

Seeing Clint enter the room and seeing the tiny bundle he carryed that was crying a smile formed on her face. Knowing that Clint would want to be alone with Wendy she stands and exits the room to join the others and chat.

Looking up at Clint and than to his arms her own emotions went haywire. Was this really happening and was there second baby really alive now?

As Clint comes closer and Wendy can see the small face of her baby girl and a smile forms on her own. Gentily running over the small baby's head before looking back up at Clint. Life had been made in the wrong way, but now something wonderful had come out of it and though at times Wendy wished she could of taken it back and done it the right way she was thankful for this moment now.

Leaning into Clint just a little bit Wendy gives him a small kiss on the head. Her voice was weak from everything that had happend in the matter of hours but she wasnt ready to sleep.

"I love you too. We have to think of names now."

"Claustrophobic huh? Maybe I should get a bigger car?"

Dalton teased slightly as his eyes gave a little sparkle to let Dani know though he was poking fun it was not to be mean. In a way he was kind of releaved that it was something like that than what he originally thought, and in a way he kind of understood.

"Well I think I can deal with you phobia. I can also promise you that if you need the windows down let me know, and if you even need me to stop the car just let me know. Its something to deal with, but to spend more time with you I think its worth it."

Dalton gave a little smile to Dani as he finished off his food and the rest of his drink. Taking his left over garbage and putting it into the trash bag that had been provided. Looking around again and than back to Dani he studys her for a long moment. She was different from other people he new and other women he had known. She didn't seem to be scared to be seen with him and he liked that. It felt good on the inside.

"Well, whenever your done eating we can start that walk. I still think you should roll me though."

Feeling the movement on the bed Charlotte looks up quick. Seeing Bret awake she moves quickly to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I'm here Bret, I'm right here."

Gentily taking his one hand in her own and bring the other to his face to gently stroke it being careful of the cuts and bruises. A smile and a tear filled Charlotte's eye. He was awake, Bret was really awake. That was a start and it felt so good to know her husband was with them again.

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