

*Angel can't help the that increases on her face and the beaming light from her eyes. This was finally happening and next week to boot.*

"I'll have to think on that one, but I think I'd like to decide together with you and not on my own. After all you have to come along too."

*A giggle escapes Angel's lips as she looks towards the cot where Jeff was and than back to Luke. Leaning in to kiss him again before pulling away and standing.*

"I better get going so Jeff can sleep, I'll see you in the morning sweetheart."

*Running a hand along the side of Luke's face Angel backs away to the door and disappears into the night returning to her own bunk and settling in a smile on her face as she falls asleep and dreams of the happy times to come.*

*Katie gives a nod as she listens to Jason. Everything he said about tomarrow made sence and it helped her feel better that they had a game plan. The last thing she wanted was for anyone of them to get hurt let along anyone in the crowd.*

"Sounds like a plan and I think getting together before would be a good idea. I want everyone on the same page going into this thing so there are no miss understandings and someone gets hurt."

*Katie finishs up her meal with Jason giving a small burp afterwards. Katie stands and makes her way to the door. Tonight had been a pretty goodnight. Dispite the awkwardness for a moment and the feelings Katie new Jason was hidding everything had gone good.

Heading twords her car Katie gets in and pulls out of the driveway throwing a wave to Jason as she disapreaded down the driveway. Receving Jason's emotional message Katie sends her own smile back and reply Ditto.

Before long she is heading down the road and pulling into Jen driveway ready to spend another night with her and her family.*

*Misty works dillagently around the clock. The house ticking by...going from blood samples under a mycroscope to print outs back to the blood samples. Trying not to clink vials Misty mixes differnt mixtures together and puting them with the blood samples and than back to mixing, throwing the old ones away. The hours continue to slip away and time does not seem to be on Misty's side. Hearing Kyle go into a coughing fit Misty shakes her head and she trys to work a little faster but with great care.*

"Hold in there Kyle, hold in there."

*As Misty warms up she removes her top shirt leaving her in a just a tank top as she continues to work. A million things run through Misty's mind and being tired is not just thought of. Saving Kyle is what drove Misty on.

More hours pass, and time continues to fly as Misty's once again heads back to the blood samples. Injecting some of the new formaula into the blood sample Misty waits as she looks into the myrascope. As she continues to watch a smile spreads across her lips as the mixture attachs the poison in the blood.

Standing quickly Misty goes to where Rick was keeping the healing agent. Taking it she goes back to her mixture and adds a few things also mixing in the healing agent as well.

Taking a saring Misty fills it with the antidote and walks over to Kyle puting on some gloves and taking a band. Closing her eyes for a moment Misty can only hope this will with. She had been up all night it was now 5 am. This was there last hope.

Gently shaking Kyle Misty smiles down at him running a free hand over his face.*

"I got it Kyle, I got the cure. Your gonna be ok..."

*Finally the tiredness catching up with her, her emotions double. As a few tears slip from her eyes.*

"...your gonna be ok. You have to be Kyle."

*Gently putting the band around his arm Misty finds his vain. Sticking the needle into his arm she injects the antidot than removes the band putting a bandage over the small pick mark.

Throwing away the needle Misty grats a washcloth and gets it cold. Returning to Kyle Misty places the cloth over his head to cool him down.

Bending down she press her lips to his before sitting back down in the chair next to Kyle. Resting her hand on his hand and her head on the side of the bed all Misty could do was wait, and keep Kyle as comfortable as she could.*

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