
Going home

Carson's jaw drops. "Did you just threaten me?" He finishes with his socks and grabs his tennis shoes, slipping them on without untying the laces.

Getting up, he saunters with his arms crossed, and backs Misty up against the door. "If you're gonna tackle the crap out of me when you're all healed up, then maybe I should take advantage of the moment I've got now."

Wyatt watches Aerith to make sure she get inside okay before pulling away and heading back around to TJY. Reese is still in the backseat, and cocks his head to see his son's face in the rearview mirror. "So I guess you like her."

Wyatt throws him a little smirk. "What gave you that idea?"

Reese chuckles. "Well, so do I. You didn't ask my opinion, but I think she's worth it."

"Worth what?"

"The effort."

"Me too." Wyatt shifts gears as he pulls away from a stop sign. "So what about you, Dad? I haven't seen you looking for anybody special."

"Me?" Reese laughs. "You haven't asked me that in years."

"That's not an answer."

Reese is quiet for a moment, and shakes his head, still grinning. "Who wants a worn out, old workaholic like me?"

Wyatt looks up into the mirror, but doesn't say any more. He knows his dad better than that.

Getting back to TJY, Reese makes a beeline for his office, knowing that Lockheart would be here any time.

Jason accepts Katie's hug, and returns one that's a bit awkward. He just hadn't figure out yet how to do that with her anymore. But he knows what she wants from him, the simplicity of it, and he's willing to at least try.

As Katie returns and takes Scott's hand, he gives it a little squeeze to let her know he understands, and he goes with her outside to get into the van.

Lingering just a moment, Jason sees his mom and Wes, and though hating to break up their embrace, he has to leave, and knows his mom would want a goodbye. Moving towards them, he's glad when they separate on their own, though stick close to each other, bidding the others farewell.

Coming up from behind, Jason puts a hand on Cindy's shoulder.

Turning quickly, Cindy smiles up at him, and puts her hand to the side of his face. "Take care of yourself, Jason."

"I will."

Cindy reaches out for a hug, and Jason gives in, giving her a tight embrace. "You too, eh? I want that little brother or sister of mine to be okay."

Cindy beams as she withdraws. "Okay."

Jason puts out his hand to Wes, initiating their final handshake. "Wes. Make sure she does take care of herself...I guess that's not my job anymore." Though melancholy is there, his statement is filled with more satisfaction than before. He's settled on the fact that his mom is married and that all is well.

Breaking apart from them, Jason grabs his backpack that's waiting by the door, and heads out. Stepping off the porch, he hears his name and turns to see Jade off to the side. He ambles up to her slowly.

Jade gives him a smile. "Don't be a stranger."

"Mm - that's a hard request."

Jade just shakes her head. "I think you're gonna be all right."

"I hope so."

"You're a fighter, Jason... you will be."

Jason gives her arm a pat before turning to leave. "Take it easy, Jade."


The last one left is Jim, who his being embraced by Becky, who just doesn't want to let him go. "It'll be okay," he whispers. "I promise."

"Come back to me, Jim..."

"I will." Jim's words display more confidence than he felt. "I'll be back." Pulling away, he gives his wife a lingering kiss before brushing away her tears with his hand. Forcing a smile, he lets her go and backs away before turning and jogging to the door to catch up with the others.

After the van is gone, though there are still many people left, somehow the mess hall seems quiet. Becky begins to clean up the breakfast tables to keep herself busy, and some of the guys start to disperse for their work. They would be gathering again soon enough to watch the court proceedings.

The ride to the plane seems all too fast, and before anybody knows it, they're in the air again, aiming for Nevada. Laura leans over to rest her head on Nate's shoulder, not physically tired, but emotionally exhausted.

Jim settles in next to Ty and they converse some, exchanging questions and finding out more about each other.

Jim grins a little. "So...girl? Car? Own place?"

Ty laughs a little. "No, no, and no." He looks down at his hands. It was easier to admit now, but still something that embarrassed him. "Kinda hard to get any of those things when a guy doesn't know how to read or write."

Jim lifts his eyebrows. "Really?"

"Yeah." Ty focuses out the window on a fluffy cloud. "Dropped out of school 'cause I just kept failing... tried off and on to learn... Katie offered to help, but so much happened and I guess I chickened out."

Jim shakes his head. "Well, I bet if you tried hard enough, you'd get there." He quirks a grin. "You're too much like your father." Receiving a bewildered look, he nods. "That's right. I had trouble with that too."

"You did?"


"Well how did you...how did you learn?"

"I wanted things bad enough that I buckled down and did it."

Ty thinks for a moment, letting the subject fade away as he sinks back in his seat. He was starting to find out why he was the way he was...and though it didn't solve anything, it maybe helped him understand... maybe getting to know Jim wasn't so bad after all.

Scott leans his head back in his seat and the plane has hardly leveled out when his eyes are already closed. His hand is around Katie's but the conversations around him go unheard as his exhaustion finally has its way.

Jason sits near the back, away from most of the others. He wanted to sleep, but his mind was too busy. There were a lot of unknowns right now...a lot of questions...a lot of fear. He glances around at the others... Con and Jamie...Nate, Laura and Maggie...Scott and Katie..even Jim and Ty. Was it Jason who made himself a loner, or was it the way people naturally reacted to him?

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