
The Hearing

*The ride to the court room is quiet. The questions on everyone's minds but the words not spoken for fear it would only make them true. Everyone clings to those they hold near. Some have there heads bowed as they pray.

Aeirth hold Wyatt's hand the whole way to the court house. Her other hand on top. Silent prayers fill her mind. Finally arriving Aerith hand slips from Wyatts geting out of the car.

As everyone makes they way into the court room hearts race and nervs are high. Finding there seats everywaits not knowing what is to come.

Katie keeps her eye glued forward watching, waiting...wondering.

Jamie stands close to Con, slightly leaning on him. Feeling his comfort. Whispering softly*

"I love you."

*Than turning her attachen back to the judges stand.*

Nate keeps his fingers wraped around Laura's giving them a gentil aqueeze.

Lockheart takes her place at a small table infront of the judges stand. Opening her brefcase and takeing out papers, files, and envilopes.*

*Rosetta clings to Mick as they watch the TV. Katie can slightly be made out. Seeing her siting there was sad knowing she was drawn into this hurt even more. Life was starting to turn out good, Rosetta's own family being built and yet today all that could be taken away. Clinging alittle tighter Rosetta waits pashently.

Wes wraps his arm around Cindy holding her close. Giving her the comfort she despretly needed. Feeling her warmth close to him gave his own hope everything would be ok.

Angel sits with Luke her own paulse racing. Angel smiles at her eyes meet Lukes for a moment before there attachen was taking back to the TV, the court was about to start.*

*As the Judge calls to Lockheart her paulse races. Gathering up her papers Lockheart stalls for time to calm herself. Blocking all emotions except confadence from her mind Lockheart stands and draws closer to the judge clearing her throught.*

"I make my opening statement saying the state convicts innocent people all the time; we don’t always look at what is right and what is true. We often are quick to pass judgment before details are met, and getting the whole story. Sometimes it’s easier for us to believe what we think we see than to believe what is really true and have faith. You’re path is hard choosing to take ones life or give them life. So reach into the depths of your heart now and listen what I have to say about these people. Open your eyes for me and your hearts so these people can be herd.*

*Lockheart turns and gesturs to the TJY staff. Her eyes finding Reese and gaining even more condence, than Dart to Katie's she was so young, she couldent go to jail, than to Jasons, she lets him down once she couldent do it again. Turning again Lockheart continues.

Going through what she can trying not to leave out details. Going over what she had planed out and taking everything father into detailed. Everything Lockheart spoke was the truth according to Reese and a few others she talked to. With this there as no skimming, no hiding what went on. EVERYTHING was out and open.

Stoping Lockheart walks back to the table and grabs a very large vanilla envilope. Walking to the judges stand with it Lockheart hands it to him.*

"I also have some new evidence that was presented to me last night. Samantha Henson who is now desisted had these file for a while that were being kept for her. How they got into my hands I can not say. I was promised to my own silence. But I went over the papers, files and everything in there is legit. Its more proof that the Agency does exists, and what these people at TJY do is for the right reason."

*Once again Lockheart draws silent as she flips through pages with the judge revealing names, places, acts by the agency. Also followed up by photos, letters, names and acts of good TJY had done. Sam had everything written out, everything laminated, filed by times, times, place, names. That single file held more information than all of TJY could ever dream of having. There was even information about BJ, about what happen with Katie’s mother and brother, everything. Everything dating back to when Rosetta, Mick, Annie, the whole gang was born and taken. From what it looked like Sam had been working on this for a long time, waiting for a moment like this to come.

Time seems to pass slow but als it does not. Before anyone knows it at least an hour had gone by as Lockheart's Strong voice rang out through the court room. Her confadence, her passion showing through bringing hope to those who had little. Offering light to those who were in dark till finally Lockheart was drawing to an end of her talking.*

"…So in concluding I say these cases that TJY has worked on for many years. The good they have done. Many bad people are behind bars because of this underground corporation. Many unexplained things have been brought to a case that has helped catch those to deserve to be put away. Would we condemn a super hero for saving the word? Would we turn away a super hero who catches the robber, or the rapist? No we would write in the papers about the hero that saved lives, we would stand in aw at the chance to get a glimpse of the hero that caught the guy trying to destroy an innocent life. So I ask you what is so different with this group of people. They are our heroes here in Nevada and around the world. They have take bullets for the innocent, shed blood for the weak, and some have even died to save another life. They resuse the person who was being raped or the guy that’s life flashed before his eyes as his throat was going to be slit. They saved the wrongly accused and always put themselves before others risking there life to die for the innocent. Yes…these are our heroes. There are the people I want to know are around the corner as my child walks home from school, As I go out to my car in the middle of the night. These are the people I am honored to call friends, my heroes. Never have they receved a thanks for saving my life, Thanks for not leting me die. Never have they asked for money for what they did, they hid in the shadows finding joy in knowing what they did was right....These are our heros, our Angels."

*Lockhearts gaze once again drifts across the room to all the many faces looking back at her. A smile crossing her lips. Looking back to the judge much feeling in what she had just said and her eyes portrayed it. Lockheart turns but doesn’t take her place at the table but instead she goes and sits with the people from TJY. Siting in the only empty seat next to Reese. If they were to go down so was she. Everything she had worked for, her business would be gone, her career destroyed, but it’s was worth it to stand up for these people. To do what was right. She was one of them in one way or another now.*

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