lead the way."

Straightening, a sheepish laugh escapes. "Yeah... I'm doing real good today. Just tell me what to do, Alice. I can't get my brain untangled enough to keep me out of trouble."

Drawn into Misty's kiss, a smile comes to Carson's lips. "Mm... maybe we shoulda started stocking up a long time ago."

He cocks his head and returns again, closing his eyes as he feels Misty's fingers run through his hair. He holds her even closer, his arms easily wrapping around her slim waist.

When she pulls away, he just looks into her eyes, loving her hand running down his face. "I think I'd rather you not let me go," he muses. "Adventure on a mission or not... spending a day with a sassy sheila like you simply can't be beat."

Resting his forehead against hers, his crooked grin grows. "I told you once I was yours," he whispers. "No matter what happened... that never changed."

Turning to kiss her cheek and move down to her lips again, Carson simply doesn't want to leave. But the buzzing cellphone on his belt annoys him out of the moment. Drawing away, he sighs. "So much for that... You'll just have to save up while I'm gone."

Finally backing up a step, he ruffles Misty's hair. He opens his mouth to say something, but the phone persists. Smirking, he pulls it out and sees it's Reese. "Yeah, I'm on my way back."

He grabs his bag and gestures with his head to the door to have Misty follow him out, and shuts the door with his foot. "Yep, I got it," he keeps talking to Reese. "Not yet... see me when I get back and by then I'll know. Yeah. I still got a couple calls. Right. Okay. Bye."

By now, he and Misty are back outside, and he aims for her car, throwing his bag into the back seat. "Alright, Missy. Off we go."

It doesn't seem to take long enough to get back to TJY. Though the mission was exciting, and though time was of the essence if they were to save Angel, a feeling of danger lingered. And for once... Carson had something back home that he didn't want to lose.

Pushing the feelings aside though, he slings an arm around Misty's shoulder to walk inside. Once there, he's split up in order to go talk with Reese while she returns to the infirmary.


Jason holds his phone to his ear as he looks out he windshield of his parked truck. The lake had been his destination today and he wouldn't have answered the phone had he not seen it was Reese. "Yeah. I'm coming in."

"Good. I didn't want to break up your band practice, but you and Katie are needed on the double."

Jason straightens a little. Reese sounded tense. "What is it?"

"I don't want to talk about it over the phone. But pack a bag."

Jason knew this meant he was on a case that would take him out of town. "Right. Give me forty-five minutes. You called Katie?"

"Not yet."

"I'll tell her to come in too."

"Thanks. And Jase?"


"Find a sitter for your dog."

It was going to be a long case. Jason nods. "Will do." Hanging up, he turns his truck back on and pulls out of the parking lot. He hadn't talked with Katie since Mike's, and hadn't let her in on all his emotions either. But now he was glad for their communication.

Katie, we're on some kind of case. Don't know what or where, but it's out of town and might take a while. Pack a bag. Reese wants us in the office pronto.

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