

A grin surfaces again and Kyle takes Alice's card. "Well... I don't know if I'll call you or not, so I won't promise anything, but... I have been known to do some weird things sometimes."

The humor dances in his eyes. "See ya around, Alice."

Watching her leave, Kyle just stands alone for a long while, his eyes lingering on where she had disappeared into the fog. It almost felt like this had all never happened. But his drenched clothes proved it was real. Interesting... very interesting.

He shakes his head and aims back to the path, taking the long way around so he had a chance to dry off a little bit before getting back into his pickup.

The afternoon drags on, the atmosphere staying very damp, though the temperature rises to a comfortable degree.

Things at TJY settle down some, while Reese tries to find his place once again. Everyone still seems in favor of his leadership, making the transition an easy one. In some ways, it felt as if nothing had ever changed. Most were so relieved to have him back, that they were willing to go the extra mile in informing him what had been happening and where they were in their work. One of the first things Reese did was to call Ty and offer his job back. Having to leave a message though, it wasn't sure that the youngest member of TJY would be back.

It was becoming a late evening. Most people had already drifted home for the night. Scott had decided to stay one more night in the infirmary at least, though since Austin was gone, he agreed that he would be fine with just Hal keeping an eye on things. Rick was able to go home for the first night in quite a while.

Con leans his head back on the couch, closing his eyes as the television droned on. He thought Jamie was still in the kitchen, but he couldn't hear if she was still doing the dishes or not. He knew he hadn't been the best company tonight. But being out of work again didn't feel good. Not to mention, he hadn't yet told Jamie where he'd been this afternoon. He tried to be upbeat, but feeling like a fish out of water almost every day didn't help any. His body wanted to sleep, but his mind was too active. He couldn't quite tell from the sounds what was playing on television, but he didn't want to open his eyes to find out.

Jason clicks through files after several different searches. It was late. He should go home. But what was on his mind had kept him in his office. He’d come up with a few dead ends, not really finding anything in particular. Things seemed pretty quiet… records seemed pretty clean. But something made him keep looking. Something had been bothering him, and he needed to find out what it was. His gut usually wasn’t wrong.

Suddenly he finds it. He really hadn’t hoped it existed, though it did go to prove his instincts right.

But as he reads further, his eyes widen. He’d suspected some sort of record, but not this kind. He straightens a little, almost offended. This was… more than he’d thought. This was… worse than he’d thought. Unfortunately it looked as though he’d been too right.

Hitting a button to print, he gains a hard copy of the record. What he was going to do with it, he didn’t know, but… he didn’t think this should stay hidden. Not something like this… should it? But maybe the culprit had changed since then… people did change… but… how often did that really happen in cases like these?

Hey, Katie…

He takes the printoff and scans it again, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.

You know Axel Thornton? From Cryptic? I, um… followed up my hunch that there wasn’t something right there and… I’m not sure I like what I found.

It was about six or seven years ago.
He reads as he communicates, knowing that if Katie was paying attention it would work almost like a scanner.

He served a year behind bars, then a year after that in a rehabilitation program – bootcamp really. Then he got out with probation for a couple more years.

Jason inwardly cringes.

He was convicted of assault and rape.

His emotions speak for themselves. He was upset. He was confused. He didn’t know what to do with this information now.

I don’t know what to think. I’m all for people changing… I know that’s possible, but… I don’t know… I just feel funny about it. Stealing… even murder I think I could have handled. But this… I guess it just hits me on a different level, ya know?

He shakes his head.

Maybe I wouldn’t think so much of it, but he’s obviously hiding it. I mean… the group of people he’s closest to don’t even know. Not that I’d want this spread around if it were me, but… I don’t know… don’t you think he would have at least told them? And… what if… I mean… it’s only been a couple years since he’s been clear. Do you think he’s really that clean now? It’s rare that someone like that ever really changes… too many times they come out of hiding when least expected to strike again. I wouldn’t want that to happen this time… but I feel funny about confronting him about it too.

Jason keeps thinking, trying to solve the issue in his mind.

He and Carson seem pretty close. Maybe I should ask Carson about it first. See what he says. If anyone won’t go blabbing without a cause, it’s him.

Phil finishes cleaning up after getting home from work, and goes to shut the cabinet in the bathroom that was ajar, and notices a pill bottle that had been knocked over. It was a prescription...that was odd. Neither he nor Kyle had been to any doctors lately.

Curious, Phil reaches in to pull it out and take a closer look. His eyebrows raise as he reads the label, before he frowns. What on earth...
He hears Kyle heading down the hall, getting ready to leave for Rocky's. Quickly exiting the bathroom, Phil calls after him. "Kyle!"

"Yeah, what?" Kyle spins around, in a hurry to leave.

Phil holds up the bottle. "What's this?"

Kyle's face reddens. "Nothing."

"It doesn't look like nothing to me," Phil counters, reading the label again. "Since when have you started taking anti-depressants?"

Kyle swallows hard, not answering Phil for several seconds. "Look, just forget about it, alright? Sorry they were in your way." He turns to leave.

"Kyle, wait," Phil demands, taking several steps closer. "What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Kyle spins back around, throwing up his arms. "Just let it rest, will you?"

"I don't want to let it rest." Worry courses through Phil's eyes. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm great now." Kyle grits his teeth, his face continuing to gain color. "I have to go to Rocky's. You gonna keep me here all day?"

"How long have you been on these?"

"Who cares?"

"I care!" Phil shakes the bottle in his hand. "My brother's on uppers, and I have a right to know about it."

"It's my business," Kyle hisses. "Drop it."

"I don't want to." Phil crosses his arms. "I want to know when this started. This isn't like you, Kyle."

"Look, I'm sorry I don't tell you ever detail about my personal life. But this is something that's none of your business." He spins on his heel, stalking toward the door.

Phil holds out his hand. "Wait...just..." The door slams against his words. He sighs deeply and looks at the bottle again. Kyle had been kinda moody lately, sure... he'd been a bit evasive, and not really himself... but Phil never would have guessed that his brother would be anywhere near depressed enough to take something for it. Kyle had seemed upset sometimes lately, but this he'd hidden so well...but how long had this been going on? Phil didn't like the risks that were connected to this kind of thing.

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