

Gunner bites the corner of his mouth. "I've been digging for years..." He shakes his head. "All it did was prove the doctors' diagnosis. Even though I remembered the accident finally... even that's just this... blurry kind of picture."

Turning around and walking the edge again, he stops, quirking a smile. Giving in, he steps down and sits on the short wall instead, his legs dangling to the inside of the roof. "What? Did I find something you're scared of?" he teases.

Leaning back on his hands, he catches her eye again. "I think I heard just a smidge of worry in your voice."

Mick doesn't move. He's too stunned by Rosetta's words to even react. Second place? All he can do is stand in the kitchen doorway, his mouth hanging partway open.

The kiss doesn't do much other than to make him look at her to receive the second blow. His eyes change from an irritated spark to an angry blaze as he watches her, ire-filled words bubbling below the surface. Hearing her sobs as she walks away only seems to fan the fire. He wanted to kick something, throw something or hit something. Worse yet, he wanted a drink so badly that his hands were shaking.

Swallowing everything that wanted to spill out, Mick keeps his mouth shut.


He doesn't follow Rosetta to the bedroom. Instead, he goes back into the living room where he shuts out the light and grabs a blanket before lying down on the couch. Rolling onto his side, he tries to get comfortable on the uneven cushion, but it's nearly impossible. It was going to be a long night. Despite his exhaustion, his body hurt so bad and his mind was so full and he was so uncomfortable on the couch that sleep was not going to come easily.


Looking back at Mick Rosetta's eyes filled with tears. She was now mad, she was upset and hurt. All her fears she had pushed away where now unfolding and it hurt so bad all she wanted to do was throw up.

"And I guess I cant expect you to feel how I do, because you have been the only one I ever had so there is no second place for you to take."

Throwing the towel she had been holding Rosetta makes her way to where Mick was standing. Leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek she moves past him but stops before she even new it the words on her mind were spoken.

"If you leave tomorrow before you come back you better consider if you really wanted to be part of this family or if all we are is the consolation prize."

Heading down the hallway small sobs follow Rosetta as she heads to the bathroom before bed.

"But if you dig up enough it could trigger memories that will help you."

Standing from the ledge Bree lets out a small tired sigh as she looks through the telescope and than back at Gunner and shakes her head.

"Would you get down from there before you break your neck please? Than I will be out of a job, in jail and a man friend. All three horrable combanations."

Dangerous walkway

Mick gives a little groan and flops back in the couch, running a hand over his face. He didn't like what he was hearing - it just made his inner battler worse.

Growling, he stands up and paces a little. "Dylan's in front of my own two eyes too," he mutters under his breath. Stopping at the small fireplace, he looks at all the pictures that they have collected and set on the mantel. There are many of him, Rosetta and BJ. And there are also a few of Jade, and a couple of Dylan. All of a sudden, he felt torn between those two worlds, and wasn't even sure why. Why couldn't he go? What was wrong with wanting to help find his own son?

Wandering to the kitchen, he remains in the doorway, silent, waiting to lock eyes with Rosetta. "I'm sorry you don't understand." His voice is steady. "And I'm sorry that I'm more worried about my son than you are - I guess I can't expect you to feel the same way I do. I'll call the police in the morning, and if they still haven't found anything, I'll arrange for the guys here to look after you and BJ and I'll be taking the first flight to Nevada."

Gunner isn't really sure how to respond to Bree's remark. It was different... here he was, not happy that he couldn't remember, and she wanted to forget.

He opens his mouth to respond, but stops as he suddenly feels Bree's palm on his face. His eyes snap to hers. He should have laughed at her comment about him being her only vamp, but for some odd reason, even though he felt the humor, it just didn't want to come out. Instead, his skin grew warm, starting from where Bree's fingers paused on his cheek.

"Traveling a road with a vampire can be dangerous," he almost whispers.

Slowly, he reaches up to take her hand in his, and he just holds it for a moment, perhaps not even realizing that his thumb was caressing her palm.

Then breaking the moment, he lets her hand go and turns, hopping up onto the ledge of the roof. It was a good two feet wide, but walking it would not be recommended by anyone. Gunner paces it slowly, seeming to not care how far down it was with no railing.

"I can't travel that road anyway," he muses thoughtfully as he slowly walks, holding his arms out to the sides for balance. "I can't revisit what I can't remember... all I can do is dig up facts from unknown sources to maybe catch a glimpse of what my life was like before."


Feeling her own defense rise at the tone from Mick becomes harsher than she wanted to even get to. But hearing BJ's name thrown into the mix made her defence go off even more.

"So what now we compare the kids? The issue here is not thats its Dylan, the issue is that you should be taking care of the family in front of you own two eyes before you go running off to be the hero, and be the hero to the little boy in the other room that loves you more than anything in the world because your the father he has even known."

Rosetta stands and heads out of the living room into the kitchen. She felt shaky and her stomach was still doing flip flops. She hated fighting, she hated the arguing and the way it made her feel.

"How do you think it makes me feel to see you go running off when you cant do anything more than they already are doing? The Elite will do what they can, and if you go you will sit with them and wait when you can do that here."

Giving a small smile as Gunner sat down next to her Bree gave a chuckle. It wasnt often she talked about her past but when she did sometimes it was nice to make a joke out of it. It hurt less.

"I always wanted to forget my childhood. Maybe we can switch places sometime?!"

Bree nudges Gunner playful like. Stoping and just leaning into him a little listing to what he said.

" You dont have to go through remember alone anymore eather if you dont want. I can travil down the road with you. The past is nothing to be scared of, it brought you to who you are today and that is whats important.."

Bringing her hand to the side of Gunner's face Bree rubs off a little bit of dirt that founds its way there more than likely from the telescope. Her eyes still twinkling in the moon light she chuckled.

"Right now, at this moment your a great guy. Thats what matters who you are today. Your my favor vamp."

Thinking for a moment Bree quirt quirking an eyebrow.

"Actully, your my only vamp."


Mick can feel his defenses starts to rise, and he's not even sure exactly why. He didn't like arguing with Rosetta, but he wasn't even sure why it even felt like an argument to begin with. He hadn't thought there was much difference between one family and the other... they were both his. He had three children, in his mind, not two, and one.

"If it was BJ that was missing... would you tell me not to go?" He didn't mean for his tone to be quite as harsh as it was, even though his volume was low.

Gunner cocks his head at Bree, wondering about her past once again. It was obvious that her family life must not have been the greatest. He tucks his hands in his pockets and turns to sit next to her on the ledge of the roof, unafraid of the height.

"At least you remember growing up." He shrugs, not even knowing how to feel about his own past. He never had figured out how to feel about it. "I guess I've always been a little scared to try and find out what kind of a kid I was... always afraid I'd find out I wasn't the greatest sort of guy or something."

Luck Out

Looking back at Mick Rosetta could keep her hand shake slightly and her skin had gone cold and clamy as her stomach gave a horrible larch. She couldnt help the feelings she was having about this and everything seemed so messed up, it made her sick inside.

"Its dosnt matter if we are safe or not, its the point of the matter thats its not fair to us to sit here while you run off when there are other people who are doing what they can to find Dylan. The Sheriffs station might not know what they are doing but the Elite do."

Continuing to keep studying Mick Rosetta didnt know weather to feel bad for how she felt, or not. She didnt think she was being selfish and she felt like she was in the right here but she didnt know how to make Mick understand with out him getting upset.

"When you married me, and when you adopted BJ that was your promise to us to always put us first in your life. What if something happens while your gone? What if BJ needs you? What if I need you? What if something happens to you? You say nothing will but you dont know that for sure Mike. We need you here."

Coming next to Gunner Bree just stands and looks to the city below with Gunner. It was nice these last two days to be here with him and enjoy this time.

"Nah, its when the city wakes the fun is over."

Taken off guard for a moment on Gunner talking about his mom Bree recovers quickly and gives a small grin. It was nice and a good starting sigh to hear Gunner talk about his mom.

"I bet you did. You have that glint in your eye that says you like staying up at night. My on the other hand..."

Bree gives a small dry laugh as she sits on the edge of the building.

"My mom and father was hardly ever home to tell me to go to bed. I guess I lucked out."

Going to bed

Mick lifts his eyebrows slightly, as if almost surprised at Rosetta's strong feelings. Though she was calm, he knew well enough to know that she was serious.

"But..." He tries to find the right words, not really sure how to feel now. "I can't... just sit here, when I'm more than capable of helping. I may not be an official agent, but it wouldn't feel right not to use the abilities I have. If there's one thing I can do, or any extra information I have, or anything... if that helps get Dylan back then... I would think it would be worth it."

He looks at Rosetta's eyes, trying to read her, and trying to figure out what he was supposed to be doing. "I love you and BJ, you know that. But you're both safe here... and nothing's gonna happen to me. TJY would help, yeah, but... how can I not be involved?"

Gunner chuckles. "Mmm... maybe it's the other hand that's being protected."

He turns his head, craning his neck to look over at Bree, a little grin on his face. It seems he's going to say something more but changes his mind, and instead he rocks up and back to his feet, going for some of the fruit that Bree had brought.

Another hour passes with little chatting and lots of stargazing. Constellations are found, a couple planets spotted, and an in-depth discussion evolves around the subject of light years.

Too soon, Gunner knows Bree will have to get back to work. He stands at the telescope, not looking through it, but resting one hand on it, while looking out at the city instead. "I guess when the city goes to sleep, that's my cue to go back to my cell." He sighs, running a finger along the cool metal of the telescope. He didn't want to leave yet. He was enjoying himself too much. A dry laugh escapes. "I wonder if I ever gave my mom a hard time about going to bed."


Sitting up again as Rosetta hears what Mick was saying her stomach cherns. Moving so she is facing Mick she searchs his eyes for a long moment.

"What about us? Me, and BJ, if The Agency wants you, or something happens what about us than? Your not an Agent anymore, and you have a family right here you need to care for. I am not saying Dylan is less important because I know he is. But let TJY do there job thats why they are there right?."

Her tone wasnt angry or irratated, it was quiet normal carrying on this conversation with Mick. But something churned evern more inside Rosetta, it was like a fear, a doubt something she wanted to stress to Mick but couldn't find the words he would understand.

Giving her own laugh as she watchs the shooting star go by and here Gunner's comment Bree has to stop for a moment. Hearing her own laughter was differnt and almost seemed off to her. It was on a very rare occasion she laughed a little if at all but around Gunner it just seemed to be easyer to do.

"I saw it, and I dont think it did hurt to much.."

Giving a smile and continuing to look up at the stars Bree's eyes twinkled in there light.

"...see I've got another hand protecting mind so it reflected the hot sting leaving a warmth in its place."

Offering a smile and a nod to Axel Misty was glad he understood and was accepting the fact that this might not even work.

"Oh Axel, I hate to lose so I'll keep at it till it does work and you can move your hand again. I'll see you in a few days and we will go from there. Need anything anytime and you just give me a call ok?"

Misty gives Axel a card with her number on it so he really could call if he needed anything. Once Axel was gone Misty went back to the cooler and took out his blood wasting no time with the tests.


Mick thinks for a long moment, his mind going in a thousand directions. "I can't just have someone else out there searching... I can't just stand back and not be involved."

He finds Rosetta's eyes again. "I don't want to ask the impossible of you but... I have to help find Dylan. If it's the Agency, he won't survive very long. If it is them, the only reason can be to get to me... and if I'm the one they want, they'll just make things worse until something breaks. I have to go... I have to find him."

Gunner studies the stars and smiles a little. "Yeah... yeah, I don't want to give her up. But I don't really want to move either. I haven't been there that long and it's 'bout the only place I could afford." He shrugs. "What will be, will be."

After a quiet moment, he suddenly points to the sky. "Hey, did you see that shooting star? It just went right across your palm." He laughs. "Hope it didn't hurt."

Axel nods, mentally going through any plans. His schedule was quieter than ever, being out of work. "Sounds good to me." Taking a piece of paper and nearby pen, he jots down his cell phone number. "Just give me a call whenever you want me back in, or tell Carson - you know I see him at Bible study every week."

Standing up, he looks at Misty, grateful. "Thank you. No matter what the outcome, I appreciate your willingness to help."