

*Misty keeps her sassy grin on her face hiding the uneasyness underneath. Masking it from all who daired look.*

"I guess...I just wanted to stall alittle bit more."

*Misty steps along side Carson wraping her fingers around his and opeing the door.*

"So let him have our heads. I plane on taking it slow, I am injered after all."

*Misty grin growing, and her eyes continue to dance as they step outside. Stoping for a moment the rays from the sun reflect off Misty, giving her a new shine as she looks back to Carson.*

"I wouldent mind being locked anywhere as long as you were there too."

*Misty starts walking again, the destanation the one place she actully feared going today..TJY.*

*Lockhearts eyes connect with Reese for a moment as a slight shake of pink tints her cheeks thrown off guard by him calling her by her first name. Keeping her smile it grows just alitlte bit as she quickly looking away Lockheart gathers her papers making sure she has everything.*

"Thank you, for giving me this oppertunity to be a part of something bigger than most people can imagen. I've enjoyed my time spent here with you are your staff you are all wonderful people with big and kind hearts. I'm glad I had the joy to get to know you. It was truly an honer."

*Clicking her brefcase shut Lockheart stands straghting out her light grey skirt suit.*

"Shall we see if everyone alse is here now?"

*Katie turns at the sound of Scott's voice and gives alittle smile.*

"I guess sometimes, its just easyer to look knowing that no matter how much you run after it you wont ever get it, than it is to actully go after it and fail"

*Katie gives alittle shake to her head as she trys to whip away the feeling of dispear. Feeling Scott's hand in hers Katie turns her head studing his face for a long moment as he looks to the sky. The feeling of comfort pass over Katie as she feels a new bit of strenth. Scott and Katie would walk together, leaning on eachother for saport. They dident have to face this alone. Turning and walking into TJY Katie gives alittle smile. Feeling Scott close helped make the path on this day alittle less bumpy. Looking to Scott Katie face become somber and her words strong as they walk inside.*

"Hey Scott, in case things dont go well today I just want you to know. You mean alot to me. I've always considered you a friend since when you first picked me up at the airport, but in the last months I've become closer with you, and learned to see a side of you not alot of people have. Just...no matter what dont lose that spark ok."

*Katie stops and brings a hand to Scott's face. Running her finger over his cheek, than his nose as if maping, studying every bump and making. Making a mentil photo. Katie's voice become soft and horse as she whispers.*

"Your so special Scott, and thank you for everything. Dont even change, I love you the way you are."

*In a brefmoment caught between stress, and over flowing emotions Katie puts her arms around Scott and draws him him, brushing his lips aganst his she moves her head so her clips are close to his ear. Her breathing slow, her words soft.*

"I think I've fallen in love with you Scotty."

*Slowly Katie brings her head back and her lips once again touch Scott's lips, the kiss, the emotions matching her words. The sweet tast made Katie's heart race. She dident know what drove her to be so bold, but something told her it was ok, and it just felt right.*

*Nate stands inside on the mainfloor after droping Maggie off at home. Giving Janet instructions on what to do if things go bad today. Nate tryed to stay as positive as he could, though it was hard. Worry for his sister rained over all. Scanning the floor Nate looks to see if Laura made it back yet.*

"Ya just one mouse a day and plenty of water. Yes when he sheads just put him in the cage with water, the beding, and his big rock. His mice are in the freezer. Yeah just let them thaw for a half hour befor feeding it to him. Ok...ya thanks alot Tony. If everything works out I'll let you know. Ok thanks again. Bye."

*Jamie hangs up the phone after talking with her nabore about taking care of Ed. Glancing down at her watch Jamie starts to pace as she waits for Con to show up.*

*Aerith gives a slight wave to Herb and Mable as she exits the restront. Noticing Wyatt isent there yet Aerith sits on the restront step and waits. Alittle bit of time pass as Aerith looks up again only to make out a figure coming down the sidewalk. Not mistaking that it was Frankie, Aerith stands and looks up and down the way for Wyatt before bolting back inside.*

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