

Wendy can't help the soft giggle as she looks at her two gifts she was givin. Once a child, now a woman with a family a big step to take that was scary but had now happend.

Looking back into Clint's eyes Wendy's own give a twinkle. How good Clint's words made her feel, she was loved, and she would be loved more in the days to come.

"And I am proud of you as well Clint. We might now have went about this the right way, but thank you."

Giving him a soft kiss that lasted a few moments Wendy backed away a little before looking at the twins again. Running through the names they had deiced they liked Wendy thinks for a long moment before looking back at Clint wit question.

"How about Cecilia and Chase?"

It was strange to feel Dani touch him. Not bad, but strange non the less. It wasn't just every day someone felt comfortable enough to get close to him let alone touch him.

Giving a chuckle as he continues to help Dani clean up. Once finished and standing Dalton gives a stretch. He's started to get cramped sitting on the ground for so long but he never once let on to it. He was having way to nice of a time.

Seeing Dani starting to run Dalton gives a shake of his hand as her calls after her.

"I'll give you a head start."

Finally as Dani is about half away across the first Dalton start to run. With in minutes Dalton has caught up with Dani and now keep a steady pace with her not going a head but not going behind eather.

"Your a pretty good runner. Now your going to be all tuckered out to want to walk. I'll have to carry you."

Gentily Dalton takes Dani around the wast and in a quick movement Dalton twist and Dani was now on his back as he continues to run. She hardly weighed anything and it was almost like he wasn't carrying anything at all.

"Hold on tight so you don't fall off. I don't need that brother of yours coming after me."

Though he was gentile not to hurt Dani as all he kept his pace the same not slowing down for a moment. He was full of energy himself, an energy he hadnt felt in a long time and it felt good.

Smiling down at Bret Charlotte continues to hold his hand gentily as she sat on the edge of the bed. The feelings welling inside of her. He was awake, he was alive thats what mattered to Charlotte right now.

"Your going to be ok Sweety. You gave me quite a scare, but your alive and thats what matters."

Continuing to gaze at Bret Charlotte thought now was a good time as ever to let him know about there baby. He had almost died, and if he had and never new that would of been horrable. Going to talk once again Charlotte stops as Bret asks about the numbness. Know right now this was more important Charlotte's new will wait for now. She would have much more time to tell him later.

"I'm not sure..."

Charlotte informs as she stands up from the bed.

"...give me a second and I will get a Dr. I'll be right back."

Good or bad

Clint moves their baby girl just one more time to lay her in the blankets next to her brother on Wendy. Easing down next to his wife so his head is close to hers, he stares at their newborns. There was no way he could even begin to describe the emotions that were flooding his soul.

His hand reaches over to touch his son who was sleeping now. "He's gonna be like me," he muses. "Can't wake up without a shot of coffee."

Looking at his daughter again, there's something different about her... she was different than her brother. Perhaps it had been the experience of seemingly lost life, then return to them. Somewhere deep down, Clint wondered if the joy was permanent or not.

"Names..." He moves his head to kiss Wendy's cheek. She was so brave and he loved her oh so much. This whole thing hadn't started out right and she was the one that had to deal with the pain now... but she'd done it. "I'm proud you're my wife," he whispers.

Focusing his eyes on the babies again, his mind marvels, making it hard to think of anything else. Names... names. He and Wendy had tried to come up with names before, but hadn't decided on anything yet. "I have no idea." A little laugh surfaces. "I don't think I have any idea about anything today though."

Dani laughs at Dalton's repeated suggestion that she roll him down the trail. His offer to work around her silly phobia made her feel so good and his teasing lightened the mood.

"I don't know..." She reaches over and nudges his arm, finding it firmly muscular. "I think I might have to go get my brothers ropes and pullies if I'm gonna move you anywhere."

Finishing up her potato salad, she helps clean things up until everything was packed and returned to the car. "Okay..." She looks around to the far end of the parking lot where the trail began. Though she had just eaten, her energy was high. "Race you to the trail," she challenges, without really knowing why. She was a fast sprinter, but Dalton's legs were much longer than hers and she hardly stood a chance.

Bret scrunches his eyes shut, then opens them again, trying to focus. Finally seeing Charlotte, a faint smile quirks just the corner of his mouth. "Hey, babe." His voice was weak and quiet, but he was awake.

His fingers curl around hers. Still trying to focus, his mind is invaded by flashes of the racetrack and the crash. The pictures didn't want to leave, they just kept flashing over and over. Finally he closes his eyes again, swallowing hard. He knew what had happened and he knew he must be in the hospital. How long he'd been, he didn't know. "My right side is... numb," he mumbles. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"


Seeing Clint enter the room and seeing the tiny bundle he carryed that was crying a smile formed on her face. Knowing that Clint would want to be alone with Wendy she stands and exits the room to join the others and chat.

Looking up at Clint and than to his arms her own emotions went haywire. Was this really happening and was there second baby really alive now?

As Clint comes closer and Wendy can see the small face of her baby girl and a smile forms on her own. Gentily running over the small baby's head before looking back up at Clint. Life had been made in the wrong way, but now something wonderful had come out of it and though at times Wendy wished she could of taken it back and done it the right way she was thankful for this moment now.

Leaning into Clint just a little bit Wendy gives him a small kiss on the head. Her voice was weak from everything that had happend in the matter of hours but she wasnt ready to sleep.

"I love you too. We have to think of names now."

"Claustrophobic huh? Maybe I should get a bigger car?"

Dalton teased slightly as his eyes gave a little sparkle to let Dani know though he was poking fun it was not to be mean. In a way he was kind of releaved that it was something like that than what he originally thought, and in a way he kind of understood.

"Well I think I can deal with you phobia. I can also promise you that if you need the windows down let me know, and if you even need me to stop the car just let me know. Its something to deal with, but to spend more time with you I think its worth it."

Dalton gave a little smile to Dani as he finished off his food and the rest of his drink. Taking his left over garbage and putting it into the trash bag that had been provided. Looking around again and than back to Dani he studys her for a long moment. She was different from other people he new and other women he had known. She didn't seem to be scared to be seen with him and he liked that. It felt good on the inside.

"Well, whenever your done eating we can start that walk. I still think you should roll me though."

Feeling the movement on the bed Charlotte looks up quick. Seeing Bret awake she moves quickly to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I'm here Bret, I'm right here."

Gentily taking his one hand in her own and bring the other to his face to gently stroke it being careful of the cuts and bruises. A smile and a tear filled Charlotte's eye. He was awake, Bret was really awake. That was a start and it felt so good to know her husband was with them again.


For a moment, Clint thought for sure that he was caught in some horrible dream that was taunting him with a hope he didn't dare grasp on to. He blinks as Angel takes the baby to check her over, and he looks to his mom then to the others in total confusion.

When the baby is handed back to him, he stares down at her as her eyes open into tiny slits. He could believe it, and for a moment, he just stand there dumbly, not even knowing what to do. He hears voices around him, someone was speaking to him, maybe his mom, but it all just muddled together and he didn't understand any of it. All he understood was the open door that led to his wife.

Entering slowly, he sees Rosetta, then Wendy. Stopping a the foot of the bed, he held the crying baby in his arms and just looked at Wendy, his eyes brimming with a multitude of emotions. He didn't know how to feel or what to feel. All he could do was just be here.

Moving to the side of the bed, he eases down to sit next to Wendy and gaze upon the tiny face of his son. A boy and a girl.

Gently resting the baby down into a place for her beside the bed, he reaches out to take Wendy's hand, bringing it up to his lips. "I love you," he whispers.

Test of Strength

Just looking at the bundle that Clint was handing back to her Angel doesn't take it right away. Her own hear hurt, her grandchild had been so pretty and so see her slip away was one of the hardest things.

"Wendy, and your son are going to be ok."

Angle's words were soft and short, the graving taking its toll but how proud of Clint she was, and how this young boy had turned into a man. She new Wendy and Clint would be ok but it would be a long hard road now.

And sometimes by the grace of God he tests our strength in him and the strength in ourselves. He dosnt tell use why, and he doesn't give us the reason but it happens. Than in the end, he will give back, his promise to us.

Reaching to take the small bundle back a cry sounds. Jumping just a little Angel looks to Clint and than takes the bundle from him. Looking down into the little face that starred back at her as the mouth open and closed making its voice sound. Checking the baby over quickly to make sure it was ok it was almost like nothing was wrong.

Angel didn't know what to say, she didn't know why or how..but this right here had been a miracle from God himself.

Looking up at Clint again the sock shone in her eyes as she handed the bundle back to Clint again no words were said as she went to step out of the way and let Clint see Wendy.

Sitting in the bed tears stream down Wendy's face as she held the small baby. She was happy and sad at the same time, It was such a horrible feeling.

But breaking up her soft sobs another louder cry was heard and Wendy looked up confused before looking down at the baby in her arms. Its little fist was curled and had found its way to his mouth it wasnt his crys that were heard, but another. Looking to Rosetta Wendy was confused.

A man

Bret has been sleeping quietly all day. The nurses and doctors have been in and out. Friends have come to visit. Even Landon has come in and out a time or two while he still had to stay there another day.

At one in the afternoon, Bret starts to move, writhing slightly and shifting his head, seeming to be in pain. The medication is increased and he quiets again until an hour later when he groans, his head twisting until finally his eyes open. He blinks in the soft light, everything foggy and blurry. He tries to move but stops as pain shoots through his body. He groans and sinks his head further into his pillow until trying to open his eyes again. "Ch... Charlotte? ...Charlotte?"

Dani pauses her chewing and looks up to Dalton again, as if confused. Then her eyes widen. "Ohhh... no..." She giggles, clearly embarrassed. "No, I didn't mean that, goodness, no." She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "It was the car, not the guy see...." She scrunches up her nose, not used to talking about it, but she didn't seem to mind with Dalton.

"See... I'm a bit claustrophobic. Not with every small space but... sometimes I get these panic attacks. And... so I went out with this guy once and he had a little car and the windows didn't work so I couldn't roll them down so I sorta freaked out on him." Dani squints a little, still feeling the embarrassment. "When I told him to stop and let me out he thought I was scared of him, so he tried to talk me down, but that just made it worse and I started screaming at him. He finally pulled over and let me out but then he told other people that I was the freak because I was petrified of him and it well... yeah. I was totally embarrassed and I vowed never to let it happen again." She shrugs lamely. "I... I'm okay like, in my own car and stuff 'cause I can put the windows down whenever I need to or stop for a breather, but usually if I'm familiar with the small space it doesn't bother me. So...." She tosses Dalton a grin. "I guess if you want to drive me somewhere, I'll just have to get used to your car."

Carson leans back close, touching Misty's nose with his own. "Always extra whipped cream for you."

As a crash is heard in the kitchen, he doesn't flinch, but keeps the smile on his face, though the twinkle fads. "Okay. That was a pan that I placed on the edge of the counter. I have to go clean up. I'll also get your food."

Swinging back around, he slips back into the kitchen to quickly clean up the mess.

Clint paces up and down and up and down. He looks at Wes, talks to Mick, plays with BJ, then paces some more. Why didn't he know anything? Why didn't Angel want him in the room? He didn't understand. He just wanted to see Wendy. Everything would be fine... everything would be fine.


He jumps, feeling his father's hand on his arm. "Huh?"

"Sit down." Jim grins at him. "Come on. She's not the only woman who's gone through this. You might as well just take a deep breath and wait it out."

Clint smirks at him. "Is that what you did when I was born?"

"Are you kidding?" Jim scoffs. "I was a mess."

Clint can't help his laugh and he shakes his head. "Some help you are."

"It'll be fine." Jim pats his son's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." Clint obeys and sits for a while, looking out the window. His mother came by, joining the other women, then leaving again to fix lunch, then coming back again. She gave Clint reassurance.

For the first time, Clint wished his sister was around. But she was away, visiting a friend at a college...

His thoughts snap to attention as suddenly there's a cry of a baby. Clint's heart leaps into his throat, and for a moment, he stops breathing. He steps towards the room, waiting for the door to open. Waiting to hear a second set of cries. Could he go in? Did he have to wait? Why weren't they coming for him? He fidgets nervously. That was his child crying.... his child... He turns around, catching his father's eye. He was a dad. He was scared, excited, confused, thrilled. He turns back to the door, unable to voice anything he was feeling.

The others around him leave him be, even though hearts leaped with joy and they wanted to embrace him. He needed his space until he was ready for the congratulations.

But the quiet grows on. Clint's excitement is taken over with a new worry. What was happening?

Then Angel appears. As soon as he sees her face, his gut twists to the point that he almost doubles over. The little blanket was pink... but it did not move. Clint could hear the soft cries still in the room... but none came from the bundle in Angel's arms. He knew before she even apologized.

His breath catches in his throat as his eyes glaze, feeling as though hot coals were being pressed to them. He doesn't dare look over his shoulder to the others.

Instead, he steps forward, looking down into Angel's arms. Finally, a tear runs down the side of his face as his lower lip trembles. He felt sick to his stomach, but swallows the urge to turn and retch.

In awe and sorrow, he reaches down to touch the soft hair, running his finger over the tender babe's head... his daughter's head. His heart had just been ripped in two like never before. He had been so scared of being a father... so hesitant... so reluctant even at times. There had been days when all he wanted was to go back in time and not do what he'd done so that he and Wendy wouldn't have to face a family so young. But all of those feelings had vanished.

In a matter of seconds, a boy is transformed into a man... and he would never return.

Gritting his teeth to control his emotions, Clint holds out his arms, wanting to hold her, just once. Another tear slips out to join the first in the trail down his face. Holding the babe to his chest, he touches her head again... her little nose... her tiny fingers. But all was still... the living warmth was absent.

An arm slips around his shoulders. It was his mom. "Oh Clint..." Her voice wavers as silent tears stream down her cheeks. "I am so sorry."

Clint slowly turns around, seeing the others. BJ was gone from the room - someone had ushered him out. Clint's eyes catch his father's for a moment but no words were exchanged. Finally he turns back to Angel, almost reluctant to hand the little bundle back to her, but he does. "Wendy?" His voice cracks and he swallows hard. "The other baby?"