

Sitting up Alice just thinks for a moment as she quirks her mouth a slight bit. Something seemed a little differnt in Kyle demeaner, almost like he went from cloud nine back down to earth in the snap of the fingers.

"I guess your right. But you deserve to be happy so at least acheave that and dont put off what you really want for to long because you never know when this day might be the last."

Taking Kyle's hand as her offers her up Alice walks with him back to the shelter. Putting her pad of paper and pen in her bag she looks up and gives a chuckle to Kyle and his phone.

"I guess you better get another on, or I better find a differnt way to contact you because I would like to see you again if you would let me. I think there is alot more to you I'd like to find out and many more intresting things I could write about. But thats up to you..."

Reaching into her bag once again she pulls out a busness card that has her name, phone number, and webpage writen on it.

"..Untill you decied if its ok if I do or not here is my card and just contact me whenever you want for whatever reason you want. If I dont hear from you in about three weeks though I'll find a way to get ahold of you."

Giving a wink Alice grabs her bag and holds it a little ways away from herself making sure not to get it wet. Looking down at her watch she takes note of the time. Many hours had gone by and been lost but it was worth it. She'd really enjoyed her time with Kyle.

"Well I better be getting back before the boss thinks I am playing hookie. I'm gonna have to stop home first and change my clothing though. It was nice meeting you Kyle. Your just what I exspected and nothing less."

Turning Alice stands to make her way out of the shelter but stops. Turning she stands letting the fog wrap around her. Giving a smile her eyes twinkle with the spunk that seemed to never die. Giving a wave she calls back to Kyle.

"Thanks for letting me getting to Kyle, I hope I will be able to again."

Turning once more Alice starts to walk back along the path they had come disapearing into the fog.

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