

*Jess smiles and gives a wave as she see Carson.*

"I think coffee is what I need this morning. To early for a milkshake yet. Give me some time though I am sure sometime today I will need one."

*Jess gives a small nod to Mable and than to Aerith.*

*Katie smiles as she throws an extra peace of bacon to Trooper and than plates up the food. Placing the two plates on the table one in Jason's spot and one in her own Katie finally sits down.*

"I don't know what your talking about I'm never nice."

*Katie scrunches her noise up and takes a bite of her toast.*

"Nah you were fine last night J. Your not a bother."

*Katie continues to eat keeping the conversation light.*

*Jess looks up holding her coffee and the bell on Mom and Pop's rings. A bit saprised to see Axel alone and than remember he had said last night he would be back. Her eyes following him as he sits down. Relizing she was stairing Jess looks away quick taking a sip of her coffee. As if drawn for some strange reason Jess looks at Axel again giving a little smile as he stairs back to her.*


*Mable gives a nod to Axel and heads to the coffee pot.*

"Now, what kind of restront would this be if I didn't have any coffee first thing in the morning?"

*Bring the cup over to Axel Mable gives him some sugar and milk as well.*

"Did you want anything to eat hun?"


Jason's eyes slowly open as the scent of breakfast hits his nostrils. Moving a little, he feels every muscle in his body. It seemed not one wasn't sore. It always happened after episodes like last night's.

Stretching and yawning, he turns over on his back, and then suddenly wonders why on earth he's smelling breakfast. It takes him a minute to remember that he hadn't been alone last night.

Sitting up a little groggily, Jason rubs his eyes and blinks, looking towards the kitchen. Getting himself up, he limps nearer the sound of sizzling and humming. His stomach growls. After getting sick last night, he was now running on empty.

Leaning in the doorway, he just watches Katie for several minutes, a small grin working on the corner of his mouth. He keeps his thoughts to himself.

Finally, Jason enters, running a hand through his unruly hair, and offering Katie a sleepy smile. "Hero, will you ever stop being so nice?"

Trooper comes trotting into the kitchen, his tail wagging happily from being let out early, then having someone to keep him company more than usual.

Jason looks down at him and shakes his head. "Don't get used to it."

Trooper licks his chops, then goes to the stove where Katie is, sitting down quietly and just staring at her, starting to drool.

Jason rolls his eyes. "If you're trying to attract her, Bud, that definitely won't work." He moves forward and gives Katie's shoulder a pat before sitting down at the table. Looking at the clock, he yawns again. It was later than he would have liked...he had to get Katie home then to work. "Hope I didn't keep you up too much last night."

Carson finishes changing his clothes and takes one last look in the mirror to make sure he was halfway presentable after cleaning up and shaving. How he could live here and still be late for work was beyond him, but it wasn't the first time.

Rolling his eyes at himself, he hurries to go help Herb get things started for the day.

It isn't much longer when he hears the bell on the door and leans back just far enough to see out the kitchen. A small smile surfaces. "Stick around here long enough and you'll be addicted," he calls out, teasing Jess. "Milkshake or coffee?"

"Mmm...." Rocky cradles a fresh cup of coffee in his hand and tries to wake up as he and the others sit around the table in the hotel dining room. "Anybody seen Axel this morning?"

Max shakes his head. "I found a note in the bathroom. Said he walked to Mom and Pop's."

"Walked?" Logan rolls his eyes. "It's clear across town. It'd take him an hour."

Max can't help but agree. "Who in their right mind...all for a cup of coffee? They got good coffee here."

Taylor smirks. "Maybe he just wanted fresh air."

"Yeah, like the time he went for a five hour stroll in LA?" Rocky asks.

Taylor giggles. "We were so worked up, and he was so...not. He said it was good exercise."

Logan shakes his head. "They make taxis for getting around. I wonder if Axel ever noticed that."

Nine o'clock. Axel slowly enters Mom and Pop's, looking up as the bell rings. Under his denim jacket and hoodie, he's a little warm after the brisk walk, but it had been cool enough this morning that he'd wanted the extra layer.

Heading to the counter, his eyes scan the room, taking in the details. A few people were here this morning...though probably most of the regulars had already come and gone.

Reaching a stool, he slides up on one to sit down, and gives a sidelong glance to Jess only a few seats away. He gives a smile and wave to Mabel. "Long time no see. I hope you got coffee brewing this morning."

My Little Angel

*Though Carson's words made her feel good Jess wasn't to sure she really did believe she deserved better. Though she couldn't help but admit it did make her feel good to hear Carson say it to her. Giving another smile as they reach TJY Jess gives a small nod. Behind Carson eyes she could see his pain of loss and new her was doing his best She could only hope he would find him away just like she hoped the same for herself.*

"Parting a such a sweet sarrow eh?!"

*Jess steps up to the door and pushes it open stop and turning back to Carson for a quick moment.*

"I sure hope we do see each other again. It's nice having someone to talk to. Goodnight Carson."

*Slipping inside Jess closes the door behind her and heads down the hall and to what she called her room for the night hoping sleep would come easy but knowing it wouldnt and would be filled with night terrors.*

*Katie can't help the laugh that escaps her lips. No matter what happend or how life wen't Katie new her and Jason would always be closer than anyone new. Pushing her head into Jason's leg a little more Katie cross her arms across her chest and closes her eyes again she was starting to get tired once more.

GoodNight J. See you in the AM.

The smile stay spread across Katie's face as her mind shuts off but not fully and soon sleep once again comes to her.*

Night turns to day as the sun comes up. Casting its color to the sky. Some are awake to see it and some still asleep only to try and find the colors in there mind. Some stay snuggled with friends, while others wake to make new ones. Maybe not even sure why they do, what they are. Even those who had a late night wake early not sure why but something told them to get up. Some stop and enjoy the morning before work taking in the smell the colors and the should. While others watch the new life that unfolded before there eyes. Thanking God for the new day.

*The silent figure moves from the window as a small tear falls from her eye. How she remember the old times and the fun. She's hated it at first because it would scar her every time, but over time she expected it and liked trying to be up in time. As Carson's figure is out of site Misty moves away from the window sinking back down on her bed. Why had she woken up so early? She felt tired still but something had told her to get up and when she did, Carson was outside the window. Some how did she know he was there or was it just a coincidence. Eather way Carson had been there, and Misty had seen him, and a new pain formed in her heart.*

*The sound of bacon sizzles in a pan and the small of bacon lingers through through the air ass a soft hum comes from Kaite's lips as she stands at Jason's stove making Bacon, Eggs and Toast. On the small table behind her two places were set with a glass of OJ for each of them. Katie new Jason needed the sleep so she didn't want to wake him but she new the smell from the food would do the job for her.*

*Rolling out of bed Jess opens her eyes. It was early, and she was awake that was a new one. Though it didn't saprise her after the dreams she had, had that night.

Sitting up and swinging her legs out of bed Jess looks at the clock it was 8 o'clock. Jess didn't want to wake but she new now that she was up it would be impossable to go back to sleep.

Grabbing a towle Jess head to the shower to wash up for the day and maybe figure out something to do so early.

A few minutes pass and Jess steps outside of TJY taking in the crisp and cool air. Pulling the hood from her hoody over her head Jess pulls the strings a little to tighten it and starts on her way. Not sure where she was walking to Jess just let her feel be her guide. It was a nice morning and she might as well make the best of it.

Time pass and Jess finds herself in a famiure area. Outside Mom and Pop's. Being lost in thought Jess didn't even relize she was walking this way but now that she was here she might as well stop and maybe get something warm to drink. Looking down at her watch the time was 8:40, good they had opened 30 min ago. If she was lucky maybe Carson was even working today.*

*A cry rings out through the air as a child calls for there parent. Almost instintly a new daddy wakes and moves from the bed letting his sleeping wife rest. She had been up most of the night already and it was his turn now to comfort the small child as she got some rest.

Moving out of there bed room and down the hall he enters the childs room. Going to the crib he smiles down at his daughter that ment the world to him. With his strong hand yet gentil with this small child he reaches down and picks her up craddling her with great care. Offering her shelter and protection giving the promise to always be there when she cryed. In a deep but soft voice his whispers.*

"Hi little one. You know its morning?"

*Moving twords the homemade rocking chair the father sits down with there child gently rocking watching his little daughter suck her thumb as she looks back up at him with a smile on her face and her big brown eyes showing how much love she had already had for her father.*

"Your so pretty, just like your mom. Mmmm....Baby Kalyee, my little angel. Daddy's little girl."

*Wes could never thank God enough for the two prescuse gifts he had given him. All he had asked for and more. How he was happy beyond belief, and how his heart thumped with joy. Wes continues to talk to Kaylee, telling her little storys as she coos and laughs filled the house with a warmth that was unexplainable.*

Dawn breaks with quesions

For a moment, Carson reverts the conversation back to Jess, having heard something he didn't like. "First off...no one deserves a bloke like Peter so you can forget that excuse. Maybe that's all you knew, but that doesn't mean you didn't deserve better."

He throws Jess a stern glance for emphasis, but lets that subject drop for now.

Quiet for several minutes, Carson knows he wants to answer Jess' question, but wasn't sure how. Finally he just shrugs. "I don't know if she's happy or not. But I hope she is. Like you deserve someone better than Peter, Misty deserves someone better than me...and it looks like she's found someone. So... yeah, I hope she's happy."

Walking up to the TJY building, Carson stops at the door. "I guess this is where we part." He looks at Jess for a moment, knowing that she was still hurting, but at least on the road to recovery. "Goodnight, Jess... I'll be seeing ya."

Jason listens to the silence, Katie's words running through his mind. He gives a little grin. After all we've been through, I don't think anything could creep me out.

Thinking of himself, he's just not sure. I don't know...I just don't know... I think Rick's right... that whatever it is inside me found the one thing that's ever caused terror, so it just latches on to that whenever I get too worked up, or my emotions just reach their limit. As far as working through it all...I don't know that either...I just wish I could relive it all once and get it over with.

Receiving more, he almost rolls his eyes, though isn't seen in the darkness. You have absolutely nothing to thank me for. I owe you my life and I'd give it in a heartbeat if I had to...

He stops, a wry humor forming. And if I didn't know that me being gone would kill you anyway.

Jason's hand moves down to ruffle Katie's hair. Shut down that crazy mind. You're keeping this dead man awake.

The sun can never be stopped from completing its rounds, not the earth from its rotation. No matter the will to hold onto the night, it must pass, and a new day must be born.

Carson leans over and laces up his tennies. He’d had just enough money leftover from his last paycheck to buy a new pair, and he was determined to use them as he’d intended. He’d even checked in with Herb before spending the money…he didn’t need to, but he’d wanted to, just to be in the habit of having someone know what he was doing with his money. Until these daily cravings stopped, he wasn’t going to trust himself.

Standing up, he zips up his hoodie and heads out in his sweats, slapping on his baseball cap as he goes.

The morning is chilly, and he can almost see his breath. The cold air is harsh on his lungs and as he sprints into a jog, he’s reminded just how out of shape he really is.

He doesn’t have a destination in mind. The sun isn’t even up yet, and the atmosphere has a strange grayness to it…almost a fog but not quite.

Carson’s feet pound the sidewalk as he takes one turn and then another. His mind wanders as he runs. It travels where it will, from memories, the past, regrets to frustrations and fears.

Sweat breaks out on his forehead and slides down the sides of his face. His eyes no longer see where he’s heading, but only the pictures in his mind.

After jogging for a while, Carson’s legs and lungs finally give out on him. He’d pushed too hard for the first time out. Stopping, he bends over to brace his hands on his knees, thrown into a coughing fit. If he hadn’t known it before, he knew it good and well now that all of his smoking had done him no good.

Coughing hard, he finally spits and takes several deep breaths, trying to regain control. Able to straighten, he sets his hands on his hips, breathing heavily.

Eventually, he looks around to get his bearings, and he can’t help his surprise. How had he ended up here? Apparently old habits had taken over, and while his mind had been wandering, his feet had found a familiar route.

For a moment, Carson just looks at Misty’s place. There was a part of him that wanted to run up to the window and bang on it like he used to, just to get a rise out of her. He remembered the mornings that she’d run with him, and how for a short time, he had felt less alone. The sun had shined in his life, whether he’d seen it or not.

Suddenly the gray is back upon him, followed up by the bitter taste of reality. Misty’s car was there, but he could not see her.

Finally having caught his breath, Carson turns, sprinting back into a slow jog, back the way he’d come. If he didn’t hustle now, he’d be late for work.

"Hey, Laura."

Laura turns from filling her car with gas to see that Scott has pulled up to the pump behind her. "Mornin' Scott. Surprised to see you up this early after you worked so late last night."

Scott laughs as he opens the tank on his car. "Yeah, well, when Reese wants a project done, you don't waste time."

Laura grins. "I'd have to agree."

"Talk to Katie yet this morning? I was hoping everyone had a good time last night."

Laura shakes her head. "Talked to Con last night. He said Katie and Jason left the party early - was kinda worried, but he drove past Jason's place later and saw his truck there. Actually, I thought you'd know about that...Katie didn't come home last night that I know of, so I assumed she was with you or something."

Scott lifts his eyebrows, a bit of concern creeping up on him. "No..." He starts to pump gas, his mind wandering. "Maybe I'll...or... if she's late to work, I'll call her and see what's up - make sure everything is okay."

We both

*Just stops and thinks about Carson's words some more. Working them over in her mind and than looking at Carson she searchs his face. Seeing the pain that was behind his eyes.*

"She sounds like she was a real good person. I never had someone I was close to like that. Peter was the first guy I even ever considered a boyfriend. I never loved him and I new he didn't love me but he was what I deserved and now, I'm not sure where in life I should be."

*Feeling a bit strange talking about herself Jess reverts the conversation back to Carson.*

"Do you think she is really happy without you?"

*Jess puts her hands into the pockets on the back of her jeans as she walks with Carson knowing there destanation was coming up fast Jess almost dreaded it. Slowing to match Carson's pase Just lets out a sigh.*

"Well...I guess we both have something hard to work through together than huh? At least we don't have to feel to alone now."

*Jess continues to walk as her eyes felt a little glazed the tears that wanted to come but she wouldn't let. Life, what was life to her now?*

*Katie lays stairing into the dark. She was happy Jason didn't feel alone anymore. The comfort, and protection she had to offer him that he liked and helped him Katie was happy to freely give without any question to what she would get in return. See that she helped Jason was enough for her.

No, your not alone. You won't ever be alone again.

Stoping for a moment Katie can't help but let out a laugh.

Ok so that sounded a little creepy but you know what I ment.

After everything Jason and herself had been through Katie was happy they could still be friends for now. It was always nice to spend time with Jason, and laugh with him. Katie was still thankful for that.

Maybe thats why you still have these dreams J, because you havn't really delt with everything. Maybe reliving all of it even the way you felt was hidden away and now it want to come out so you can move forward.

Katie thinks about her own words and wondered if they might be true. Why caused this inside Jason? She new he probely would deal with this for the rest of his life, but would it become easyer once he faced it. Would it not drain everything from him? Or would he always have to deal with the aftermath as well.

Hero's don't know best and they don't know all, but I try to be there for you when ever you need me J. I don't wan't you ever to feel alone through any of this stuff. Even if we are just friends, I wan't you to know I'm there for you.

As Jason shifts Kaite moves a tiny bit as well to give him some room and not to make him feel cramped, and than takes the position she was in before.

Thanks for leting me be your Hero J. It gives a certin meaning to my life thats unexplainable.*

Summer breeze

Jason quietly receives Katie’s feelings and deciphers them. It was second nature now…like simply knowing another language.

His mind wanders a bit, taking him back through time as she communicates…remembering their history together.

I hate it that you feel everything… I know it’s not my fault, and I know I shouldn’t have ever had to go through that as a child… but no one should have to share that with me either. It’s bad enough that the torment was passed on to me… it’s worse that it affects others now too.

He pauses his thoughts, mulling over them by himself until he expresses more.

But I guess… in a way, I now know I’m not alone. It used to be no one knew what I went through… at least knowing that you see it all, I know that I’m not going through it alone anymore.

As Katie shifts her weight, Jason retrieves his hand to tuck under his pillow again. He blinks back a couple more tears, though they’re almost gone now as his emotions start to settle once more.

My dreams are different now. They used to just be about the past…maybe mixed in with the present, and just a bit of imagination thrown in. Now… now it’s like I’m starting to remember things I didn’t before. It was always facts and physical torment. Now…now I’m remembering how I felt. I never realized how desperate I was…how as only a child I would rather have died that continued to be held by Alex. I guess…I guess I’m afraid that I will remember more that I didn’t before and it will just get worse.

Jason heaves a weary sigh and shifts his weight a little, but is careful not to move too much to make Katie uncomfortable.

Thanks for staying…I guess I needed my hero tonight whether I wanted to admit it or not.

Carson hears Jess’ question, but doesn’t answer right away. He was glad that Jess felt safe around him…at least he was doing something right again… at least he was still capable of making someone feel comfortable around him instead of hurting them or just taking advantage of them.

“No…” He finally answers her question, his eyes going back to the sidewalk as they walk. “I guess we never counted the stars. I did a lot when I was a kid…back in Australia.”

He pauses again, wondering how much he really wanted to talk about. It didn’t hurt as much now as it did…it was more of a dull ache. Especially after tonight and seeing that Misty had found someone else.

“She was like a breeze on a summer day, Jess. The only one that ever made my heart stop…the only one that ever turned me upside down. When no one else gave me a chance, she did…when all anyone else saw was an outlaw, she saw more than I even saw myself.”

Carson takes a deep breath. “And I cheated on her.” He shakes his head, finding it easier to admit, but still hearing it as so very foolish and utterly stupid. “Twice. Two strikes and I was out.”

They near TJY and Carson slows a little. “But I guess she’s happy now…and I’m glad. I suppose now it’s time for me to let her go…just finding it a little harder to do than I thought.”

Did she

*Feeling Jason's grib tighten just a little it gives Katie a strange comfort, just knowing Jason was close and he was ok. Thinking about his message for a moment Katie is silent. Thinking over in her own mind about everything and how there powers had grown into something more than when they first started out.

It use to be I just felt your emotional pain, I never new what was really going on other than how you felt, and if you talked at all the words that came from your mouth, than you told me about what had happend to you ask a kid and I new a little more what you felt was not good. Than as we grew closer but when our own ways at when I left the ranch and than you came back to Nevada it was like I could now hear what was going on in your head. Slowly it would get louder and louder as if you were calling me, telling me what was wrong. Than after that one time when you were in prison and we shaired the one moment, when we got to see eachother and I felt you without feeling you through the glass after that it was like..when you were thrown into an attack or into a nightmare I could see it. Almost like a movie. I no long just felt your pain, I saw it as well. Does it hurt me? Of course it does. No one should have to go through what you have J. No one, and it pains me that I can't do anything to stop it from happening to you. I mean I know its not my place, but I wish I could just take your pain away from you. I don't like seeing you suffer. So yes it does hurt me. but I wouldn't change this talent for anything because though I can't take away your pain I can ease it and that at least helps me think I am doing something good.

Katie shifts a little on the coutch turning so she is laying on her back though her arm still rests on Jason's leg. Leting out a sigh she stairs up into the dark. It was true she could bring back any memorie Jason had and replay it in her own mind. Like poping it into a dvd player and pressing the start button. Only to lock it away again when it was over. Katie often wondered if someone could pick her brain with out her knowing it would they find a whole section that contained things about Jason. Would there be one designated area that was just about him? Katie's never really thought about it before, but it made sence. Where did all Jason's emotions go inside of her? Did they store away or was it just like digesting something.*

*Jess walks along with Carson and listens to him. Looking up at the sky herself. It was a bold move but she was curouse why she wasent sure but she was.*

"Did she, your girlfriend would she count the stars with you? What was she like?"

*Jess lets her question linger for a moment not sure if she oversteped her bounds or not. Hating to feel awkward if she had she just keeps talking.*

"Hah, Your the only real friend I got now Carson and I like talking with you. I guess I just feel safe around you too."

*Jess turns her attachen to there sarrounding as the dark shadows lerk. Put the moon shown down and lit there was and Jess did feel comfortable and safe with Carson near. *