

Gunner's one eyebrow rises as he hears Katie's voice and her request. Cleaning his teeth with his tongue, he looks back to the lunch table where Scott still was. "Mmm..." He thinks, weighing all the consequences he could think of. He'd let Scott talk to Hope... but then that was a little different... at least he thought so.

Seeing Scott look up at him with question, he meets his dull gaze that had a spark of hope in it. "Alright, fine. But not a word to anyone, do you understand?"

He riskily tosses the cordless phone to Scott before flopping back down in his seat. "It's Katie."

Scott's eyes widen and he stands up, wandering a few feet away. "Katie?" He was afraid something was wrong, that she was calling.

Bret is propped up in bed and turns from his lunch that he was shoving around and making patterns in with his fork. "Hey you." A smile automatically comes to his face, seeing his wife. The last couple hours, he'd found himself a bit lonely. "I feel terrible. You, on the other hand, look like you're going out on the town. Got a date with a guy I don't know about?"

Phone Call

Not touching the tea Jen made Katie only holds her. She'd already hurt Jen's feelings once today she didnt want to do it again. Just listing to Jen Katie was silent though she had to admit she missed seeing Kyle and his liveliness too.

As Jen gets up and starts to leave all Katie can do is watch her as a tear ran down her face. What was wrong with her. Why did she feel so out of control?

Taking Jen's glass and her own Katie walks to the sink and rinses the glasses off before placing them down to be washed. Katie just wanted to cry but her tears were gone, she wanted to talk to someone but she just chased someone away who was trying, Katie felt so messed up.

Making her way to her bedroom Katie flops down on her bed face first before looking over the edge a little. Spotting something she hadnt seen in a while Katie pulls the red photo album from the floor and onto her lap as she sits up.

Flipping through Katie cant help the smile that forms on her face as she see all the pictures and all the good memories that were captured in time. Coming to the pictured of memories long forgotten Katie runs her fingers over Scott and Her face as they were captured in a kiss.

Closing the book another tear rolled from Kaite's face. She missed the time when she was happy, shouldnt she be now still? Katie had, had many close calls before why was this differnt?

Reaching for her phone Katie takes it just holding it for a long moment before punching in a number. Waiting for a long few seconds Katie didnt think anyone would answer till finally a deep voice did. It was one she expected but was still surprised and caught off guard not hearing it that much. Though her voice lacked much excitement and held mixed emotions Katie tryed her best not to sound to much of a downer.

"Hey Gunner, its Katie. I know I cant talk to Scott but I was wondering if just this once you would let me."

Giving a nod and a small smile to Jason Thirteen gives a small wave.


Bending down to pick up the leash and closing the door behind her Thirteen takes off down the hallway after Trooper calling to him.

"Wait, come back I need to put this one you before we go out Trooper."

Giving a small laugh Thirteen finally catchs up with Trooper at the door.

Entering the hospetil Charlotte was a little later than exspected but she was there non the less. Making her way up the steps and into the hospital she quickens her pase till she gets to Bret's room. Her hair done up nicly and dressed a little snazzier than the normal day out Charlotte wairs a smile on her face as she enters Bret's room.

"Hey Babe, Sorry I am late. How are you feeling today?"


Jason lifts his eyes to the door and gives just a little look of surprise. He couldn't mistake anybody for Katie, but at first glance, Thirteen did give him a start. They weren't close enough to be twins... but maybe sisters and definitely closely enough resembled to be cousins. It was interesting that the Agency would have raised her and she happened to look like Katie.

Blinking, Jason brings himself from his thoughts and tries to figure out just what Thirteen had asked him. "Oh... a walk?"

Trooper's ears perk and he lifts his head, looking to Thirteen, but he doesn't move unless told to.

Jason shrugs. He'd been neglecting his dog lately anyway. "Trooper, you want to go with her?"

Trooper stands up and wags his tail, looking to Jason for permission.

"Alright." Jason nods. "Give her your leash and have fun."

The dog stretches then shakes himself all over, loosening up from laying around all day. Trotting to the door, he bends his head to pick up his leash in his teeth and he takes it to Jason.

"Not me," Jason corrects and points to Thirteen. "Go with her."

Trooper has a little trouble turning around behind the desk, but then readily goes to Thirteen, dropping the leather leash in her hand. He gives a little woof before slipping past her and bounding down the hall.

"Better catch him." Jason laughs. "He's liable to find a way to operate the elevator and go for a walk himself." He doesn't care to worry about getting in trouble with Reese... he'd been warned to keep the dog on a leash after what happened with Hal, but he also knew that right now, Trooper wasn't protecting anybody. Jason would deal with any fallout.

Taking a deep breath, he turns back to his computer. Why was he having so much trouble concentrating today?

Trent stuffs his hands in his pockets and wanders the parking lot at TJY. He'd checked on Jeff, then didn't have a whole lot to do. He was thinking about taking a walk downtown, but he lacked the motivation. He wanted to go home. But for Rosetta, he'd stay and keep an eye on Jeff.

Though Jen's shoulders drop a little at Katie's determination not to talk, she manages a small smile. "I got better than a tic tac. Come on." Helping Katie up, she guides her to the living room couch. "Now just take it easy, I'll be right back."

As promised, she returns a few minutes later with some hot tea, but it was different than what Katie had made earlier. "Here... this will help settle your stomach."

Sitting down next to Katie, she sips her own tea. "It's a recipe Kyle taught me. I don't know where he got it from, but I remember a few years go, Mom and Dad were gone and I got sick, and Kyle took care of me."

A smile creases her lips. "I miss that crazy guy, ya know?" She manages a slight laugh. "Nowadays I have to read What's Up in order to know where he is and how he is. I hardly hear from him anymore."

She gives a shrug, trying not to let it show too much how much she missed her brother and how confused she was that he didn't stay in touch. "Oh well... I guess we all move on, huh? We choose different roads... different goals... we all grow up sometime... Guess I just never thought he and I would be apart. I know I got Mike, but... I don't know... being twins, Kyle and I always just had something special."

A quiet comes over the living room, but it was a fairly peaceful one. Jen is quiet for a while, and finally glances at her watch. She knew that Katie wasn't going to talk to her... she didn't feel like she'd done much good by coming... maybe she'd just made things worse. Maybe she shouldn't be as stubborn as she had been earlier. "Um... I guess I'll leave you be, alright?" She stands up, leaving her empty tea cup. "Just... if you need anything, call me, okay? Try to get some rest."

She gives Katie's shoulder a squeeze before heading for the door. She didn't know what else she could do... she'd tried her best.

Scott stares himself in the mirror. He'd rolled out of bed late this morning... that was getting to be the norm. He'd been down and lethargic, then he'd picked himself back up again, but now he'd been waiting so long to see the light at the end of the tunnel that the depression was knocking at the door once more.

"Scott! Lunch!"

He sighs as he puts his one contact in to cover his blind eye, then puts on his glasses, combing back his damp hair. "Yeah... coming."


Looking back at Ryder Thirteen gives a small nod. She didnt really know why Katie was having such a hard time but she felt bad that she was. Thinking for a long moment and remembering how Ryder helped her when she was not doing good Thirteen goes through some differnt things in her own help. She wanted to help make Katie feel better.

"Maybe can we bring something back to the house for Katie so she will feel better?"

Sitting back in her chair again Thirteen's eyes roam the TJY floor as her eyes go from one cubicle to the next as she mentally says there names. She had gotten use to being here now, and even though she still wouldn't take to anyone here she had listened and gotten to know there names, there faces, and what they did here at TJY.

Hearing Ryder's question to her Thirteen gives a small nod before standing from the chair. A little more and more each day she was starting to do things on her own even if she was shaky about it. She was starting to learn that you dont always need to run away when you get scared.

"Ok, I'll go see if maybe he will let me."

Cautious Thirteen gets up from her chair and slowly walks down the isle looking at all the people as she went. Getting to Jason's office she knocks on the door before poking her head into the dimly lit office. In a timid voice she asks.

"Jason, can I take Trooper for a walk please?"

Seeing her friend laying on the floor by the desk Thirteen gives a smile and a small wave to him.

Continuing to just leave over the tolit Katie hears Jen's words and is chokes her up inside. It was nice to have her friend here even if she didnt want her to be. It was nice to know someone cared so much that they refused to leave. Yet at the same time it made Katie aggravated that she wouldn't go.

Finished losing her lunch Katie backs up a little and leans against the wall. Closing her eyes for a long moment as she trys to let the headach pass. It was so strange not to feel Jason, she hated it. Opening one of her eyes she turns her head to Jen.

"You can stay than, but I still dont want to talk about it."

Closing her eye again to block out the light Katie is just quiet for a long moment. Though right now she was in a dark place in her own mind her humor tryed its best to break through.

"You would happen to have a tick-tack would you?"


Jen can't help the look of hurt that crosses her face. She knew what Katie had told her the night before, even if there was no willingness to discuss it today. She knew the look in Katie's eye was more than just being upset with her boyfriend. Yet since talking on the phone, she was being told to go away.

"No." Jen makes no move to leave. "If you think I can't see you when you're down, then we're not as good a friends as I thought we were. Friendship means sharing bad with good, whether we're covered in smiles or covered in vomit. Pushing me away isn't going to help you any, no matter what you believe. You're trying to make it through this alone, Katie, and it's just making it worse. I won't turn my back and let you do that to yourself. Stop denying the fact that you need help."

Jen's eyes flash with a deep love for her friend. She hurt because she was being pushed away, and she hurt because Katie hurt. She'd been through this once before with her brother. Only that time, she'd actually walked away, leaving him to try and take his own life. She wasn't going to do it again.

Jason sighs deeply and leans back in his chair, closing his eyes. Alone in his office once more, it was quiet again. Was there more? What had she meant? Was there more to Katie's moodiness lately? How was he supposed to know what it was? Ever since she'd woken up at the hospital, there was a corner that she hadn't allowed him to see... something she kept pushing him away from and being unwilling to say what it was. He'd always assumed it was just her mood or something personal he didn't need to know. Was it something else? If it was, then why wouldn't Katie have just told him? They used to tell each other everything.

Shaking his head, he knows he needs to get back to work. That's what he was getting paid to do, not sit around and dwell on a tiff with his girlfriend.

Ryder looks up from his computer, giving Thirteen a sympathetic shrug. "I don't know. I think... she's going through a rough time right now." He'd heard some murmurings, and he knew what was going on between Katie and Jason. He could imagine that she'd been pretty upset.

"We'll just give her some space right now, okay? You want to go see if Jason will let you give Trooper a walk?"