

"Wait, but, wha..." Dani's voice trails off as she hears Dalton hang up. She rolls her eyes a little before flipping the phone shut.


"Coming, coming." She puts her phone away then goes to the other side of the kitchen to see where they were at.

"New plans?" Carson inquires as he kneads more dough.

"Hmm? Oh yes... tomorrow, actually."

"Where you headed?"

Dani looks at him slyly. "Don't you wish you knew. I'm going to go see if table three needs anything."

Watching her walk away, Carson chuckles. Alone for a moment, he catches Aerith during a minute or two of quiet. "Hey, you. How's thinks with you and Wyatt?"

Leo lifts his eyebrows, thinking for just a moment. "I, um.... well no, I...." He starts to grin. "You could be covered in grease and still be beautiful. I just wanted to make sure you knew what you makeup job looked like so you could either take care of it, or make the other side to match."

Driving quickly across town, Kirk's hands grip the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turn white. It wasn't often there was an accident, and even more rarely was it any of his own men.

With the quiet, his mind is a million and one miles away until Charlotte speaks. Then he blinks, his eyebrows rising and his jaw dropping just a little. "He... you mean you're...." He looks over to her quickly before his mouth starts to curl into a smile. "Well I'll be... I never thought I'd see the day that Bret..." He lets his words trail off, the seriousness returning almost immediately. "You'll still get to tell him." He reaches over to pat Charlotte's shoulder. "He'll be okay... he'll be just fine..."

The rest of the ride seems to take way too long, but finally the hospital is in sight. Kirk and Charlotte arrive minutes after the ambulance, and Kirk leads the way inside. The information desk is chaotic and Kirk can't seem to get anywhere, losing his temper with one of the nurses until he's finally pointed down the hall in the right direction.

Making sure Charlotte was still with him, they wind up being forced to sit it out in a waiting room, hearing nothing of either men for what seemed like an eternity. Kirk paces like a caged cat, not once sitting down. His clothes smelled of smoke, his hands still stained with dirt and grease. But he didn't care. Several others from the track eventually join them, all waiting to hear the outcome of the two men.

Finally, a doctor appears and Kirk just about pounces on him. "How are they? Landon? Bret? Are they okay? Are they-" He's cut off by the doctor raising his hand.

"Alright, one thing at a time," the doctor states calmly. "First, Landon has a fair concussion to his skull, but he's out of the woods. We had to repair some damage on his leg, but it's nothing that time won't heal. He has one broken rib, but otherwise, no other bones were broken."

Kirks sighs in relief. "Can we see him?"

"He's being moved to room three-twenty-two right now. You may see him in a few minutes, though he's probably still a bit foggy from the medications we gave him."

"Okay. And Bret?"

The doctor scans his chart for a moment. "Is... Mrs. Parker here?"

Kirk gestures to Charlotte, making her step forward.

The doctor extends his hand, giving her a warm smile. "Hi, my name is JT. You must have had quite a scare today." His voice is calm, though his eyes hold seriousness to them. "Your husband is also being moved to a room, but will be kept in the ICU for the next few hours. Unfortunately, he received more trauma than Landon."

Kirk is still listening intently. "Just give it to us straight."

"Bret also received a concussion, and some damage to his neck. His lower spinal chord was pretty severely knocked around, though thankfully, nothing was broken there - that will just be somewhat painful as it heals. His right shoulder was broken and it took quite a while to repair that damage. His left ankle was also cracked and will have to heal before he'll be able to walk on it." JT pauses, glancing back at his chart. "Um... he's still unconscious right now... which worries me a little bit, so we're keeping a close eye on him. We'll only be able to tell if his spinal chord injury was severe or not when he wakes up."

"You mean..."

"I mean if he can move his limbs when he wakes up, we'll be doing well."

Kirk swallows hard and gives Charlotte a glance before looking back to the doctor. "Can we see him?"

"Mmm, right now his wife may go in, but I'd like to keep everyone else out for now, at least until he's out of the woods."


Hearing someone in the background Dalton figured Dani was at work and was busy. He had kept her on the phone long enough.

"No need to meet me there, I am going to pick you up. I have to go by your place anyways. Have a good rest of the day and see you when I pick you up tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone Dalton sinks down into his chair with a smile on his face. Tomorrow would be a good day he could tell already.

Taking the paper from Leo Ryan starts to look through it quick not sure what she wanted to see. Seeing the napkin and than looking in the mirror Ryan cant help but throw Leo a sidelong glance.

"Maybe I wanted it there. Does a little grease scare you?"

Trying to still push aganst the other man holding her back Charlotte trys to fight with all her might.

"That's my husband let me through, he needs me."

Continuing to try and push through finally Charlotte crumbles into the man's arms as tears came from her eyes. Her heart was thumbing so hard, and her hands trembled so much.

Finally seeing them pull Bret out of the car Charlotte stands again trying her best to see. Was he moving, was he breathing? He couldnt leave her he couldnt not now.

Hearing and see Kirk Charlotte catchs up with him moving quickly to his car not saying anything. The ride was quiet as Charlotte looked out the window a million things running through her mind as she felt sick to her stomach. Finally still looking out the window Charlotte speaks quietly.

"He cant leave me Kirk! He just cant, I didnt get the chanse to tell him he's going to be a father."

Looking up at Reese as she pass again Kaite rests her hand onto Reese arm to let him know she new it wasnt his fault. After everything she just wanted to make sure Jeff got better. Everything else could wait.


Dani chuckles. "A picnic it is then. Everybody needs a picnic every once in a while."

"Dani, get off the phone!"

She turns and grimaces at her brother. Carson wasn't upset, but they did need her back out at the tables. "Sorry, Dalton, I gotta run. Duty calls. So tomorrow, at the lake, I'll meet you at noon, okay?"

Leo's face lights up. "Oh well then that's easy." He leans over as he drives, swerving just a little as he reaches over Ryan's lap to get into the glovebox. He pulls out part of a newspaper that lists that week's movies that were playing at the local theater, and hands it to her before getting the car back in the right lane again. "It's safer if I let you pick, then it can't be my fault if it's a bomb."

His silly grin remains as they continue towards the lake. "By the way..." He reaches over again, but this time up to flip down the visor that had a mirror before handing her a kleenex for the bit of grease that was on her cheek.

Smoke billows from the crash sight, lights from the emergency vehicles glimmering through the dense fog-like atmosphere. Sirens wailed. Shouting echoed through the mist of the spraying fire hose. Race personnel held back anyone who wanted to come near.

A large uniformed man reaches out to stop Charlotte from nearing the wreck. "I'm sorry, miss, you can't come any further." He yells at another man to stay back before looking down at Charlotte again. "You'll have to wait until the crew is finished. Give them room."

More lights flashed. Kirk was on the scene, skidding to his knees beside Bret's upturned car. "Bret... Bret! Can you hear me?!"

"Dang! What happened?" Landon pulls himself through the window of his car, falling to the ground with a thud before being pulled away from the engine's flames. "Hey... where's Bret? Is he okay?"

"Sir, calm down. Does your leg hurt?"

"My wha-" Landon looks down, only now seeing the gash in the side of his leg where blood was oozing through his suit. He starts to stagger. "Uh.. um..."

"Get a medic over here," the other man orders, helping Landon towards the emergency vehicle. "Laceration to his right leg, possible break and possible head trauma."

Landon groans as he's placed on a stretcher, the world seeming to spin. "But what about Bret?" he mumbles.

"Someone get over here!" Kirk yells, reaching into the car and trying to unbuckle Bret from his seat. "I could use some help here!"

Three men come running, prepared to get Bret's limp form from the car. It takes them a good ten minutes before they have him loose and are able to drag him from the car. Lying him on the ground, a light is shined into Bret's eyes, but he is unresponsive. Though breathing, he makes no moves. "We got head trauma, multiple lacerations and contusions, possible neck trauma. Get him on the stretcher, lets go, lets go!"

Kirk is forced to stand back lamely as he watches, the tension etched on his face. He sees his two drivers put into the ambulance, ready to be taken away. Glancing over his shoulder, he spots Charlotte, and goes to her quickly. "Come on. You can ride with me to the hospital."

Reese backs away as Katie comes out of the infirmary on her way to call Angel. "I thought Jeff was back at the ranch." He looks at her lamely. "He was on a brief security assignment, but that was over ages ago. I... I thought he was back."


Looking to Reese Katie's eyes show worry as she stands and goes over to Reese. She new he was telling the truth but that still didn't answer where Jeff had been for the last month or so since she had been gone.

"But what was his mission Reese? Obviously its over now so its not a secret anymore."

Katie wasnt mad with Reese she was just concerned for her Uncle. Someone she was extremely close to. But hearing Jeff's voice again Katie reverts her attachen back to him forgetting about her question to Reese.

"Angel...Yeah I can call her see what she say."

Katie looks up to Rick and gives a small nod.

"I'll find out and than let you know what she says."

"Mmmm...lunch by the lake sounds good. The might have some better things to eat than fast food anyways. Dont drive to slow, or you might drive me crazy."

Giving a laugh Ryan throws her sunglasses on before rolling her window down. It was hot out today. More so than had been predicted, the cool air from the ride.

Looking back to Leo and raising an eyebrow at his question Ryan contemplates for a moment.

"Well I dont have a race tomarrow....and I havent been to the movies in a long time.."

Drawing silent for a moment it would be almost as if Ryan wouldnt finish her sentince or her line of thinking was broken. But she was thinking. Leo was fun to be around and was a good person to joke with, and he was nice.

"As long as its a good movie I'll go with you."

Smiling and standing to look out the window as to not almost kill himself again Dalton gives a smile.

"A picnic, that would be fun. I dont think I ever actully had one of those since I was a kid."

Moving away from the window Dalton paces the office alittle at he things.

"Well I was thinking I could pick you up and than I would bring you back home about a half hour from when you have to be to work. Than we can have the most time together."

Watching with excitment Charlotte is unable to hold it in. Squeling and jumping up and down anticipating who will win.

Continuing to watch Charlotte's smile soon fades as the accident happens before her eyes. Her heart races as she hears Bret's voice before all goes silent but the sicking crash in the headset.


Not being able to help it her own curse slips from her lips as she pleade into the headset hoping Bert would respond. Receiving non Charlotte dosnt bother to even wait a nothing moment before she turns the headset off and bolts out of the room heading for the crash with speed.

Over and over and over

"I thought Jeff was at home."

Rick looks up quickly to see Reese in the doorway. "What?"

"I thought he was home." It's evident that Reese is telling the truth. "I gave him a job to do, then it was over and I didn't hear from him so I thought he was home. He wasn't?"

"Apparently not." Rick is now even more confused. "Where were you, Jeff, hmm?"

Jeff tries to open his eyes. His brain seemed to understand the words being asked, but it was hard making everything register. "Um... the Agency... I think... I can't remember." He stops to swallow and lick his dry lips. He gives Katie's hand a weak squeeze. "Angel... she knows..." His voice is still so quiet. "...she has my records... what the medication was. It... it at least helped with, um..." He frowns, trying to think of the right word as he feels lethargic. "...symptoms."

Leo grins as he slides in behind the wheel of his car, then takes off once Ryan is with him. "Hmm... we could do burgers. That's quick and easy. Or... we could take an extra long lunch for the fun of it since Darrell isn't around, and drive up to the fast food joint up by the lake."

He tosses Ryan a sidelong glance as he drives. "I was thinking maybe we could go to a movie tomorrow..." He was testing his limits and he knew it. But he wanted to know if Ryan would want to do more with him than just eat lunch and hang out at the street races. He knew he wanted to.

Dani stifles a giggle as Dalton stumbles over his words, and she tries to figure out what on earth he's saying, or trying to say. "Um... sure. The lake sounds great. I could even pack a picnic lunch if you want... sandwiches? And I could make some potato salad - at least Carson says it's edible." She grins. "Maybe around noon? Meet you there?"

Mick pulls Rosetta into another hug. Running his fingers through her hair. She was worn out. He didn't want her to have to travel anymore now.

"How about you call Trent and see if he's left Nevada yet? If he hasn't, have him stick around there and see how bad things really are. I'm not sure he's in that big of a hurry to get back here at the moment."

Bret grins and looks at the picture of Charlotte that was taped to his dashboard. He loved hearing her voice cheering him on. He and Landon had been racing together for months now, but only in trial runs and practices. Landon had been in several races lately, but with schedules and car malfunctions, this was the first time both were able to get on the track. The excitement never died. It only grew as the race drew to its halfway mark.

"Landon, quit fooling around," Kirk barks. "Get in here."

"I can make it one more lap."

"Sterling, watch your tail."

Bret checks his mirror. "Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna move up to fourth in about ten seconds."

"Ride neck 'n neck, man," Landon calls. "I'm waiting' for ya. Show me what you got!"

"Landon, no playing," Kirk warns. "Bring her in the pit, come on."

Landon ignores him as he sees Bret pull up beside him. "Wooee, pardner! You think you can get ahead of me?"

"Let him go," Kirk directs. "Sterling, take over."

Landon knew to trust Kirk, so he backs off. Bret starts to come around, but suddenly another car is whipping around in front of him. A curse slips out. "Where did he come from?! He just about took off my bumper, the idiot!"

"Keep it cool."

"I'm getting boxed in."

Landon looks around wildly. "Sterling, where'd you go?"

"Riding your tail, buddy. See if you can pull around this guy."

"Engine's getting hot. I missed my window. Kirk, I gotta come in before this baby gives out."

Kirk automatically nods. "We got time. Landon, bring her in. Sterling, take over."

"Right." Bret keeps his eyes ahead, his adrenaline pumping. "Come on, baby, come on."

Suddenly, the other car swerves. The driver tries to take back control, but in the process, he sideswipes Landon's car. Already overdue for a pitstop, Landon's car gives a lurch before a front tire blows. His frantic yell comes over the mic as he starts to spin out of control.

Kirk tries to direct them. "Whoa, whoa whoa, get out of there. Gun her to the middle! Sterling, watch it!"

Too late. In a moment of horror, Bret's eyes see Landon's spinning car directly in front of him. He tries to swerve, but another car to his right doesn't give. The brakes stop his tires, leaving smoking black marks on the track. Sweat runs down his face and his heart pounds in his head. He only has time to blink before impact. "Charlotte-"

A gut-wrenching collision sends both cars careening down the track. Landon's car skids down into the center, the engine suddenly exploding in a column of flame and smoke.

Bret's car rolls over and over and over. Another car hits him like a pinball machine, sending the car crashing over a short wall before finally coming to a stop.

"Landon! Sterling!" No response. Kirk throws off his headset and starts to move. The medic van was already on its way.

Wast Time

Still holding Jeff's hand Katie forced a smile to form on her face even if his eyes were closed she only wanted the good feels to flow and give Jeff the happy vibes.

"You, mean? Thats certainly not true. You have always been the funny one and the one to keep the smile, and hope alive for us all. Don't worry Uncle Jeff they are going to make you better. They have to."

Letting out a small quiet sigh Katie looks up as Rick comes up behind her laying a hand on her shoulder. Thinking for a long moment about his question Katie searchs her brain trying to think what her Uncle could of ment.

"A while ago he use to be sick all the time. It was just part of his normal day to day life. We use to make him cards and call him all the time. Uncle Jeff took some meds that helped make him more comfortable but I dont know what it was."

Katie looks back to Jeff as she runs a hand over the side of his face gently whipping away the beads of sweat.

"Than when the family all got there computer chips removed he got better. I...find out from Reese where Jeff was, and maybe we can find out what happened again."

Giving a shake of her head and a roll of her eyes Ryan throws a dirty rag at Leo before going back to what she was working on. The last few days had been busy and not much room for some fun time. Only real free time she had was with the racing she did, and thats where she saw Leo and the other most. But now she just wanted some one on one time...

...Looking up once again as Leo's voice was heard Ryan gave a half cocked smile as she set her tools down and crawled from under the car.

"You really dont wast any time do you?"

Taking the rag from her back pocket and whiping her hands off before laying it over the car Ryan looks to the other.

"Going out for lunch you guys want anything?"

Getting there requests or there deny for food Ryan looked back to Leo giving him a slight shove.

"Well lets go already we dont have all day you know, since your driving you pick where we eat."

Leaning back in his chair Dalton starred at his computer screen trying to figure out a program. He wished Scott was around so he could ask about it but no luck.

Hearing the phone ring he grabs it and answers it expecting it to be Reese or someone else needing something. But to his surprise the sweet sounding voice on the other end was not Reese. Relizing it was Dani a smile made its way to Dalton's face as he leans back a little more in his chair. Leaning a little to far back in the chair a sick cracking sound arises as the chair breaks slightly. Almost going head over heals with the chair Dalton regains balance and stands right.

"Whoa....ah...I mean...yes a walk. Lucky me...I mean yes I am lucky that you have...tomarrow I have tomarrow off. Yes! Place? Oh yes right...well I can pick you up tomarrow and I was thinking maybe we could go down to the lake and take a few trails there. Unless maybe you like someplace better?"

Charlotte can't help the excitement that races through her as she watches the race. She had been to many practices but now this was the real thing and there was just something differnt about it. The want to win, the excitment, the fans cheering it was all so much hype.

"Go babe, GO!!"

Looking up at Mick Rosetta's eyes were bloodshot. She wanted to go to her brother but thinking for a long moment she had been gone alot this month and had hardly seen BJ. Was it really fair to him?

"I want to go, but I have other obligations and I have been gone so much this month as it is BJ and you have hardly even seen me. Its not fair to you both."

Looking down at her hands Rosetta let out a long sigh. She was getting to old for this, and she new it. When would things be ok again.

Revving Engines

Jeff's fingers twitch a little, then curl lightly around Katie's hand. Though his eyes were closed, he knew it was her.

"I'm... too mean to die," he manages to whisper. He forces the corner of his mouth to upturn just a little. "I'll... be fine... I always am." His voice was dry and forced, his eys remaining closed. "It's just the same... same as it... it used to be."

Rick quirks an eyebrow and moves up behind Katie, laying a hand on her shoulder. "What does he mean the same as it used to be?"

Leo gives a jump as a quirky grin surfaces. "Half hour..." He looks at his clock. "You're in luck. You caught me at just the right time so I can pencil you into my terribly busy schedule."

Locking eyes with her, he can't help but laugh. "Okay so this was going to be the most boring day of my life. You're on, but I drive so we don't get a speeding ticket."

...Half an hour on the dot, and Leo is running up and skidding to a halt in front of Ryan. "Where we headed, oh, fast one?"

"Dani! Your phone is ringing!"

Dani turns and wipes her hands on the apron before going back into the kitchen. "I'll get it later. I gotta go get water to table three."

Carson moves to take her place. "Let me. I got a minute."

Dani sets her hands on her hips. "You sure are being nice today."

Carson shrugs lamely. "Maybe I'm sorry for yelling at you the other day."

"Really?" Dani looks to her brother hopefully. Being at odds with him had been the pits.

"Yeah." Carson grabs some glasses and the ice water pitcher. "I guess... I don't know. I know you were just trying to do what you thought was best."

For the moment, Dani ignores her phone. "I was stupid... but I just... what will happen to him, Carson? What will they do with Alec?"

"I don't know. That will depend on him. Right now, he isn't doing himself any favors with his attitude. If he shapes up, the Elite might be able to help him, but if not... he's just digging his own grave."

Dani sighs. "Yeah... I suppose." Still frowning a little, she goes to her purse that was hanging up. Fishing around for her phone, she finally finds it, then listens to her voicemail. Her frown is turned into a smile and a little giggle comes out at Dalton's message.

When Carson returns, she's still smiling. He quirks an eyebrow at her. "Something funny?"

"No... just a message from Dalton."

"Dalton?" Carson's expression intensifies. "As in the Elite agent?"

"Yes, so?"

"So... since when does he call my baby sister?"

Dani throws him a sly look. "Since your baby sister enjoyed lunch with him."

Carson blinks. "That's-" He can't finish, as he has to return to the stove, but he tosses a look over his shoulder. "Just be careful."

"Of course." Dani grins and dials the Elite number that was programmed into her phone. After reaching Susanne and being transfered, she waits until she hears Dalton's voice. "You're in luck. I have off work from the store, and Carson doesn't need me here until four. What time would you like that walk, and where?"

Bret chuckles as he gets in his car. "Mmm.... now that's a prize worth racing for."

"Hey, you two lovebirds gonna concentrate on this race?" Landon interrupts.

"Of course, of course." Bret shifts his concentration. "Right at your back door, buddy. Let's go."

The excitement builds. The crowd pulses with anticipation. The engines roar and suddenly all are in motion. The cars shoot forth from the starting line, gas pedals down, gears shifting, hearts pounding.

"Landon, watch number ten on your right, don't let him cut you off," Kirk warns into the mic. "Bret, what are you doing? Quit playing around or you're gonna lose your place."

Mick holds Rosetta close, his own heart aching. "I don't know... I don't know." A deep sigh comes out slowly. "Jason didn't give me any more details - I don't think he knew any more either. If you want someone from here to go... or... if you want to go yourself, I understand. Trent should still be in Nevada if you want to catch him before he leaves."