

Katie’s words…her touch…the emotions emitted through her voice and eyes… They made Scott’s pulse quicken just a little bit. Warmth comes to his cheeks as she asks him not to change. No one had ever said that to him before.

He wants to speak…wants to return her words, that she herself deserved so much, but they seem to get stuck in his throat at he gazes into her never-ending eyes. Her touch to his face makes him close his eyes for an instant, just remembering how her light stroke feels on his skin.

As Katie draws nearer, his hands automatically find their way to her sides, then back. Feeling her breath on his cheek, sensing her drawing closer and closer, a chill runs down his spine.

Her whispered words feel like a wind so strong to uproot a tree, but so gentle to caress a kite. Scott’s heart beats harder within his chest as Katie moves to kiss his lips. Tightening his hold around her, he returns the kiss with a passion discovered only for her.

Not wanting the moment to end, but knowing it must, Scott slowly, gently retreats. Searching Katie’s eyes, his own dance, despite the day they were facing. “Love…” he whispers, “so…that’s what this feeling is.”

His hand comes up to gently cradle the side of her face. “You’re an amazing woman, Katie…I love everything about you…and I’ll try not change too much, but only if you do too.”

Letting his eyes go from one of hers to the other, he moves in to plant another, quicker kiss on her lips. “Don’t let that horizon get away from you,” he whispers. “Without impossibilities, dreams can’t exist.”

Wyatt drives his jeep down the street, throwing it into a lower gear as he nears Mom and Pop’s He was running just a little late and needed to get back with everybody else, or at least meet them at the courthouse.

Spying a figure walking down the sidewalk, bit if ire hits Wyatt. Frankie wasn’t going to get away with anything…not today.

Pulling up near the front of the restaurant, Wyatt waves, seeing Aerith waiting inside.

Misty’s words are just as bit deeper than Carson was expecting, so he doesn’t respond other than giving her hand a squeeze. She made him feel different than any other woman ever had…and he likes it.
Walking to TJY gets them there just as everyone else is starting to gather.
Reese comes out of his office with Lockheart, heading to the group forming by the door.
Laura finds her way back to TJY and to Nate, forgetting about any of her own work today. Con joins the group, having managed to get a second day off his job. Jason joins the group on the main floor after putting Trooper back in his office. Other staff filters up from the lower level, from their own cubicles and from their homes. It was time.

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