
Good or bad

Clint moves their baby girl just one more time to lay her in the blankets next to her brother on Wendy. Easing down next to his wife so his head is close to hers, he stares at their newborns. There was no way he could even begin to describe the emotions that were flooding his soul.

His hand reaches over to touch his son who was sleeping now. "He's gonna be like me," he muses. "Can't wake up without a shot of coffee."

Looking at his daughter again, there's something different about her... she was different than her brother. Perhaps it had been the experience of seemingly lost life, then return to them. Somewhere deep down, Clint wondered if the joy was permanent or not.

"Names..." He moves his head to kiss Wendy's cheek. She was so brave and he loved her oh so much. This whole thing hadn't started out right and she was the one that had to deal with the pain now... but she'd done it. "I'm proud you're my wife," he whispers.

Focusing his eyes on the babies again, his mind marvels, making it hard to think of anything else. Names... names. He and Wendy had tried to come up with names before, but hadn't decided on anything yet. "I have no idea." A little laugh surfaces. "I don't think I have any idea about anything today though."

Dani laughs at Dalton's repeated suggestion that she roll him down the trail. His offer to work around her silly phobia made her feel so good and his teasing lightened the mood.

"I don't know..." She reaches over and nudges his arm, finding it firmly muscular. "I think I might have to go get my brothers ropes and pullies if I'm gonna move you anywhere."

Finishing up her potato salad, she helps clean things up until everything was packed and returned to the car. "Okay..." She looks around to the far end of the parking lot where the trail began. Though she had just eaten, her energy was high. "Race you to the trail," she challenges, without really knowing why. She was a fast sprinter, but Dalton's legs were much longer than hers and she hardly stood a chance.

Bret scrunches his eyes shut, then opens them again, trying to focus. Finally seeing Charlotte, a faint smile quirks just the corner of his mouth. "Hey, babe." His voice was weak and quiet, but he was awake.

His fingers curl around hers. Still trying to focus, his mind is invaded by flashes of the racetrack and the crash. The pictures didn't want to leave, they just kept flashing over and over. Finally he closes his eyes again, swallowing hard. He knew what had happened and he knew he must be in the hospital. How long he'd been, he didn't know. "My right side is... numb," he mumbles. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

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