

Gunner grins and nods to Bree, accepting the food. As he bit into a slice of garlic bread, he realized that suddenly his appetite had returned. "Oh man, this is good."

"Thank the garlic bread queen," JT comments as he sucks in a noodle. "I make the spaghetti, but Bree does the bread."

Gunner steals a glance in her direction, quirking a grin. "Well, she does a good job."

As the meal progresses, any tension seems to disperse. Gunner's awkwardness dissolves as well, and it seems the strangeness that had developed after that morning just doesn't matter anymore. Chuckling at stories and joining in small talk, the three eventually move to the living room to relax.

A lull in the conversation brings JT's attention to Gunner once again. "Gunner, I, um... had a question." He pauses, not wanting to embarrass the other man. He decides to go at it from a different angle. "I'm working nights for a week or so, starting tomorrow. I never did like leaving the house overnight, especially now that there's been vandals in the area. You wouldn't want to house sit for me, would you?"

Gunner quirks an eyebrow at the suggestion. "Um... well..." He had to admit that there was something appealing about not having to be at his own apartment right now. "Doesn't Bree... I mean..."

"She stays once in a while," JT nods casually. "That's what the spare room down the hall is for." He smiles at Bree before looking back to Gunner. "But that's not every night."

"Well I wouldn't want to impose if... if she were here." Gunner could feel a bit of heat in his face. That hadn't come out right.

JT gives a soft chuckle. "You think this house isn't big enough?" He shakes his head. "The couch is yours if you want."

Gunner looks JT in the eye for a moment, trying to find his true motive. And in a quick moment, no longer than an instant, Gunner understood. And he was filled with such a gratefulness that it was almost overwhelming. JT was trying to help him, not just get a house sitter. But he'd been gracious enough not to say it outright in front of Bree.

Gunner glances down and clears his throat. "Um... I'll think about it."

"Fair enough." JT looks at Bree. "You wouldn't mind, would you?"

Kip laughs at Karla's remark about Rin and stands up to clear his dishes, but she had beat him to it. Following her to the sink, he lets his gaze trace hers to the backyard. "Pretty, isn't it?" He cocks his head. "You... wouldn't let me walk you home, would you?"

Eli walks casually but confidently, nodding to some of the other people around him as he wove in and out of the crowd. His eyes roamed the faces until he found the one he was looking for. Anger flowed hot through his veins, flashing through his gaze. His hands clench and loosen over and over with his tension as he grits his teeth.

Finally he reaches his destination. A dry grin appears on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly as he gives Roth a good once-over, stopping just a few feet in front of him. "So... you're the big bully everyone is talking about. I must say, you're less than what I expected."


Giving a small smile Karla enjoyed the prospect of spending time with someone. Though Kip was still stranger he seemed nice enough and the people around him seemed nice as well. This could be the opening she was looking for and the friend she needed. Just someone to share her time and talent with.

"Sitting in on one of your practices would be fun, and probably the best option. I don't have much money now so I'd never be able to pay to get into the show. But a practice to see what you guys were about would be fun."

Finishing off her food and the little bit of juice she had left Karla doesn't leave a drop. She had done a good job of soaking up everything that was left and no crumbs remained. If one looked at it they might have though she herself or Rin had licked if clean because of how well she made sure not to wast anything.

"That meal was simply amazing. I could totally get use to eating like this."

Karla gives a small laugh her eyes twinkling just a little. Rin giving a bark as he can feel her excitement. Looking down at the dog she brings a finger to her lips.

"Shhhh...you cant bark inside or they will throw us out."

Shaking her head and giving the dog a loving scratch under his chin Karla looks up again at Kip. She didn't want to leave so soon after just meeting her new friend not to mention it was warm here but she new Rin would have to go soon and she didnt want to ware out her welcome.

"Thank you so much Kip for shearing this time with me. I stopped to help you and ended up making a new friend. We better be going though. It would be pretty embarrassing if Rin had an accident right here. Than we might never be aloud to come back."

Standing and looking around for a moment Karla takes Rin's bowl from the floor and her own from the table, she grabs Kips as well. Bringing it to the sink and handing it to Shirley. Gazing out the window for a moment as the large backyard Karla imagens what it much look like in the summer time. The remints of where flowers bloomed and bushes few. A fountain in the back a little small than the front. Truly this was something from a dream, movie, or book.

Gentily pressing her lips together and looks at Gunner as he pulls away Bree smile less just a little as the sides of her face started to hurt but her eyes still twinkled and grew bright. Getting a returned hug from Gunner was different from getting one from her Uncle, and Bree liked it.

As her Uncle breaks the moment Bree turns around a little color coming to her face relizing he was standing there and more than likely saw everything.

Going to the table and sitting down Bree smile fades but her eyes continue to twinkle at her Uncles comment knowing he was joking but playing along was always fun anyways.

"Hey now, at least I dont make you watch chick flicks. Your the one who makes ME watch them and than you sob over them."

Bree smile turns to a sly grin knowing she just rated her Uncle out to Gunner but thinking it was pretty funny herself.

Turning to Gunner Bree shakes her head a little holding up the spaghetti.

"Would you like some spaghetti with your meatballs on the side? We have garlic bread as well."

Leaning aganst his car dressed in jeans with holes in the knees and a white muscle shirt Roth summons two women dressed in mini skirts that hardly covered anything, and shirts that looked like they left half of it home to his side slinging his arm around each wast.. Exchanging kiss back and forth with each of them.

"My brothers hows it hangin?"

As two other guys make they way over to Roth he pushs off his car exchanging fist pounds and chest bumps showing they were buddys. The two girls following close to him flaunting what they had, and not really caring what people saw.

A long time

Kip listens intently to Karla, helping himself to another helping of breakfast casserole as she talks. When she's finished, he cocks his head, giving her a little grin. She seemed to lead a pretty quiet life - little timid, enjoying the arts, and seeming to enjoy making others feel good through her expression.

"Maybe you can tag along with the band sometime," he offers. "We're not really anything yet but... we got a good shot at something here real soon. Or you could sit in on our practice session. Might even get you to sing a few notes."

He searches her eyes for a moment before returning to his food, unsure if he'd just been too forward or not, but having fun nonetheless.

Being drawn into a hug, Gunner goes rigid for a moment, taken completely off guard. He'd had her arms around him before, but it had been different... it had been in those dark hours when he'd needed a shoulder and needed the comfort. This wasn't the same. This was a hug out in the middle of nowhere, not with the intention of comfort, but rather to say "thank you." And it was as totally different feeling.

His stomach does a little flop and he feels funny for a moment. He couldn't remember the last time he'd received a hug out of the blue like this. Maybe he never had. And in a brief moment, he realizes that he really didn't know how to hug back. But his arms seemed to know what to do.

A little awkwardly, he slowly moves his arms around Bree, pulling her in gently, warmly. It felt better than he thought it would. He actually... liked this feeling. Her hair smelled sweet and having her close felt... nice. He gives her back a little rub.

"You're welcome," he answers quietly. And he knew that this morning had meant nothing negative at all.

Pulling away so he could see her face, his mouth upturns into a slight grin. "I'll have to remember you like teddy bears."

Glancing in their direction, JT still withholds the smile that wanted to come out. It had been a long time since he'd seen Bree smile like that. Though his own start with Gunner had been rough, he was grateful now for the man's company that seemed to brighten his niece's spirit. But all good things must come to an end, even if he did want to just leave them be. "Soup's on!"

Gunner looks quickly to the table, his arms dropping back to his sides. After glancing at Bree's eyes for just a moment, he takes off his jacket and hangs it on the back of the empty chair to take his place at the kitchen table. "Um... thank you for inviting me."

JT sits back down too, and waves him off. "Like I said, there's too much food here anyway. And besides, I'm stuck with Bree all the time - it's nice to have another man around for a change."

Though Gunner lifts his eyebrows at the remark, JT knows good and well that Bree will know it's a joke as he tosses her a wink.

A motorcycle engine revs as it's pulled up alongside a row of cars. Headlights illuminated the deserted street, casting odd shadows on the milling crowd. Laughter rings out, someone shouts, a bear bottle is shattered against a brick wall, and car engines are warmed up.

Eli dismounts his bike and pulls off his helmet, scanning the crowd. He'd done his homework. He knew what Roth would look like, who his goons were, and what kind of car he had. He also knew he would be here tonight. It hadn't been hard... racers in the area were proud of what they did, despite the police's distaste for it. And anyone involved in the races gladly offered information as to when and where the next event would happen, along with their opinions of who would win, who would not, and who deserved to get left in the dirt. Finding Roth hadn't been hard.

Locking his helmet to his bike and leaving his leather jacket unzipped, Eli tightens his gloves on his hands, his fingers free to flex as he cracks his knuckles. His boots crunch on loose gravel as he makes his way into the crowd, his face tight, and his eyes flaming.

After finally realizing that his phone battery was dead, then recharging it, Axel had discovered the voicemail from Misty. Even though it was evening, he made a call to TJY, hoping to catch her. And he did. "Hey, Misty... Axel. Sounds great and I'm ready any time you want me."


"Oh, a band. Thats pretty cool and seems like fun. A good way to lose some energy thats pent up with all the sweating you guys do on stange I bet."

Taking another bit of her breakfast and twirling the fork in the egg Karla is quiet for a moment. It wasnt a hard question its only was that her life really wasn't that interesting to think about talking to someone. But Kip wanted to know so no matter how boring she would tell him.

"Well, in my exciting little world at home I liked to read, write, watch movies, and paint. Than in my free time witch happens to be a lot lately I like to sing at my church or at nursing homes. Its a way to put emotions out there without really saying them."

Giving a smile Karla takes a sip of her juice. There wasn't much she did outside her own house but what she did do she loved.

Returned the kiss Katie lets emotions though with a warm loving wrap around them.

I love you too J!

Smiling resting her head aganst Jason for a second Katie finally straightens again. She new they had to get going go they could get to texas and await what to do next. Katie could only hope that Dylan was ok, and they wouldn't be gone to long.

"Alright lets get Wyatt and head on out. I am ready as ever."

Perking up at her Uncle answered the door and hearing Gunner's voice Bree stayed seated but strained her neck to try and see him. Bree still felt a little blah with everything that had gone one today with her family, but that didnt mean she hadnt missed Gunner. Hearing his voice now when she had thought he wouldnt be coming was music to her ears.

Finally seeing Gunner come into the kitchen a grin forms on Brees face as her eyes dance. She was excited to see him, and happy he came.

As the bear is placed infront of Bree she just looks at it for a long moment the grin from her face fading. No one had ever given her a gift like this before for no reason. Looking at Gunner and than the bear again Bree finally reaches out to touch the soft fur running her finds along the bear.

Picking it up Bree holds it for a long moment. The strange emotions bubbled inside of her as she could feel the wetness behind her eyes form. She wasn't even sure why. It wasnt a sad emotions she was feeling but one that made her extremely happy. Slowly her mouth turns up into the biggest smile, something that had been absent from her face for far to long. Bringing the bear to her face Bree pushs her face in the bears fur letting the softness brush her skin.

Looking back at Gunner and standing the smile still on her lips Bree takes a few steps forward wrapping her arms around Gunner to give him a hug. He had made her feel good in more than on way today.

"Thank you Vamp."