
Wild Ride

Opening one eye and then the other Katie looks from under the covers into the dimly lit room. A few cracks of sun light shown through But Katie didnt feel like letting them warm she skin today. She didnt want to be seen, she just wanted to Sleep for now, just a little more.

Entering the interrogation room Hope glances around to take in her surroundings and where she was just getting use to everything.

Sitting down across from Alec Hope is quiet for a long moment as she just watches Alec. Getting a feel for him she new the first few moments would be awkward and just a way to test the ground and see who Alec was.

"Hi Alec, My name is Hope Garrison. Do you know why your here?"

"Uncle Landon huh?"

Entering the room Charlotte wore a smile on her face. Now that the secret was out and Bret new a glow that wasnt there before was bright with Charlotte. It couldnt be described if someone tryed, and no words could describe the look it was just there.

Coming over Charlotte gives a kiss to Bret. She was dont at the caves for today, and now it was time to spend sometime with Bret.

"I think I might be scaired to leave my kid with you Landon...than again, I think I could see it too."

Giving a small chuckle Charlotte scoots onto the bed next to Bret her one arm over him as she head rested aganst his for a moment before looking up and into Brets eyes as she danced.

"I know your gonna be a great Daddy no matter what, and its something I am looking forward to do with you. I do have to say, out kid is gonna be in for a wild ride."

Uncle Landon

Bret chuckles again and runs his hand down Charlotte's face. "You know more than you think you do. Besides... it can't be that hard right? I mean... we're gonna be a family... a real family."

Maria had never wanted children with him, making Charlotte's enthusiasm all the more special.

He smiles before kissing her forehead. "I don't want to let you go to work but... since I'm stuck in here.... I better." He gives her hand a squeeze. "We're gonna be fine... this is a brand new adventure... and you know we like adventures." He winks at her. "Just take care of yourself and if you need anything, call..." His voice trails off lamely before laughing again. "Con?"

A day has rarely felt longer. A night has rarely been filled with such unrest. For some, it is the heatwave. For some, it's worries for their friends. For some, it's new worries of what will happen next and how they will be able to provide. For some, it's wondering if they took the right path. For some, it's the lingering doubts that they can accomplish what they set out to do.

The morning sun dawns dimly behind a veil of thin, gray clouds. The air is stale and thick as if waiting for something to happen. People all around move again, revived from the night, while others drag their feet. Everyone is on the same time frame, but not all are functioning at the same speed.

Jason trudges into his office and sinks down in his chair, closing his eyes. He'd had so little sleep last night, it was ridiculous. He'd thought that without a certain worry, he would sleep better. The only thing he could compare it to was moving from the city into the country. The atmosphere was just very different... enough to have an affect on one's sleep. He hadn't heard from Katie at all since yesterday morning. He was worried about her... but he'd been afraid to call. She was so upset with him... Then Jen had called him to say she was worried about Katie and that just made him feel worse. If he didn't see her today, he'd check on her. This wasn't supposed to be this traumatic... it should have been a smoother transition.

"Sit." Reese points to the chair in the interrogation room.

Alec rolls his eyes and sits as told, his hands cuffed in front of him. "Evaluation? Of what? My mind? You know they'll say I'm crazy."

"I don't care what she says," Reese retorts. "Either way, I trust her more than I trust you. So why don't you try to at least shape up your attitude once so you don't wind up getting your own hind end in jail?"

Alec slouches with a glare. He was so sick of this place. He had no where to go... no where to run... nothing to do... no freedom. He thinks back to his little episode with Ryan. He'd shown a moment of weakness there... he'd let down his guard as a result of his fear and confusion. But not again. Whether he would be kept here or go to prison, he would get himself out.

Reese steps out into the hall and nods to Hope. "He's all yours. I'm keeping the door unlocked and I'll be right out here, not to mention, we got you under cameras. So you're safe. If you need something, give a yell."

"That's awesome." Landon's smile was genuine as he leaned on his crutches, talking to Bret.

Bret nods, with a small smile. "Charlotte said it would change everything, but I think this changes even more." He gestures to himself. "I'm supposed to be able to be a father now? Provide? In a few months, I won't want Charlotte working, and I don't know about after the baby is born... But I can't even walk."

Landon's shoulders drop just a little. "I'm sorry... I keep thinking about if I'd done things differently, if I'd-"

"It's not your fault," Bret intervenes sternly. "It was Pat and we both know it. Your tire blew, but he didn't let me get around. He didn't care who he hurt."

Landon sighs. "Yeah, well... you'll pull through... you'll see."

"The doctor isn't so sure."

"Well then... then something will happen. C'mon, Bret... don't get yourself depressed, man. So you got a leg that won't work. That doesn't make you less of a man, husband or father for that matter. You'll find a way, I know you will. And with a firecracker like Charlotte around..." Landon grins. "It'll be okay."

Bret manages to return the grin. "Yeah, alright... I got eight months, right?"

"Exactly. Plenty of time to get back on your feet, save up money, fix up the extra room...." Landon's eyes twinkle with humor. "Tell you what. You can't get up and around enough come the next few months, you just call uncle Landon and I'll be there."

Bret studies his friend. They'd always been buddies, but it hadn't been all that close that they really shared their lives away from the track. But he could see Landon was being genuine now. "You really mean that."

"Of course I do." Landon nods. "For you or Charlotte? Anything."


Looking back into her husbands eyes and seeing the light that had ignited, and that he was happy a smile makes its way to Charlotte's face. Her own eyes start to dance. She'd been so worryed that Bret would be upset that getting his reaction now was so relaxing.

Giving a small chuckle Charlotte gives a small kiss to Bret before resting her head with his again as she lets out a content sigh.

"Well, now that I know your alive and ok, I am excited and happy."

Charlotte's eyes go a little wide as she continues to look at Bret.

"I am scaired out of my pants too....I dont know that frit thing about having a baby. But I know I have you, and we get to go through it together."


Bret is a little confused at first at Charlotte's tone, then a little worried, about some big change, then tests. Within the few moments that it takes her to tell him the news, he's already prepared himself for the worst. But as the actual truth comes out, he stares up at her, his eyes slowly widening. "You... we... really?"

Staring at her face he blinks before a smile slowly starts to spread on his face. "That... that's... I mean..." He blinks again. "We're gonna be a family... I'm gonna be a daddy..."

A laugh escapes as a new kind of light sparks in his eye. He zeros in on the worry in his wife's tone though, and manages to pull her back down close to him again. "You are.... amazing." Giving her another kiss, he rests his forehead against hers, still smiling. "How do you feel? I mean... you're okay with this? Like... holy cow."

Scott ends his end of the call and sighs deeply. Something just wasn't right. Katie had just admitted she wasn't okay, but had then shut him off. He didn't like it. But there wasn't a whole lot he could do about it. Was it just the Agency she was struggling with? Was there more? Why had she called him specifically?

"Everything okay?"

Scott looks into the kitchen and shrugs. "I don't know... not really... but what am I supposed to do?"

"Katie alright?" Gunner wanders in, finished eating.

"I don't think so... but I'm not sure there's anything anybody can do."

Dont worry

Giving a small smile Charlotte holds his hand in her own. I dont have to be to work for about an hour or so. I asked if I could come in a little later because I needed to talk to you about something.

Charlotte draws silent for a long moment as she contemplated different things. She wanted to tell Bret about there child because she was a little excited and scared herself, but also because it was there. Than on the other hand she wanted to wait because she new this would put more stress on him that she didnt want to cause. Two good reason, and the out come of both differnt. What one was better than the other?

Seeing the look of Bret waiting for her reason on what she was talking about Charlotte see the look in his eyes. She had to tell him, this would be his child too, he had a right to know.

"Bret what I am going to tell you is pretty life changing but I dont want you to get upset, or worryed or anything...."

Charlotte continues to hold Bret's hand as she looks deep into the eyes she had fallen in love with.

"Bret, the morning of the race I was late getting there because I was having some tests done. Alot of differnt things run in my family and I hadnt been feeling good so I thought it was better to be safe than sorry. But the test came back with something I wasnt expecting..."

Looking down for a moment Charlotte drew quiet before jsut coming out with what she needed to say.

"I found out I am four weeks pregnant."

Slowly looking up again Charlotte searchs Bret eyes.

Thinking about what Scott said for a long moment Katie didnt know what to say. She tryed to process what Scott said in her head understanding it.

"I..I dont know Scott, but I dont think so."

Katie is silent again for a moment. Her mind was going from one thing to the next not being able to land on one thing alone.

"Don't worry about me ok. I miss you Scotty. Don't lose your hope ok? I better go now, tell Gunner thanks and thanks to you as well."

Hanging up the phone Katie sets it down on her desk before climbing into her bad and snuggling into the covers what Scott said still on her mind. She felt tired, mentally, physically, maybe just a little sleep would be good for her.


Bret makes himself grin, forcing his mind not to think about why he was stuck in bed. "I think we'd probably get caught before we hit the fresh air. But I'm glad to know you'd go criminal with me if I asked you."

Running his hand down the side of Charlotte's face, he grows a little more serious. "You better get to work or you'll be late... thanks for bringing me some real food."

So that was it. Scott takes a deep breath and wanders slowly into the living room, dwelling on Katie's question. "I didn't."

Sinking down on the couch, he pulls his legs up under him to curl up, quickly joined by Domino.

"The memories ever go away... they're always there, even now. How I made it through? With people like you... Dalton... Hope..."

He thinks for a moment, unsure just how affected Katie was from being taken. "Talking things out made the problems real... and once I knew they were real, I could conquer them. It takes time, Katie... the fear... it just has to go away on its own. But... it's different for everybody"

He stops again, listening to the silence on the line. "Are you... okay?"


Giving a grin, Charlotte gives a side long glance at the wheelchair before looking back at Bret. Her grin growing even more as she was considering it.

"You really want to and I will, you just give me the word."

Charlotte would be all to happy to get Bret out of here for a few hours before she had to go back to work. She missed seeing her husband smile and she just missed him in general. Any time away from here would be nice.

Sinking back down on her bed it was good to hear Scott's voice. He'd always been a good friend, and she missed him at work.

Hearing Scott's question Katie hated to lie to her friend and she did have another reason for calling but she felt bad for maybe digging at Scott's own scars.

"Well...I think...I...I am sorry if this brings up bad memories but I...I wanted to asked you after the Agency took you...how did you become ok? Like make the memories go away, and not be scaired anymore?"


"I'm... I'm alright." Scott turns around and throws Gunner a look of question, but Gunner just raises his hands and lets them flop back down on the table. Scott smirks and concentrates on the call again. "Domino is too... everything is fine... Nothing new... always the same."

He pauses, frowning a little. "Katie, you haven't called before... you sure everything is okay?"

"Oh, you sweet woman." Bret takes a big whiff of the Taco Bell food and lets his eyes roll back in his head. "You are heaven in a divine package."

Reaching up with his good arm, he guides Charlotte back down for another kiss, his fingers creeping to the back of her neck. He pulls back just a little to see her eyes again. "There's a wheelchair over there... you could play nurse and wheel me on out of here so we could both play hooky today."


Hearing Scott's voice Katie almost gave a smile. It was good to hear his voice. It had been so long and she had missed her friend.

"Hey Scotty, don't worry nothing wrong. I guess I just wanted to hear your voice. How are you? Hows is Domino?"

Katie new her words wernt much but she wanted to listen to Scott talk, and see how he was first before really saying much more. He was her friend, and seeing how he was, was more important to her than her own problems. Friends could never be replaced and to forget there well being would be a crime.

Coming closer to the bed Charlotte was happy for Bret's humor. It was nice to see at least his spirits were up a little more today.

"The only one I am getting dressed up for it you."

Leaning in close to Bret Charlotte press her lips to his just bathing in her husband. She had been lonly at him without him and hates leaving him but work called and she had to go. Pulling away and resting her head aganst Bret's Charlotte's other hand comes up along side him to hold up a Taco Bell bag.

"I thought you could use some real food!!"