
Did she

*Feeling Jason's grib tighten just a little it gives Katie a strange comfort, just knowing Jason was close and he was ok. Thinking about his message for a moment Katie is silent. Thinking over in her own mind about everything and how there powers had grown into something more than when they first started out.

It use to be I just felt your emotional pain, I never new what was really going on other than how you felt, and if you talked at all the words that came from your mouth, than you told me about what had happend to you ask a kid and I new a little more what you felt was not good. Than as we grew closer but when our own ways at when I left the ranch and than you came back to Nevada it was like I could now hear what was going on in your head. Slowly it would get louder and louder as if you were calling me, telling me what was wrong. Than after that one time when you were in prison and we shaired the one moment, when we got to see eachother and I felt you without feeling you through the glass after that it was like..when you were thrown into an attack or into a nightmare I could see it. Almost like a movie. I no long just felt your pain, I saw it as well. Does it hurt me? Of course it does. No one should have to go through what you have J. No one, and it pains me that I can't do anything to stop it from happening to you. I mean I know its not my place, but I wish I could just take your pain away from you. I don't like seeing you suffer. So yes it does hurt me. but I wouldn't change this talent for anything because though I can't take away your pain I can ease it and that at least helps me think I am doing something good.

Katie shifts a little on the coutch turning so she is laying on her back though her arm still rests on Jason's leg. Leting out a sigh she stairs up into the dark. It was true she could bring back any memorie Jason had and replay it in her own mind. Like poping it into a dvd player and pressing the start button. Only to lock it away again when it was over. Katie often wondered if someone could pick her brain with out her knowing it would they find a whole section that contained things about Jason. Would there be one designated area that was just about him? Katie's never really thought about it before, but it made sence. Where did all Jason's emotions go inside of her? Did they store away or was it just like digesting something.*

*Jess walks along with Carson and listens to him. Looking up at the sky herself. It was a bold move but she was curouse why she wasent sure but she was.*

"Did she, your girlfriend would she count the stars with you? What was she like?"

*Jess lets her question linger for a moment not sure if she oversteped her bounds or not. Hating to feel awkward if she had she just keeps talking.*

"Hah, Your the only real friend I got now Carson and I like talking with you. I guess I just feel safe around you too."

*Jess turns her attachen to there sarrounding as the dark shadows lerk. Put the moon shown down and lit there was and Jess did feel comfortable and safe with Carson near. *

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