
Dont worry

Giving a small smile Charlotte holds his hand in her own. I dont have to be to work for about an hour or so. I asked if I could come in a little later because I needed to talk to you about something.

Charlotte draws silent for a long moment as she contemplated different things. She wanted to tell Bret about there child because she was a little excited and scared herself, but also because it was there. Than on the other hand she wanted to wait because she new this would put more stress on him that she didnt want to cause. Two good reason, and the out come of both differnt. What one was better than the other?

Seeing the look of Bret waiting for her reason on what she was talking about Charlotte see the look in his eyes. She had to tell him, this would be his child too, he had a right to know.

"Bret what I am going to tell you is pretty life changing but I dont want you to get upset, or worryed or anything...."

Charlotte continues to hold Bret's hand as she looks deep into the eyes she had fallen in love with.

"Bret, the morning of the race I was late getting there because I was having some tests done. Alot of differnt things run in my family and I hadnt been feeling good so I thought it was better to be safe than sorry. But the test came back with something I wasnt expecting..."

Looking down for a moment Charlotte drew quiet before jsut coming out with what she needed to say.

"I found out I am four weeks pregnant."

Slowly looking up again Charlotte searchs Bret eyes.

Thinking about what Scott said for a long moment Katie didnt know what to say. She tryed to process what Scott said in her head understanding it.

"I..I dont know Scott, but I dont think so."

Katie is silent again for a moment. Her mind was going from one thing to the next not being able to land on one thing alone.

"Don't worry about me ok. I miss you Scotty. Don't lose your hope ok? I better go now, tell Gunner thanks and thanks to you as well."

Hanging up the phone Katie sets it down on her desk before climbing into her bad and snuggling into the covers what Scott said still on her mind. She felt tired, mentally, physically, maybe just a little sleep would be good for her.

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