
Mountain man

Well, the conviction is certainly true. I mean, I found all the records. There’s no doubt that he was guilty – they had all the proof the court needed.

Jason thinks for several more minutes before closing a folder over the printout.

I’ll talk to Carson first chance I get. If he knows, then I’ll feel better about it. If he doesn’t, then maybe I’ll leave it in his hands as someone who knows Axel better than I do.

Standing up, Jason moves to leave his office. Trooper gets up expectantly, eager to finally go home.

See you tomorrow, Hero. Sleep well.

Con doesn’t open his eyes as Jamie cuddles into him, but he slips an arm around her, giving her a loving squeeze. “I love you too,” he responds quietly.

Finally he moves to give her head a kiss. “I’m sorry I haven’t been good for much lately.” His hand moves to rub up and down her back. “Maybe once I’m back with Titan things will get better.”

Axel looks up at the dark sky, finding the moon behind the clouds that were finally parting after being thick all day.

His arms wrapped around his knees, he breaths in the cool night air. Not many would notice him perched atop the roof of the auto shop. But it was the perfect vantage point, and a spot where he could feel far away from the world, if just for a little while.

Closing his eyes, he lets the breeze wash over him. He had so many questions. So many unknowns.

“Thank you.” Luke moves down the hotel hallway, Jeff close behind. It had taken a bit of doing, but after finally convincing the guy at the hotel desk that Luke was Angel’s husband, he was able to obtain a key.

It doesn’t take long to find her room, and after knocking with no response, Luke fumbles with the lock.

“Here.” Jeff reaches in to help. He knew that Luke was exhausted. After getting thrown from a horse early that morning, it was amazing he was walking at all. But his determination to see Angel had won out.

Getting inside the dim room, Luke finds the light switch, and glances around to spot Angel in bed. “Angel?”

He moves closer, easing down on the bed next to her. “Angel… come on, babe… wake up…. We’re here.” He brushes some hair from her face, his jaw tightening with concern as he sees how pale she is. He gently rubs her arm, trying to rouse her. “Angel… For me… you have to wake up.”

Jeff stands back waiting, ready to go for the phone if they couldn’t wake her.

Gunner paces the foyer of the hotel, every once in a while glancing up to throw a smile to the man behind the desk. It was a smile that was born of humor for the look he kept receiving.

The hotel manager continued to steal glances at the stranger who was pacing. He looked like he was some mountain man, his shoulder-length hair pulled back in a scraggly ponytail, his beard in need of a trim. The streak of gray in his hair seemed out of place, and his worn flannel shirt made him look even more the part of some lumberjack.

Gunner knew exactly what was going through the guy’s head, and continued to toy with him, not choosing to exit, but staying right where he was, finding it very funny. He knew what he looked like, and loved even more to see people’s reactions. More important though, he was waiting for word from Jeff or Luke. He knew Angel and was concerned for her as well. But if she was sick, it wouldn’t be the hospital they would go to, but TJY instead. With something like this, they couldn’t help but wonder if there was some part of the Agency involved, and if that was the case, she would get more help at the infirmary than the hospital.

Watching her

Coming into the living room Jamie stands in the doorway for a long moment knowing Con probley did not know she was there. Just watching her husband for a long moment Jamie lets out a soft sigh. She new things had been hard on him latley and she felt so bad for him. He was trying so hard and it was starting to wair him down.

Slowly walking in the rest of the way Jamie lowers herself down on the coutch next to Con she snuggles into him and draps her arm across his chest.

"I love you Con."

Was the only words she said. She did love him, and dispight anything she was happy. How could she not be. Con was her dream, and it came true.

Tuning into what Jason said Katie listens intently on what he had to say. A bit shocked Katie isnt sure what to even say. A million differnt emotions run through her as she trys to process this information.

I....He seemed pretty nice when we met him. I mean a little stand-off-ish but all in all an ok guy. Than again I guess someone could be puttin on a show for anyone alse.

Katie stops for a moment. she didnt know what to think on the matter. It was obveous that they should be caustios, but what alse should she thing?

I'd hate to jump to conclutions on something like this and it end up being a missunderstanding. Maybe you should talk with Carson and see what happens. I wouldnt wait to long though just incase it is true.

Sitting down on the coutch after the long night at work Jess turns the tv on. It had been a long say filled with strange avents. Most pushed off as just forgetfulness or cawinceadince that it had happend or certin things were found.

Flipping though the channels Jess takes a sip of her beer. The night was a bore and there really wasnt anything on tv right now. Finally setting her drink down though she find an old movie to watch and curled up on the coutch she difts off to sleep unawair of the eyes that layed watching her.


A grin surfaces again and Kyle takes Alice's card. "Well... I don't know if I'll call you or not, so I won't promise anything, but... I have been known to do some weird things sometimes."

The humor dances in his eyes. "See ya around, Alice."

Watching her leave, Kyle just stands alone for a long while, his eyes lingering on where she had disappeared into the fog. It almost felt like this had all never happened. But his drenched clothes proved it was real. Interesting... very interesting.

He shakes his head and aims back to the path, taking the long way around so he had a chance to dry off a little bit before getting back into his pickup.

The afternoon drags on, the atmosphere staying very damp, though the temperature rises to a comfortable degree.

Things at TJY settle down some, while Reese tries to find his place once again. Everyone still seems in favor of his leadership, making the transition an easy one. In some ways, it felt as if nothing had ever changed. Most were so relieved to have him back, that they were willing to go the extra mile in informing him what had been happening and where they were in their work. One of the first things Reese did was to call Ty and offer his job back. Having to leave a message though, it wasn't sure that the youngest member of TJY would be back.

It was becoming a late evening. Most people had already drifted home for the night. Scott had decided to stay one more night in the infirmary at least, though since Austin was gone, he agreed that he would be fine with just Hal keeping an eye on things. Rick was able to go home for the first night in quite a while.

Con leans his head back on the couch, closing his eyes as the television droned on. He thought Jamie was still in the kitchen, but he couldn't hear if she was still doing the dishes or not. He knew he hadn't been the best company tonight. But being out of work again didn't feel good. Not to mention, he hadn't yet told Jamie where he'd been this afternoon. He tried to be upbeat, but feeling like a fish out of water almost every day didn't help any. His body wanted to sleep, but his mind was too active. He couldn't quite tell from the sounds what was playing on television, but he didn't want to open his eyes to find out.

Jason clicks through files after several different searches. It was late. He should go home. But what was on his mind had kept him in his office. He’d come up with a few dead ends, not really finding anything in particular. Things seemed pretty quiet… records seemed pretty clean. But something made him keep looking. Something had been bothering him, and he needed to find out what it was. His gut usually wasn’t wrong.

Suddenly he finds it. He really hadn’t hoped it existed, though it did go to prove his instincts right.

But as he reads further, his eyes widen. He’d suspected some sort of record, but not this kind. He straightens a little, almost offended. This was… more than he’d thought. This was… worse than he’d thought. Unfortunately it looked as though he’d been too right.

Hitting a button to print, he gains a hard copy of the record. What he was going to do with it, he didn’t know, but… he didn’t think this should stay hidden. Not something like this… should it? But maybe the culprit had changed since then… people did change… but… how often did that really happen in cases like these?

Hey, Katie…

He takes the printoff and scans it again, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.

You know Axel Thornton? From Cryptic? I, um… followed up my hunch that there wasn’t something right there and… I’m not sure I like what I found.

It was about six or seven years ago.
He reads as he communicates, knowing that if Katie was paying attention it would work almost like a scanner.

He served a year behind bars, then a year after that in a rehabilitation program – bootcamp really. Then he got out with probation for a couple more years.

Jason inwardly cringes.

He was convicted of assault and rape.

His emotions speak for themselves. He was upset. He was confused. He didn’t know what to do with this information now.

I don’t know what to think. I’m all for people changing… I know that’s possible, but… I don’t know… I just feel funny about it. Stealing… even murder I think I could have handled. But this… I guess it just hits me on a different level, ya know?

He shakes his head.

Maybe I wouldn’t think so much of it, but he’s obviously hiding it. I mean… the group of people he’s closest to don’t even know. Not that I’d want this spread around if it were me, but… I don’t know… don’t you think he would have at least told them? And… what if… I mean… it’s only been a couple years since he’s been clear. Do you think he’s really that clean now? It’s rare that someone like that ever really changes… too many times they come out of hiding when least expected to strike again. I wouldn’t want that to happen this time… but I feel funny about confronting him about it too.

Jason keeps thinking, trying to solve the issue in his mind.

He and Carson seem pretty close. Maybe I should ask Carson about it first. See what he says. If anyone won’t go blabbing without a cause, it’s him.

Phil finishes cleaning up after getting home from work, and goes to shut the cabinet in the bathroom that was ajar, and notices a pill bottle that had been knocked over. It was a prescription...that was odd. Neither he nor Kyle had been to any doctors lately.

Curious, Phil reaches in to pull it out and take a closer look. His eyebrows raise as he reads the label, before he frowns. What on earth...
He hears Kyle heading down the hall, getting ready to leave for Rocky's. Quickly exiting the bathroom, Phil calls after him. "Kyle!"

"Yeah, what?" Kyle spins around, in a hurry to leave.

Phil holds up the bottle. "What's this?"

Kyle's face reddens. "Nothing."

"It doesn't look like nothing to me," Phil counters, reading the label again. "Since when have you started taking anti-depressants?"

Kyle swallows hard, not answering Phil for several seconds. "Look, just forget about it, alright? Sorry they were in your way." He turns to leave.

"Kyle, wait," Phil demands, taking several steps closer. "What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Kyle spins back around, throwing up his arms. "Just let it rest, will you?"

"I don't want to let it rest." Worry courses through Phil's eyes. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm great now." Kyle grits his teeth, his face continuing to gain color. "I have to go to Rocky's. You gonna keep me here all day?"

"How long have you been on these?"

"Who cares?"

"I care!" Phil shakes the bottle in his hand. "My brother's on uppers, and I have a right to know about it."

"It's my business," Kyle hisses. "Drop it."

"I don't want to." Phil crosses his arms. "I want to know when this started. This isn't like you, Kyle."

"Look, I'm sorry I don't tell you ever detail about my personal life. But this is something that's none of your business." He spins on his heel, stalking toward the door.

Phil holds out his hand. "Wait...just..." The door slams against his words. He sighs deeply and looks at the bottle again. Kyle had been kinda moody lately, sure... he'd been a bit evasive, and not really himself... but Phil never would have guessed that his brother would be anywhere near depressed enough to take something for it. Kyle had seemed upset sometimes lately, but this he'd hidden so well...but how long had this been going on? Phil didn't like the risks that were connected to this kind of thing.


Sitting up Alice just thinks for a moment as she quirks her mouth a slight bit. Something seemed a little differnt in Kyle demeaner, almost like he went from cloud nine back down to earth in the snap of the fingers.

"I guess your right. But you deserve to be happy so at least acheave that and dont put off what you really want for to long because you never know when this day might be the last."

Taking Kyle's hand as her offers her up Alice walks with him back to the shelter. Putting her pad of paper and pen in her bag she looks up and gives a chuckle to Kyle and his phone.

"I guess you better get another on, or I better find a differnt way to contact you because I would like to see you again if you would let me. I think there is alot more to you I'd like to find out and many more intresting things I could write about. But thats up to you..."

Reaching into her bag once again she pulls out a busness card that has her name, phone number, and webpage writen on it.

"..Untill you decied if its ok if I do or not here is my card and just contact me whenever you want for whatever reason you want. If I dont hear from you in about three weeks though I'll find a way to get ahold of you."

Giving a wink Alice grabs her bag and holds it a little ways away from herself making sure not to get it wet. Looking down at her watch she takes note of the time. Many hours had gone by and been lost but it was worth it. She'd really enjoyed her time with Kyle.

"Well I better be getting back before the boss thinks I am playing hookie. I'm gonna have to stop home first and change my clothing though. It was nice meeting you Kyle. Your just what I exspected and nothing less."

Turning Alice stands to make her way out of the shelter but stops. Turning she stands letting the fog wrap around her. Giving a smile her eyes twinkle with the spunk that seemed to never die. Giving a wave she calls back to Kyle.

"Thanks for letting me getting to Kyle, I hope I will be able to again."

Turning once more Alice starts to walk back along the path they had come disapearing into the fog.

Score one

Though Kyle doesn't respond much, it doesn't mean he's not listening. As Alice joins him outside in the rain, his expression of bliss remains, not surprised in the least that she'd ventured into the weather as well.

Just lying in the rain, he hears Alice's words, but doesn't respond right away. He just stays, becoming soaked to the bone.

All too soon, the cloudburst moves on, and the pouring rain turns to a light drizzle, creating an eerie haze around the park. Kyle blinks and finally reaches to his face to wipe off some of the water. He gives a little sigh, cold, but unwilling to stand yet.

"Sure we can build new bridges," he finally responds. "But how much better never to have burned one in the first place? I can't judge decisions on feelings... sometimes feelings lie. And even if friends will get over something I choose, why should I put them through that in the first place? Maybe they're the ones who are right, and I'm the wrong one."

Sitting up, Kyle draws his knees up close to rest his arms on them. So quickly he'd gone from high to low. "I just can't decide what I really want, let alone what's best. Maybe just staying with JetStream is what I'm really supposed to do. Not as glamorous, but hey... I'm not in it for the glamor, right?"

He heaves a sigh. Wearily he stands up and offers Alice a hand up too before wandering back to the shelter where her bag was. Reaching into his pocket, he groans. "Aw no..."

He pulls out a dripping cell phone. "Score one, Kyle... nice job." He purses his lips and flips the phone open to see the water-damaged screen. "Well... good thing you didn't have to call me again - now I really wouldn't have returned your calls."

Shaking his head, he rolls his eyes at himself. Then looking down, he gives himself a once-over. "Not to mention there's no way I'm going to get my truck this wet. I'm gonna have to sit a while and dry off or something. Either that or take another walk."


Stopping suddenly Alice has to take a few steps back to retrace and become even with Kyle again. Just staring back at him while he looks to her she can feel the smile grow a tiny bit on her face. Not only was Kyle describing her but he was describing himself as well.

Feeling the rain start to fall Alice dosnt mind it. The refreshing droplets felt nice on her skin even if it was cold out. Listing to Kyle she just soaks is up as he just continues to talk to her freely, noding her head everyone in a while letting him know she was in fact listing.

"Sometimes its easyer to talk to people who have no idea who they are because they wont judge us, or sometimes because we never will have to see them again."

As it starts to rain harder Alice follows Kyle to the sheltered area. Looking out at the rain falling Alice is almost lost in through as she still listen to Kyle talk. Folding her arms on the table she just looks over the table at Kyle.

"You know, desitions can be hard things. We never know if we are making the right ones are not, but the best way to judge them is if they feel right. I am sure your friends will understand whatever desition you make. Sure they might be upset at first but in the end they will give you there sapport."

Repositioning herself on the hard hard bench Alice sits so she is strattling the bench first and than brings her legs up to fold them indian style. Just watching the rain fall for a moment the breeze that came along with it was cold but felt good on her skin.

Seeing Kyle move out of the courner of her eye she turns her head to watching. Giving a chuckle as he stepped out into the rain Alice just shakes her head not even bothering trying to talk to him knowing he probley wouldnt hear her anyways.

Finally unfolding her legs and seeing Kyle lay on the sidewalk Alice just cocks her head for a moment. Slowly standing up she takes a few steps forward out from underneath the dry shelter herself letting the cold drops soak her to the bone. Whiping her hair out of her face she makes her way over to where Kyle layed. Slowly lowering herself down next to him Alice lays out flat the same way Kyle was.

As the rain hits her in the face she finally makes out some words yelling them for Kyle to hear.

"You know, when you burns some bridges..."

Alice turns her head and squints to look at Kyle through the rain."

"...God always makes the opertunity to build new ones."


Kyle just listens for a few minutes, not showing a whole lot of reaction, though it's evident by his face that he's surprised at some of Alice's words, and truly contemplating them.

Glancing at the picture of her, a smile quirks his mouth and he continues to listen. Letting her talk, his eyes roam the park, realizing that everything had become gray and not as many people were around. A look upward made him realize that clouds had rolled in. The scent of rain was in the air.

Bringing his focus back to Alice, he suddenly just stops walking and turns to look at her. "You're very insightful," he muses. "More so than I'd like, because you see way too much of me just by looking in my eyes. I'm tempted to be intimidated... but it's just not my nature. At least let me get even, though."

He falls silent, staring into her eyes, just studying and searching. His voice grows quiet. "You see so much... you look into people's hearts. That's uncommon for someone in your line of work. But it doesn't bother you, does it? You like being the odd one... the rebel, perhaps. It doesn't scare you to be the first to venture into the unknown."

A raindrop splashes on Kyle's face and he blinks, looking up at the sky again. Thinking quickly, he gestures to a nearby shelter. A few picnic tables were under the roof, and he straddles one of the benches, waiting for Alice to sit down too.

"I don't know why I'm telling you all this," he admits. "I shouldn't, if I know what's good for me. But... for some reason I trust you."

He runs his thumb along the wood grain of the table. "I don't know what I want, Alice. I don't know where I'm going, or what I even want to happen. I love JetStream. I always have. Not just because part of it's family, but because I love the teamwork and the performances. But nothing felt like singing for Cryptic the other night either. I've never felt so good after a show. For the first time, I felt I could finally just be me... I didn't have to worry about showing anybody up or stepping on toes."

He rolls his eyes. "Not that I think I'm all that, or the greatest or whatever. But I've never been all I could be... not with JetStream anyway. There was always somebody else in the front, and I figured my place was in the background. Sure, I sing some with them, but not like I did with Cryptic."

Kyle pauses, looking out as a slow rain starts. "And now..." He shrugs in defeat. "Don't print this, but Logan might be pulling out of Cryptic and moving on to other things. If that happens, they want me to take his place. But that leaves JetStream without a keyboard player, unless I deal with both bands. But the way JetStream reacted the other night... I don't think doing that is the best answer. So the only way not to make waves is just settle back to where I was, behind the keyboard and only behind the keyboard."

Again, he pauses. It was apparent he really had thought these things through. "I know that I can't always worry about what other people think, but they're my friends. And if I have to sacrifice something in order to keep those friendships strong, then..."

His voice trails off, and he's not even able to finish it. A scoffing laugh surfaces. "What am I saying?" He shakes his head and looks up at the shelter's rafters. "I'm miserable. And to top it all off, I've got an offer to hit the road with a group of people that has absolutely nothing to do with music. I want to get away from here so bad I can taste it. But what bridges will I be burning by doing that? I don't even know what my passions are anymore."

A downpour comes in answer to his statement, making it almost hard to hear under the roof. The rain comes down in sheets, the visibility not even allowing one to see across the park.

Kyle looks out at it, and slowly a quirky grin forms. Getting up, he steps out into the cold rain. With the moisture came a cooler temperature, and he could see his own breath in the air. Spreading out his arms, he spins under the cloudburst, not caring that he was getting totally drenched. His denim jacket is soaked within seconds, his hair matted and dripping with water.

Backing up away from the shelter, without a care as to who might be watching, Kyle lowers himself to the sidewalk and lets himself fall backward until he was lying straight out, his arms out to the sides.

Letting out a loud whoop, followed by a laugh, he just stays on the ground, soaking up the moisture. Face-up under the rain, he closes his eyes, the smile still on his face as he gets pelted with the cold rain.

I think

Alice slowly sits down her legs crossed on a nice patch of grass as she looks up at Kyle. Still listing closely she takes everything in only jotting down a few things. Her mind was like taking a picture she could remember words well and things that were by someone just saying a simple word.

Once she see Kyle start to walk again Alice jumps up and makes her way to catch up alone side of him. His energy was amazing even if it was a sugar high. Alice had to addmit it to herself it was nice to see someone alse who could keep up with her.

Hearing Kyle talk about his selfworth Alice frowns just a little bit. What could cause someone who was so full of life to think so little of themself liks this. Without even thinking about how bold it was Alice just starts to talk.

"You know Kyle, finding if someone is special or not depends on who is looking at you. Worth, is not skin deep it goes far deeper than that. If you have made a person smile, made a person love than you are worth alot. Your worth more than you know, and I find you very intresting."

For a moment Alice is quiet but than before Kyle can say anything she continues.

"What I want to get from this, is to get to know a side of Kyle Mitts than most people done care to see. Thats why I love my job. I get to look into people and things, I get to pick about the bad and the good and it helps me get to know, and understand a person better. I get to see the finer side of someone that everyone alse dosnt have time to and than I write it all out, I put it into words so others can shair what I have found out and seen. Your fasanating Kyle, and your intresting even if you think your life is boring. The finer side to you, is amazing."

Looking away Alice fiddles with her bad for a moment and than pulls out a small picture of herself from back in her highschool days when she was in the drama club. Holding it out to Kyle she smiles.

"You know back than I though I was going to be an actress. I love acting out words, and putting my own emotions to them. Than I hit a bump in the road and I was confused in what to do next. I started writing not thinking it would amount to anything. But than I relized I liked writing the words more than acting them. I liked giving emotion another way."

Leting out a sigh Alice puts the photo back into her bag and for a moment is silent as she relives her days of past.

"You see...even now I am not sure where I am headed and if this is what I will do for the rest of my life. I cant only hope. But if I step away at least I know I tryed and if this truly is what I am ment to do God will show me the way back. You gotta take those chanses and make those risks even if you know other wont agree so your gonna be stuck not going anywhere. I think, after the short time I have spent here with you, your gonna make it big someday if you just give yourself more credit than you do, and you start worrying about you more than anyone alse."

don't understand

Kyle grins and accepts the twinkie, shaking his head. "Fair warning - giving me sugar is not always a wise thing to do. But I'm not gonna stand here with my stomach interrupting us."

Unwrapping the plastic, he listens to Alice. He takes a bite of the treat, then cocks his head as he chews, one eye squinting a little as he tries to figure her out. This really was about him... He hadn't thought it would be. But it was becoming apparent by Alice's questions that it really was him she wanted to know about - not just the band. He couldn't help but be a little flattered, though he still didn't believe there was enough interesting things about him to really be making this big a deal out of it.

"Emotional side, eh?" He pauses again to finish the twinkie, stuffing the wrapper in his pocket until later when he'd find a trash can.

Kyle folds his arms across his chest, still leaning back against the tree. He never really talked to the others about how things felt. They wouldn't always understand, and he never had wanted anybody to get the wrong idea about what he was saying. They all assumed things were great, so he'd always just let them be happy and think that way. But Alice was just looking for facts, and there was no worry there about making anyone feel bad.

"You know when you find right where you're supposed to be? Like, you find your ultimate niche?" Kyle nods. "That's how it feels to be onstage. I've never been scared of it, never been nervous about it. It's in my blood, and it's hard to live without. The crowd is exciting, and getting out there to see them the first time at an event is the best adrenaline rush you could ever have. It's like being on a rollercoaster without ever having to leave the ground."

He gives a little sigh. His eyes showed a contentedness, but some turmoil as well. "The best moment? There have been two." He knew them so well. He never talked about him, but oh, he remembered them.

"When the band was just getting started, our first "real" gig was at this same park. We were the intro for a bigger band. It was the only time my dad got to see us perform like that. I remember looking out and seeing his face. He was so proud that we'd made it. And today I understand that part of it was probably because we were doing something he'd always had a dream about."

Kyle fall silent for a moment, not appreciating his own melancholy. He moves on quickly. "The other time was after a show a couple years ago. We'd played quite a few Christian songs that night and... she came up to me afterward and thanked me. Said she'd been going through a rough time, and the songs had really touched her. I knew then that I'd never take God out of a show. I don't always know what people really think, or if they really enjoy that style of music or worship, but... one time... one time was enough."

Pushing off the tree, Kyle starts to walk again, letting humor rescue him from the moment. "I'm hitting a sugar high. If I don't walk, you'll have to contend with me trying to stand still."

Forcing a grin, he shakes his head. "I don't know why you're so interested in me, let alone outside of the band. Karate is a hobby, layout and design is a hobby, and as of yesterday, don't even have a job. So... I'm nothing special, Alice. There are others out there who carry much more intriguing, much more worthy stories than me. Besides, I don't know where I'm going or what I'll even be doing two weeks from now. I got an offer for..."

His voice trails off as he realizes he may have said too much. "I just... I don't understand what you're wanting from all this."

For some reason, the grimace on Jess' face when talking about liver just hits Axel the right way. A laugh surfaces - something that not many people ever got to hear. "As long as you don't make me eat it, I won't make you eat it either."

Carson bursts through the front door of Mom and Pop's, not even bothering to use the back entrance. He knew he'd told Herb he'd be a little late this morning, but not this late. He'd enjoyed his morning with Misty so much though, that he'd had to pry himself away. At least there weren't that many customers yet today.

Jogging to the counter, he sees an opening between Mable and Aerith. Vaulting over the counter, he lands, grabs Aerith, and sweeps her into a dip. "Good morning and thank you for covering for me."

Setting her upright, he leans over to give Mable a peck on the cheek. "And good morning to you too, my dear lady. Have you kept your husband in line this morning?"

Carson grins and winks at her before heading through the double-doors. "Herb! Help has arrived!"

More about you

Alice intently listens to Kyle as he talks. Taking a few moments here and there to take her eyes from him and jot things down on her note pad. Walking and talking with him was nice she enjoyed it and listing to him talk was just as exciting. This was something she loved to do and enjoyed.

Continuing to listen and stop and go in rhythm with Kyle all her questions had been answered to a T though the few things she was looking for being left out, his emotions, his feeling. No matter his answer he dodged around it though his eyes betrayed him and she could see the emotions wanting to come out.

Alice dosnt mind as they slip off the bath. They had been walking for quite a while and it felt good to now stop. Taking a space in the shade she faces Kyle looking down at her note pad for a moment writing some more stuff down before looking up at him again and giving a soft giggle before pulling a few twinkies out of her bag. Offering one to Kyle she smile.

"I know its not much but it might be something to curve that hunger in your tummy because I am talking to you not him."

Alice cant help but laugh her he own stupid joke now figuring how stupid it probley sounded to Kyle.

"So, you answered all my question but now I think I want to know more of the emotional side of everything. Like how does it feel for you to be on stage, and what are some of the best moments you have had, whats the energy like up there. I could only imagen its quite exciting."

Drawing silent again Alice just studys Kyle for a long moment. There was something about him that made Alice for curiouse and intrested, just something about this man standing infront of her that made her want to know what it was. She found him intresting when he had hardly even said anything about himself.

"Also if you could tell me a little about yourself outside the band. Like what are some things you like to do, hobbies, where you work and stuff like that?!"

Alice holds her smile as she continues to listen to Kyle and intently watch him. Her eyes sparkling as her enthuseasum and spunk shown through for what she loved to do.

Jess lets out a playful gasp at Axel's comment. Her eyes gave a small sparkle.

"How could you say I was lying. I remember our actions but not really what we were talking about so there..."

After the words were out of her mouth Jess eyes grow just a little as color comes to her face for her boldness with Axel. Sitting back in the booth for a moment she is silent. Finally as her color goes back to normal Jess speaks again.

"Well at least your not picky. I figured you would like what I had because who does like eggs and bacon right? Ha, I'm not really that picky myself only thing you will never get me to touch is liver."

Making a face one could tell who didnt know the conversation something was said that Jess didnt like. Than after she gives a laugh. Today she felt more comfortable with Axel than she had days before. Maybe the more time she spent with him the more comfrotable she was or maybe spending the time she had with Rocky had helped her open up just a little more.


Kyle gives a little chuckle, amused with the spark in Alice's eye and her comment about it sounding as if he'd just woken up. "You caught me."

Moving forward, he falls in step beside her, his thumbs hooked in his jeans pocket, leaving his denim jacket open, despite a cool breeze. He listens to her questions, digesting them for a moment.

A grin emerges. This was something new. Something out of the ordinary. So much had been so full of stress lately, but for some reason... right now, walking along with someone he didn't even know, it was surprisingly peaceful. He'd expected to be on edge around Alice - anyone who was curious enough to ask all the questions no one else would was enough to turn anybody off. But despite her questions, she had something about her... something that was... different... different enough that Kyle could feel it.

"Well, I don't know why you're so interested in me. I'm certainly not the most important part in either band, but... I'll bite."

He thinks for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "I'm the craziest of the bunch - anybody will tell you that. Always been that way and yes... I grew up here, and have lived here all my life. It's where my family is. You know Phil - JetStream's bass player - he's my brother. And Jen - the woman who run sounds - she's my twin sister."

All of a sudden, a frisbee comes flying out of nowhere, aiming at their heads. Reflexes cause Kyle to lash out and catch it with speed. Looking around, he sees a group of kids nearby, and rolls his eyes. Good-natured though, he throws it back to them with accuracy. Shaking his head, he starts walking again.

"My family has always been very musical, so I've been into music since I was a little kid. I started piano lessons when I was about five and fell in love with the keyboard. By junior high, me and Phil were already trying to come up with some of our own stuff to play - he liked the bass. We met Mike in school and he was already into the drums, so... we kinda had a garage band going for a while. Just kid stuff, ya know?"

It had been a long time since Kyle had thought about some of these things. There was happiness there... and a little bit of pain too. He looks down for a moment, watching his tennis shoes cover the distance of the sidewalk that wound around the park.

"Well, we wound up getting a singer off and on. Sometimes they played guitar, sometimes they didn't. But we just fooled around for a while, played in school a few times. We, um..."

Kyle's mind drifts to the hard times they had gone through. Phil's rough bout... their dad dying... Mike's wife and child dying... He shakes his head a little, trying to stay on track.

"There were downs," he admitted. "A few times we quit playing just because life got in the way. At some point we took on the name JetStream and Jen learned about running sound. We... started getting a few local gigs and... took it from there."

He shrugs, not knowing what else to say there. "Last year, Jason joined us. We had a fundraiser to play at, but we lost our lead singer. We just about canceled, but he came along and I guess the rest is history as far as that's concerned. Ever since he walked out on stage with us, the band hasn't been the same, and I mean in a good way. The audience loves him and he's added so much."

Kyle didn't mind singing Jason's praises. As far as he was concerned, Jason really had been the glue to hold the band together lately. "If anybody should be interviewed, it's him," he comments. "He's probably had the most interesting life, not to mention, he's probably the most talented of all of us. If you really want a good story, you should call him up, not me."

He pauses, making sure he gets everything. "Katie came along right after Jason, since he was in law enforcement and so is she, so she took up the role of watching our backs. We decided as a band that it was worth the risk. So far we haven't had any incidents to speak of."

Stepping off the path, Kyle leans back against a tree so he can face Alice, and for a moment, he just studies her face before getting back on track.

"We were friends with the guys and girl in Cryptic from school. We hung out, did some music events together, but we just naturally split up into our two groups. Difference of music tastes, and different friendships. I really don't know the ins and outs of their band, but they started in a similar way to JetStream. A while back though, they were doing well enough to get a contract and travel. They hit the road and they'd have to tell you about their adventures there. I guess they picked up their sound guy, Axel only about a year ago, but otherwise they're all the original group still together."

He pauses again and finally just shrugs. "Logan, their lead singer, was sick the other night, so I just filled in for him. That's the only reason I wound up on stage with them, if that's what you noticed."

A dog barking is a distraction and Kyle's eyes roam the park for a moment. Time was passing quickly, even though he was really summarizing everything. There were so many details he'd left out... he'd left almost all emotion out of everything he'd said, never talking about how he felt. It was just facts. But he knew Alice wouldn't want to be here all day.

His hands in his pockets, he shakes his head a little. "I don't know what you want the conclusion of this one story to be, but I don't know what the future looks like, Alice. You may think my transition between bands was fascinating, but not everybody shares that interest."

Though he tries to hide it, it's obvious by his eyes that there had been a lot more downs than ups lately, whether in the band, or just for him personally. He can feel his tone getting sharp, and makes an effort to soften it out again. His growling stomach gives him the humorous outlet he needs, and he gives a little laugh.

"Guess my stomach doesn't share much interest either." He cocks his head. "Did I answer all your questions?"

Axel's eyes narrow, though there is a humorous glint as he stares at Jess after her statement that she didn't remember where they'd been. "Liar," he accuses. But a knowing grin breaks through. He would respect any time that Jess withdrew. His was not to push, but to wait and watch the bloom.

"Thanks for ordering." He nods. "I like just about anything, so that's great."

"How we doing back there?"

Luke looks up the aisle to where Gunner was looking back from the pilot's cabin. "We're alright."

Jeff glances to his friend who was trying to stretch out in the small plane. "What's it looking like, Gunner?"

"Making good time. We'll get ya there, don't worry."