
Score one

Though Kyle doesn't respond much, it doesn't mean he's not listening. As Alice joins him outside in the rain, his expression of bliss remains, not surprised in the least that she'd ventured into the weather as well.

Just lying in the rain, he hears Alice's words, but doesn't respond right away. He just stays, becoming soaked to the bone.

All too soon, the cloudburst moves on, and the pouring rain turns to a light drizzle, creating an eerie haze around the park. Kyle blinks and finally reaches to his face to wipe off some of the water. He gives a little sigh, cold, but unwilling to stand yet.

"Sure we can build new bridges," he finally responds. "But how much better never to have burned one in the first place? I can't judge decisions on feelings... sometimes feelings lie. And even if friends will get over something I choose, why should I put them through that in the first place? Maybe they're the ones who are right, and I'm the wrong one."

Sitting up, Kyle draws his knees up close to rest his arms on them. So quickly he'd gone from high to low. "I just can't decide what I really want, let alone what's best. Maybe just staying with JetStream is what I'm really supposed to do. Not as glamorous, but hey... I'm not in it for the glamor, right?"

He heaves a sigh. Wearily he stands up and offers Alice a hand up too before wandering back to the shelter where her bag was. Reaching into his pocket, he groans. "Aw no..."

He pulls out a dripping cell phone. "Score one, Kyle... nice job." He purses his lips and flips the phone open to see the water-damaged screen. "Well... good thing you didn't have to call me again - now I really wouldn't have returned your calls."

Shaking his head, he rolls his eyes at himself. Then looking down, he gives himself a once-over. "Not to mention there's no way I'm going to get my truck this wet. I'm gonna have to sit a while and dry off or something. Either that or take another walk."

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