
Are you ok?

*Angel swallows hard still in shock from seeing Trent.*

"I have to addmit, I am leary but its good to see you and know your alive."

*Angel looks down at her hand a small smile on er face just at the thought of Luck nd her geting married. Looking back up at Trent she knows this must be hard on him but she can not hide the fact she is to be married and to her best friend.*

"The one who had all ways been there for me, when I dident exspect it he took me by saprise. My best friend Luke."

*Angel wants to get to know whats been going on with Trent more over the years but dosent know how to ask or where to start. How do you catch up with someone you lothe for so long because of there betrayel. How do your forgive and try to look past the falts of someone who you once cared for more than the world only to have them make the world crash around you.

Feeling the tention highten in the room but not sure what to ask her brother next she gives a nod to Sparky in case he has anything to say.*

*Misty smile at Scott while she checks his blood pressure and check his stiches making sure they looked good.*

"We are giving you 2 differnt ones and thats probley why you feel like your floating. We are giving you a weak form of Morphine and a strong form of Opioids. Opioids will help with pain and to keep infections away. From here on out we will be giving you just the Opioids for at leats a weak no longer than that though cuz it can be habbit forming. Though be warned your going to be quite loopy and high feeling, but it is a must."

*Misty goes back to the counter and grabs a saringe. Preping it and going back to Scott.*

The funny thing about breakups is they point out what we didn't even know we had, but don't give us the option of going back into battle armed with that knowledge.

*Katie sits up in bed as her tears have stoped for now and she hears her phone let off a beep reminding her she had a voice mail from earlyer today. Going to her purse she pulls out her phone and listens about Scott.*

"Oh no."

*Grabing her jacket Katie heads out of her room slowly and to her car making her way to TJY. She new there was a chanse she would see Jason but its better to fall off a horse and get back up, than to stay away forever. Katie was felling like crap, her eyes were puffy, and her heart hurt. But she had to see how Scott was and get her mind off her pain.*

I can embrace myself, hold my own hand, love me - but I can't gaze into my own eyes and feel my own soul lift me up.

*Nate leads the way to a small quiet coffee shop finding a table that is tucked away from listing ears. Once he gets a coffee for himself and Jason gets some OJ Nate pulls out a few paper. Looking up for a moment he studys Jason. He feels compation for his young friend.*

"It hurts alot dosent is Hotshot? Its ok if it does. That how you know its real and your still alive. It gets easyer."

*Nate thinks for a long moment relizing Jason could up and leave at any moment but felt compelled to talk anyways.*

"Jason, I dont want to over step my bounds so i will only say this once unless you bring it up to me again. But I understand breakups are hard, and hurt alot. There is alot you dont know about me. But I have been where you are before shut down, lost and alone. I pushed two important people out of my life. One I got back and the other I dident. It took my sister almost dieing to snap me back to the real word and bring me out of my emotionaless state."

*Nate stops for a moment remembing the past.*

"Your gonna be ok Jason, and when you end up feeling again its going to be great. Just dont shut down to much ok. You have friend who care and will see you through. I'm here for you if ou need a friend."

*Taking a sip of his coffee Nate looks down at the papers and than back at Jason.*

"So now, we need to know why the Agency would want to take Mick as the first step, and where would they take him. You have been to the ranch in Texas and got to know them. Do you have any idea?"

The dark of night does not come after the golden glow of the day's sun but before it.

*Katie enters TJY and makes her way to the infermary. Opening the door slowly she steps inside and smiles at Misty.

Misty smiles as she see Katie.*

Katie: How is he?

Misty: I just gave him another dose a painkillers so he might be alittle out of it, your more than welcme to talk with him though. I'll leave you both be.

*Misty exits the room and makes her way back to Ricks office.

Katie makes her way to Scott side smile down at Domino. Once drawing closer Katie smiles at Scott.*

"Hey you. How ya feeling?"

Never be sad for what is over, just be glad that it was once yours.


For the moment, Trent ignores the others in the room. "I don't understand either," he admits softly. "I just...something told me to come back, even if I got thrown out or taken down. I guess my conscious finally had enough."

Looking at Angel his eyes finally drift to her hand. A strange pang in his heart emphasizes the reality that no one could waltz back into a group like this after so many years an expect things not to have changed. And he hadn't...but he hadn't known what to expect, and therefore had not imagined much. But seeing that ring on Angel's finger drives home the miserable truth that he had lost something he'd once deemed so precious...and it had been for selfish motives. Though never dreaming it could have even been regained, there is a finality to it now where there hadn't been. The past truly was the past, not to be relived.

Caught up with the awkward reunion, Trent continues to converse with Angel not knowing what else he can say to the others right now anyway. A slight smile creases his lips...one full of melancholy. "So...who's the lucky guy?"

Scott carefully drinks some water, then rests his head back on his pillow. "How do I think I'm feeling?" he repeats, furrowing his brow. "I don't think I'm thinking clearly at all at the moment." He widens his eyes for a moment as he tries to get his brain to function. "What did you guys give me anyway? I feel like I'm floating on the ceiling."

Getting another sip of water, he grimaces a little. "I'm sore....really sore...feels like my ribs are on fire. But I guess it's good I'm feeling something at all."

Jason gives Nate a sidelong glance, sensing that he knew more than Jason would like, just from his own perceptiveness. Jason now almost wished he just would have gone home...but he knew if he did that right now, he'd just sit and let everything fester. At least right now he had something to do...something other than Katie to think about.

He shrugs lamely, offering only an apathetic look. "Nate, I don't care what we do or where we go. This is one ride I've given up trying to control." He moves to wait for Nate to head for the exit, signaling that he'll follow wherever Nate decides to go.


*Angel's eyes dont break Trent's. He was really there infront of them. It had been so long, It had been so hard. What does she say, what does she do. A part of her was scaired, and a part of her was hurting seeing him again. Taking a step closer Angel nods.*

"Ya I'm still here. This is my home I could never leave. After all these years you came back.....I...dont understand."

*Angel's eyes search Trents. Time had took its tole on him but even through that Angel could see the old Trent. A suddon pain is in her heart she wanted to hug him but resisted. Things where not like old times, nor could they ever be. Angel had moved on, found new love and wouldent dair break it. She had found where she belonged and who she loved now. Even if Trent was in front of her. Trent.....yes...Trent.....Trent.*

*Wes folds his arms across his chest and moves to where Sparky is ready to pounce at any wrong movie. Closly he watches Angel and Treat.*

*Misty moves to the sink and fills a paper cup with water. Going back over to Scott Misty slowly helps him up.*

"You look good for someone who had two sergarys. Your tooth shouldent be bothering you anymore eather. I took that ou for ya."

*Misty smiles at him.*

"How do you think your feeling?"

*Nate looks up at Jason taking note to his bloodshot eyes. Jason had been crying that much Nate could tell. There would be only one reson why Jason would cry and Nate new it. Standing Nate puts an arm around his young friends shoulder.*

"How about we grab something to eat or at least some coffee and we can talk about the next move we make with Mick. I'd like your help. Your one of the best brains here."


Trent can't feel any lower, and nods at Rosetta. "I know...if you guys don't want me here, I understand. I prepared for that."

His eyes suddenly raise as someone else enters the room. Seeing Angel, he's immediately on his feet, though Sparky moves with warning. Trent stares at Angel...her face...her eyes... Unwanted tears fill his own. He'd known she might still be here, but hadn't been sure.

Jeff sees Wes, and holds up his hand. "It's alright. We're just listening."

Trent breaks his gaze with Angel to look at Wes, then looks back at Angel again. Anything he can say seems so petty....so trite. "You're still here..."

Scott licks his dry lips, trying to get his brain to function, but it seemed to be working slowly under the effects of the drugs. "Some water...would be nice." He squints in the lights. "Guess...I'm alive, huh... " He swallows hard, feeling as though he's been sucking on cotton. "How's it look?"

Memories begin to bombard Jason's mind. Every muscle in his body tightens against the emotional barrage as Katie speaks. Her tone said it all...he knew what was coming...and there was nothing he could do about it.

Keeping his eyes fixed on the water, he just absorbs the words...the words that he thought he would never hear. His heart is torn in two, his barrier pushed to its limit as the pressure builds. But if he broke now, he would crush Katie for sure.

He gives no verbal response...the submerged emotions pool behind his eyes though he holds them back with all his strength. He didn't dare speak, lest he crumble.

As Katie's arms wrap around him, he doesn't want to return the embrace for fear of wanting to hold on, but he can't deny himself to feel her in his arms once more. Hugging her close, he receives her kiss, his eyes closed.... he could not bear to look her in the eye....he could not see those tears that tore at his heart...he could not dare convey through his look what he was feeling, lest he make this any harder on her. He knew what she was saying, and he had to let go.

Jason's arms have never felt emptier as Katie backs away. He remains silent...his eyes following her as she turns to walk away, leaving him with a pain he thought he had prepared for...a pain he thought he could have ignored. But it was more devastating than he could have imagined, and he looks away, turning his back, unable to watch her leave. His ears pick up the sound of her car starting, and he listens to the engine until it fades so far into the distance, that all the straining can no longer pick it up.

His eyes remain on the lake...the moving water...he just stands... for a long time he just stands as if time has no importance. He remembers...he remembers the feelings he'd had...he remembers the good times he'd shared with Katie...he remembers giving his heart away. And somehow...somewhere along the line...that same heart had been encased with stone. Underneath all that hardness, it still beat with life, yearning to be set free of its prison. But in the dark shadows, it sees no light...it can emit none of its own...it cannot be shared.

Jason knows that this is his fault. Since the day he decided to begin locking himself away to protect himself...to protect another...this day had been in his future. He had locked himself away, resisting Katie's attempt to draw him out...to feel him. He had grown so full of hurt and anger that love had been trampled on and snuffed out. It was still there...somewhere...but it was lost. He had deliberately hurt her with an emotional rage...he had turned his back on her when she needed him. He had all but told her to walk away.

And yet...today...the finality of this event drained him of his energy. He had pushed for this to happen...and yet loathed its occurrence. Why could he not feel again? Why had he locked himself away? Why was he so bent on hiding himself? He didn't know...he didn't understand...he didn't understand his own feelings and actions anymore. He didn't know...himself. And if he couldn't even figure himself out, how could he expect to maintain a relationship that required two?

Jason doesn't know how long he's been standing on the beach. But his barrier is being stretched...threatening to burst. His body reacts to his emotional turmoil in the only way it can, and forces the tears to the surface against his own will. Emotions could be buried...emotions could be hidden...emotions could be blocked from allowing another to feel them and draw them out... but it didn't mean they didn't exist... it didn't mean that the body could refuse them as well as the mind could.

His hands rest in his jeans pockets as the tears fall, running down his face. His stare is hollow and still...unwavering...unblinking. They fall slowly...silently...witnessed by no one.

And finally...finally...Jason turns to trudge to his bike. He had no choice...there was no other path. He might be walking alone, but he must walk...

The emotions that boiled inside of him resembled pure hurt...agony...loneliness...the all too-familiar anger for the whole situation that he had created...

Walking into TJY, Jason holds his head high and aims for the main floor. Though his walk was steady, his eyes were bloodshot, the only glimpse into the impression that all was not right. Passing Nate's desk, he pauses, grasping reality and with tightened fists in an effort to ride out this pain. Keeping his mind busy was the only thing he could do. "You heading up that investigation for Mick? I'd like to help out if there's room"

Heart Breaking

*Angel's eyes fill with a suddon emotion. She wasent sure how to feel. She was happy, sad, and upset. It was so long ago when Angel loved and had feeling for Trent and than he betrayed them all. It hurt Angel so bad just thinking about it made her tummy knot. Angel looks back to Austin grabing her jacket, A bit of anger in her eyes, yet compation.*

"Take me to him. I want to hear what he has to say."

*Rosetta looks around the room at everyone alse. She isent even sure how to act or what to think. Her mind races with so many things.*

"Its hard Trent. Some of us are happy to see you, and some oh us wish probley you dident come. after all these years and everything you did its hard, and you cant just walk back into that trust."

*Rosetta looks around the room again her eyes meet Sparky.*

"We have forgiven people for so much more, but they have all earned that trust back. Its a long hard road and you will be watched like a hawl. But if everyone is willing..and I do mean EVERYONE at this ranch that is apart of this...."

*Angel enters the mess hall slowly, her eyes around the room till they finally find Trent. Swallowing hard she just stairs at him for a long while. He had changed alot but he still had those eyes that gave away who he was. Angel can feel her body tense feelings flooding back to her. IN a horse whisper Angel speaks.*


"Hey Clint...can you help me with that coutch today so Cindy and I have something to sit on at the ho......"

*Wes words are cut short as he enters the mess hall and feels the atmisphear change. Looking around face his eyes rest on the new commer. Not sure who he is but seeing Rosetta next to him it couldent be denyed. He looked differnt but they still had the same face. For a minute Wes just stands there, a bit of Anger and siftrust lingering.*

"Whats he doing here?"

*As Misty hears Scott call for Rick she jumps up and goes to him. Checking to make sure everything is ok.*

"Hey Scott its Misty. Try not to move to much ok. Dont need you ripping your stiches. Can I do something for you?"

*Katie can feel Jason draw near to her and she stands. Her heart heavy. What was to come she dident want to but it was and there was no stoping it.*

Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark, For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart.To weave by picking up the pieces that remain. Melodies of life - love's lost refrain.

"You said when you got out you wanted to go to the beach again with me. This is the first chance we have gotten."

*Katie turns her head and nods down the beach.*

"That’s where it all started. When you said you shared my feelings and you gave me my first real kiss from you. I was so happy and so were you."

*For a moment Katie reflects on her feeling again, and her memories. Katie lets out a long sad sigh.*

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why,We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said good-bye. And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told? Let them ring out loud till they unfold. In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me.Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name.

"I’ll always love the J you once were.. But the man I loved got lost somewhere in prison. A portion of my heart will always belong to that man and it hurts more than you would ever know to know he is not around right now. All I can do it hope and pray you will find who you are again and hope I can be the friend to help you. So when another girl comes along….you can love her and not push her away."

*Tears streak down Katie face as her heart breaks.*

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine. Adding up the layers. And so it goes, on and on. Melodies of life. To the sky beyond the flying birds - forever and beyond.

"If I would have known when I first met you my heart would be breaking right now, I would do nothing different and would have loved you anyways. You're one of the best parts of my life. I helped you with alot and you helped me with alot to weather you know it or not. I’ll hold the memories of us in my heart always Jason and I hope you can do the same and still be my friend. I’ll always be here for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, when you need someone to laugh with…."

So far and away, see the bird as it flies by, gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky. I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings. Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings.

*Katie sucks in a breath trying to stop herself from crying. This hurt so much her heart, it was breaking. Shattering into a million peaces. She loved Jason and she had to let go. Would there paths cross again and would they become more than friend Katie dident know. Time was the only one who could tell that story.*

"…I’ll always know you better than you know yourself. I’ll always be looking out for you and right around the corner to be your hero, I'll always be hero. The only difference will be my title will be friend."

In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me? Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind? A voice from the past, joining yours and mine. Adding up the layers. And so it goes, on and on. Melodies of life. To the sky beyond the flying birds - forever and on.

*Katie throws her arm around Jason giving him a strang embrace. This hug drove Katie's heart to break even more as she hold on feeling this very well might be the last hug that has this much feeling and emotion behind it. Gently Katie gives Jason a kiss on the lips. The last for a long time to come. Katie cant controll her emotions anymore as she dras away from Jason the tears start to fall even more from her eyes and her voice quivers as she wimpers alittle bit.*

"Thank you J for letting me love you. I'll never regert love or knowing you. You mean so much to me. I'm....sorry."

If should I leave this lonely world behind. Your voice will still remember our melody. Now I know we'll carry on. Melodies of life. Come circle round and grow deep in out hearts, as long as we remember our Melodies of life.

*Not being able to take it anymore and on the verge of totally breaking down Katie turns around and heads back to her car car geting in and starts her drive for home not looking back for fear of turing back and running to the one she loved the most. Keeping her eyes on the road Katie's mind races a million miles a minute.

Once she is home she says nothing but just heads to her room shutting the door behind her and let tears out as she sits on her bed. Her sobs her crys rang through the house, but Katie dident care. This was more pain than she even felt before. Today was the hardest thing Katie ever had to do. Her heart aked and hurt more than anything in the world. She still truly loved and cared for Jason, but now it was time to let go so they could both be free and find what they has lost. Katie burys her face into her pillow and just crys. She felt lost, she felt alone. A chunk of her heart was missing.*

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine. Adding up the layers. And so it goes, on and on.Melodies of life. To the sky beyond the flying birds - forever and on....


Austin tries to be as delicate as possible. "I don't know, Angel... He doesn't appear to have mal-intent, but they've got him in the mess hall right now questioning him." He searches Angel's face. "I...thought you should know before you just stumbled across him."

Trent's eyes stay focused on the table. "I...I don't know why...I mean...I've wanted to come for years but..." He finally looks up at the others. "But I knew the reception would be less than warm."

He swallows hard and tries to collect his thoughts. "I know I was with the Agency all those years ago, and...and the shame never leaves for what I did... At the time, somehow I was convinced that I was doing what was right... I know it sounds crazy, but they have a way of getting inside someone's head." Trent's gaze goes dim as he remembers. "When everything went down, I was ten years in prison...I took the heat for a lot of stuff that I wasn't even involved with... While I was there though, after a while I started to wake up to what was really going on. I decided I wasn't going to go back."

"Hey, Sparky, do you have..." Jim's voice trails off as he enters through the back door and lays eyes on the small group. His eyes narrowing slightly, he approaches with caution, studying the newcomer. Seeing him near Rosetta...seeing the way the others were acting...Jim wouldn't have recognized Trent on his own, but in this setting, he knew it was him. He's flooded with a strange mixture of happiness, sadness and anger. What was going on?

Before he can speak, the door opens again, this time by Clint's hand. "Dad, I forgot to tell you that you left that box out in the shop. I was going to..." He suddenly stops and looks around, feeling the strange tension in the air. "What?"

Trent's eyes widen as he sees Jim, widening even more as he hears this young man refer to him as Dad. It seemed impossible. He'd missed a lifetime. He looks at Jeff. "Is that...Andrew?"

Jeff gives him a slight grin. "He goes by Clint now."

As Jim approaches, Sparky explains what's going on, then requests Trent continue. Clint hangs back a little, needing to get to work, but now staying out of curiosity.

Trent tries to recollect this thoughts. "Um...well, when I got out, I decided to start new somewhere else...I didn't dare come back here..." His eyes lower again. "Then they found me...they took me back to the Agency and forced me to work for them. And by force, I mean, they threatened to come after you all again. So...I...I pretended to go along with them... Some jobs I did like they wanted, and other times I got by with lying. But all along...for the next few years...they never would let me find out anything about my family....or anybody back here. For all I knew, you all were split up, dead, moved away...I didn't know."

He pauses, trying to get the timeline right. "About five years ago the Agency had me out somewhere, there was gunfire, I got hit and my obituary wound up in the papers. I went into hiding...I didn't know what to do...I was running from them, and I didn't even know if this place existed, and I was too...too scared to find out." Trent finally finds Rosetta's eyes, pleading with her to believe him. "Then a couple days ago, I was contacted by someone who had befriended me at the Agency...a guy who was pretty much in the same boat as me, so we had stuck together until I 'died' then somehow he had found out I was alive.... Anyway... I guess he'd been researching everyone here for me, without telling me... so he could let me know where everyone was again."

Trent fidgets nervously with his fingernails. "I guess he knew how much I wanted to know without me having told him. ...At any rate, all I knew was that Rosetta was still here, that Mick was in the picture somehow, but that he'd been taken by the Agency. It was the first I'd heard about anyone here since before I went to prison and..."

The emotions pool behind his eyes again, threatening to spill over. "I don't know...I guess...I guess I'd had enough of running, and hearing your names again just made me realize that I wanted to come back... even if I didn't find anything good... even if I wasn't welcome... I just wanted to see you again. And...and I wanted to try and help to find Mick if...if I was allowed."

His eyes remain on the table. He knew nothing about these people before him anymore. He knew nothing of their story. He knew nothing of their fight with the Agency, of the computer chips, of their families, of their future plans. All he knew was that somehow, someway... he'd needed to come.

Rick grins and Misty. "Well done. You handle yourself pretty well, you know that?"

He begins to finish up, eventually moving Scott to the bed in the infirmary to keep an eye on him there for at least a day before moving him back to the room next door. After a while, Rick is called away to Reese's office, and tells Misty he'll be back.

Scott remains asleep for an hour before he starts to stir. Still foggy from the anesthetic and the high powered pain killers Rick had given him, he lets his eyes roam the ceiling for several minutes before actually realizing he's awake and figuring out where he is. His side burned and his mouth hurt... "Rick...?"

Jason just sits and stares at the phone after hanging up with Katie. A knot formed in his gut. The conversation had been brief...not intense. But Jason felt as if he were viewing the dark storm clouds on the horizon...and it was only a matter of time before they overtook him.

Rising, he grabs his keys and helmet. He doesn't try to speculate why Katie wanted to see him...he wouldn't have agreed to meet her, had her voice not been as soft...had he not sensed the importance. Something was happening...in his heart of hearts he knew what it was...yet he still didn't want to face it. He'd been spending his time pushing Katie away and trying to get her to let go of him...and yet feeling how near the end really was, was enough to make him sick to his stomach.

The ride to the beach seems to take longer than normal. Spotting Katie's car, he parks his bike next to it and cuts the motor, glancing down to the beach where he knew she would be. And she was.

Jason dismounts and locks his helmet to the bike before slowly walking across the grass and into the soft sand. With each step he grew more tense. It was paradox of knowing the unknown. Fearing what was to come...knowing that it would. Foreseen and aimed for...yet dreading it to happen.

He approaches Katie from behind and comes up beside her, his hands hooked in his pockets. He doesn't turn to her, but simply gazes out at the sunlit water, remaining silent.


*BJ crawls into Rosetta's lap as she sits down exspecting it was time for breakfest now. Rosetta looks down at him and than back at Trent and the others. She new this conversation was going to get heated and fast. Rosetta might be happy to see her brother but questions linger, and distrust was still here and this conversation was no place for someone so small. Looking to the kitchen Rosetta see Wendy geting a glass of juice.*

"Wendy, can you do me a favor and take BJ outside for alittle bit?"

*Wendy comes out of the kitchen with her glass and looks around the room than back to Rosetta.*


*Going over to BJ she reaches out her hand to him smiling.*

"Hey little man. Want to help me brush the horses and you can brush your pony?"

*BJ perks up and jumps off Rosetta's lap taking Wendy's hand.*

"Ya, I wont to hwelp you."

*Rostta nods a thank you as BJ and Wendy make there way outside. Looking around the room She repeats what Sparky had already asked.*

"So, what are you doing there? I know you said you wanted to make a statment of sorry, and you hurd about Mick...but...I guess we want to know more."

*Angel stands in disbelief at Austin's news of Trent.*

"Tre....Trents here? but...why? I dont understand! Why..."

*So many thoughts, memories, feeling run through Angel. She wasent sure what one she should focus on. She hadent seen Trent in so long.*

"Why is he here? Where is he?"

*Misty looks to Rick noding in satisfaction at there work. When the tooth is mentioned Misty thinks for a moment.*

"I'm not dentise but I can take a look and see what I can do."

*Misty rigs it so that Scott's mouth stays open and she takes a look at the jagged peace of tooth sticking out. Pushing on it alittle Misty notices its a bit loose. Taking one of the scalples that was stairalized she makes a small cut in Scott's jaw having more room and losening the tooth more. Than tanking small plyers she tugs on the tooth making not it wont come free yet. Making another insition on the other side Misty pulls on the tooth again till it finally comes out roots and all. Taking a needle and thread Misty makes 4 stickes to fix up Scott and steps back.*

"All set. He should be alttle less misrable now."

*Katie sits up and turns her music off. Her mind was clear and she new the path she had to choose. It wasent going to be easy, and it was going to hurt alot but Katie new she had to. Pulls out her phone knowing what she had to do. It was going to be the hard but she new it was the right thing. Dialing Jason’s number Katie waits to hear his sweet voice that greeted her so many times before.*

"Hey Jason, It’s Katie. If you’re not busy can you meet me down by the beach in a half hour? You know the place. Ok see ya."

*As Katie hangs up the phone she lets out a tired sigh a tear rolling down her cheek.*

"Lord give me strength and let me know this is right."

~*~20 Min Later~*~

*Katie parks her car getting out. She is there before Jason. Katie scans the beach images entering her mind of before Jason went to prison. There first kiss, how they just sat that night in the moonlight letting the moment go on. Another tear escapes Katie’s eye. It hadn’t been that long ago but everything seemed so much easier than. Leaning aganst her hood Katie leans back to look up at the sky and wait.*

Showed up

A look of fear passes through Scott’s eyes at Misty tells him what’s going on. He opens his mouth to protest, but she beats him to it.

He swallows hard, trying to get past his fear, Misty’s words hitting him below the belt. “It doesn’t look like I’ve got much choice,” he relents.

Rick throws a grin in Misty’s direction. He wouldn’t have thought of using Katie to get Scott to cooperate. “Alright, you two…we need to get this over and done as soon as possible, so let’s get this thing rolling. Scott, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.”

As preparations are made, Rick moves into his office for several minutes. Finding out Katie has left, he picks up the phone and dials her cell phone. Waiting, he finally reaches her voice mail. “Katie, it’s Rick. No emergencies. I just wanted to let you know that Scott’s gonna have a bit of surgery here today after Misty made a discovery that led to us realizing he’d got a chipped rib. Anyway, just thought you might want to know…if you don’t come back today, tomorrow he should still be in the infirmary. Talk to you later.”

It’s not much later that Scott is out and Rick and Misty are able to work. Under the lights, Rick searches for several moments, appreciating Misty’s hands to help. Finally he gives a satisfactory not and draws out the piece of bone that was causing all the trouble. “Aha…there we are.”

After making sure there were no other pieces, Rick moves to stitch up the incision. Once finished, he looks to Misty. “Since he’s out already, do you think we can go in and take a look at that tooth of his? I hadn’t wanted to do it before just because I didn’t think he’d let me, not to mention I’m no dentist. Do you have any experience in that department?”

As Sparky sees BJ and receives Rosetta’s request, he relaxes a little, letting his hand stray from his side to lower the threat.

Trent slowly lets his arms down, just staring at BJ. Who was this little boy? He clung to Rosetta as a child would to his mother… His eyes lift to Rosetta’s, full of question. Before he can say anything though, Wendy walks past.

Trent’s jaw drops, his eyes widening. There was no doubt in his mind who this was. But to see her now…grown up…a young woman… His voice comes out as a whisper. “Wendy…”

Sparky quirks an eyebrow, just a tad surprised that Trent would even remember the name, let alone care. “Alright…the mess hall…now… the visitors are done with their breakfast, so we can talk.” He gestures with his head towards the door, remaining behind Trent in case anything happened.

Trent numbly obeys and follows Jeff who enters the mess hall first. He had assumed he would find more than Rosetta here…but he didn’t understand why so many others were around. He’d been kept from all information on them for the years he’d been at the Agency, and when not with them, he’d dared no research of his own. All he’d heard was that Mick had been here, then had been taken, and that was the extent of his knowledge.

Entering the mess hall, he’s directed to a chair a the nearest table, and sits down, his shoulders sloped, his eyes to the floor. He knew an interrogation was to come.

Sparky remains standing, looking to Rosetta. He wanted to pounce on Trent, but out of respect, did not. He would let her lead this one.

Austin hangs back from the group as they enter the mess hall, and looks towards Angel’s office. Contemplating for a moment, he decides to go to her. It might be better than walking in on the scene inside and having that kind of shock, and Angel could come to the mess hall at any time.

Arriving at the office, he knocks and waits. Once the door is answered, he looks at Angel, not knowing exactly how to tell her this. “Um, Angel…there’s…someone who just arrived. We don’t know anything yet about why, or even whose side he’s on, but…” He swallows hard. “It’s um…” Pausing, again, he sighs. He had to tell her. He couldn’t keep her in the dark – not when Trent was just yards away, able to be seen at any given moment. “It’s Trent, Angel. He just showed up.”


*Misty nods at Rick.*

"I think I know a way."

*Misty goes back to where Scott is and sighs.*

"Scott it looks to be there is a part of your rib that is chiped off and no drifting around inside of you. Thats what is causing all this trouble. Rick and I would like to go in and take it out before something worse happens. IT could find its way to your lungs, or even your heart and cause you fatle damage."

*Misty thinks for a moment.*

"And the last thing we need, the last thing Katie needs is to lose someone alse she cares for. So please let us do this. You will be in good hands."

*Waking early and hearing the noise outside thinking Mick was home BJ comes running ouside.*

"Mick, Mick yous back..."

*BJ stops dead in is tracks when he sees Trent not knowing who he was. Waddling over to Rosetta he clings to her leg burring his face there as well than slowly turns his head to peek at Trent.*

* Looking down at BJ Rosetta runs her hand through his hair and than at Sparky noding at his gun.*

"Please put that away or at least lower it for BJ's sake and can we all go inside and at least give Trent a fighting chanse on what he is doing here before we go shooting anyone."

*Before anything alse can be said Wendy apears seaming to be in her own world her mind on her night with Clint and there motercicle ride. Walking up the steps she finally relizes everyone is standing there. Looking around at Rosetta, Jeff, Austin, and Sparky she smiles.*


*Finally Wendy's eyes fall on Trent. For some reson she felt like she new him, but that was impossable She's never seen him in her life. Wendy nods.*


*Resuming her path into the messhall.*


Scott winces as Misty pokes and prods around his ribs, but does as he’s told. He sighs as he’s left alone, hating to once again be told not to move, but he obeys.

Rick takes a sip of his coffee, thinking as Misty talks, his concern rising. “Hmm…I guess after his second round with those thugs, I assumed he was just still sore from Jason. I should have taken another x-ray, that was my fault. I think you’re right – there shouldn’t be that bruising like that still there, and there certainly shouldn’t be any swelling.”

He finishes his off his coffee and stands to put his mug in the sink. “Come on and show me where the problem is.” He and Misty return to the infirmary where Scott is still waiting.

Scott quirks an eyebrow, his own concern rising that the two of them were needed instead of just one.

Rick shakes his head in teasing disgust. “You just can’t make things easy, can you?”

“I do my best.”

“Mm-hmm.” Rick leans down and squints at the spot Misty indicates. He moves his fingers around the ribs thoughtfully. “Does this hurt?”

Scott cringes just a little. “A bit.”

“How about here?”



Scott just about jumps off the table as he lets out a cry of pain.

Rick straightens and nods. “Yeah, that’s the spot.” He stands back and thinks for a moment. “I want to take an x-ray of that, just to be sure.”

“Sure of what?”

“I think there might be something we missed.” Rick slowly and gently helps Scott off the table. “Take it nice and slow…”

Not much later, Scott is back lying on the table, and Rick is in the next room with Misty, looking at the x-ray. “That’s what I was afraid of.” Rick taps a section of the picture. “See that there…those thugs must have used something other than their fists on him. He’s got a piece of bone that’s been chipped off his rib. My guess is that the fragment is causing most of the trouble.”

Rick sighs deeply and rubs a hand over his face. “There’s only one thing we can do, and that’s to go in and get it out.” He looks to Misty. “I’ll need your help, not only with the procedure, but convincing Scott we need to do it. The last time he was put under was so at the hospital they could get his appendix out. He had a reaction to the anesthetic though and it was touch and go for a little while. Ever since then he’s been terrified of me doing anything but giving him an aspirin, which is probably why he’s been so stubborn about this whole thing.”

Trent accepts Rosetta’s embrace, returning it with strong arms. A tear falls from his own eye, running down his cheek. “Saying I’m sorry just doesn’t cut it,” he says quietly. “But I just can’t think of anything else to say.”

Pulling back, he sets his arms on Rosetta’s shoulders, just continuing to study her face. “I…” His hands suddenly drop as his eyes shift to the mess hall door that has just opened.

Jeff stops in his tracks, his eyes widening. Staring, he can’t believe what he’s seeing, but he knows it must be true. He opens his mouth to say something, but no words want to come.

Trent looks to his brother with sorrow. “Jeff…”

Jeff can’t even begin to decipher what is running through his mind. All of a sudden though, his eyes shift past Trent.

Trent sees the focus change, and turns around coming face to face with Sparky who is several feet away.

Sparky stops dead, for a moment in shock. Recovering quickly though, his hand immediately hovers over his sidearm, his eyes narrowing. It had been a long time…twenty years at least…but Sparky’s guard was up instantly, overtaking any melancholy that wanted to surface. “What are you doing here?” he hisses.

Trent’s hands go up into the air as he sees Sparky’s gun, his eyes widening with just a bit of fear. “I’m not here as an enemy,” he tries to defend quickly.

“What’s going on out here?” Austin steps out onto the porch. Eying Trent, his reaction is similar to the others, shock crossing his face.

Sparky’s eyes don’t move from Trent and he takes a step forward, forcing Trent to back up. “I asked what you’re doing here,” he repeats.

Trent’s hands remain in the air. “I don’t know…I mean…I just..” His eyes drift to Rosetta for help.