
more questions

*As Damien pulls into the hospetal he lets out a sigh. He's never liked these places. Geting out of the truck he makes his way inside. Seeing Angel he gives a slight wave and makes his way over to her. Noding at the chair next to her he asks.* "Is it ok if I sit here?"

*Angel looks up at Damien.* "Oh ya sure." *Angel keeps her eye on BJ as he plays with some blocks in the lobby.*

*Damien follows Angel's eyes and see BJ.* " Is that the boy that was droped off at the ranch?"

*Angel nods.* "Ya thats BJ."

*Damien gets up and walks over to BJ siting on the ground.* "Hey there BJ. What are you making?"

*BJ shrugs his shoulders as he looks up at Damien.* " Sham had lots of pics of you around her house."

*Damien looks at BJ a bit saprised.* "She did?"

*BJ nods but says nothing more geting up and running over to Angel.*

*Damien looks at BJ questions filling his eyes. This proves Sam did know him and he new her, but who was she. He couldent remember.*

*Rosetta looks to Mick and than back to JT.* "Why would you sujest not removing it? The chip is a bit of importance...so its kind of nice to see what we are waying it aganst. I mean if we remove it will it kill him? or leave him handy cap?"


JT smiles at BJ, trying to put him at ease. “Hey there, BJ. Glad to see ya.” He holds out his hand to shake, letting the boy feel quite official. “We’re just going to check a few things out, and you’ll be outta here in no time. How about you following me into the next room, okay? I’m going to show you some really cool machines.”

They follow JT into the adjoining room, Austin and Jason joining them as well. The door is shut to avoid interruption.
Jason stands in the corner, his mood wanting to drag him back outside to wait instead, but his duty forcing him to stay. He had a job to do…

It takes a while, but everything goes smoothly as JT takes x-rays of BJ, all the while talking to him and making him laugh, lightening the atmosphere. Once finished, he sends BJ back out to sit with Angel, and seeks out the privacy of the room to discuss the results of the scans.

The x-rays are put up on the light board, and JT looks at them thoughtfully. He crosses his arms as he stares up at them, and shakes his head. “Well, Mick, you were right. There’s an implant there all right. I’d be shocked, but with you lot, nothing is surprising.” He takes his pen and points to a place on the x-ray. “This is the back of the brain here, you see… and right over here, you can see the edges of something – it doesn’t match the rest of the scan, proving that there is actually a foreign object there.” He eyes it with disbelief. “Whoever did this in the first place knew what they were doing – in order to put something in that deep without causing real damage…or even to put it in such a way that it wouldn’t bother BJ as he grew….it’s amazing.”
JT thinks for several more moments, then points again. “It’s an interesting place…the position it’s in has actually severed some connections here…” He draws a circle in the air around a portion of BJ’s brain near the chip. “Which…” he cocks his head, trying to make up his mind. “…it might have affected areas such as reading… it wouldn’t surprise me if he had difficulties in that area, due to the damage the chip has caused, no matter how slight. Now, on the other hand…” JT continues to study the results. “You see right next to it is a completely different nerve center that’s grown around this chip. There’s no damage there, it appears, though there’s some interesting patterns there. Some of these connections here have been formed as a result of the chip’s interference, which…” he shrugs, unsure of his own theories, though they are medically logical. “…which could very well result in a genius area. Something mechanical, something like putting puzzles together, or doing math. It’s really very extraordinary how this chip has affected BJ’s brain. Thankfully, it doesn’t appear to be anything life threatening at all, as his body has obviously adjusted around it.”

Mick shakes his head, amazed. “Wow…” He glances at Rosetta. “The note was right…Sam was telling the truth…”

JT moves away from the wall, putting his pen in his pocket. “I don’t know the significance of this, nor should I, probably. But I’ve got to tell you – if you had any intention of removing it, I couldn’t recommend it.”

Mick looks to Rosetta again, question flickering in his eyes.

Austin stands back and glances at his watch, knowing that Damien should be arriving shortly.


*Rosetta looks up from the book she is reading BJ and see JT. Puting the book down Rosetta takes BJ's hand.* "Come on BJ we are next. Rosetta looks at Mick and Angel with question to see they are coming too."

*Angel looks up.* "I'll wait here for now I dont want it to look saspish us having all of us go in there. At least with you and Mick it looks like a mom and dad taking there son in. JT can give me the low down after."

*Rosetta nods and escorts BJ into the room giving JT a small hug.* "Thx JT." *Rosetta helps BJ up onto the examing table.* "BJ this is a friend of ours his name is JT. And JT this is BJ."

*BJ looks up at JT his eyes big showing he is slightly scaired.* " Rosey are you and Mic going to stay with me?"

*Rosetta smiles at BJ giving a slight giggle at the nickname he gave her while trying to say her name.* "Sure we are bud. You have nothing to worry about ok. JT is a good guy and he is going to look you over to make sure your not sick or anything."

*BJ looks back to JT with question on his face.* "Do you know where Sham is?"

*Rosetta puts her arms around BJ as her heart breaks. Sam must of had a goodside to her somewhere to have been able to build such a strong and loving relationship with this small boy. So many questions were unanswered about Sam. Not even knowing if any of them would even be answered.*

~*~In Wyatt's Car~*~

*Katie slowly turns her eyes and looks at Wyatt giving a smile. Her own eyes being hiddon. Maybe that was a good thing. Katie watches Wyatt for a long time holding her smile. She felt good. This had been the first time since she got here that everything felt right. Turning to looks out the window once again as TJY comes into view Katie lets out a contect sigh. Maybe she had made the right choise after all.*


It’s a longer drive than anyone likes, but worth it to know that JT will help the gang and keep everything and everything that happens, confidential.

Austin and Jason lead the way into the hospital, while Mick stays behind to help with BJ, walking with Rosetta and Angel. “We’ll let JT do his thing with Jason first. Keep an eye out for Damien, and I know you both already know this, but try to avoid much contact with too many people in here…the less questions, the better, and I’d hate to put JT’s job in any more jeopardy than it already is.” Mick heads to the second floor lobby to sit down and wait.

“…Jason, what have you been doing?” JT frowns as he looks at Jason’s knee, feeling the muscles around the kneecap.

Jason sits on the bed with his leg extended, his face reddening slightly. “Nothing.”

JT throws him a look of annoyed disbelief. “Not according to your knee.” He sighs. “I told you before – you’ve got to be more careful. You’ve set yourself back at least three weeks with whatever stunt you pulled. Now listen to me…” JT stares at him sternly. “Twisting around and not being careful is no way to help this heal. You need steady, controlled exercise, mixed with rest. Think you can handle that?”

Jason holds back from rolling his eyes. “Yeah,” he grumbles.

JT raises an eyebrow. “You’re not convincing me.”

“Just… yeah, okay? I’ll be more careful.”

JT sits back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest to study Jason’s face. “I know I’m not to ask questions about what all you’re doing, and I respect that. But something has changed about you, and I’m not liking it. That attitude of yours isn’t going to help this healing one bit, and don’t tell me you haven’t got a pinch of depression lingering there.”

Jason grits his teeth, this conversation making him quite uncomfortable, though he finds he can’t argue well with this man. Apparently JT had the knack for getting people to talk – probably not a bad thing for someone in his position. “So? There’s unavoidable circumstances you know nothing about, JT. …There are just some things I can do nothing about.”

“Ah, but you can do something about the way you react to them.” JT looks into Jason’s words far deeper than his patient would like. “You’re fighting against yourself instead of fighting for yourself, Jason. Don’t let whatever your circumstances are do that to you. You’ve been knocked down by something – don’t let it keep you there.” JT rises and studies his chart, letting that end their conversation. “I want to see you again next week. Now…where’s this little patient I’m to be seeing?” He sticks his head out the door and glances down the hall to the lobby and spots Rosetta, throwing her a look of question and expectation.

Jason pulls his jeans back on and winces as he sets his leg up on a chair to lace his boot. Why did what JT said bother him so much? How could he really change his reaction? JT knew nothing about what he was going through, yet his words were applicable, were they not?
He sighs deeply, shoving it all to the back of his mind, and reaching for his crutches.

Wyatt’s eyes widen at Katie’s statement, their twinkling is hidden by his sun glasses. He lets out a hearty laugh as he pulls his jeep back out into the street. “Hey, Laura,” he calls to the backseat, “Why don’t you postpone getting that car of yours fixed. This is too much fun to do just once.”

“You’d get too big of a head,” Laura quips. “Keep your eyes on the road.”

Wyatt grins, throwing Katie a sidelong glance, knowing good and well she’d embarrassed herself. “Well,” he answers Laura, though keeps his focus on Katie. “Maybe you’re right. But I must say, being the knight in shining armor does have an appeal that’s hard to resist.”


*As Rosetta hears the news of her brother leaving it sadens her. Though she knows evenone has a life of there own and cant stay around forever. Still her heart is heavy. She throws Eric a smile and slight nod showing she understands. Yet her eyes can not lie.* "Just becarful Eric."

*Time pass and its time for everyone to leave. Rosetta nods to Austin.* "Ya I would like to go too."

*Wes decieds he is going to stay back and watch over the ranch seeing as he has alot of work to do.*

*Angel stands and reaches for her coat.* " I'd like to come along too. That way is JT find anything about eather Damien or BJ I can be there to listen in so if I am needed I can help."

*Wendy decieds she is going to stay back and see if she can dig up some more information.*

*Annie clears her throt and stands* " I am going to stay back as well. I will be leaving for my mission trip in a few days and I need to pack and get ready for that. I will probley be gone for a month, but I hope when i return I will have a place here still." * Annie smiles.*

*Rosetta smiles.* "Corse you will."

*After a while when everyone know what they are doing and is going on everyone piles into the cars, and truck and start out for the hospetal.*

~*~ At Laura's place....er outside her place/in Wyatt's jeep?~*~

*As Wyatt pulls up Katie gets in and smiles ajusting her sunglasses.* "Well our knight in shining armour I guess its just a good morning. Other than Laura's car not starting. We had a good breakfest, and the sun is shinning and we are geting a ride to work by the boss cute son." *As if relizing what she had just said Katie's face goes beat red.* " I mean.....hummmm...ya...I dident kill Laura with my cooking so thats good." *Katie turns her head and looks out the window not believeing what she had said.*

Who's Coming

The day has an odd feeling about it as everyone is hopeful that they will find answers with JT. The mess halls is the gathering place as usual, and Mick ensures BJ is taken care of, while trying to figure out how the day will work.

At the request of Austin, Jason joins the others, though remains on the edge, caught in his own thoughts without wanting to interact. Jade, however, remains patient and persistent, sitting next to him despite his withdrawn mood.

Wanting more than coffee, Jeff sets about getting breakfast for the others, trying to help lighten the atmosphere a little bit.

Halfway through the meal, Eric stands up, awkwardly getting everyone’s attention. “Hey, um…I just wanted to let y’all know that I’ll be taking off here about ten o’clock. I, um…I picked up a local truck driving job that will keep me busy about five days a week.”

Sparky’s eyes widen. No one knew Eric had thoughts of getting a job, let alone had been looking seriously. “Well if it’s money…”

“No.” Eric shakes his head. “I…I’m not doing too much to help you guys, and I know we’re doing okay with money especially with help from TJY, but…” He shrugs, not really knowing how to express his feelings, and not particularly wanting to try. “I’d just feel better about myself if I could be useful like this and it’ll put my rig to use again.”

“Don’t you think it’s dangerous?” Mel asks.

“I’m going to get myself a car to take back and forth between here and one of the apartments you set up,” Eric explains. “That way I won’t be seen coming and going from here quite as much since I’ll be able to slip in and out easier, and my rig will stay in town.” He sits back down, trying to let the conversations go back to normal.

It takes a few minutes, but most can see he doesn’t want to discuss it too much, so talk reverts back to plans for that day.

Late morning, they assemble once again to decide who’s going to see JT.

“Jason and I are going,” Austin states. “We need to take BJ, and Damien will be meeting us there. Mick, I’m assuming you want to go. How about you, Rosetta? And anyone else?”

Laura finishes getting dressed and runs a hand through her wet hair as she walks down the hall. As the smell of breakfast hits her nose, she raises an eyebrow and goes into the kitchen, seeing Katie. “Well good morning!” She smiles. “Something smells awfully good in here. You’re certainly more motivated than I am!”

After breakfast, Laura leads the way out into the street to her car, but when turning the key, nothing happens. Laura groans. “Oh no….” She tries again, but there’s still nothing. “Rats…they said the starter was going, but I was hoping I could last until I had enough money.” She sighs, and takes her cell phone out of her purse, dialing. “Hey, Wyatt. You’re not at work yet, are you?.... You’re on the road? Good. Swing by my place, will ya?” She grins at her own impulsiveness. “…no, it finally quit. ….Thanks. We’ll be waiting.” She puts her phone back in her purse and glances at Katie. “My place is on Wyatt’s way, so he’ll be here in just a minute. We can wait here by the curb.”

Within five minutes, a green jeep comes up the road, Wyatt in the driver’s seat. He grins as Laura opens the door and climbs in back, letting Katie take the front. “Well, my two damsels in distress, you both look chipper this morning!”

New Day

*After eating Pizza and chating a bit with Laura Katie yawns and decieds its time to hit the hay exsausted from the day. After going upstairs and taking her shows she sits down on the edgh of the bed.*

"You've Got Mail."

*Katie looks up as her laptop imforms her she has a new mail. Wondering what it is Katie goes over to her desk and sits down opening up her mail. Reading the letter from Jade, Katie sighs. Opening a blank page Katie writes back. { Dear Jade. Dont worry about it. Its not your fault. I'm glad you guys are happy. Thats what is important. Everything at TJY is great. I love it here. So far its fun. Well I better get to bed. Take care. -Katie} After sending the email Kait closes her laptop and heads to bed. ready for another busy day at TJY tomarrow.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Before BJ falls asleep Rosetta puts a nightlight into the room for BJ, along with a glass of water on the dresser, and fresh sheets. As BJ gets into bed Rosetta smiles at him.* "GoodNight Bud." *Feeling the erge to stay in the mess hall Rosetta knows he will be safe with Mick. Rosetta gives Mick a kiss and smiles.* " If you need me you know where I am." *Turning and leaving Rosetta heads to the house.*

*After much more researching Wendy is coming up with nothing. Leting out a long sigh she decieds its time to head to bed. Smile at Clint and leting him know she will see him in the morning Wendy makes her way to bed.*

*As BJ snuggles into the bed he holds Mr. Snuggles tight. After the door is shut BJ looks around the room for a long while. IT was strange and herd to fall alseep in a new place. How he missed Sam.*

*As the night drags on the fire flys dance across the fields, lake and yards. The owls hoot, and crickets churp signaling spring is here. The moon shines bright in the sky throws shadows in the windoes across the ranch. The horses softly neeh in the barn as some sleep, and some softly stir. As if night will never end the sun finally starts to peek over the harizon chasing away the dark signaling today was a new day. The ranch starts to come to life as everyone wakes ready to start the new day. Most head to the mess hall wanting and needing coffee to help keep them awake.*

~*~Back at Laure's~*~

*Katie streches as her alarm goes off. Crawling out of bed she shuts it off and heads into the bathroom to take a shower and wake up. After Katie is dressed and ready she heads downstairs. Relizing Laura is not awake yet Katie starts to make Omlets for the both of them. Along with tost and Hashbrowns.*

A day ends

Mick’s glad Damien is still willing to work with them, and explains more. “If you can meet us at the hospital tomorrow afternoon around one o’clock, that would be great.” After ending the conversation, he hangs up the phone and turns his attention back to BJ, making sure he eats his breakfast, and then gets cleaned up for the day.

Clint eyes the information and nods to Wendy. “Yeah…see if you can dig anything else up. I don’t know what good it’ll do us know, but any puzzle pieces at this point are worth the effort. I gotta go help Wes, but if anything comes up, let me know.”

Reese is grateful for Katie’s report and sets her up with a few more tasks for the day. Several people are called away on a sudden assignment, leaving the lunch room fairly quiet around noon, and during the afternoon, things start to wind down again.

At five, Laura comes by Katie’s cubicle to let her know they can get going. Though having planned to get together with some of the other women, with a couple gone on a case, it’s postponed until a better time, and Laura takes Katie back to her house for an evening meal of pizza before getting ready for bed.

The day seems to go by quickly at the ranch, with new goals to find out more about Sam and BJ, though nothing much is found. Clint works with Wes until the evening, Jason hibernates in his bunk trying to find more information on the slight lead he had, and the others are dispersed, either helping with ranch work or doing research.
In the afternoon, Becky and Rosalynn are ready to go, and Jim takes them away from the ranch, only few knowing where they are going, though Jim says he will be back the next day.
As evening hits, Mick makes sure BJ has a place in the guest room in the mess hall, and opts to sleep in the living room nearby in case anything goes wrong.

Jade sits in her bunk and stares at her computer screen. It was dark out…but she had too much on her mind to sleep. She feels so out of place here…. if it weren’t for her father…or Jason… she knew she would probably find it a good time to go back home. She didn’t know as much about this case and felt useless with no knowledge about how to do anything. Rosalynn was gone, leaving her with one less friend, and Katie had been gone for a couple days….Katie…
Jade sighs and opens up her email, having determined that this was something she needed to write:

Dear Katie,
Hope you’re doing well over at TJY. We miss you…not the same without you around here…
Things are even quieter now – I don’t know if you knew Becky and Rosalynn left. No one knows where they are other than Jim…well, I think Mick and Sparky know, but they’re not saying anything.
Anyway…that’s not why I’m writing. I wanted to apologize…Jason told me all about your fight, and the things that were said and…if I had anything to do with it, I’m so sorry. If I came between you and Jason, I didn’t mean to, and I feel terrible thinking that maybe I did. He and I are happy, but if anything I did caused you to leave, I’m terribly sorry. I like Jason…a lot…but I didn’t want it to hurt our friendship…
I guess that’s it…I don’t know what else to day. I’m glad you were able to go to TJY – I know it’s what you wanted. I hope that I can see you again soon.


*Damien listens intently to Mick.* "Ya sure thats fine. When did you want to do this so I can head over."

*Rosetta catches Mick's eye and nods standing. She puts her hand on BJ shoulder.* "Hey hun...This is Annie. She and Mick are Sam's brother and sister."

*BJ looks at Annie than to Rosetta his eyes start to well.* "How come Ann looksh like Sham if its not her."

*Rosetta puts her arms around BJ as his eyes fill.* " Cuz alot of times family look alike. Come on Lets play with your trucks some more."

*BJ sniffs and follows Rosetta turning back to look at Annie.*

*As Annie looks at Rosetta and BJ, a certen look pass through both there eyes and they look alike for a moment. Annie thinks for a long moment but than lets the though go heading into the kitchen to get some coffee.*

*Wendy re reads the information.* "Well it says here that Sam, Mick and Annie triplet was taken like everyone alse. but the differnct with her was the Agency kept her and dident give her up." *Wendy ready alittle more.* "It says they had a special plane for her. but than there is a gap. I dont know if we can dig father and see what alse we can find our not."

~*~ Back at TJY ~*~

*Katie listens intently to Con making sure not to miss anything.* "Ok Con thx. Be talking to you again soon." *After Katie hangs up the phone she heads into Reese's office. and relays everything to him Con has told her. Trying to break down all the information in her own mind as well.*

Phone Calls

“Hey, Damien.” Mick cradles the phone between his shoulder and chin. “Listen, we’ve had a few new things come up around here, and we’re checking someone else out for a computer chip tomorrow at the hospital where Jason was. Wanted to know if you’d be willing to come get an x-ray done to see if you’ve got a chip yourself. I know we talked about that before.” As he talks, out of the corner of his eye he sees BJ rush to Annie, and his heart breaks in two, but there’s nothing he can do. He throws Rosetta a look, asking her to help.

Clint comes over to Wendy and lays his hands on her shoulders as he looks over her head. “What did you find?”

Rosalynn and Becky pack their bags in silence, neither one ready, but both knowing it has to be done. Jim had told them to be ready by that afternoon.

Con stands in the living room adjoining the mess hall as he talks to Katie. “Glad you’re having fun, Kat.” He glances out into the other room, hearing BJ. “We got a couple things going on around here. We’ve already been in contact with a couple people out your way, but Reese might not have been informed yet, we had a kid about six years old dropped off here last night. Looks like he was being held by Sam…apparently she’s a triplet with Annie and Mick. Quite a nice new twist to this whole thing.” He rolls his eyes. “We’re trying to get things set up to check the kid out – he might have an implant as well.” He pauses, thinking of anything he should relay. “Other than that…not much else.”