
Direct orders

Hal hadn't been in the room more than two seconds after making some rounds, and he turns to see Misty. "Yeah, sure." He nods to the monitor. "Looks like he hasn't been causing any ruckuses. He hasn't moved since I was in here last."

Just to be safe though, he unsnaps his holster. Alec was not one to underestimate.

Arriving at the holding cell, Hal punches in the code to open the door, and steps inside in front of Misty as a security caution. Seeing Alec motionless on the cot, he wants to make sure that it isn't some ruse to catch them off guard.

Hal moves in slowly, approaching the cot. Something didn't seem right though. Reaching down, he lays a hand on Alec's shoulder. "Alec?" No response.

Seeing the beads of sweat on Alec's face, Hal automatically puts a hand to the young man's forehead. He looks up to Misty grimly. "He's not playing possum. He's burning up." How an infection could have spread so quickly, Hal didn't know, but even not being a doctor, he knew that's what had to have happened. Blood had soaked through Alec's bandage again.

Alec gives a little groan, trying to lift a hand to get Hal to shove off, but he can't even open his eyes all the way, let alone tell someone off.

Laura giggles and accepts her own cup of coffee. "Thank you." She proceeds to put both milk and sugar in hers, helping mellow out the taste. "Mmm... now that's more like it."

Sitting down at the table, a quick prayer for the meal and for Katie is followed up by eating what Nate had prepared. It is quiet for a few minutes, concentration more on the food and the tasks they needed to get back to at work, than conversation.

Halfway finished, Laura glances up to watch Nate. It wasn't that long ago that she would have felt awkward in this position... and it seemed strange with what she'd been through that she would feel so differently now... but she did. God had brought good from the horrors, and she couldn't deny that fact, no matter how angry she was for the past and her assault.

"So do you treat your women to breakfast every morning?" she teases.

Reese takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, studying Phinox's badge. There was a lot at stake here... he wanted to trust anyone who was on their side, but he had to know for sure this guy was legit.

"Alright." He gives a short nod and moves back around to his phone. "Just let me call and confirm this with Brown - the joys of red tape." He manages a smile of forced reassurance.

Picking up the phone, he dials and waits. "Yeah, it's Reese over at the Elite. Uh-huh. Listen, I got a guy here, Simon Phinox... said you sent him over to help on the Pent case.... Mm-hmm..." Reese glances up to Phinox then back down again. "Yeah, we can use all the help we can get. Thanks. Bye."

Reese hangs up, almost disappointed that he'd been wrong. But Brown's voice had confirmed it - the guy was legit. Reese's own leery feelings confused him now, but he'd have to ignore them. Maybe he was just overly on edge with this whole thing. "Alright, Phinox. Welcome to the Elite. Let me take you down the hall so you can get up to speed."

He leads the newcomer back out through the main floor and too the hall. Coming up on Jason's office though, they're suddenly met with the big black dog, commissioned to protect those he knew and beware of those he didn't.

A low growl rumbles in Trooper's throat as he stands smack-dab in the middle of the hall. His ears lay back as he stares menacingly at Phinox.

"Trooper," Reese commands. "Back off."

The dog doesn't move.

"Trooper, get back in Jason's office." Reese raises his voice and points. "Now."

Trooper still does not obey. His lips curl up to show his teeth and he advances a step. The hair on his back stands on end.

Reese grits his teeth. He knew the dog wouldn't purposely hurt him, but Trooper wouldn't have any problem going through him to get to someone he thought was a threat eather. "Dang it," he mutters under his breath. "Jason!" he shouts. "Where-"

As if on cue, Jason and Scott come around the corner after coming up the stairs. Jason lifts his eyebrows as he takes in the scene. He would have just let Trooper continue, had Reese not been there to signal it was safe. A short whistle through his teeth is all it takes.

Trooper immediately drops his stance and turns around to trot up to Jason's side, remaining at his heel to walk with him.

Reese sighs, setting his hands on his hips. "How many times do I have to tell you to shut that dog in your office when you're not with him?!"

Jason's eyes narrow slightly. "He's only a threat when necessary."

"Well it wasn't necessary - this time and countless times before." Reese isn't in the mood to have to deal with this. Not only did Trooper's quickness to attack put him on edge, but it was just a bit embarrassing in front of the newcomer. "Lock him in your office now."

"He's going with me," Jason states flatly.


Jason holds up the papers Scott had given him. "Next town over. Found an owner on that van."

Reese quirks an eyebrow. "Where's Nate?"

"Don't know. Don't care. I'm going."

"Not without a partner," Reese demands quickly. Looking to Phinox, he sizes him up, then looks back to Jason. "This is Phinox. He's from the a branch of Secret Service over in Spain." Brown had given him an explanation of why he was here. "He was tracking some bigwig drug dealers and wound up in the States. Now Brown is utilizing him over here where he can. He sent him here to help with our case."

Jason stands a little straighter, folding his arms. "I'll take Carson with me."

"I'm keeping Carson here so he can work with Nate when he shows up."

"Then I go alone."

"You will take Phinox with you!" Reese gives Jason a warning look. "And you will report back here before taking any action. Do I make myself clear?"

Jason throws him a glare and reaches in his pocket for his keys. He glances to Phinox. "Don't hold me up," he states flatly. Shouldering past, he heads for the exit with Trooper close behind.

Reese sighs, his eyes going back to Phinox. "Katie's his girlfriend. Give him a break. But go watch his back, he might need the backup."

Scott stands nearby in the doorway of his office, just watching. An odd churning spreads through his stomach. He continues to look at Phinox, the gut feeling worsening. Seeing Reese look up in his direction, Scott ducks back into his office.

Ryder stands up from Laura's desk, seeing Jason stalking by. "Hotshot, where you headed?"

Jason holds up the paper, still walking. "Out. Got a lead."

"Great. I'm coming with."

"Reese already assigned me a partner," Jason growls. "You'll have to catch the next boat."

Ryder stops, his shoulders dropping. "But..." He sighs in frustration, going back to flop down in the chair again.

Jason hits the outdoors, his stride not slowing as he heads for his truck.


Returning Carson's kiss Misty basks in the short moment enjoying every moment till he pulls away. Looking up at him her eyes twinkle. She was happy he had stopped by this morning, it made her feel a little better already. Watching Carson leave Misty lets out another small sigh as she leans back in her chair and rubs her eyes.

She was sleepy still and needed to wake up. There was a long day in front of her and she needed to be alert. Letting out a sigh again Misty finally stands. Its had been a while since she checked on Alec and she new now she probley should.

Gathering a few things she would need to check on Alec Misty puts them in her bag and exiting the room. Making her way to the sacurity room Misty looks in and see Hal. Giving a small smile she asks.

"Hal, I needed to go check on Alec would you mind coming with me?"

Smiling as Laura wraps her arms around him Nate brings his hands to her. Running his fingers over her own just soaking in the moment for a second.

"Mmmm....your awake. I was hoping you would before I was done. I came to wake you earlyer but you looked so peaceful I just couldnt do it."

Turning back to the stove to continue with the eggs and bacon a grin forms on Nate's face as Laura takes a sip of his coffee. Trying to hold back a laugh it slips out and Nate shakes his head. Plating up the food he looks to Laura for a moment.

"That teaches you for drinking a man coffee."

Looking back at the plate Nate finishs and brings them to the table before grabbing another cup from the cobord and putting coffee in it.

"If you want there is some milk in the fridge and some sugar here, just for you."

As Scott enters Phinox stands taller still just looking at him for a moment. A few of his own emotions, and feelings go through his mind. He's seen what the Agency had done to him, and new what he looked like afterwarded and now, He wasnt 100% but he looked alot better. It made Phinox smile to know Scott was ok. Just staying quiet for a moment he watches the interaction. Studying Reese and his manerisumes Phinox knows he is very leary of him.

Once Scott is gone again Phinox walks a little before tucking his hands inside his pocket as his jacket kind of wraps itself around his arms. He new Reese would have his doubts, and he new he had to tred lightly. He couldnt blow his cover not now, he had to gain there trust. Finally speaking again his thick spainish accent pokes its own head out.

"I must admite I reallt dont know that much. I guess you could say I was kind of thrown at Brown to use me for something. And this is where I landed. I have been informed that Katie I think her names was, was taken yesterday and the only thing that might be a lead is that her house was shot up. Other than that I dont know much. I will need to know everything else though if you..."

Looking up at Reese again Phinox can see it in his eye the mistrust was there, and Reese might not tell him anything at all. Taking his hands pit of his pockets he pulls a badge from his jacket pocked stating his was from the Spainish Secret Service.

"If you dont believe me, please by all means call brown. I need you to trust me if I am going to help you."