

*Taking the milkshake Jess puts a straw in it and takes a sip. She couldn't deny it was probely the best milkshake she had, had in a while.*

"Oh, I'm doing ok considering. I went over some more stuff with Angelica today and tomarrow she is going to the court to talk to a judge and send out an issue for Peter."

*Taking another sip Jess looks up at Carson so much.*

"I'm a little sore today but everything is healing ok. How about you..."

*Jess looks back over to the table and see Misty than turns back to Carson trying not to let any inuendo hang in the air.*

"...are you doing ok?"

*Seeing movment by the counter Jess stiffens and looks to her left. Seeing Axel again she just watches him. Not sure why, but something about him made it hard to look away.*

*I so did! Katie replys to Jason through her laughing mind to acompany the ones coming from her mouth.

As Jason throws Katie over his shoulder Katie lets out a scream. Pounding Jason back she cant help the giggles that escape as well.*

"Jason Stevenson you put me down right this minute I am warning you."

*Kicking a little more Katie relizes Jason is not going to put her down and hearing Jen's cheers She knows Jason's one weekness. Bringing her finger to his side Katie starts to move them up and down his ribs as she tickles him.*

"You dont play fair, neather do I buddy boy."

*Hearing the comotion Mable comes from the back room.*

"Land sake why does it sound like a hurd of eleaphints out here?"

*Jamie looks to her mother and laughs.*

"We cause its always like this when we are here."

*Mable puts her hands on her hips as she smiles shaking her head.*

*Aerith stands behind the counter drying some glass and laughing along with everyone alse. She liked when the crew was here it always was an exciting time.*


Carson smiles as he works in the kitchen, calling back out to Jess. "Now why would I mind?"

He creates a strawberry milkshake for her, making a small one this time, knowing that she probably wouldn't want a whole lot. He tops it off with a bit of whipped cream and a whole strawberry sliced in half.

Coming back out to the counter, Carson sets the shake down in front of Jess and leans his elbows on the counter. "So how you doing? I was gonna come see you today but it was crazy in here and I couldn't get away."

"So where you all staying anyway?" Phil questions Rocky.

"Well, we got our reservations at the hotel on the edge of town - don't know how long we'll be there, but the bus should roll into town in a couple days with all our stuff. Right now we just got a few changes of clothes on us."

Phil nods as he fidgets with his napkin. "You got gigs lined up after that?"

"Not now...we're not breaking up, but we're just tired of being on the road. Too busy...we want something stable for a while."

"I can understand that."

Rocky shrugs. "So...we're gonna be looking for jobs and stuff. Kinda get back into 'normal' mode for a while."

"How long is a while?"

"Don't know yet. But it could be six months...could be a year...could be two. We just want to play it by ear and see where we go. And if we never hit the road again, so be it. But we all want to be in agreement whatever we do."

Mike joins in to the conversation. "Got places to go after the hotel?"

"Nope. Have to find some apartments or whatever. Starting from scratch...blessed enough to afford it for a little while."

"You guys could come stay out at my place," Mike offers. "Pay for your own meals and I won't charge rent. might have to sleep on a couch, but I got room."

Joel had been listening, and lifts an eyebrow. "Aw, we can't do that."

"No...really. It's just me and my dog."

"Well..." Joel and Rocky exchange glances. "Guess we'll wait until the bus comes in with our stuff and...we'll talk it over with the others then."

Mike nods. "Fair enough."

“So then we get to that place and…” Logan continues his story to Kyle, elbowing Axel every once in a while for him to join in.

Axel swirls the ice around in his glass, barely paying attention. Instead, his eyes roamed the room, bounced off faces, stared at the table, then back to roaming the room again.

Logan has paused his conversation and smirks Axel. “Hey, I was talking to you.”


Logan rolls his eyes. “How many pictures are hanging on the wall?”


“Paintings or photos?”


“How many ceiling fans?”


“What’s for desert?”

“Apple pie.”

“How many stools at the counter?”


Logan throws up his hands and shakes his head, looking over to Misty. “I’m telling you, this guy is weird.”

Axel’s eyes narrow and he smirks at Logan. “You just don’t know what observant means.”

Logan shakes his head, still looking at Misty. “He’s not observant. He’s weird.”

A grin spreads on Axel's face. Though his sense of humor was very dry, he let it shine in his eyes, and he tosses Misty a wink, clearly owning the upper hand in this one, even if Logan thought he was the one in control.

Letting the conversation fade into the background again, Axel's eyes wander back to the counter, seeing the waiter talking to the woman. He watches for a moment, summing up their interaction.

Rising from his chair, Axel sets his napkin down.

“Yo, Grease, where you going?”

Axel turns around and throws Logan a look. “Keep up with that name and you’ll find out what axel grease feels like in bed.”

Logan raises and lowers his eyebrows, giving a silly grin. “Slippery.”

Axel points a finger and clicks his tongue. “If I were you, I wouldn’t want to find out.” He turns around again, aiming for the men’s room.

Logan calls after him. “Have fun!”

Axel just waves. He heads back down the side hall, slipping past the front counter on his way.

As Katie tucks the flower behind his ear, Jason’s eyes go to the side even though he can’t see it. He lets it sit for a moment, contemplating his options.

His eyes roam back to Katie and her laughing, and he grits his teeth to keep his own laughter in. You did not just put a flower in my hair.

Con spots Jason sporting a flower and starts to laugh. “Why Hotshot, you look right pretty tonight!”

“Shut up, Con.

“What?” Con cocks his head, still laughing. “I didn’t hear you.”

“You did too, you big tank.” Jason stands up from the table, throwing a balled-up napkin in Con’s direction.

“Hey!” Con receives the napkin to his own head even though he tries to jerk out of the way. “Watch it before you start a war, mister.”

“Me?” Jason fakes innocence. “It was her who started it!” He points to Katie, knowing good and well it had been him to make the first move. “Her and her flowers.” He grabs the flower from his hair. “And look, she even broke it!”

“Ohhh no!” Con shakes his head in dismay. “She broke the flower. She’ll have to go turn it in to Mabel now. You know what happens to people who break flowers.”

Jason hadn’t a clue and neither did Con. But it sounded good. A grin spreads on Jason’s face. “Yep. Flower killers must pay.” Before stopping to think, Jason grabs Katie from her chair, bends over and in one motion he has her slung over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, her head hanging down his back. “Mabel!” He marches toward the counter, flower in hand. “Katie gone done and ruined a center piece.”

“Don’t let her go, Jase!” Phil hollers.

“Take him down!” Laura yells to Katie, laughing.


*Jamie gives a smile as she leans into Con and looks back at Rocky than Joel, and than to Con.*

"I guess it slipped my mind?"

*Sticking out her toung Jamie laughs and than squeazes Con.*

"I guess I just got excited to see everyone but now that you mentioned it...I'm getting married to this tank here. I guess we are even now for you both not talking to me in so long."

*Jamie smiles as the chatter continues.*

*Katie gives a nod as she listens to Jason but is still talking herself with Taylor. Once or twice she stops to remember what she was trying to say as Jason talked but for the most part Katie kept both separated. He does seem a little strange but nothing to worry about.

As Katie goes to say something alse she is blasted in the side of the head with the straw wrapper. Stopping dead Katie very slowly turns her head to look at Jason.*

"Do you remember what happend last time? I would hate for you to fashion pizza this time."

*Katie can't help the smile that plays on her lips and she turns back around. Glancing around the table her eyes fall on some nice flowers. Reaching out and taking on Katie breaks off the stem than turn back to Jason tucking the small flower behind his ear.*

"There you go, that one matches you eyes nicely."

*Katie breaks out in laugher as she watches Jason's face.*

*Misty laughs again as she looks at Kyle and smiles than looking back to Taylor.*

"I think its his humor mixed with his increadable nice side that helps me deal with it. Sometimes I wonder how he can deal with me? I act like his mother to much."

*Jess eyes lock with Axel's for a moment as a small smile spreads across her own face. A true smile that had not been seen in a while. As Axel looks away Jess quickly does the same turning her attachen back to Carson. Raising her voice just a bit so he can hear her.*

"Well if you don't mind keeping me company, I won't object."


“Jamie!” Rocky returns Jamie’s hug with enthusiasm, spinning her around. “I know, I know, everyone’s bugging me about keeping in touch, even your mother. Well…complain no more, you got me back for a while.” His grin widens and he stays with Jamie, Herb and Mabel for several minutes, just reminiscing and catching up a little bit with the other guys, and Taylor. Once satisfied that they’ll talk more soon, they head back to the table.

“Mmm.” Con embraces Jamie, his face lighting up as he sees her. “Glad you could come down – it just wasn’t the same without you in this rowdy bunch.” He sits down after pulling out a chair for Jamie too.

“Whoa, Jamie, you got something to tell us?” Rocky is sitting across the table, and looks between her and Con, then gestures to her left hand.

Con quirks an eyebrow. “You mean she complained you didn’t keep in touch and she didn’t even let you all know that she’s getting married?” He fakes shock and glances down at Jamie. “I think I’m offended.”

“Married?!” Joel’s head perks up. “Who’s getting married?!”

Taylor points to Jamie. “She is, you dufus.”

Logan leans forward to see them. “No. Dude, congratulations!”

Jason interacts with the others, though is aware of Katie’s slight confusion about him, and manages to steer his emotions in her direction so she can read him while he’s talking.

When Wyatt called me back in the truck it was just about those goons and them talking. I guess when he said for sure that Carson wasn’t involved, it threw me. Now back to Axel though, I don’t know…I can’t read him…maybe that’s what bothers me. It’s like he’s reading me, but I can’t figure him out…puts me on edge I guess.

Jason’s fingers are busy fiddling with his straw and wrapper as he talks with others at the table, and silently with Katie, proving how quickly his mind and emotions are going, wound up from the evening.

Without warning, he turns to Katie, leans back and fires, blowing through his straw to shoot the little paper projectile directly at her head.

Kyle grins at Misty, half his dwindling energy just going towards keeping his eyes open. “If I would have listened to you, I wouldn’t have you next to me right now, now would I?”

Taylor giggles and looks at Misty. “He’s got a point.”

Kyle gives a raspy laugh. “Yay, I have someone who’s on my side.

“Now, I didn’t say that.” Taylor slides a grin to Misty, but keeps looking at Kyle. “The greatest downfall of men is not listening to us women.”

“Maybe the downfall of women is that they talk too much.”

Taylor can’t hold in her laugh, and she looks at Misty. “He hasn’t lost his sense of humor, that’s for sure. How do you put up with him?”

Carson comes back with several pitchers of pop, Jason’s orange juice, and ready to take the orders for pizzas. Avoiding conversations, but able to relax just a little bit, Carson takes the order. Glancing down the table again, he sees Misty once more. This time it was obvious that she was leaning into Kyle. It didn’t take a genius to figure out this scene. They weren’t sitting like casual friends would. The level of seriousness couldn’t be determined, but there was no doubt…Kyle and Misty were dating. And deep down, a final flame is blown out, leaving only a dying ember. Hope was all but a lingering smoke from the fire that had burned so brightly.

Carson quickly finishes up the order and heads back to the kitchen. It was odd…it felt like forever since he might have been sitting in that group. Not with JetStream, but with the TJY group. For a while, he hadn’t cared…but now every day his loneliness increased…his desire to be back at TJY only worsened. But it would never be. He’d made too many mistakes. At least everyone, even Jason now, were treating him like anyone else…they were being nice enough.

Even seeing Misty tonight hadn’t been quite as hard…on the surface at least. Carson pauses his work, leaning on the kitchen counter and thinking. It seemed odd to him…Misty and Kyle…but if that’s what made her happy…

Carson knew it shouldn’t bother him, but it did just a little. He couldn’t deny that. It was easier seeing her, but just as hard dealing with his emotions. Would he ever be able to just walk up and say hi without the tension?

Hearing Jess, Carson is quick to exit to the front, a smile forced to his face. “Drowning in a milkshake eh? I can help you out there.” He cocks his head. “If that’s what you really want. Otherwise I can just help you out in the company department.” He gives Jess a quick wink. “Give me a minute and I’ll whip something up for you.”

Axel sips on his drink and leans back in his chair, studying the conversations around him, while interacting some. A slight grin played at the corner of his mouth, showing that he was at ease, enjoying this group.

Glancing toward the counter once, he catches sight of a young woman who had come in. On first glance, one might look away again, but Axel’s eyes remained, zeroing in on the condition of her face…the healing wounds…the way she sat…the way she held herself. This woman had been through a lot.

Seeing that she was looking back at him, a smile spreads on Axel’s lips and he purposely catches her eye.

“Axel!” Logan slaps his shoulder. “Pay attention. What was that fella’s name up in Washington?”

Axel is forced to jerk back to the conversation at the table. “Uh…Thomas.”


As Katie jerks her head up and looks towards where Jason was as she feels his emotional jump. Scanning fast Katie finds Jason and can’t help but giggle as she sees Axel next to him. She hadn’t been around the new comers long as of yet, but one thing she new already was Axel was quiet and got around fast. Once Axel leaves Jason’s side Katie can’t help but let her laughter come through a little more. If he takes you down from sneaking up like that, I am going to go down with you with those emotional jumps sheeesh. What so interesting? Do you sense something about him? Oh and I don’t mind if we have some tag along either.

Answering her phone Jamie’s ears perk up hearing Con’s voice. It was always nice to hear from him no matter the time.

“You think I would really miss a chance to see you or go to my parent’s? I’ll meet you there Babe.”

Hanging up Jamie stands turning the TV off. She wasn’t doing anything tonight anyways. Getting out of the house would be fun, spending time with Con even better, and spending time with her friends was the best, how could Jamie turn it down.

Katie stays in the car fairly quiet herself. She wasn’t sure what to say so she just let the silence linger. For some reason it seems odd to have a quiet one in a bunch like that. Listing to Jason and Axel talk Katie finally turns around in her seat and looks to Axel studding him herself. Her mouth opens as if she was about to say something but than closes as Jason pull out his phone. Turning back around Katie stairs out the window for a moment trying to read Jason emotions at the phone conversation went on to see if she could pick up what was going on. Only getting bits and peaces not enough to understand anything Katie waits till Jason is off the phone. What was that about? What’s wrong J?

As Rocky’s voice rings through the restront Mable pops out from the back room and big smile on her face.

“George, well I’ll be. I thought you were long gone and I hadn’t herd hide or hair from you in forever. You don’t even know how to write your mama a letter? Or call?”

Mable’s eyes sparkle as she speaks and give Rocky a hug. It had been a long time, to long.

Herb is the next to emerge from the back trying to keep the grin from his face walking near Rocky and Joel.

“So you guys finally came back, got the money to pay for that window you broke?”

Herb looks serous for a few moments longer before a smile finally breaks forth on his face and he offers his hand to Rocky and Joel.

“It’s good to see you guys again. Hope you guys will be staying around for a while, Jamie will be awfully upset if she new she missed you guys being here.”

As if on queue the bell on the small door rings again and a small shriek can be herd. A smile plastered across Jamie fast as she walks towards Rocky and throws her arms around him in a tight up.

“George Sanders, you don’t write, you don’t call, one would think you were trying to avoid me or something.”

Letting go of Rocky, Jamie smiles than turns to Joel and gives a little wave again.

“It’s good to see you again Joel.”

Jamie finishes her hellos, and greeting to the rest of the band and gets her interdiction to the new member, finishing off with a tight squeeze to Con and a loving kiss.

“Hey you!”

Katie sits next to Jason rolling her eyes as the argument starts. Leaning on the table a bit she smiles at Taylor and starts up a conversation about traveling, what it was like... And the conversation slowly slips into how Katie came here and her Aunt’s ranch.

Misty stays close to Kyle. She might have come tonight but that didn’t mean she felt comfortable, but it’s not as if she felt uncomfortable either. It was a strange mixed feeling that she wasn’t sure about.

Seeing Carson coming towards them Misty tenses a little. She hadn’t been to Mom and Pop’s in so long she didn’t know he was taking orders now. But seeing his pen and pad and hearing his greeting she realizes and relaxes a bit.

As Carson turns to walk away Misty’s eyes catching him for a moment. Than realizing she was staring they break away. Giving a small smile she nods at Kyle and signs without works. I am ok. Because she new he would be worried about Carson she wanted to ease that fear.

Coming back to the conversation at the table Misty smiles at Taylor’s comment and than leans into Kyle a little.

“He should be home sleeping right now, but you know men, they never listen to us.”

Misty giggles as her eyes twinkle at Kyle.

Katie watches Carson for a moment; a bit surprised herself over his concern enough with Jason to offer orange juice. I wouldn’t look so good either if I went through all he did. Maybe he really is changing.

As the commotion continues the small bell to the door rings goes un-noticed. As Jess enters she glances to the table to a moment a little on edge but knows quite a few faces from TJY and relaxes. Making her way to the counter she gives a nod to Mable. Than gives a call to Carson.

“Hey, I was wondering if I could get another milkshake from you? I felt a bit of nervousness and worry coming on. I though maybe I could drown them in something again.”

The truth be told Jess really wasn’t hungry and she didn’t want a milkshakes but she didn’t want to sit at TJY anymore either. Being there she had time to think. Time to think about stuff she really didn’t want to. This was really the only other place she had to go at the moment and Carson was really the only friend she had. Being here she felt safe. They hadn’t caught Peter yet and Jess new he was a dead man if he stepped foot into this place.

Turning her head to the noisy bunch once again Jess scans the faces trying to remember who everyone was, and wondering about the new people. They looked like they were having a blast. As Jess eyes roam they land on the red head and for a moment Jess doesn’t look away her eyes mapping his face.


Bret laughs. “How come I always owe you anyway hmm?” He takes another sip of his beer, but is suddenly distracted by bright headlights that shine through his window.

Getting up, he goes to the front window to draw the curtains back. The hair on the back of his neck stands up, and he has no idea what Charlotte may have just said to him. “Uh, I got somebody here, babe. I gotta go. I’ll catch you later…”

Still looking out the window, he shuts his phone and sets it on the table, going to the door. His hand is on the deadbolt, but he stops. He couldn’t just lock them out. He needed to send them away.

Kyle smirks at Misty’s comment, but squeezes her hand back. “Alright, mother.” He gives her a kiss on the forehead for good measure. Despite his exhaustion, the humor was still in his eyes.

Jason packs away a few more things, pausing only to decipher a new batch of feelings. He grins and picks up a cord someone had dropped. As if I'd mind. We might have a few other passengers though, if Cryptic ahedlglkruwkrk.... Jason jumps to a hand on his shoulder and whirls around to see Axel.

Axel throws up his hands. "Whoa, sorry. Jen just asked for that cord so I thought I'd take it to her."

Jason rolls his eyes at himself for being so jumpy. "Now I know how Rocky feels." He hands him the cord.

Axel grins. "He thinks I'm half Indian."

"Keep it up and I'm bound to think it too."

Axel studies Jason for a moment giving him a strange once over then getting a good look at his eyes. He finally just quirks another wry grin before going back to Jen.

Jason wanders to where Phil is gathering the guitars. Interesting... Jason brings a bit of confused intrigue to the surface. Anyway, of course you can ride with me.

After everything is loaded back up into the pickups, the stage completely cleaned off, and a check around the room completed, t he group is outside in the darkening evening.

"Alright, how we all getting there?" Mike asks. "We got several cars and pickups here."

"We can tie Axel to the top," Rocky suggests. His teasing gets him put into a side headlock.

Axel keeps a firm grip on him, not letting go. "How about you ride up there with me, eh? I might get lonely, not to mention cold."

Rocky stifles his laughter and squirms out from under Axel's arm. "Dibs on the car that Axel's not riding in!"

As the chatter flies back and forth about who's riding with who, Con steps to the side with his phone and dials Jamie. "Hey you...I know it's kinda late, but the show's over and a bunch of us are heading for some pizza. I'm gonna tag along...thought maybe you'd like to meet us there."

After more chatter and banter, finally everyone is settled into their vehicles. Cryptic has split up with several others, and the small caravan heads downtown. Axel winds up riding with Jason and Katie, and for a couple minutes, the truck is fairly quiet.

Jason glances in the rearview mirror. He bundles together a few feelings close to curiosity, questioning and apathy. Axel must be the quietest out of that bunch. "So, you been with Cryptic just a short while then?"

Axel nods, catching Jason's eye in the mirror. "Yep."

"How'd you join up with them?"

"Heard 'em at a concert...got together with them through a friend of a friend...happenstance...and here I am."

"What did you do before that?"

The question was an innocent one, but it takes Axel a moment to answer. "Not much, I guess. Nothing worth talking about." He looks between Katie and Jason. "So...you two together?"

Jason quirks an eyebrow and looks quickly to the mirror again. "No. We work together. Scott - the guy who was around earlier - he's the lucky one." No emotions surface.

"Ah." Axel's own eyebrows rise a little, as if he almost doesn't believe Jason, but he says no more. "The band speaks highly of the area around here. Guess I'll be getting to know it."

"Where are you from?"


Jason's mouth is open to say more, but his vibrating phone interrupts him. Going for his belt, he pulls off the phone and sees it's Wyatt. "Sorry, gotta take this." He flips it open. "Wyatt...how'd it go? Mmhmm..." They got both the guys to the station and into interrogation. "Good. Have they talked yet?" One was stubborn, but the sniper ran off at the mouth about how they were just hired to take down Jen to get to Kyle. "Yeah, that's what we figured. Glad to know we were right. Anything else?" Jason nods as he drives and listens. Nothing much else except... "Oh, really? No, no, not surprised just...." A bit of guilt surfaces. "I suppose. Yeah, okay. Thanks, Wyatt. More later." Jason flips his phone shut and glances to Katie. "Things are fine. He's got to work late."

"That have to do with that little takedown?" Axel questions.

For some reason I don't trust this guy. "Yeah. We're in the clear."

It isn't long before the cars are parked at Mom and Pop's, and everyone is filing inside. As it's later in the evening, it isn't very busy, so they spread out in the front room.

Rocky heads straight to the counter, a big grin on his face. "Mama Mabel! You're still here!"

"Rocky..." Joel gives him a shove, speaking loud enough for Mabel to hear. "Don't bring back all those memories. She might want to kick us out!"

Some of the guys grab several tables and start putting them together so everyone can sit with each other, and for a few minutes, everything is noisy chaos, but no one complains as the chatter and laughter starts up.

Kyle grabs a seat for himself and one for Misty somewhere in the middle, Jen and Mike on the end, and everyone in between grabs whatever place is closest. Jason winds up flopping down next to Katie, involved in an argument of music with Phil and Logan, amused banter going back and forth.

Carson looks up from the dishes he's putting away, as he hears the noisy bunch come in. He looks out from the kitchen and sees that it's JetStream with a bunch of others too. TJY people...Con...a bunch he didn't recognize...Misty... He sighs a little. Aerith was cleaning in the back. He could make everyone wait for her, but then not only would they be waiting, he'd be dumping this one on her too. He'd been ready to clock out, but he'd stay. Going the extra mile lately was the only way he felt he was at least partially repaying Herb and Mabel for all their help.

He glances to Herb as he takes off his apron. "I got it." He wasn't comfortable with waiting on this group...but avoiding it would just make him out to be even more of an idiot.

Grabbing a pad and pen, he heads out of the kitchen.

"Hi, Carson." Jen was the first to spot him, and gives him a warm smile.

Carson can't help but give a little smile back...Jen and Mike were the only two he really felt okay around...Jen was always so nice as if the past was completely forgotten. Carson never had known her very well, but he knew that surely she knew everything about him through the band, through Jason. Yet she never cast judgment on him. "Hi, Jen. Big crowd tonight."

"That it is." Jen giggles. "We'll try to behave ourselves."

Carson chuckles. "Thank you." He moves to a more centered place by the table, looking for whoever might be leading this bunch, and finally Phil speaks up, ordering several pitchers of soda pop.

"Alright..." Carson jots it down. "You all know what you want to eat already, or..."

"Pizza!" Logan exclaims. "Lots and lots of pizza!"

Taylor gives his arm a slap. "Calm down."

Phil grins at Carson. "Yeah, pizza. But give us a minute to figure out what we're doing."

"You got it." Carson turns to go get their drinks, letting a glance travel down the table until it rests on Misty. She seemed happy...she looked good...she was sitting between Kyle and Con...Kyle...had his arm around her chair?

"Hey, Carson..."

He looks down to where Jason was waving him over. He tenses a little, but approaches with caution. "Yeah?"

Jason purses his lips and sighs, keeping his tone quiet to not distract or include the others. "We, um...got the guys that attacked Kyle. They...talked after they got to the station and...you're in the clear."

Carson lifts an eyebrow. "I didn't think I had reason to worry that I wasn't."

Jason almost rolls his eyes. "Technically you didn't...I'm trying to apologize for my personal accusation."

Carson isn't quite sure how to take it, but he accepts the apology with a nod. Hearing that from Jason had to count for something. "Alright." He starts to walk away, but then turns once. "You, um...been working hard all night...would you prefer orange juice to pop?"

Not only did the gesture surprise Jason, but the memory too, and for a moment, he just stares. "Um...yeah, sure...thanks." He watches Carson walk away, then glances to Katie. He still doesn't look so great, but at least he's being nice.

Kyle tenses a little as Carson moves around the tables, but he doesn't say anything. His fingers give Misty's arm a little pat, hoping that she wasn't too uncomfortable. He wanted her to be able to be comfortable again...he wished he could help her be comfortable enough with the others...with him...that she wouldn't worry about Carson any more.

"Kyle, you look like you're ready to drop off."

He looks up to Taylor and gives her a silly grin and nods. "Just about."