
Live Again

*Still running a gentil hand through Kyle's hair Misty cant help her smile as she see Kyle's one eye open and look at her. He was trying to follow what she said and that was good at least that ment he was understanding and comprehending.

As Kyle's eyes drift shut again Misty just stairs at his face, though his body was still battling Kyle had started to look a tad bit at peace again. Kyle had a long way but it was a start. Not sure if Kyle is sleeping or not Misty smiles and gives his forhead a tiny kiss.*

"It's going to be ok now Kyle. Your going to be ok."

*Misty continues to watch Kyle her eyes scanning his quiet face. As Misty wanted him she can't help but let her mind wonder for a moment to, tonight. She new this was a decoy to try and get the Agency to attach again, but a sudden nervouseness cant help but surface in Misty stomach.

As Misty thinks, her mind goes back to Kyle and soft words enter her mind, as the escape from her lips in a soft tone of comfort.*

In the gold flood of light
Where the earth meets summer skies
In the satin chill of night
Where dreams await to rise
You bend, you kiss me
You pull me in
I can feel you
Running to me, running through me

Hear the call of night
Open the borders of time
Hear the song of the stars
Sound like a whisper
I've fallen deep from the day
Into eternal, eternal visions of our emotions

I am diamond, I am rust
From the place a love of love and pain
Made from heaven made from dust
Where dreams will live again

yeah...where dreams will live again

*Misty's words drift off into a soft hum as she hold Kyle, waiting as the minutes tick by. Not taking her eye from Kyle as she watches over him.*


Never before having ever experienced anything like this, Kyle numbly follows Misty’s guidance, sitting up, trying to drink some water, and lying back down again. The feeling that surged through him was unexplainable. It felt as though his whole body was at war. For an instant, every single muscle in his body hurt before they relaxed again.

Finally having emptied his stomach, Kyle’s head sinks back down into the pillow his eyes closed, the sweat running down his face. His breathing was rapid and shallow as for several more minutes he fights a painful cough.

He feels the cool cloth on his face and swallows hard, just soaking in the coldness as it combats the risen temperature.

Caught somewhere between reality and a world where nothing made sense, Kyle’s eyes flutter open, then shut again as he tries to make sense of what’s going on. He wants to wake up to know what's happening, but exhaustion holds him back.

Then he feels the comforting arm around him, almost willing him to relax. The soothing voice hits his ears like an antidote in itself to combat his urge to fight. His body begins to relax under Misty’s touch, her fingers running through his hair bringing a feeling of peace.

Doing his best to do as told, Kyle tries to slow his breathing down and eventually the coughing lessens, finally subsiding.

Squinting one eye open, he sees Misty’s eyes looking back at him. It takes effort to not drift asleep again, and a faint grin tweaks the corner of his mouth. Pale and weakened, his eyes fall shut again. But his hand moves, coming up to rest on Misty’s face, his fingers cradling her cheek. For a moment, his thumb runs along her jawline, then he’s quiet again. It’s not positive whether he’s drifted back to sleep or not.

It's ok

*As Misty rests with Kyle her eyes were closed but she was far from asleep. Her mind roaming, hoping that for Kyle this would work.

As Kyle starts to cough and prosists to throw up Misty snaps her head up from the bed. Her eyes growing wide. Jumping up from the chair Misty helps Kyle sit up and lean over the bed into the bucket next to the bed so he dosn't choke more than he already was.

Leaving his side for a moment Misty goes to the sink and grabs another cool cloth and a glass of water and hurrys back to Kyle's side. Sitting down on the edge of the bed close to Kyle Misty trys to get Kyle to drink at least a little bit before sitting the cup down. Than taking the cool cloth Misty whipes Kyle's face with it trying to keep his body cool.

The Sympathy in her eyes for Kyle shows through and though. The antidote seemed to be working but it was still a painful process and it pained Misty to see Kyle in pain.

As Kyle curls up Misty lays next to him on the small bed and wraps her amrs around him. Offering him shelter. Seeing Kyle said was enough to drive anyone crazy, this man who always wore a smile, was now facing his greatest test of all.

As Misty keeps her arm wrapped around him she runs her other hand through his hair and she leans her head on his. Misty didn't care that Kyle was a mess and dirty, it dient bother her one bit she just wanted Kyle to know she was there.*

"Shhhh....Kyle, its ok...its going to be ok. I'm right here with you. Just try and breath slowly...It's going to be ok. I won't leave you. Take some breaths in through you noise and out through you mouth."


Kyle makes it through the restless night, waking up periodically coughing, and finally a small fever sets in.

At five, as Misty comes to him, he barely opens his eyes, feeling too exhausted to move. And when he did move, all he did was cough. So he just lies still, feeling the prick of the needle and wincing but not drawing away.

Feeling Misty’s soft kiss, then her hand in his, a faint grin appears on his face, even though his eyes are closed, and he tightens his fingers just a little around hers. He knew he’d worsened in the night, but his spirit was just as strong as ever.

It’s half an hour when suddenly he’s struck with the most violent attack yet. Coughing hard, he rolls over in the opposite direction to double over and try to stop the coughing and the pain it evoked. The taste of blood enters his mouth and he knows damage has been done from the harsh convulsions.

Coughing so much that his sides hurt, he starts to vomit as his body begins to work with the antidote at fighting the poison, ridding itself of all that might cause harm.

Wincing and unable to stop, Kyle curls up tighter. And for the first time, he feels a small amount of fear. “Misty…”


*Angel can't help the that increases on her face and the beaming light from her eyes. This was finally happening and next week to boot.*

"I'll have to think on that one, but I think I'd like to decide together with you and not on my own. After all you have to come along too."

*A giggle escapes Angel's lips as she looks towards the cot where Jeff was and than back to Luke. Leaning in to kiss him again before pulling away and standing.*

"I better get going so Jeff can sleep, I'll see you in the morning sweetheart."

*Running a hand along the side of Luke's face Angel backs away to the door and disappears into the night returning to her own bunk and settling in a smile on her face as she falls asleep and dreams of the happy times to come.*

*Katie gives a nod as she listens to Jason. Everything he said about tomarrow made sence and it helped her feel better that they had a game plan. The last thing she wanted was for anyone of them to get hurt let along anyone in the crowd.*

"Sounds like a plan and I think getting together before would be a good idea. I want everyone on the same page going into this thing so there are no miss understandings and someone gets hurt."

*Katie finishs up her meal with Jason giving a small burp afterwards. Katie stands and makes her way to the door. Tonight had been a pretty goodnight. Dispite the awkwardness for a moment and the feelings Katie new Jason was hidding everything had gone good.

Heading twords her car Katie gets in and pulls out of the driveway throwing a wave to Jason as she disapreaded down the driveway. Receving Jason's emotional message Katie sends her own smile back and reply Ditto.

Before long she is heading down the road and pulling into Jen driveway ready to spend another night with her and her family.*

*Misty works dillagently around the clock. The house ticking by...going from blood samples under a mycroscope to print outs back to the blood samples. Trying not to clink vials Misty mixes differnt mixtures together and puting them with the blood samples and than back to mixing, throwing the old ones away. The hours continue to slip away and time does not seem to be on Misty's side. Hearing Kyle go into a coughing fit Misty shakes her head and she trys to work a little faster but with great care.*

"Hold in there Kyle, hold in there."

*As Misty warms up she removes her top shirt leaving her in a just a tank top as she continues to work. A million things run through Misty's mind and being tired is not just thought of. Saving Kyle is what drove Misty on.

More hours pass, and time continues to fly as Misty's once again heads back to the blood samples. Injecting some of the new formaula into the blood sample Misty waits as she looks into the myrascope. As she continues to watch a smile spreads across her lips as the mixture attachs the poison in the blood.

Standing quickly Misty goes to where Rick was keeping the healing agent. Taking it she goes back to her mixture and adds a few things also mixing in the healing agent as well.

Taking a saring Misty fills it with the antidote and walks over to Kyle puting on some gloves and taking a band. Closing her eyes for a moment Misty can only hope this will with. She had been up all night it was now 5 am. This was there last hope.

Gently shaking Kyle Misty smiles down at him running a free hand over his face.*

"I got it Kyle, I got the cure. Your gonna be ok..."

*Finally the tiredness catching up with her, her emotions double. As a few tears slip from her eyes.*

"...your gonna be ok. You have to be Kyle."

*Gently putting the band around his arm Misty finds his vain. Sticking the needle into his arm she injects the antidot than removes the band putting a bandage over the small pick mark.

Throwing away the needle Misty grats a washcloth and gets it cold. Returning to Kyle Misty places the cloth over his head to cool him down.

Bending down she press her lips to his before sitting back down in the chair next to Kyle. Resting her hand on his hand and her head on the side of the bed all Misty could do was wait, and keep Kyle as comfortable as she could.*


Luke's voice is low and soft as he runs his fingers through Angel's hair. "Then next week it is. You better tell people around here you're gonna be gone for a week after that too." His smile is just visible in the dark. "You get to pick where we go."

Jason regains whatever control he can and lets Katie help him back up so he can sit on the couch again. Focusing on supper, he reverts his thoughts to food, then to tomorrow night as Katie shifts the conversation.

"Having those guys sounds great. I'll feel a little funny not being on that team, but obviously I have to be up on stage." He laughs a little. "At least I'll have a good view, and you and I won't even need mics." He grins, taking another bite of his sandwich. "I'll want to have a quick get together before the show though...this is a family night we're playing at, so there's going to be kids there. We need to make sure that if anything does go down that we do our best no only to do it quietly, but make sure no body gets hurt." He thinks for a moment. "If I think about it, tomorrow when I go in to work I'll go down to the supply room and grab some firearms and silencers. You all are good enough that you could take someone down without the audience even knowing about it."

Talk is kept fairly light after that, and it doesn't take long to finish supper. Once cleaned up and trash thrown away, Jason walks Katie to the door, going out on the porch with her. He leans on the railing as she heads down the walk. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow afternoon then." He was going in to work, but he knew that she'd be in church in the morning. "Thanks for supper..."

Watching for just a moment, he turns to head back inside. Once the door is shut, he leans against it, closing his eyes and letting out a long sigh. The thoughts and feelings that came to mind, he didn't let out in the open. But suddenly the future was foggy all over again. He just needed to forget about the brief awkwardness tonight...he just needed to move past it and shrug it off. It had meant nothing...though Katie's feelings still lingered in the back of his mind. She had missed him...

Shaking his head, Jason heads to the living room. He would forget. Thanks for just being you, Katie. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

Kyle watches Misty for a moment as she goes back to work, and lets a little sigh escape. Moving around, he lays back on the bed, kicking his shoes off to put his feet up too. Stretched out, he just stares at the ceiling tiles, his mind at work counting them, thinking about tomorrow, praying, thinking about Misty, and thinking about his family.

His eyes start to drift shut...he was so tired...

Midnight. Kyle is woken up coughing. Trying to get himself back under control, he rolls onto his side, trying also to figure out where he was. With each cough, it hurt more, his eyes tearing up as it feels as though his throat and lungs were on fire.

Making out the lights and Misty's figure across the room, he finally remembers where he is.

Groping for the cup of water on the bedside table, his coughing jars his hand and he knocks it off onto the floor. Giving up, he just doubles up tighter on his side, trying to stop the coughing on his own.


*As Katie rests for a moment, she can feel the strain Jason is going through those she cant feel the emotions. Trying to calm her ownself down...her racing heart slows. Looking down as Jason and seeing the hint of lonlyness in his eyes Katie cocks her head and smiles giving a playful tap to his noise.*

"Pst....When have you ever seen me leave Burger King food uneaten?"

*Using the table and the coutch edge to get herself up off the ground Katie stands at Jason's feet and holds her arms out to him to help him up.*

"Oh course I will stay and finish eating with you."

*After helping Jason up Katie sits back down on the coutch and pops a french fry into her mouth. Looking down at the tomato that layed on the wrapper Katie shakes her head and grabs it throwing it to the waiting Trooper and gives a laugh before turning back to Jason and smiling.*

"I've got all the sacurity for tomarrow taken care of. Con and Wyatt said they would be coming, along with Nate. So we should be good. We've got the best of the best looking out for you guys."

As Katie’s lips move past Jason’s and her face rests against his, his innermost being is stretched to the limit. Withholding the one emotion that he had kept locked tightly away from Katie was pounding at the door, screaming to be let out. But he would not let it. No, he could not…he would not.

Knowing how she felt, feeling the shift in emotions and understanding them makes it all the harder and he closes his eyes for a moment, his heart seeming to beat a hundred miles an hour. No…not like this.

Keeping any thoughts from drifting to Katie was like trying to hold back the tide, but somehow he pulls it off, though it saps much of his physical strength, and he can feel himself start to almost go numb.

Mustering up the energy to respond and to draw out all the positive emotions he can, he manages a short laugh. “Yes, you better…or else Trooper is going to have the rest of our supper.”

Reaching around to lift Katie’s head back up, he looks her in the eye, his own twinkling, but at the same time begging her. “But you will stay to finish eating…won’t you?”


*Katie smile prosiest on her face as Jason runs his finger down her noise.*

"Well I guess your my Hero this time for getting the left overs that was on my face."

*As Katie goes to her up, she feels a sudden surge of an emotion than is suddenly snuffed out quickly. Looking down as Jason her eyes search his, falling into there mysterious gaze that lasted a life time. Suddenly an emotion, one that Katie had worked so hard to bury rises again. Shifting just a little bit Katie moves her weaght off Jason so he can breath. Leaning her head down Katie brings her face close to Jason's once again. Her lips inches from his, her emotions, her heart racing, her breath reflecting off his skin, but insted of her lips kiss Jason something stops her and they brush the side of his cheek as she just rests her face aganst his fighting her urge to kiss, the lips she once held as her own. Whisperng softly as her mind sends out a differnt emotions saying How I've missed this, and you. An emotion she dident mean to let free but let slip.*

"I...better get going."


As Trooper joins the mix and Katie tries to fend him off, Jason keeps laughing and struggles to right himself, but has difficulties. Before he can sit up, all of a sudden, Katie is tumbling toward him and landing right on top of him.

The wind is knocked out of him as an elbow hits his gut, and he tries to catch his breath, face to face with Katie.

Hearing her line about the temperature, he holds in his laughter. “You’re telling me.”

Managing to free one arm, be brings a hand up to her face, running his thumb over her nose. “You missed a spot.”

In an instant, a chill runs down Jason’s spine, and he immediately puts a lid on his emotions.

Looking up at Katie, he swallows hard, then forces his grin to return. “You realize that if you don’t move, I’m stuck down here. Not to mention you’re cutting off my air supply.”


*Laughing uncontrollable Katie looks down on the ground at Jason giving a little wave.*

"Hows the weather down there?"

*As the coutch shakes from the big dog Katie looks up only to receve licks to the face. Trying to fend Trooper off Katie trys to stand but slips at the big dog goes to jump on her. Fall back on the coutch she hits the edge and rolls over landing right on top of Jason and coming face to face with him only inches away. Katie's eyes lock with Jason for a moment and an uncontrollable feeling washes over her.*

"The weather is a little hot down here if I do say so."


Finally letting a grin slip, Jason receives Katie’s message loud and clear, but relaxes anyway, sure that the war has ended.

But before he even has time to pick his burger back up again, Katie has pinned him down, her fingers to his ribs.

Letting out a shriek, Jason’s laughter finally breaks forth as he squirms and tries to fend Katie off. “Not the ribs, not the ribs!” He can’t help laughing though, and gasps for air, his face getting red.

Shifting his weight he gets a leg up under Katie and attempts to shoot her to the other side of the couch, but his movement backfires. The cushion slides and before he can even react, he’s on the floor on his back, wedged between the coffee table and the couch.

Hearing the ruckus, Trooper comes bounding down the hall, giving a short bark. In one leap, he’s up on the couch with Katie, shaking the entire seat like an earthquake, his tail wagging as he begs to be a part of this fun.


*As the cold tomato goes down the back of Katie’s shirt the cold chill shoots through her, she lets out a gasp and her laughing suddenly stop though her eyes still sparkle.*

“Holy cow that’s cold.”

*Try told hold her face straight Katie reaches up the back of her shirt for the tomato and her emotions starts to run relaying a message to Jason. You’re a dead man you know that. And the ending is laced with a laugh the tone joking.

Once removing the tomato Katie sets it down on the paper and stands. Shaking her head she goes to turn as if to walk away. Going behind the back of the coutch she makes a swift movment and jumps over it landing right next to Jason and pinning him down her fingers making here way to his side as once again her laughter rings out as she watches Jason squrm.*

"Now what are you gonna do.."

*She taunts.*


Jason’s eyes widen as the tomato hits him and he pauses, his burger still in his hand. Turning his head slowly, he’s having a hard time not smiling, gritting his teeth to keep the laughter in.

Reaching up with one hand, he takes the slimy tomato of his neck and wipes the slime and seeds off with the back of his hand.

Seeing Katie in a laughing fit, he sets his sandwich down, and reaches over, so nonchalantly, then too quickly to stop. Fast as anything, suddenly the tomato slice is sliding down the back of Katie’s shirt, and Jason has scooted to the far end of the couch, ready to defend himself.

“I think you got a veggie down your shirt,” he points out, his face reddening as it’s getting harder to keep from laughing.

Little Brat

*As Jason goes to swips Katie's noise she trys to duck but her reflexs are to late and gets it in the noise. Just sitting there for a moment Katie purces her lips almost stunned. Finally though a smile breaks through.*

"Why you little brat..."

*Looking cross eyed for a moment Katie stairs at the mixture on her nose and shakes her head. Taking the napkin Katie goes to wipe the condiment off her nose when she stops for a second and gets a mischievous look in her eye and a deviate grin on her lips. Reaching over to her burger wrapper Katie whipes her nose with the napkin and grabs the tomato from the paper not aiming but throwing it as Jason hearing it hit him with a splat. Looking over Katie cant help but bust out laughing as she see the tomato stuck to Jason's neck. What starts out as a small laugh soon turns into a roaring laughter.*

"J....J..you...*gasps for air* should see how funny you look...."


Jason grins and starts to take a bite of his burger, but as Katie nudges him, his fingers tighten and sauce spills out, dripping onto the table.

Turning his head, he gives her a sidelong glance and a smirk. Looking down, he shakes his head. "Keep this up and you'll never fly."

He reaches down to wipe up the sauce with his finger and without giving any time for defense, he's suddenly swiped Katie's nose with it, leaving the catchup and mayo mixture on her face.

Without even cracking a smile, Jason reaches for a napkin. "I think you need this."