

*Misty keeps her sassy grin on her face hiding the uneasyness underneath. Masking it from all who daired look.*

"I guess...I just wanted to stall alittle bit more."

*Misty steps along side Carson wraping her fingers around his and opeing the door.*

"So let him have our heads. I plane on taking it slow, I am injered after all."

*Misty grin growing, and her eyes continue to dance as they step outside. Stoping for a moment the rays from the sun reflect off Misty, giving her a new shine as she looks back to Carson.*

"I wouldent mind being locked anywhere as long as you were there too."

*Misty starts walking again, the destanation the one place she actully feared going today..TJY.*

*Lockhearts eyes connect with Reese for a moment as a slight shake of pink tints her cheeks thrown off guard by him calling her by her first name. Keeping her smile it grows just alitlte bit as she quickly looking away Lockheart gathers her papers making sure she has everything.*

"Thank you, for giving me this oppertunity to be a part of something bigger than most people can imagen. I've enjoyed my time spent here with you are your staff you are all wonderful people with big and kind hearts. I'm glad I had the joy to get to know you. It was truly an honer."

*Clicking her brefcase shut Lockheart stands straghting out her light grey skirt suit.*

"Shall we see if everyone alse is here now?"

*Katie turns at the sound of Scott's voice and gives alittle smile.*

"I guess sometimes, its just easyer to look knowing that no matter how much you run after it you wont ever get it, than it is to actully go after it and fail"

*Katie gives alittle shake to her head as she trys to whip away the feeling of dispear. Feeling Scott's hand in hers Katie turns her head studing his face for a long moment as he looks to the sky. The feeling of comfort pass over Katie as she feels a new bit of strenth. Scott and Katie would walk together, leaning on eachother for saport. They dident have to face this alone. Turning and walking into TJY Katie gives alittle smile. Feeling Scott close helped make the path on this day alittle less bumpy. Looking to Scott Katie face become somber and her words strong as they walk inside.*

"Hey Scott, in case things dont go well today I just want you to know. You mean alot to me. I've always considered you a friend since when you first picked me up at the airport, but in the last months I've become closer with you, and learned to see a side of you not alot of people have. Just...no matter what dont lose that spark ok."

*Katie stops and brings a hand to Scott's face. Running her finger over his cheek, than his nose as if maping, studying every bump and making. Making a mentil photo. Katie's voice become soft and horse as she whispers.*

"Your so special Scott, and thank you for everything. Dont even change, I love you the way you are."

*In a brefmoment caught between stress, and over flowing emotions Katie puts her arms around Scott and draws him him, brushing his lips aganst his she moves her head so her clips are close to his ear. Her breathing slow, her words soft.*

"I think I've fallen in love with you Scotty."

*Slowly Katie brings her head back and her lips once again touch Scott's lips, the kiss, the emotions matching her words. The sweet tast made Katie's heart race. She dident know what drove her to be so bold, but something told her it was ok, and it just felt right.*

*Nate stands inside on the mainfloor after droping Maggie off at home. Giving Janet instructions on what to do if things go bad today. Nate tryed to stay as positive as he could, though it was hard. Worry for his sister rained over all. Scanning the floor Nate looks to see if Laura made it back yet.*

"Ya just one mouse a day and plenty of water. Yes when he sheads just put him in the cage with water, the beding, and his big rock. His mice are in the freezer. Yeah just let them thaw for a half hour befor feeding it to him. Ok...ya thanks alot Tony. If everything works out I'll let you know. Ok thanks again. Bye."

*Jamie hangs up the phone after talking with her nabore about taking care of Ed. Glancing down at her watch Jamie starts to pace as she waits for Con to show up.*

*Aerith gives a slight wave to Herb and Mable as she exits the restront. Noticing Wyatt isent there yet Aerith sits on the restront step and waits. Alittle bit of time pass as Aerith looks up again only to make out a figure coming down the sidewalk. Not mistaking that it was Frankie, Aerith stands and looks up and down the way for Wyatt before bolting back inside.*


Carson resists a little, just out of spite, but finally gives in, returning an energetic kiss. His fingers run through Misty’s hair before moving down her shoulders then around to her back as he lets the exchange continue.

Finally he manages to pull himself away enough to see Misty’s eyes, leaning his forehead against hers. “Despite a warriors strength. Despite all of his might. The one who conquers cannot be stopped. Instead she robs the heart from his very chest to call her own. And so they stand in the battlefield, eye to eye, sword to sword.”

Carson shakes his head, the drama fading from his eyes, replaced by mischief. “I had all night to kiss you, and yet you insist on provoking me on the way out the door. You’re a mean woman, Sassy.”

Touching his fisted knuckles to her chin in a playful tap, he lets her go, sidling back to the door, and bows low. “Melady. If we don’t leave now, Reese will have both our hides.” He quirks an eyebrow. “Not that I would mind being locked in a cell with you again.”

Reese can’t help that his smile spreads as Lockheart speaks. “Well, if there’s anybody I trust to get us out of this, it’s you.” He pauses in thought, then cocks his head slightly. “I want you to know that…if things go sour…if we lose this battle, you are in no way to blame. Now I don’t want to think negatively, but we have to face the facts that we’re up against a lot. But…I admire you for your courage and boldness.”

He gives a little nod. “And even if we all get thrown into prison…we all appreciate and value everything that you’ve done Angelica.”

“You know…staring off into the horizon doesn’t make it come any closer.” Scott ambles up behind Katie in the parking lot, slowly approaching. “You have to chase it.”

His gaze follows hers for a moment, not looking at her face, but at the sky, and the line that was forever out of reach. His hand finds hers with a comforting strength new to his character. “Come on…let’s go win this thing.”

Hal turns on the second van and backs it out of its space to pull around front by the other two vans. They had quite a group going today and would need all three. Keeping it running, he waits.


*As Carson starts to walk away Misty reaches out and grabs Carson's shirt as she feels a bit of pain but ignors it spinning him around and drawing him in close to her.*

"Let me be the one to judge when I am over doing it."

*Drawing Carson closer Misty's lips press aganst Carson's exchanging the passiton. Misty one hand finds the back on his head while the other press agast he back keeping him close to her.*

*Katie smiles and looks at Scott.*

"You were great company I loved listing to your snoring."

*Katie cant help but giggle. than her face turns solam again leting out a nervouse sigh.*

"Ya I guess we are."

*Geting out of the Van at her house Katie waves leting Scott know she would be back later. Heading inside Katie takes another shower and cleans up grabing a bit to eat before heading out again.*

*Lockheart smiles as she enters Reese office and sits down. Though this as hard and the mood was heacy Lockheart tryed to remain positive. For the sake of everyone here she had to.*

"Good Afternoon Reese. I am pretty confadent everything will go ok today. I hardly got any sleep myself writing my plee all night. I have a good foundation, and some information I wasent exspecting that I think will help. This is going to be the biggest case even in the history of my whole career and I know we can win this. Its been a long hard road for you all but its going to end today and everyone will be so much better off. You guys are going to be able to be in the open and stop hiding. Its going to be a might good feeling for you all, and I am excited about helping make that possable."

*Lockheart continues to hold her smile with confadince.*

*Katie parks her car in TJY parking lot. Leting the music play for a moment.*

"I'm not ready to say goodbye....
Everytime I see you cry...
Baby, baby...
I asked to stay one more day...
But they took me away anyway...
And I cryed..and I cryed....
Baby Baby Baby...
I'm not ready to say goodbye..
Cuz I want you..
I need you..
I lov....."

*Katie finally turns the music off as a few tears roll down her cheek. How she couldent wait for this to all be over. Not knowing what was happening next was hard. The fate of herself, and all her friends and loved ones it was hard.

Katie lets out a sigh and gets out of her car Locking the door behind her. Leaning aganst her car Katie scans the parking lot and past the trees, beyound the harizon.Life...what was to happen next.*

would you

A grin twitches at the corner of Carson’s mouth and he moves, placing a hand on the wall on each side of Misty. Bringing his face closer to her, he stares into her eyes. Leaning in, his lips almost touch hers, his breath on her cheek, but he suddenly withdraws, moving away from her back toward the door. “Nah, I don’t want to hurt you. You might overdo it.”

Scott’s ears pop, waking him up, and he winces from a headache. Looking around, he realizes that the plane is descending. Yawning and stretching, he turns his head to see Katie, and picks up her hand to give it a kiss. “I was great company, wasn’t I?” He looks at her with apology, but grins. “I guess we’re about ready to kick some courtroom butt aren’t we.”

A bit of chatter starts up again as the plane circles and lands on the runway. After the plane is stopped and everything set, the group exits, finding a TJY van driven by Wyatt. “Hey, guys!” He stands outside, opening the doors for the group. “How was the trip?”

Conversations are struck up once more as everyone piles into the vehicle. Wyatt makes stops at houses to drop people off at their homes, reminding everyone they only had an hour and a half before they needed to be back to TJY where everyone would travel as a group to the courthouse in the next town over.

Jason opts to go to TJY instead of the apartment, so he stays in the van with Wyatt on the way back, also with Jim and Ty.

It doesn’t take long for people to start filtering back in to work, checking in and making final arrangements before that afternoon.

Reese calls to the knock on the door. “Come in.” Seeing Lockheart, he smiles. “Well…the time has come.” He gestures to an extra chair. “Take a seat and take a load off before we get another load added on.” He shakes his head, giving a little sigh. “Everyone who’s going should be coming back here soon…they’re all as ready as they can be. Sheriff Brown said no one in particular would have to testify unless the judge requested it…we’re just banking on what Brown has already told him, and on what you can present. Brown said that he couldn’t tell how the judge felt after receiving the information he’d already given him, so….” He shrugs, forcing a chuckle, despite the seriousness of the situation. “I guess we got our work cut out for us.”

Jason slowly walks down the sidewalk, Trooper obediently staying by his side. The thought had come to Jason already that if things went sour today, who knew where Trooper would end up. Such a large dog....who was unmanageable by most would most certainly not find a home, and instead, be put down. Jason couldn't imagine that happening...yet he had no control over it.

Though knowing he had to get back to TJY, the longing just to stay away from it all kept him walking just a little further as he headed towards downtown.

A jogging figure comes up the opposite side of the street. Her bright green tanktop and shorts make her hard to miss, and earphones accent her head. As she glances across the street, she spots Jason and after looking both ways, she crosses over, slowing to a walk. Taking her earphones out, she grins. "Well hi there."

Jason pauses his walk, offering Camryn somewhat of a smile. "We've got to quit meeting like this."

"I know it. Sometime it ought to be planned."

Jason gives her a slight smirk at the implication. "Little warm for a jog."

"Yeah..." Camryn is still trying to catch her breath. "But I overslept so I didn't get it in this morning when I wanted to." She cocks her head. "The heat apparently didn't keep you away either." Reaching down, she offers a hand to Trooper, and after receiving his sniff and lick of approval, she scratches his head.

"Nah, he needed out." Jason shrugs. He's quiet for a moment, not really sure where this conversation should head.

Camryn straightens and studies his face. "You look like you lost your best friend."

Jason raises his eyebrows, finding it interesting that a saying could be that close to the truth. "Oh...maybe I did...or perhaps I'm going to." Thinking for a few seconds, an idea pops into his head. It was ridiculous, but he was desperate at this point. "Hey, you like Trooper here, don't you?"

"He's gorgeous." Camryn nods.

"There's a chance that after today I won't be able to keep him," Jason states bluntly.

Camryn's eyebrows shoot up. "Are you asking me what I think you're asking?"


"Well...what's going to happen today?"

"Look, it's got to do with my job. There's a big court hearing today and...no one can even try predicting the results. Hopefully it will change nothing...but there's a chance that I won't be coming back."

"Wow." Camryn grows more serious, sensing that this was no laughing matter. "I guess...I guess I'd say I'd take him, but I'm in apartment where I can't have pets."

Jason sighs. "It was worth a try."

"I do have an uncle who lives outside of town though," Camryn suggests. "He's got a farm and he's got five dogs already...I could ask him...knowing him, he'd much rather take Trooper than see him go to the pound."

Hope flickers in Jason's eye. "That would be great. If...if things don't turn out well, this afternoon, I'm going to have someone bring Trooper to the park. If your uncle can take him, could you, or your uncle yourself meet him there?"

Camryn's concern increases, but she nods. "You're being pretty mysterious, but for some reason I trust you."

"Thank you, Camryn." Jason nods, grateful. "Trooper can be a brute, but he doesn't deserve the pound."


*Backed up aganst the door Misty looks up at Carson the fire in her eyes dance and shinning through She spunky grin on her face.*

"Mmmm...Maybe you should, Dont let a moment pass you by if you got it right. I think I might like it though."

*Misty's grin stays and gives Carson a wink.*

*Wes returns the handshake to his step son. He himself was sad to see him go before he should show Jason the last saprise he had but Wes new there would be more time to show him later on. Smileing Wes breaks the hand shake.*

"You take care of yourself . Make sure you stop by again soon."

*Lockheart gets out of her car and makes her way inside to TJY alot on her mind. She had a lote of peoples lives in her hands and if she failed today she would be destroying not only her career but many others as well. Trying to keep her mind clear Lockheart makes her way across the main floor to Reese's office and knocks on the door waiting to enter.*

*Nate wraps his arm around Laura as Maggis leans on his other arm. Smiling down at the both Nate hoped today would turn out ok. God had giving him his second chanse and now that he had a tast of it, he was not ready to let it go again. Leaning his head back and closing his eye Nate soon drifts off.

Siting next to Scott Katie looks over feeling his hand losen around her. Seeing he was fast asleep Katie remind her hand and places it in his lap. Still siting next to him Katie stairs blankly ahead. She was exsausted but couldent sleep her mind was on to many thing. So in sted she just choose to get lost in thought.*

Going home

Carson's jaw drops. "Did you just threaten me?" He finishes with his socks and grabs his tennis shoes, slipping them on without untying the laces.

Getting up, he saunters with his arms crossed, and backs Misty up against the door. "If you're gonna tackle the crap out of me when you're all healed up, then maybe I should take advantage of the moment I've got now."

Wyatt watches Aerith to make sure she get inside okay before pulling away and heading back around to TJY. Reese is still in the backseat, and cocks his head to see his son's face in the rearview mirror. "So I guess you like her."

Wyatt throws him a little smirk. "What gave you that idea?"

Reese chuckles. "Well, so do I. You didn't ask my opinion, but I think she's worth it."

"Worth what?"

"The effort."

"Me too." Wyatt shifts gears as he pulls away from a stop sign. "So what about you, Dad? I haven't seen you looking for anybody special."

"Me?" Reese laughs. "You haven't asked me that in years."

"That's not an answer."

Reese is quiet for a moment, and shakes his head, still grinning. "Who wants a worn out, old workaholic like me?"

Wyatt looks up into the mirror, but doesn't say any more. He knows his dad better than that.

Getting back to TJY, Reese makes a beeline for his office, knowing that Lockheart would be here any time.

Jason accepts Katie's hug, and returns one that's a bit awkward. He just hadn't figure out yet how to do that with her anymore. But he knows what she wants from him, the simplicity of it, and he's willing to at least try.

As Katie returns and takes Scott's hand, he gives it a little squeeze to let her know he understands, and he goes with her outside to get into the van.

Lingering just a moment, Jason sees his mom and Wes, and though hating to break up their embrace, he has to leave, and knows his mom would want a goodbye. Moving towards them, he's glad when they separate on their own, though stick close to each other, bidding the others farewell.

Coming up from behind, Jason puts a hand on Cindy's shoulder.

Turning quickly, Cindy smiles up at him, and puts her hand to the side of his face. "Take care of yourself, Jason."

"I will."

Cindy reaches out for a hug, and Jason gives in, giving her a tight embrace. "You too, eh? I want that little brother or sister of mine to be okay."

Cindy beams as she withdraws. "Okay."

Jason puts out his hand to Wes, initiating their final handshake. "Wes. Make sure she does take care of herself...I guess that's not my job anymore." Though melancholy is there, his statement is filled with more satisfaction than before. He's settled on the fact that his mom is married and that all is well.

Breaking apart from them, Jason grabs his backpack that's waiting by the door, and heads out. Stepping off the porch, he hears his name and turns to see Jade off to the side. He ambles up to her slowly.

Jade gives him a smile. "Don't be a stranger."

"Mm - that's a hard request."

Jade just shakes her head. "I think you're gonna be all right."

"I hope so."

"You're a fighter, Jason... you will be."

Jason gives her arm a pat before turning to leave. "Take it easy, Jade."


The last one left is Jim, who his being embraced by Becky, who just doesn't want to let him go. "It'll be okay," he whispers. "I promise."

"Come back to me, Jim..."

"I will." Jim's words display more confidence than he felt. "I'll be back." Pulling away, he gives his wife a lingering kiss before brushing away her tears with his hand. Forcing a smile, he lets her go and backs away before turning and jogging to the door to catch up with the others.

After the van is gone, though there are still many people left, somehow the mess hall seems quiet. Becky begins to clean up the breakfast tables to keep herself busy, and some of the guys start to disperse for their work. They would be gathering again soon enough to watch the court proceedings.

The ride to the plane seems all too fast, and before anybody knows it, they're in the air again, aiming for Nevada. Laura leans over to rest her head on Nate's shoulder, not physically tired, but emotionally exhausted.

Jim settles in next to Ty and they converse some, exchanging questions and finding out more about each other.

Jim grins a little. "So...girl? Car? Own place?"

Ty laughs a little. "No, no, and no." He looks down at his hands. It was easier to admit now, but still something that embarrassed him. "Kinda hard to get any of those things when a guy doesn't know how to read or write."

Jim lifts his eyebrows. "Really?"

"Yeah." Ty focuses out the window on a fluffy cloud. "Dropped out of school 'cause I just kept failing... tried off and on to learn... Katie offered to help, but so much happened and I guess I chickened out."

Jim shakes his head. "Well, I bet if you tried hard enough, you'd get there." He quirks a grin. "You're too much like your father." Receiving a bewildered look, he nods. "That's right. I had trouble with that too."

"You did?"


"Well how did you...how did you learn?"

"I wanted things bad enough that I buckled down and did it."

Ty thinks for a moment, letting the subject fade away as he sinks back in his seat. He was starting to find out why he was the way he was...and though it didn't solve anything, it maybe helped him understand... maybe getting to know Jim wasn't so bad after all.

Scott leans his head back in his seat and the plane has hardly leveled out when his eyes are already closed. His hand is around Katie's but the conversations around him go unheard as his exhaustion finally has its way.

Jason sits near the back, away from most of the others. He wanted to sleep, but his mind was too busy. There were a lot of unknowns right now...a lot of questions...a lot of fear. He glances around at the others... Con and Jamie...Nate, Laura and Maggie...Scott and Katie..even Jim and Ty. Was it Jason who made himself a loner, or was it the way people naturally reacted to him?


*Misty takes a sidelong glance at Carson a smerk on her face a teasing in her tone.*

"Mmm...could it be the hole in my stomach thats slowing me down alittle bit? Its probley a good thing to or I would of tackles the crap out of your right now."

*Slowly Misty stands and goes to the front door puting her shoes on a grabing her purse and stands at the door taping her foot.*

"And who is waiting for who? I seem to be ready and you have yet to get your shoes on."

*Aerith smiles as they pull up to the restront thankful to pass the time with work to keep her mind occupied.*

"I am sure he will. If I dident know Herb was such a big teddy bear he would scair the crap out of me. Just how he scans the people that come into the restront that he dosent know."

*Smile as she receves Wyatt's kiss she gives his hand one last squeeze.*

"It was nice meeting you Reese. Thank again for shairing your time with me yesterday. I'll see you both around twelve."

*Aerith gets out of the car and heads to the restront giving one last wave before heading inside ready to start the day.*

*Wes stands his Wife hand in his felling it tighten and knowing the weaght on her shoulders. Cindy and Wes had become one and now that pain she bore so did he that was one of the means of shairing there bond of man and wife. Wes own hand tightens alittle trying to show his wife unspoken comfort. A amen sliping from his lips here and there as the praying continues. Finally when it ends Wes wraps his arms around Cindy just holding her till finally they make there way to the door to see everyone off.

Katie first gives Scott a hug. Though he was going with her she still felt far away, than she moves seeing Jason standing alone. Today no one should be alone, or feel along. Giving alittle nod to Scott trying to relay that she makes her way over to Jason. Looking him in the eyes her friendship shows through.*

"May I?"

*Katie holds out her arms and leans in to give Jason a hug not leting it linger to long. Drawing away than Rosetta makes her way to Mick and Rosetta giving them both big bear hugs. A tear in her eyes.*

"I'll see you guys again soon."

*Drawing away Katie resumes her spot with Scott puting her hand in his and making her way out the door.

Jamie holds Con for a long while just leting the quiet of the room sarround them. Finally breaking free Jamie Says her goodbyes to everyone alse and heads out.

One by one not wanting to but knowing they had to everyone makes there way out the door and to the Van. Continueing to say there goodbyes, and leting there tears show no matter how strong they are. Nate slings his arm around Laura and Maggies shoulders leading them to the van and geting in.*


Carson smirks at Misty and gets into the bathroom quickly, the sound of the shower coming on almost immediately. In less than ten minutes, he's back out again, tossing his dirty clothes into his bedroom. Heading to the living room, his bare feet scuff on the floor and he plops down at the other end of the couch from Misty, leaning over to put on his socks. "So you ready to go or what? What's taking you so long?"

Wyatt smiles and nods. "Alright. If everything goes well today, we can talk with Jamie about it and see what she says."

Finishing up breakfast, all too soon, the three are out the door and on their way downtown. It doesn't take them long before Wyatt pulls up to the curb in front of the restaurant. "If anything happens...if Frankie shows up....just be sure to let Herb know - he'll scare the living daylights out of Frankie."

Ignoring the fact that his father is in the back, Wyatt leans over and gives Aerith's cheek a kiss. "I'll be back at twelve-thirty to pick you up."

The power of the prayers can be felt in the room by those who believe in them. God was at work here. That much was clear. No matter the outcome..He was in control and it was obvious.

Clint holds hands with Wendy on one side, and his father on the other. He listens to the prayers, intrigued by the faith he heard. He'd been joining everyone for church for months now, but still hadn't really decided that God was something he needed. But today...in this place...something stirred in his heart. He remembers for a brief moment when he'd seen Mick baptized, and witnessed the change in his life. That had been real. This here...these people's hearts, and their faith...it was real. And for once...Clint felt timid. There was an unexplainable presence here, and it was bigger than he.

Jason's hands are locked with his mother's, and with his grandfather's. The prayers going on around him were not foreign... he was around prayer all the time. JetStream always had a prayer before a performance, and Jason had learned that the other guys felt it was important, so he simply respected their beliefs. His mother had always prayed...and so he'd always just remained quiet, letting her do her thing.

Was something different today? It felt...odd. Like there was something, or someone in the room that could not be seen or touched. There was a presence...and it made a chill run down Jason's spine. But he keeps his eyes lowered to the floor, unable to help but wonder how long they would remain in prayer. He was glad to see others here had faith in something, but as far as he was concerned, it wasn't worth the time.

A silent tear trickles down the side of Cindy's face as her grip tightens around Wes' hand. She could feel her son in her other hand, but it lacked the warmth of a believer. She knew that Jason believed there was a God, but had never acknowledged him as Lord. She knew that he'd heard the stories of Jesus, but had never accepted Him as his Savior. And right now...today...on a day when no one knew what was going to happen, Cindy felt that burden. She wouldn't know how to bear it, if Jason were to be put back in prison, or even put to death without having known Christ.

As the audible prayers continue, her own continues in her head, not only for today...but for her son as well.

"Father..." Sparky's words rise, his spiritual leadership here evident. "You're here...and we know it. For when two or three are gathered in Your name, there You will be also. And we can't thank You enough for that promise. We feel lost...but we know we're not alone, and that's what brings us comfort." He pauses, the emotions rigid in his voice. "Today is as big day...no matter the outcome, the fight is far from over as we continue to battle our earthly enemies. But if it is within Your will, we pray for success...for with that success comes glory to Your name, and the chance for us to continue this fight, and be witnesses for You."

Silence reigns for several minutes until others pray aloud, the emotions hanging thick in the air. And finally Con closes.

"You've heard our cries, Lord. You've heard our pleas. And we know that You care. What more can be said? Guide us. Comfort us. Show us Your will. Above all things, we love You. And it's in Your Son's precious name we pray...amen." Letting go of Jamie's hand, he draws her into a hug.

Jason can feel an extra squeeze from his mother's hand, but then is left alone, surrounded by everyone, almost all of them, having been touched or moved in some way. What was it? Why was it? He didn't understand it.

Cindy leans into Wes' arm, her sadness still there, but her worry beginning to diminish.

As people begin to interact again, Austin hates his job. "I'm sorry guys," he speaks a little loudly. "But the plane is waiting."

Power of Praying

*Misty slaps Carson's arm at his comment before walking past him. A smile on her lips.*

"Well if you think you can do it faster than get in there. I'll be keeping track of how long it takes you."

*Misty throws her dirty cloths into her backpack and plops down on the coutch to wait for Carson glancing at the clock every once and a while.*

*Aerith smiles and nods thankful for Wyatt and Reese offers and there understandment on the situation. It made Aerith feel good, and safe to have people looking out for her. *

"Ok, just let me know. I've met Jamie before but not Misty. Thats your cousand you were talking about? I think I would feel more comfortable with Jamie though just cuz I have met her before. If she has room for me that is. and yes I still would like to come this afternoon if thats ok still as well."

*Aerith offers a small smile as she finishs up her breakfest*

*Katie continues to chat with Scott and Jason trying to keep the conversation light. Katie can apreshate that both the boys are trying to make it easy on her and at least it was a start.

Jamie looks to Con and smiles.*

"Lets hope its more than a few years. But if the boy turns out anything like his Uncles Rosetta is gonna have to beat the girls away with a stick."

* Jamie turns to Con giving him another kiss.*

"However your still better looking."

*Rosetta smiles as she returns Mick's kiss.*

"Good as long as you dont tire of them I wont."

*As Sparky speaks the room stands. Pushing the tables and chairs out of the way hands are joined as the heavy heads become one. Lifting this burden and pain up to God. Eyes are closed and for a long while its silent everyone saying there own person prayer. Finally Rosetta is the first to speak.*

"Dear heavenly father, we life our hearts up to you. At this time our loved ones will be leaving to head to the court, and try to win this for us. With you by there side I know its going to be ok. You will let happen what you see fit. We only pray that you will help Lockheart Be strong. Give her the words to speak, and give the judge the ears to hear and do whats right. In Jesus name."

*Rosetta draws silent and Katie is the next to speak.*

"Dear Lord, I know I am still new at this all but I also know you love me just as much as you do everyone alse in this room. Whatever happens today its in your hands. I just ask you calm our hearts and let us see this is your will."

*Rosetta looks to her neace fast and smiles. How far she had come in the last year. Rosetta was happy to see her grow. Closing her eyes again Rosetta wait to listen to the rest of the prayers. Still lifting up her own silent prayers still.*


Carson ambles to his room to gather some clean clothes as he waits for the bathroom. Tilting his head, he can hear Misty singing, and a trace of a grin creeps onto his face.

Going into the hall, he waits so when Misty emerges, he's leaned up against the wall across from the door, his arms folded over his chest. "Ahh...now I know why you women take so long in the bathroom. You spend all your time singing."

Wyatt nods in agreement to taking Aerith directly to work. "Alright. Then if you still want to come this afternoon, I'll swing by and pick you up."

Listening to her wishing she did have somewhere else to go, Wyatt lowers his eyes to his breakfast plate. The offer he wanted to give just wouldn't be appropriate and he knew it.

Reese glances over to his son, knowing what was going through his mind, and sympathizing with him. Aerith was a nice girl, and Wyatt had told him about her troubles with another guy. Reese felt badly as well, knowing it would probably be best for her to find somewhere else to stay, at least while Frankie was around. "I wonder if somebody like Jamie would like a roommate," he ponders aloud.

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow. He'd thought of Laura and Katie, but they didn't have a whole lot more room. He could always ask Jamie...or even Misty...that is...if everything went well today. "We're going to find you another place," he states flatly. "Whether it's with someone we know, or we find a hotel. I don't want you staying at your grandmother's if Frankie is still on the loose." Wyatt still remembered the look in the other man's eye, and it was not something he cared to see again. "If we can't find something by tonight, we'll figure something temporary out."

Jason gives a dry smile in response to the thought of sitting with the others. He wasn't so sure he could help carry on much of a conversation here either, but right about now, probably the wisest thing to do would be relent. Scott was obviously making an effort to smooth things over, and Katie desperately wanted the tension gone. Sitting with them for a little while really was the least Jason could do.

Finally giving in, Jason sets himself down across from Katie.

Scott returns Katie's hand squeeze, starting to feel better about Jason. He was confident of the way Katie felt about him, so there was no need to feel threatened by Jason's presence.

Con laughs at BJ and shakes his head. "Just you wait...in a few years you're gonna find a girl to kiss too." Looking back at Jamie, he gives her a little wink before drawing her in for a tight hug. He was worried about today...but he wasn't going to let it show.

Mick grins at Rosetta. "What? Are you implying that I'm put off by kissing?" he teases. "Last I looked, that certainly wasn't the case." To prove it, he leans in and plants a kiss on her lips. Still grinning, he cocks his head. "Mm...yeah, that wasn't too bad at all."

As breakfast proceeds, the conversations that filter through the room are filled with laughter, despite the dark cloud that loomed over their day. Their very livelihoods hung in the balance, but no one wanted to bring it up, for fear of becoming even more worried than they already were.

The clock ticks away the minutes, and though the time to leave for the Nevada group drew near, the pace was slow as they wished to prolong their stay. But no man can slow the hands of time.

"Since we've got everyone together..." Sparky stands up, speaking loudly to get everyone's attention. "I know that only some of you are heading back to Nevada...but what happens today will affect all of us. Everything we know and love is at stake, whether we like it or not. And...right now, if we all could stand up and join hands, I'd like to have a prayer circle. We may not be able to control what goes on today, but the best thing we can do is talk to the One who IS in control."